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Monday 31 October 2022

Just Back To Earth For A Short While

It's not a good idea just yet to blurt out what kind of highly specialized knowledge people who have been here for a while now, have acquired, both from their own life experience, and then that augmented by some ideas about human social systems and structures and dynamics that have been canvassed in here.

I say that because to be premature in this particular field is a catastrophic mistake for anyone to make.

This is not the attire of
an investment banker.
But it might be the attire of
another kind of real banker.

At the same time though, we are all of us (well, mostly all of us!) living in the world, within normal human society, and therefore we have roles here - or, we have adopted certain roles.

But because it soon becomes clear to those around you that you possess knowledge far superior to what others have, then you will also potentially - not always, and there is plenty of risk that some people will feel very envious - be asked to help with various ventures from time to time.

And because you will be able to apply what you know into the practicalities of life and also of business - you will end up making money for others, and thereby also for yourself.

It may not be so clear right away - but how it will unfold is that by natural osmosis of your knowledge versus the relative ignorance of others around you, wherever it happens to be that you are, there is a pressure that is created - and people will recognize you possess key knowledge and you will be asked for help because of that.

Over many decades the world of something called 'investment banking' has completely taken over the upper echelons of money trading...

I mean this is just sheer nonsense because there is no such thing as 'investment banking.'

What I mean is that 'investments' on the scale that people like George Soros want to pretend that they are doing it and it is thus 'happening' - are really based on his/their privileged access to government and central bank capital, and has nothing at all to do with real investing in real markets where it is a matter of actual supply and demand.

Not bad, not too bad at all.

Where it was an actual case of real supply and demand, the Beijing China government people obliterated Soros and everyone else including Bill Gates, and they only 'entertain' fools like Gates to get on the inside of the American department of state and its thinking through him.

'Banking' is about taking money from a flow of it, and managing it into owner's profits.

And yes sure, there are money flows simply on account of central bank stimulus and 'bail-outs' but these are not what's called economic money flows... These are just 'monetarism' flows.

Not only that they are bad - negative, deleterious, destructive - flows.

The Russian government now today sells a million extra grains of wheat a day (probably more than a million but I mean it to depict that each little tiny literal grain, has money value...) and somebody pays them for it.

That is 'money flow.'

Don't kid yourself - you possess knowledge far in advance of most people; knowledge about them.

You know how they think.

You know what they are thinking.

You know their every move - what they will do now and what they will do next.

You know about the pains in their joints, the drugs from doctors in their systems, and the breakdowns in their minds.

You have them in your hand.

And if you don't believe that nevertheless you will find that this is how it will be. And they cannot escape.

It is what it is.


Sunday 30 October 2022

The Humans Who Are Taken...

You live your whole entire life, nothing at all really 'unusual' happening there. No spaceships, no 'visitations' (don't forget, Christmas is coming and the actual English definition of the word 'visitation' is what happens to Scrooge when the ghosts visit him).

Interestingly, what happens to Scrooge also includes strange 'missing time' - time being played around with: first he goes back to his childhood, then he sees a parallel time in which 'things might have been,' he goes forward to a potential future of great personal misery; and then he returns to the present but it is nonetheless a present that seemed to have skipped back a day so that he has 'gained a day' and not lost any time in his life.

Nobody commonly suggests that A Christmas Carol is science fiction. Or that it is even necessarily science fantasy same as they do not equate The Nutcracker Suite's writer E.T.A. Hoffmann with science fantasy or fiction - and yet that is what is occurring in many of the works of Hoffmann and in this particular work by Dickens.

And yet we have all of the elements of the modern-day 'abduction phenomenon' fairy tale: Scrooge gets abducted, he seems to be able to float around and see things, albeit accompanied with specific direction and intent by one of the spirits (so he's not merely having any old out-of-body experience, and explicitly Dickens goes through the whole question of whether Scrooge is simply having 'a bad dream'), and then he comes back with a totally new moral direction in his life. And - he has moved around in linear time.

