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Tuesday 12 September 2023

The Power And The Energy

The modern human sociology, the human situation - fundamentally fails to understand the basic concept, or relationship, of power versus energy.

Power is energy into mechanical balance; and sustained action is the absolute effect of power.

If you just go to Sedona or someplace like that, and hang with the women there who chant and play drums - even if you absorb some of the now quite widely-canvassed ideas of Stephen Greer and his 'shine lasers into the night sky' stuff - and then suddenly(!) you actually run into an 'encounter...'

A juxtaposition of
the facts.

The fact is the real temptation is to withdraw entirely from the world, and also to become increasingly selfish too. And this is going to happen whether you win some massive lottery or whether you meet some super advanced intelligent Alien species which is amenable to a certain extent, to the desires and objectives of the average human individual.

I mean, let's say that you do discover a treasure-trove of advanced technology, and that it is able to provide you the means and the substance, to attaining your high end material goals.

Feeding those is one thing, but surely you will all the more be faced with the huge disparity in the economic situations of people across the human spectrum?

What is the real difference between slowly saving up some reasonably meaningful dollars and buying one of the genuine top maybe half-dozen or slightly over, iconic classic wines - and stumbling upon whoever is piloting those thirty-foot long white aerial vehicles (as the Russians say 'prospective aeronautical complex' craft; which they do mean to imply is a technological avenue open to them) and then those guys giving you access to undreamed of things?

In both cases there you will be, with something virtually no one else on the planet has. Newer things, also older things in the sense of the development history, better things...

There is the moral equation of how come some people are 'deserving' of better things. The traditional aspirational middle class mentality has always been that you 'deserve' because you work.

And what does that mean - that others do not work? Where is this ego-trip coming from that has it that it is okay for a person to assume they and they alone or only those others along with them who are all making themselves isolated from human social and altruistic moral responsibility -, are deserving creatures? ...Because they work. What does that mean: harder, or better somehow - than all others?

This is near where I live.
I run across it at night.

It is simply ridiculous, and a ludicrous position to hold.

Five seconds after you reach some personal moment of expansion, and I do mean material expansion, aka material wealth - you will be hit with the immediacy, the urgency of the several crises that are almost ever-present among people in any given group of them.

And it is only the utterly self-opinionated who will think that they are equipped with the tools or even the necessary mindset to be able to deal quickly and morally consciously with any of these problems.

Governments today cannot solve homelessness even despite the fact that some of them (and this is certainly true where I am right now) are massively wealthy in comparative world times.

They cannot solve it because of the confusion of motivations and the confusion of who they are responsible to. 'Confusion' because all of them superficially claim to be running democracies.

These things are nothing even like democracies nowadays.

I run in these: Saucony 'black future.'
A black... ...future. According to the brand

There is no one who has been reading here on these pages for some time who is unaware that we have overtly indicated now and again that we have some kind of 'inner' access to certain events.

...And you'd have to be pretty thick at this point not to realize that those suggestions are over-the-top beyond any statistical possibility of being just 'lucky guesses.'

All I can say is that the issue of 'wine' is not going away any time soon, and happily, this does mean we can keep on talking about the subject against a media backdrop of many many 'unusual' wine-related events happening everywhere. LOL

Funny thing that, eh.

What is even the connection, if any at all?

Grapes get spoiled, wine gets spilled and goes to wine hell, people die and go to wherever they go -, and money dies too and it goes to 'dollar heaven.'

But you are going to survive.

Because we are going to give you the 'inside run' on everything.

Our friend, whom you already know -,
sings with Andre Tanneberger (ATB)
who you know from the last, and very
problematic clip, in the new clip below.

You will get the energy and then all you have to to do is keep it in some kind of human organic, and therefore 'mechanical,' balance.

The Greek word 'axis' is often used in translations of old Greek texts, especially on philosophy and metaphysics, and also in the Bible, but its translated implication in English is that it means something like the axle of a car. It doesn't really mean that in the ancient Classical Greek texts.

There, it has the meaning of the pivot point between two completely different directions, or states, or even 'things' but which are connected. It is the 'balance point.'

