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Sunday 14 May 2023

Accepting The Present Investing Reality

Well, I guess if we all could go find the Sibyl, wherever she is hiding out today, we would easily know how to invest money.

The Sibyl is a priestess, sacred to the Supreme Goddess of the Universe, Dione, the literal female version of actual Zeus - and as I have said many times, it is impossible to logically conflate Zeus with any sort of malignant entity, since it was He who vanquished the Titanic Serpent. Several things that Jesus said and did highlights that He knew more than others, more than you or I: one of these was that Satan cannot cast himself out. The second was an interesting incident where He sends some demons into a herd of boars, and then sends them off a cliff...

Not the Cumaean caves but still quite

...He well knew that the Roman Legion in charge of where they were then, was the Legeo X Fretensis ('of the sea strait') whose insignia was a charging boar.

This God is not quite the entirely peace-loving being modern-era interpreters like to suggest.

He sent the legion of demons over the cliff, and so did the same actual Roman Legion end the same way. The Gods rule by subtlety.

I suppose it is complicated to tell you now that there is an ancient Sanskrit Sage - Yajnavalkya - who is the same actual person as the Biblical Enoch.

Anyway, anyway.

Although modern opinion is that the Sibyls chewed something or imbibed some gasses which came up from the underground cavern where they wrote their oracles on oak leaves, so that they could hallucinate - in fact it was that the deep, large stone-walled cavern protected her from external sounds and noises, and also sub-sensory fields, and the fresh sparkling water that sprang up from below the ground through crystalline rock, contained ionized oxygen.

I think the Sibyls used iron gall ink.

Today you can purchase 'hydrogenated water' devices that do more or less the same thing.

Even if all of your photo-optic sensor cells were completely not working, still, your optic nerves react to the color blue by some process that scientists still have no answer for, except you have already been told about the 'disappearing' energy at the ultraviolet catastrophe.

Just before dawn each day, is the time when the ambient light contains the greatest dominance of blue light and ultraviolet light.

And it is no coincidence that the Supreme Goddess of the Firmament, is always shown in every culture depicted in blue.

Today you have to accept that the investment markets are entirely fake. They are made out to seem as if things are being bought and sold through real dynamic forces such as 'Supply and Demand,' whereas the pricing is to do with secret cadres giving out proprietorship at set prices, always higher than the true natural values and also instantly 'pricing-in' future assumed values.

Thus, in fact there are no equities that can go up in multiples but only in small percentages according to nominal 'growth' numbers. There are no opportunities in casinos or elsewhere either that can actually offer even modest 1 to 1 winning chances and profits.

All the rules have been manipulated to adjust what Blaise Pascal and Casanova and other originators of these games had laid out, so that there is no way that private persons can prevail against the house.

The Himalayan blue poppy.
That'll make ya see things!

Money itself today has no independent test of its actual value, but only exists as a creation of government and thus too, is an illusion of currency that is reliant on propaganda and deceit and force (much like the Roman Legions of old...).

But because governments have no realistic genuine intelligence and are simply demonic entities acting like dumb animals, they are all following their own propaganda that there is such a thing as 'inflation' and rushing headlong into oblivion by literally forcing stated 'prices' up in order to take money from citizen owners of capital through higher and ever higher taxation and other acts of stealing.


Let's say that you had entered deep into the cave at Monte di Cuma (or had begun operating your hydrogenated water device), and seen the blue ionized oxygen light, and suddenly seen that half the vineyards of France were going to be wiped out.

Well it's pointless buying any of these expensive bottles, since, as we have said, those prices were artificially raised in the first place and the 'scarcity' aspect is already fabricated.

You want to be looking at things around a hundred dollars only, and aiming at simply doubling the prices - and have the articles being bought later on by a large number of people who have at least that level of disposable cash available to them (which is a lot of people).

...Now, if you had have read a lot of Casanova and Pascal and these kinds of mathematicians, you would already know how to make a million dollars from such simple sums as the mere linear doubling of the prices of things.

Still it's moot what form of currency you want to be using at the end anyway, if governments run themselves over the fiscal cliffs all over the place, which they all will do, of course.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Simple, Earthly Things

Some of you will know for sure, because you keep up to date with all of the latest things in pharmakeia - that what your mother told you about broccoli and cauliflower has not only been confirmed by latest science, but extracts are being marketed under the name 'DIM' (not very auspicious you wouldn't suppose, but there you go anyway...).