Disadvantaged by such an enormous deficit of knowledge of practical science compared to extremely advanced civilizations, the human's only admirable aspect is that they are literally dripping with feelings of need and also want.

Rising up from what would be bathos, some humans try to fly all on their own even if it is for just a short duration above the ground.

The way they do that is to have an optimism that is not completely rational.

Voltaire described that in his novel Candide.  

Some critics hold that Voltaire was openly making a mockery of optimism.

In the professional sophistry of Athens, 'pathos, ethos, and logos' were the three critical ways to influence people: pathos being when you sought to influence them by appealing to the emotions, ethos when you appealed to status or authority, and only logos when you were appealing to reason alone and building up logical arguments.

When women go to high tea, right - they
don't get that it is a big sarcastic
joke being in a Queen's
chair like this. 
They mean to say - 'well, yes, this is
where I am supposed to sit.'
I don't think they even care less
about the finger-food and
the actual tea!
That's Alisha in Kent.

Except logical arguments sway no one on this planet.

And that's really what's quite cute with humans. The human society itself is not in any way constructed along the requirements of logic, but only of mechanistic necessity when that is seen as valuable!

Mechanistic necessity is only a minor part of the realm of logic.

Sentiment arising from what is truly good - is also logical. And some people have that kind of sentimentality in them.

So those are the ones most likely to be 'picked up.'

Not all people, of course, whose emotions and sentimentality are uppermost, are actually attractive to the extremely intelligent, and advanced.

But Scrooge was a good man at heart. And that made all the difference.

Some people are not good.

I am hoping and trusting to some extent, that some of you here have been carefully reading those old ancient books I once talked about with specific reference to the actual 'ET Alien' question - and I do not mean books by Homer. Because if, if you have been doing that, you may be picking up on tiny little hints every now and again, about the devastating nature of those capable of being devastating.

The verses in Isaiah have been widely mistranslated, which seem to say that God is the creator of 'evil.' The word actually is 'devastation.'

I am hoping that at least some of you will know that the Mahabharata (the book by Vyasa), ends with God announcing to Arjuna that he should take the field 'alone, and unarmed....'

The logic of this is that 'you' are being overcome by an equal though qualitatively better 'being.' Thus the events are not based on 'authority,' and nor are they based on the requirement to provoke fear as though fear is something relevant in absolute terms. They are based solely on existential fact. And also on moral fact as an existential piece of logic and reality, although not obviously seen by the eyes of ignorant people - who 'rush headlong into the jaws of death, unsuspecting of their devastation.' We just don't normally witness actual divine retribution.

You have to live with the color, you know...

But it is also existential fact that humans can have completely valid emotions too based around facts in their lives. The idea that an advanced civilized species will not support valid human emotions - is misconceived.

From all of the wider understandings of human society, there is no presence here, and nor has there ever been, any actual beings, call them what you will, who have any kind of 'extra-worldly' power or origin. There are myths and legends of course, and there are religious stories of the past - but none of these are taken as unequivocal historical reality by anyone. There is not understood even by religious people, to be any presence here, for example, right now of those types of beings who once a long time ago annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest of the five 'cities of the plain.'

And there isn't any, is there? At least, you have never seen them, right? They are completely unnoticeable. Sorry sorry, I mean they don't exist. Right.

Yet... ...This is also the requirement of logic, that they are not seen.

Human sentiment, when it is completely valid, is supportable - you will be okay; things may look and they may be terrible, for now, and they will indeed get a lot worse too, but you will be fine:


Thursday 27 October 2022

Don't Be Scared

'They' are located at ESA-L1 at the orbital point oriented to the first nearest triple star system. There is a major matter transfer well there. NASA knows about this; everybody knows about it who looks up at the sky and into space - the European Space Agency (which named the first Lagrangrian Point), the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos), the Japanese, Chinese... Everyone.

