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Monday 3 December 2012

Compositional Space

I 've been having this same old discussion recently with a few people – 'does money make you happy?'

Well if you're a regular here lookin' in on this series of tiny pieces about stuff that I think about, then sooner or later you're gonna have a pretty good idea about what you're going to spend all that money you're about to make on...

Not that you don't already, of course. But there'll be more ideas, won't there; just, more.

Desirable. I like that word. No, I actually love it.

If we don't desire things – I mean really desire them – then attaining things or getting stuff we merely want or think we want adds up to very little at the end of a day.

Composition, I find, is the great secret to all fulfilling acquisitions, that is - the secret to having satisfying possessions.

Lonely alleyways at night, for example, are composed universally of only a very few basic elements: emptiness, and stillness, almost silence, a few nondescript and old things lying about, or snow or still dark pools of water, and a solitary light or a huddling small set of lights weakly fighting the night's covering grasp. Walls demarking this place from other places.

Space – empty spaces, everywhere – are spaces just waiting to be filled. We are the people of the labyrinths. We just don't realise that it takes art, skill, and training, to be able to sidestep the monsters of the dark unknown, and to make sport of our predicament. Our supposed predicament of being in this place.

Walls between Fire and Liquid


  1. This is one of your better posts.

    Although one of the secrets to life is the doorway.

    When you walk through a door, you change scenes, don't you?

    You are in a new compositional space, eh?

    In the cases of certain compositions, the part is equal to the whole, isn't it?

    Remove the part and you remove the entire point of the composition.

    The liquid, it the case of the second picture is equal to the whole, isn't it?

  2. Yeah! LOL. In the back of my mind it certainly WAS the case that the alcohol itself was the most important thing, not just the sheer austere beauty of the picture...!

    Believe it or not I don't drink a lot of alcohol at all. But when I do, I try to have stuff that I can enjoy A LOT! And that, is an EXPENSIVE HABIT of course. Reminds me, I must walk back through that door in the Swiss Vault that I left my cash in. Now, just where was that bank...


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