DIM stands for di-indolylmethane, which is something and something else and sulforaphane, the last one being the generally-understood main substance from a number of vegetables that gives protection from many kinds of internal cancer.

I am personally of the view (although a lot of experienced pharmacists also agree) that eating the fresh items could be even more beneficial than ingesting the isolated chemical extracts.

Most people are of the view that if you overcook these vegetables, you are basically leaching out most of the important active ingredients - but one of the exceptions to this is in deep frying, say, with a tempura batter. In this process there is an air-gap made by the heat and the expanding of the batter, and the vegetables are hardly cooked look enough anyway to destroy the useful substances.

So, next time you go out and see deep-fried broccoli and um... ...truffles and mushroom soup - you can forego the beef bourguignon jaffles for another day and have the 'food-as-medicine' instead. 

Say - along with the Grand Cru Rodenbach, although I prefer the fruitage version, frankly.

And what happens to you when you eat all of these good things?

Well, nothing. And that's the point.

Now... Moving on - what can I tell you about the Temple of Dodona, that no one else alive today knows?

Well there was a stream that sprang up inside the cave at the roots of an old oak tree, which was hydrogenated with ionized water from a process of having bubbled up through crystalline rocks.

It isn't the hydrogen or, as most scholars think, any kinds of 'gases' that exuded from these rocks and crystals, but the effect of harmonizing electron spin polarity in the brain, that causes a person around there to be able to 'see' into the past and into the future.

The priestesses inside the Oracle Temple at Dodona (the very oldest oracle of all), were not called 'sibyls' which is a later title given to them based on what they were called upon to do, which was namely, to prophecy the future - they were called peleiades, grey doves.

The chariot of the goddess Aphrodite, was, as you know, drawn by a flock of grey doves.

This is not something that you are ever likely to encounter being talked about by the Pentagon's current committee supposedly looking into Alien UFO 'evidence.'


So many things in ordinary, standard human culture are remembrances of important incidents but whose actual witnesses are no longer here to explain properly once the stories get all twisted up in legend. The myth of the grey ladies and even the kinds of garb modern-era nuns wear, is based on something but not anything most people have any accurate knowledge of.

What I wish to impress upon people is the necessity of living in the physical material world, and not simply escaping via processes whatever they may be.

Necessity, not just 'importance.'

Now yes people go off the rails all the time, from where they are supposed to be headed. But the idea is for them to become assimilated into the Universal Field, not the other way around.

Sure you can arrive in the Field proper itself - as Enoch did more than once, and is destined to show back up again here around now - but once there you are absorbed into what is already there, which is stuff finalized, not still nascent. You, are still nascent. You must go on from here, becoming.

And yeah okay, like the sibyl at Cumae and Albunea, the sibyl at the Tibur, it is possible to step out for a while and then to return.

The point at which one is able to self-pronounce that enough of the complete you exists, is when you have amassed enough knowledge into your material brain cells, that no one has to force you into believing things that are insisted upon if you ever were to join up with the Eternal Borg Elites(lol), with their shared, group mind.

Because right now, the chances are, you believe a bunch of nonsense.

And also: I want I want I want - right?

Okay, so then you will get too. 

Nobody says that you cannot have.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Core Meanings And Never Losing Faith

Before today I was heading off into maybe discussing what 'life is all about' - why are you really here, and all of that...

But a few developments took shape today and it means that I do need to just quickly repeat: 'Never lose faith, never lose hope.' Especially in what you are doing; you do need to have some kind of a vague plan.

All of you here are contributing to something, the trajectory of which now is solid and powerful and I can see where it will all end up from here.

It's nice - as art.
In all conscience just for right now
I cannot have one of these myself.
...The trouble is I can have one.

And yes it is possible to work on using 'unusual means' to acquire enough space and time and substance personally to slow your own life down - but, you will not find that will happen without there being clear and obvious demands on the things you are able to do, and no others can do them. I mean, fundamental, material, materialistic activities where there are people really in need of what only you are able to work on.

Part of the answer to why these things happen directly on the materialistic level - right on the 'down-to-earth' level - is that it is not you who are disconnected; it is a lot of other ordinary people. And the Universe specializes in folding back from those who take a step forward in sentient advancement, and then using your new power to assist others in need. This is key.

You don't even have to have this altruistic frame of mind - it will be forced upon you.

Nothing goes to waste.

And yes yes, you will have those 'down times' in which the pleasures you experience are way off the chart from everyone else's understanding of what is there to be experienced.