The Congressional Committee making inquiry into all of this stuff is never going to talk about the fact that many telescopes and cameras are continuously pointed to there and have plenty of filmed evidence of 'things going on,' which is not to say that for the most part they can 'see' anything or film anything visible at all. But there are other means of tracking and these systems have lots of signals being recorded on them.

Basic transport.

The other people who of course, are the people at the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope at Mount Graham, which interfaces with LUCIFER - the Large Binocular Telescope - which is a near infrared array from Teledyne.

The person who can tell the Congressional Inquiry all about what the Vatican, and the CIA have seen, is Daniel Sheehan, the lawyer representing Lou Elizondo. Sheehan also represents some Roman Catholic science and philosophy organization interests.

As far as this theorized on-going current 'Disclosure' project that is pretty-well attested by experts including Elizondo - and here we are talking about 'Disclosure' by whistle-blowers, essentially, but who are all organized among themselves to break the news one way or another, to the public, that the government is fully aware - Sheehan is one of the lead figures who is systematically releasing new information regularly. That is to say 'new to the public.'

In the latest - new - upcoming text I will be posting up around the place in the next week or so now, it will become clear what is behind everything from an ancient historical narrative perspective, and it will be quite astonishing.

No - Machiavelli.
No statue this time...


There is a certain 'edge' that people I think have been missing for hundreds, no, thousands, of years to do with what in Biblical terms are called 'angelic beings' even despite that the Jews themselves should know things are not so airy fairy like people all suppose. 

But a smart person who has read the sections about the Guardians in those old Greek texts, will be able to work something out from this upcoming new text about why 'beings from the heavens' at least in a standard modern Judaeo-Christian mindset, have been given this nice sweet, benign character...


Watch... And learn - plenty of different characters, only one really dangerous one:


Tuesday 25 October 2022

They're Already Here

The three main 'Cosmic moral questions' that humans ask, and are entitled to ask are the following:

1. Why do really atrocious things happen to little children when Jesus Christ Himself said not to do bad things to kids?

Honestly, they're not the world's bestest
ever drinks at all.
But I've been doing these over the last
couple of days - blackberries are in season
here. de Toulouse-Loutrec
apparently liked these.

2. In our problematic world, where is the absolute unequivocal proof for the existence of a Perfectly Good God? And if He is Good, how come He let the Devil live after that 'war in the heavens?' (See: Star Wars canon, I guess! If you don't want to refer to the Bible, which amounts to the same thing if you translate it properly). In other words though, where does 'Evil' originate from at all? 

3. Is there really any hope and why can't these super-beings, be they 'gods' or just 'men from advanced places/civilizations' just cure everything and solve a bunch of stuff and 're-organize' humans to not be 'evil' and just turn up obviously and in material fashion and have it all happen? Why can't they just turn up now? Why can't Jesus re-appear tonight? Or today?

Well I am here to tell you some truly terrible answers to those very good questions.

I can answer each and every one of those questions, and all of their minor parts, in such ways as you would be left awestruck. And those answers would be ones you have never heard before and in all cases you could even 'reach out and touch.'

And then you would all leave your jobs and rush off to some mountain retreat or such like, and point lasers into the sky and what-not.

NASA communicates using visible


But before you go laughing sickly at how crazy that is, just understand this much before I render any kinds of specific answers at all - Jung got it right when he expounded on the idea of the collective deep unconscious.

See the problem is that you are all connected whether you like it or not.

So-and-so's mother did not die when they and they alone were a child - that is a part of all of your human condition/s, and if it is not a personally experienced conscious thing in most of you, it is certainly nevertheless shared as part of the collective unconscious in each of you. And that is because we all do personalize other people's tragedies as our tragedy because we have the quality of empathy. And that is only one factor about it.

It is not right to say - as many people now do say - 'you cannot know what I went through.' And it is not right not only because people can imagine and place themselves in the shoes of others, but because the collective unconscious is a real thing. It's not a real 'metaphysical' thing; it's a real real thing.