And when two opposites are at the balance point, that is where you can pivot.

You cannot turn things around rapidly when they are closer to the extreme end of some condition; but you can apply sustained action in the opposite direction until things reach the actual pivot point. 

This is power.

I am writing this specifically to some key individuals who have been here for a while and are about to have 'encounters.' And they will need to know what to do about what they 'see.'

But it applies to everyone who has any kind of intellectual capability to work out from opportunity, that there is typically also a parallel merging force always closing in, of things (and people) needing something that the world cannot supply but those 'merging forces' themselves have a way of sensing that you have capacity to offer a solution, somewhere.

You cannot just run up to the penthouse suite and lock yourself off from the rest of the world, with your bottle of vin extraordinaire, oblivious to the problems and matters and issues of everyone else 'down below.' 

Andre's car. He literally runs one of these
in RL. Because, he's a very wealthy guy!

Yes you can try to.

Won't work.

The problems will find you and bang loudly on your door.

You cannot just 'entertain angels disguised as strangers' and think that they will not force you to recognize the problems of humanity and that you must do something about those problems.

But, but - you say - I have nothing. I have nothing of such substance that it can change anything or even help those that I feel motivated to assist right away as soon as I become aware of their plight.

This is the difference between here, where you are, where you are reading, and Stephen Greer and everyone else who is 'common, base, and popular (lol).'

It takes a lot of energy to move around those little white flying thing-ies.

We have a lot of energy to dispense.

Monday 11 September 2023

Running Through Eden

Napoleon had died just over twenty years before wine-making in the Barossa Valley in South Australia began - which was around 1842.

Grape-growers and wine-makers in Australia were not all that favorably disposed to the French -, basically a lot of them had left Europe on account of the ravaging of the Napoleonic armies and the political strata who were Napoleonic supporters.

'Barossa' is from the Spanish word meaning 'muddy' and I guess there is some muddy ground in the Barossa.

A tiny fragment of Eden Valley,
in South Australia.

The fact is though, that the big grape variety of the place - and the iconic 'Barossa' wine style based on it - is from the French varietal the Syrah. And the variety is grown on what can be somewhat dry Continental ground with a little bit of maritime influence.

The Syrah grape is the offspring of two fairly obscure South-Eastern French grapes, the Mondeuse Blanche and the Dureza.

The Barossa region is a huge expanse of fertile land, somewhat inland although experiencing some effects of a maritime climate, but dominantly it is a Continental climate that obtains.

Eden Valley is a part of the Barossa Ranges, which are a range of 'mountains,' so-called, but they have hardly an elevation of 2,000 feet at their peaks.

The long sloping sides of the Eden Valley proper make for excellent running ground.

And everything about reaching your Ultimate Destination is also about the struggle to get there.

Humans are interesting animals, because they purposely set up seemingly artificial struggles to overcome, and often those are high hurdles.

Much of the well-off middle class world today is afflicted by the social and of course personal organic and psychological blight of Depression.

The sociology of the whole thing could show many different 'causes,' but one thing you will find commonly in the reporting on Depression by medical health professionals - is that the subjects virtually all said that key aspects of (their) life were too difficult for them, or that they 'were done' (meaning defeated by circumstances, by competition, by lack whether economic or educational).

In some, typically ancient, cultures and traditions, the concept of 'being defeated' at all simply does not exist as a possibility within the mindset of the individuals from those cultures.

99% dead - and yet still that person holds onto this crazy dogmatic idea that 'you can't defeat me until you really do defeat me.' 

When you pull on the running shoes, or whatever other thing you are going to attack the long road in - you do not start out with the thought 'I will never make this.'

In fact there is no 'make it.' Because there is no ending to get to. There is only the journey. This is the way of the winner.

Destinations have many things which fit into their totality.

And there is such a thing as the totality of victory. And the struggle is the way. 

Absolute fitness of mind and body are things that go together with wine. They are necessary factors.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Food Is More Than Medicine

The kidney does not have muscles in it, although it rests next to the back muscles, and so, people often confuse kidney problems with basic back muscle pain.