I just want to tell all of you here that you are helping people who really need it - not that we ourselves are in need of no thing.

At some point over the next few months I think you will be able to see concrete eventualities that will certainly make you sit back in your chairs and go 'hmn.'


Yet, even so, if we return to a fairly basic theme around here, which is namely, where do we all come from, what's it all mean??

Clearly, by logic and self-evident facts from our own experience, each human being's memory and knowledge is acquired into material brain cells from around birth, not before - not in some material physical format earlier than that. Not in any clear way, despite there is such thing as epigenetics too. So naturally no one really has clear brain memory knowledge of what happened before, what actually happened in past history - it's all acquired, and then processed by the occasions of temporal life as that unfolds.

Yet if you look at a baby, their kind of curiosity, their need to acquire functional knowledge of the external world from a very young age - this bespeaks that there is something going on far deeper than what scientists all want to pretend this is all about.

Humans know who they are, at least to some extent.

But you cannot rely on most of the ancient texts to tell you - even things like Enoch's experiences are him trying to grapple with thoughts and ideas and what he sees, that are well outside of the knowledge of the day and then again, well outside of the moral reasoning that he would have been entitled to assume was what drives the Universe of sentient life.

Enoch says something from his perspective, he describes what he sees, but he is not necessarily able to explain any of it. Yet he does know that what he is seeing is for - in his own words - a very remote generation. And then I must also tell you, that many of the books of Enoch are not around in the world at large anymore. He was, according to his own account, given many books to pass down.

This is the basis of the greatest dish on
earth. I'm not telling you what it is.

Anyway - the remote generation...

Means you.

Human physical life is obviously a daisy-chain set up - individuals come into 'being' from somewhere, and then they acquire knowledge passed on, being handed forward to them from prior generations, and then they are attempting to... ...well, what? What are they attempting to do? 

They cannot make things 'better.' No one has made anything actually better, since the time of the Flood.

All the rulers and leaders of the world today are interested in taxing you and killing you - dragging your literal blood from a stone, so to speak - they have dragged the world to the edge of a nuclear holocaust.

So how is anything better, then?

It is not morally better, it is if anything less good because theoretically these people should know more; yet they don't.

Although if you take the ancient scriptural words on their own, you cannot logically formulate what established religions have established from those ancient written words, yet, again to put it another way - what those establishments have all determined is on the whole totally epistemologically unsound.

'God made Man, Man sinned, and God, despite His claim to perfection and all-knowledge and omnipotence, can do nothing to fix things up and Man thereafter suffers.'

What's that even all about?

It isn't this but this is quite okay too.

How does that work in logic? It doesn't. Therefore it isn't true.

What is abundantly true though is that man the physical being has no power.

And those exerting power over him are doing so not merely on the basis of acts and threats of violence but of other things - unseen things.

Again, very clearly we can see that the iterative recombination of DNA outcomes and potentials is the objective of human life. It's an art and not just a mechanical science.

Marilyn Monroe is a woman, yes, but she is a specific individual one. 

Well the concepts of what DNA does in the hands of idiot scientists can tell us much about this generational iterative re-creation of a woman, but nothing at all about why 'Marilyn Monroe' (as an example).

I have told you many times that for a lot of money I will show you an ancient scientific text, that clearly, absolutely unarguably, shows you exactly all there is to know about DNA - when no such science was in the hands of common mankind...

I saw this this year, but
I saw it from a kind of a Rolls Royce...
The Eta Aquariids.

Why have human beings been prevented from seeing these kinds of texts?

There is something going on, outside of the natural physical lifespan's human memory, that humans generally speaking do not know about. 

And there has been interference here. That is obvious and it is crystal clear.

The word that Enoch uses about the human race at the time so called 'fallen' whatever came here and interbred, was that 'and humans had become elegant...'

This is a concept much more important than you know.

But, for the moment at least you need to realize that it is in your elegance that your ultimate value lies.

Saturday 6 May 2023

Really You, Really Now

If you just took even a little look at the coronation of Charles in London this weekend, sooner or later the thought will occur to you - where is the space for God?

It's all just time-wasting and side-tracking; a complete distraction from numinous reality.

And most religions and affairs of state - which are, admittedly, usually secular matters yet not always - have as little to do with god (or God) as imaginable.

Words words words - they're all words and often hurled with great passion by ideologues and the 'learned.'