This business of pretending the collective unconscious does not exist is another attempt at dividing up the human spirit, if not the actual human race.

It's a way of splitting people up and away from themselves and each other.

Now this should, if you are very very smart, start to give you a little inkling of something super-important that goes to the basis of the answers to those questions - and that is it has something to do with energy.

'Nothing can be created or destroyed absolutely, but it changes its form from one state to another.'

Now look that doesn't mean Evil can somehow be changed to 'not Evil.' 

But we're going to advance another one of these written text things soon, which is so unbelievably exotic you are really going to think okay okay where is this all really coming from now, because this is not human stuff; this is way outside of up-till-now human knowledge and experience and expertise.

Well I'll tell you!

I have been going up to a huge satellite not far from the Moon, but which is evidently not visible to most of the equipment looking up at the skies and into space.

...And by the way, someone else here has been too.

So we are not alone in saying this.

Monday 24 October 2022

'For They Know Not'

Luke is the only Gospel in which this idea about Jesus forgiving those who murdered Him occurs, and it contains those well-known words '...Forgive them for they know not what they do.'

It is a bit unfortunate that the commonplace meaning that has been assigned to this is do with this incredibly Pollyanna kind of all-forgiving attitude that Jesus of Nazareth had, or is interpreted to have had.

The reality is that this phrase contains at least two separate meanings and implications - firstly, yes, it says something about forgiveness, but secondly, it is a statement of philosophical fact.

'They know not...' 

Through a glass, and not so darkly.

Well but hang on a minute, the Jews and all or most of today's mainstream Christians all teach that Adam and Eve knew Evil.

Well did they or didn't they?

You can try and work around this problem by saying that the phrase itself can be intended as only an immediate reaction to a particular egregious act, namely, that it was actually God Himself these people were killing (and let's not get too caught up in whether this is 'God' or the 'Son of God' because the word really is 'Divinity' and not our modern Germanic-English word 'God') - so 'they knew not that they were killing God...' (And I suppose it would have been all right then, if they had just been killing anyone else, right?).

Whereas they were in fact, doing Evil, because Pilate himself declared Jesus innocent of the alleged crimes in question, and Pilate was Roman Law. They were doing it, but there was someone behind them knowingly pulling their strings. And you can proved that with the other words there: 'Now is the hour that the Ruler of this World is cast down.'

So I don't think we do have a problem with the actual text. We have a problem with people making up false stories about what the text could mean.

What I want to do is give crystal clear direction about where and what...

And part of that is being able to convey the understanding that you are not Evil, and you do not on the whole do evil things and nor do you intend to do them.

Ah well, we will not be travelling to Paris
anytime soon!

But this world is kept in the grip of evil schemes and systems and people are held in here, but not only that, there are half-alive people who are exploited to maintain operations, as it were, and they are not even completely human in the sense of what we are all taught to believe that a human is, or that their full capacities extend to having them be.

So there is genuine Evil here and it is trying to rule all things.

It's much smarter than you are.

And it is far older too.

You see, on the one hand Jesus 'went away as on a journey to a far country' but on the other hand He is right at the door.

Well... Which one?

The key is in the word 'as.'

Herb salad for the poor vegetarians
...God I don't even dare to tell you about
this roast beef roll and Paris dip that I had
last night.

'As if on.'

It's useless and pointless waiting without direction or guidance as to what you are waiting upon, and the Evangelicals all think they are waiting for a return in the clouds of this guy in white robes with other white-robed beings bearing harps, I guess.

The text makes it clear what you are waiting for.

Anyone? Anyone?

...It's not so much that there is an incredibly advanced high tech satellite heading towards Earth. 

But I intend to talk about such things next up.

For right now, the question is, upon what next thing are you waiting?

Someone in the comments section of the YT video here said this track filled him with so much optimism.