Yet, the whole idea of going to doctors all the time to get 'pills' to solve organic problems flies in the face of what your doctor's own lifestyle is like.

All he does all day long is sit behind a desk and hang around with 'sick' people.

He is no living example of what a healthy person ought to be doing during their days and nights.

And frankly he has no right advising anyone on anything. ...Other than on which BMW service plan is the least expensive, and where the property prices are rising. 

Most countries admit that their health system is over-prescribing SSRIs and this nevertheless also speaks to the fact that a huge number of people think or say that they are 'depressed.'

Well that's all just great.

Who am I to argue with a multi-billion dollar industry - right?

And doctors spent seven or eight years learning stuff too... So they must know everything.

By the time someone has spent a bunch of years doing all the wrong things and they have to have radical surgery to fix something which has completely broken down - it's a bit late to talk about lifestyle and 'food as medicine.'

To attain good kidney health you need to move!

And to maintain a good liver condition you need to back off - every now and then for a short while - all of these 'amazing, brilliant supplements' and also back off things like alcohol and raw starch. 

People insist on saying that they are 'this intolerant' or 'that allergic' and most of the time they cannot discern when the active factor is too much antibiotics in eggs and chicken and raw un-proven flour - this latter of which turns into the very common 'gluten intolerant' saga. 

It is really the case today that a lot of commercially-produced 'bread' is not authentically bread but a frozen pre-fermented form of dough designed to enable lots of 'food miles' and sudden zapping by microwaves and then 'finishing' with high heat industrial toasters.

This has nothing to do with actual food.

It's 'just' water...

This is rampaging human stupidity.

Drinking great wine has nothing to do with 'getting drunk' as the objective - but so many people today are looking for a quick and relatively cheap 'way out' albeit mostly it will just be a temporary deviation from the same old narrow road they are always on.

Being able to enjoy your life also means keeping your body in some sort of reasonably good order.

And there is very little chance that a person is going to be able to expand their mind or drive it to reach great heights if they are permanently carrying pain and other organic dysfunctions.

Austerity and asceticism are best applied in short-term bursts so that they do not themselves take over as obsessions - and many people are obsessional for whatever reason.

Before you go planning a budget for acquiring the world's best wines, buy some good quality running shoes and some running gear that you intend to wear out totally.

Pine bark extract, bilberry extract,
blue spirulina - all very good.
Also running shoes and getting up
and running; or walking.

Then, you will be on the way to learning about the Destination.

Fail to do that and you are not going anywhere fast.

You think 'Big Pharma,' right? Big, powerful, smart, important...


Absolute total dumb rank amateurs.

If Big Pharma started investing in Asian Hot Pot restaurants, then, they would be something to take seriously.

...As those of you know who have been here for some time, this place does cover a few 'strange' topics and occasionally there have been hints about events well before they happened.

And that's because we are the Yordei Merkaba. And by the way, nowhere in any ancient literature at all, does it ever say the 'merkaba'; are 'flying things' made up of two tetrahedrons like pyramids jamming into each other - aka 'sacred geometry...'

No such thing.

Even Wiki talks rubbish on this, suggesting it is in Ezekiel Chapter 1.

Well - where?

Bourbon oysters.

Where in Ez. Ch. 1 does it say any such thing at all??


Yeah they got some shapes from somewhere, and for sure the idea is reminiscent of what the US Navy filmed.

How 'bout that?


Wonder who was in that thing...

Nah, not a real thing. Just a fantasy. Like sci-fi.

Isn't it.

Saturday 9 September 2023

Absolutely In The Moment

I realize I have to post this short piece right now.

I am two glasses into the Chris Ringland 2018 'Reservation' Shiraz and this is the precise 'peak of the curve' of enjoyment -, so to speak. Any more of this stuff now and maybe there will be a slow descent back down to the world that you are in...!

Art beyond design.

...It's dark, not black but such a dark red that it verges on black and it has the aroma of very expensive men's handmade shoes and shoe polish. And frankincense.