This is called the 'Chernobyl patina'
paintwork for McLaren.
It's a real color-scheme you can buy for
your McLaren car.

Very few - very few - people in the world across all of human history, have ever gotten genuinely close to an understanding of how things actually operate in the Universe in terms of the individual human ego and consciousness. 

The Gospels themselves - the core part of them - contain something really incredible but it is not explained in detail although to some extent one is shown (as in, it is described to the reader) the incident of the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. 

It is the cenacle address, which is key to the whole set of sacred scriptures - and yet, nowhere is it described specifically what went on inside there. However, clearly, people who were there experienced something. They saw something - they didn't dream it, they saw it clearly and experienced it fully and materially.

It is not logically possible that people who were merely being lectured, should suddenly turn and literally give their physical lives away for an idea only. No, they saw, they experienced, they lived through a set of events which gave them guarantees of some enduring reality.

To be sure, people were very fearful of the court of Herod and inter alia, the power of Rome - and those were the worldly powers they were going against.

Now I am going to be jumping steps next, in order to clearly describe what the outcome is of the reality of the human existence.

Some of you will not yet have had the experiences that give you adequate grounds to accept the reality of what you will be told just now.

But some of you have.

Too many of the philosophical ideas that are presented fervently and adamantly to human beings down through the ages, all end up in some kind of silly tragedy: just look at the lunatics of 'Heaven's Gate.' Even the major running shoe company Nike had to abandon their brand 'Decades' (the shoe the Heaven's Gate people were wearing when they all suicided) because of the tragic events and the underlying craziness of it all.

Having 'an experience' is not the same as having the right experiences.

If you read all of Plato it will take you to the point of being able to judge ultimate moral truths with a cold and dispassionate mindset. 

And that alone can get a person close enough to being able to bridge this gap, make the leap between extraordinary experience and the next logical step...

USAF F16 jet fighter pilot,
Chris Lehto.
Good guy.

The US Air Force FA 16 pilot Chris Lehto has a YouTube channel (quite a successful and prominent one) in which he discusses with various pretty serious scientists and researchers as well as a few military people with first-hand knowledge - this subject of the US military's recordings of a handful of 'unexplained aerial phenomena.'

If you have followed diligently some of the instructions given here, you might, have been taken up in an 'arrangement' of some kind, perhaps in a vehicle. Absolutely that can happen.

But I do not believe that one can avoid going the straightforward route of going through all of the great teachings about moral truth and the mathematical rules of objective logic - those two categories are inextricably linked.

You would do as well refraining from trying or needing to experience some extraordinary trip in a space craft, and studying why humans are completely tied to universal moral truth and mathematical principles - and by mathematical I mean musical.

In one of the comments to a very recent Christ Lehto video, someone said that they were wishing the Aliens would arrive soon and take them away.

Take them away - where?

Susanne Teutenberg.
Classically-trained opera singer - 
she sang and part-composed the 
music and lyrics to the track
in the video clip below.
Most of the officially-released
music videos show a different person
who is a model, not a singer.

Tonight I watched three young women, maybe between 19 and 23/24 sit down by themselves to a Korean barbecue and a huge plate of Korean fried chicken.

Well I am certainly not going to wipe them off the face of the Earth just because I can and want to show off with some Star Wars style Force 'power!'

But the logical extension of these short trips some of you are making, have been making is...

...have you tried some of the buttons yet?

The Jewish Zohar people teach that there is a dark 'planet' around the solar system somewhere, that is geared up to destroy parts of the planet when the time is right. The Book of Revelation says much the same thing.

Star Wars makes the Death Star the evil thing; the work of Darth Vader. 

So but have you tried out some of the buttons yourself yet?

Well if you find that some of them actually do shoot heavy-duty rays out, well then you're stuck with this whole thing about justifications for judgement - isn't that so?

It's a big giant jump from rotating molecules (electron spintronics) at the speed of light inside your 'mind,' inside your consciousness, and shooting up some things with a super laser when you're riding around in a silver orb or white Tic Tac.

But those of you who have managed to 'get somewhere' - have you tried it yet?

I'm going to duck while you mess around with these new toys.

And yes there is a protocol for using these instruments tactically - it's called asking someone.

The Pentagon UFO commission said there are only the two or three videos they have shown of the silver orbs - and then of course, they kind of tend to forget a bit about the Navy footage and tracking recordings.

But these are absolutely not the only vision - there are a number of video clips of the same orbs going into the deep phreatic pipes of volcanoes, and shooting ionospheric lightning upwards from there.

