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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Frightening Stuff

Have you ever been truly scared by a movie – or a story in a movie? Or a book? I don't mean by some lurid and blood-soaked but otherwise paper-thin exercise of pointless and excessive violence.

There are films I have revisited with grown eyes and have appreciated more deeply what was being driven at. And once again too, as broader society itself opens further to its own once-hidden dark secrets, there is a raised level of tolerance to things which once easily frightened the innocent. The more society knows and the less it is scientifically ignorant, of course the less it is genuinely frightened by; I mean intellectually as well as viscerally frightened by, that is.

Very very occasionally you will come across someone, some intellect, that has so vast and advanced a grasp of how things are hanging together, that he or she can appear a little patronising to you whenever you talk with them.

What scares me is when I notice a huge intellect like some huge dark shape moving beneath the waves. Cruising, observing, waiting.

The great intellect is the one who, in the throng of mayhem and the din of battle, already grasps that the enemy army of alien hydrazine-blasting land-striders, cannot withstand but even a few microbes. Horses cannot vomit, and that's why they so easily succumb to colic. And titanic scary aliens are indeed not necessarily immune to simple earthly bacteria.

Atheism is a Greek word. Some Greeks like to destroy real gods, some, false gods. Some Greeks break Ikons (i.e. they are iconoclasts), and some are anarchists. Some don't believe in gods at all.

But let me tell you something – 'horses,' 'Greeks' and 'those who set themselves up to rule as gods,' all going in the same ideas, sentences or paragraphs together spells something and it is not likely to be a gift in the long run.

George Soros told me the other day 'John,' he said. 'The Euro is already finished.' Well he didn't say 'John' and address me personally, but he may as well have, and I recommend that you take it the same way yourself too.

(Pictures of scary people from scary films for you above... Calvin J. Bear)

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