Where is that Russian Leather of mine that I hid somewhere...?

I am literally going and getting out the small bottle of classic Russian Leather that I have. And spraying a little of that in the air and on my skin to match with the aroma of the Ringland red wine.

This is a men's perfume. And it is a man's wine.

Yeah yeah maybe women can take a glass of it, and maybe they can even don the Stygian robe of 'Russian Leather' but heck, what kind of woman are we talking here?!!

Nah but this is man's stuff.

Well how actually good is this stuff?
It kicks so-called 'classic French wines'
into the weeds, dude!
They don't even come close.

A 'man' is someone who says 'to heck with it all.' And 'I am doing what I am doing and that's that about it.'

But - 'I am doing it with class and with style.' And that's the other aspect of all of this.

Yesterday the Greeks celebrated Mary's birthday. It isn't Mary's birthday...

It is the beginning of the Jewish 'month of Elul' which is a festival taken from some passages in the Song of Songs about beautiful young women in harvest time - not 'virgins.' And the Jewish religion also took some of the ideas also from Babylonian astrology. 

At least I think so but I could be wrong because now I am really verging on the 'not exactly in full control' stage. lol

...And below. Just the same girl with her coffee - right?

Friday 8 September 2023

An Unprecedented Future

If you sink your mind into the pages and the screen images and words of the standard political media and locate your mind's center-of-gravity there, you will fail to innovate the higher possibilities about the future for human beings.

It will seem that all thoughts of wonder and enchantment were only the fantasies of childhood.

For 'seriousness' is the adult stance.

This is how the 'intelligent' and the 'successful' proceed - from adult 'responsibility' and the necessities of material survival.

The Basque people of today are from the
standard academic narrative
perspective, likely an iron age-origin
group of humans.
They are, from other people's
points-of-view, very possibly a
remnant grouping from the very large
ancient Empire of 'Atlantis.'

This is a thing which can be looked at through the wine expertise metaphor.

Yes you can 'learn' to use jargon when speaking about wine, and you can do that in complete conformity to people who have grabbed the platform when it comes to all matters of the vine and of bottles and cellars and so on.

And those other people will have usurped your own role inside of yourself - which is the one to do with who decides what you like and what you enjoy.

Of course, in Singapore you are told what you can 'enjoy...'

The whole direction of tyrannical forces, is to disallow the individual any personal rights, and only permit them to have highly-controlled access to personal enjoyments.

The individual cannot be responsible as the agent of their own affairs. According to any tyrannical rule.

The logical problem with this however, is the uncertainty over whether the 'ruling' agent genuinely possesses any sound knowledge - or is simply lording it over everyone else and mixing arrogance with ignorance alongside a constant threat of violence in order to assert their will.

But you cannot live another person's life for them... And therefore you are the expert of the experiences that you have - for instance - drinking various wines.

A new 'Golden Age' is a time
in the future; it is not now.
We are definitely not
living in a Golden Age right now.

There's not much point if you desire to maintain a personal right to validate your own experiences - but then hand over the power to make such decisions, to a panel of wine judges, for example!

The recent European movie 'Perfumes' shows us the situation of one authentic expert of fragrances, who suffered a bout of anosmia, but was able to use their advanced technical knowledge to fabricate to others that they were still able to smell perfumes.

What's the guarantee that you have, that some third party who is said to be 'an expert' has all of their sense faculties intact at all times?

The truth is, the real expert of wine, is you yourself, since you are the one who must end up knowing which wine you really enjoy.

And you are an expert if you know what wine you love.

When looking at the future for human society, it is you that must know what is entirely good for you and it is you that must be able to say what kind of society will provide the human social ingredients that will fit with your nature.

But then, there is also the question of being able to discern what will be good for your inner being - and from that foresight apply determination and strength to mold your own character so as it can meet the standards of what is necessary to be a unit part of some truly elevated form of society.

To hold such 'prospectives' in one's mind, it is necessary to have creativity, vision, imagination - in short, the ability to see things that have not (yet) been; rather than merely to have second-hand visions and to always only adopt the ideas of others.