It is standard Christian biblical teaching that Satan does not cast out Satan. Ancient Greek myth says Zeus destroyed the Titanic Serpent Typhon with a thunderbolt. And all Christian writings say the Devil is a serpent and a dragon.

Wisdom also has the right to wield the thunderbolt of Her Father.

The Archons fear you when you have power.

Take me away, yes, but to where.

Human personal consciousnesses and egos are mostly all down here on the planet.

'There' can also be here, sometimes.

And for those who want to know what the real actual 'there' is like, well you can see what it is also like when it is here and very material and physically earthly -, of the planet and its people.

There is absolutely nothing at all 'different' or 'invisible' or 'spiritual' in the sense of physically ephemeral and cloudy - 'up there.' The only difference is the people are utterly wide awake and in their right mind and crystal clear in their thinking and imbued with simply massive and detailed knowledge.

Here, it's like as the saying goes - 'looking through a glass darkly.' It's here that is foggy and lacking in sharpness, not there that is 'spiritual' the way people all imagine some vague, misty, ghostly, non-corporeal place and bunch of 'entities.' Far far from it. 


Thursday 4 May 2023

'For None Was With Me Except...'

I have said many times there is virtually no one up here.

"For none one held with me against the Archon of Persian save Michael."

Archons are literal beings, intelligent supernatural beings who rule the world from positions not out in space at all, but right here, on the planet.

Remembering other occasions, other wars, other deeply ancient pre-human history times, they know what to be afraid of, and they do everything possible to stop you from understanding what to do yourself, to rid yourselves of them here.

Because they know what can defeat them.

Where the rainbow ends.
Many kinds of rainbows...

You do not know.

You are Cosmically young, naiive, lacking in sound knowledge.

The funny thing about 'Chaos' is that never does it throw up something beneficial from the accidents of its dynamic actions. It's always something less good, something deleterious to human happiness and human life.

Thus it is not merely that the primal 'Chaos' causes random and also pointless things, accidents, swirling forces of destruction only - but it is full of malice for life especially human life, which thrives on good order.

Yet time and time again throughout ancient sacred scriptures that deal with these subjects of primal and superhuman matters, it is only one or two figures that intervene to subdue these titanic powers and forces.

There were only two angelic beings who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Only two angelic beings that defeated the very powerful 'Archon of Persia' in the Book of Daniel.

...Only two Divine Beings defeated the creature Typhon when it sought to wrest control and dominion of the Cosmos from the gods.

Archons who rule the modern human world are a composition of power - almost two-thirds exist in the places outside of ordinary material and humanly-visible, earthly affairs, and almost one third consists of actual human beings under the influence of these other-worldly beings.

All modern-era politicians are under the influence of supernatural, malevolent powers: everything they do always deteriorates the quality of life for human beings, albeit it is carried out by degrees so that people are expected not to notice what is going on.

Almost empty...

But the Archons, dimly remembering how they have been defeated in the past, in other worlds, very far away from here, and in much earlier times -, intrinsically fear certain things to do with humans: they fear certain technology developments particularly, and certain aspects of progress in society, were these to eventuate. 

At the moment they fear nothing at all within the common spread of the human race, and they have in fact succeeded in irretrievably damaging the human race, the human species.

They fear nothing and they foresee nothing that can countermand or counteract them.

Even so it is possible to see the tell-tale vestigial fears of their vulnerability.

And the Fates have enticed them to eat of ephemeral fruits.

Art is art, wherever it is found.

And they are weakened now, ready to be destroyed permanently.

It is not so simple to openly say how to defeat them, how to destroy them.

The immediate minute that one did so, one would be attacked viciously from multiple quarters.

When the early modern psychologists began to write about their work, and they outlined some of the psychological defects of the political mind, the first thing that happened was that 'science' decried them, and the next thing that happened was that Hitler and Stalin and American leaders too, all literally apprehended them and killed them.

So it's not such a good idea to be too forthcoming about these matters.

Jung and Reich made it quite clear that there were ways that the 'psychological realm' affected the material experience of the world and even the material world itself.

When you listen to this music, and imagine in your head what a futuristic army from some 'Star Wars'-type rebel alliance might look like, think of it in terms of Jung and Freud and Reich.

The Archon of Persia withstood Michael and one other for around 30 days.

Let's see how strong you are today against these same malevolent and powerful forces. Will it take you as much as 30 days also? It should take you no longer.