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Wednesday 5 October 2022

Jedi Knights Messing With People's Minds

Everyone else is - why not let the masters begin to show people how it's really done?

Is the human race too far gone now?

Does it even matter at all at this stage if there are one or two slightly mischievous renegades in the middle of the little post-doctoral lecture group of Jedi Knights?

New Age is good.
We like New Age.
It is not demonic and it is not
Satanic. There are no 
12-foot tall Reptilians in it at all.

Star Wars has the Rebel Alliance, I think personally it's time for a 'Renegade Brigade.'

You can rebel against the Federation all you want, but you will be battling in the front lines not against the evil Dark Lord 'Vader,' but against the very large numbers of people who have already lost their ability to think things out for themselves - to work out solutions to their specific individual problems.

It's like somewhere along the way, quite a considerable while ago now, people stopped being able to see that they were genuinely individual beings...

And subsequent to that and only subsequent to it, come all of these ailments, health conditions, diseases, mental problems, depression pandemics and illnesses requiring the massive pharmaceutical industry to service, hand-in-glove with 'doctors' and sundry other 'medical professionals.'

Yes sure there is science. We all know there is such a thing as science.

It's just that you've never seen any of it in your lifetime so far!

...If you want to mess with the minds of women, well just go get yourself a half a dozen re-usable glass drinking 'straws' with gem crystals in them.

'Ooo look, try this, it is so New Age...

...Wonder if the bubbles become really tiny and there are heaps more of them if you drink your champagne through it?'

Tuesday 4 October 2022

No Way Out For Pension Funds

Either they were entirely caught up in ludicrously over-valued 'real estate,' or crazily engaging in debt to be willing accomplices to the grand fraud by Central Banks to pretend money and enterprise are literally free.

Or of course they were engaged in a composition of both of those insane things.

And there is no way back from those positions when consumer (price) inflation takes hold. This is not the same thing as the inflating of prices for real estate!

These things that are known as 'defined benefit plans' (or 'schemes' more like it) cannot be 'bailed out' like you think that you can bail out a bank - a bank does not need to continuously pay out; it can simply engage in fewer or in different activities.

But pensions funds have a list of automatic obligations - aka 'pensioners.'

Well they're not so much government pensioners as retirees with expectations about certain contracts that they carried out their part to fulfill.

Twelve-foot tall Lizard rulers can do two things to prevent the uprising of the young(-er) slaves to their system: they can jack up the ten year bond yield to eye-watering numbers, or they can kill off the pensioners.

They will of course do both of those things in order to ameliorate the immediacy of their parlous situation.

And they will do them, and the space craft positioned just outside the planet right now will allow them to do that, in order to make it very plain who the good guys are in the end.

Ah but you don't really believe there is anyone out there - ready to help 'us/you.'

There is though. And that's the sad part about it all.

A privateer - not a pension
fund manager. Pension fund
managers are idiots with no class 
or style.

Those of you who have been moving forward with the handful of little techniques and also developing and expanding on your own existing private, I guess 'esoteric' (in it's right definition) knowledge, are the Jedi's-in-training.

Maybe not yet 'masters' as such. But you will be.

And you will get everything - be equipped with everything - that you will need to move ahead strongly.

Watch out for the 'strange' and out-of-the-blue voices of complete malice that will come against you though. That will be one sure sign that you are ready and on the exact right path. Walk across the street if you see or hear people acting aggressively and rudely. There is such a thing as demonic possession, don't you worry about that.

The time is not exactly the immediate 'now moment' to stop and stand and fight. But that moment shall come and you will have the 'weapons' you need to engage.

Okay let's not say 'fight' in case y'all get thrown in with the 'Oath Keepers' and Chris Wray tries to get you to lie to him... LOL

Let's just say 'contend.'

Take only one pair of sandals with you...
Now where does that saying
come from?

...By the way, to the person here who sent those exquisite paintings for the Autistic kids - I wonder whether we can display them in a great place and sell a couple to some rich people?

; )

What do you think? Possible?

Was possible before, is certain now.

And next year - anyone who hasn't 'seen the light yet' will be sent off to proper education camps! ...With cool aerial slings in warm dark rooms with hot girls and boys and um, music - and barefooted gurus fresh from their ashrams deep in the Himalayas, robes flowing, incense burning (I don't think I'll ever get over that speech Frydenberg recently gave in the Australian Parliament).

Monday 3 October 2022

No Actual 'Cryosleep' For Travel

So even NASA has recently woken up to the fact that if you stick a human body (a living one) into a cryo-pod and lower the core body temperature and lower their metabolic rate, you will end up with a person who is losing quite a bit of body mass over not a whole lot of time - maybe just four/five weeks (hey great for stoopid Hollywood actresses!), and definitely significant mass and bone strength over six months or more.

You're gonna end up with these fragile slender creatures with pale gray skin and long skinny fingers and strange bulging eyes... 



Never mind. 

Anyway. That is not why there are cryo-pods in space platforms all over the place out there.

No one is trying to 'travel great distances that take some time...' So much time in fact that to stop you from getting mentally bored, they stick you into a hibernation chamber.

There are cryo-pods up there but not for that.

There are two main reasons for such items of pretty sophisticated technology (still well out of reach of current Earth science; hydroxylation is one problem not yet dealt with - because you both need it at some points, and require to prevent it at others, and in various places around the organic system):

1. To grow people in from base DNA;

2. To store already fully-grown adults in just for sufficient time to re-order a lot of their internal EMF functions and habituated pathways.

We live in a down-to-Earth, fairly normal human world, but if you step back a little and think about social relationships even from a small, that is to say a sufficiently objective, distance -, you will observe that many people's, in fact most people's value systems and internal orders of emotional priority are governed by a very short-range need. That short-range need is simply the one that pertains exclusively to one single 'normal' life-time.

Is this a real thing down here?
Which means, my friends,
the music people are
not from here. But you don't believe that.

Those internal orders-of-priority have to be radically changed once you are dealing with an elaborately transformed and vastly extended, in fact, eternal/immortal lifespan.

There are no Hollywood movies that have ever dealt with this although I am sure a small handful of leading Sci Fi writers must have tried to. Mary Shelley did in her novel 'Frankenstein.'

Ultimately, the creature made by Frankenstein had to remove itself from the world of human people because they could never adjust to the fact that it was a different order of being than they were, and that their mortality and narrow-sighted perspectives in that context of limited life duration was wholly unlike the creature's far more moral and decent motivations.

...Some of you by now will have encountered quite a shocking reality.

And the next few things that are bound to occupy your mind is well, how are the run-of-the-mill, quote-unquote 'normal' mindset people ever going to live together, and get along, in a completely different paradigm?

This piece of music is quite literally something from a virtually propaganda (tongue-in-cheek I will indeed call it propaganda) process that is used 'somewhere' let's not say where. Read the lyric lines carefully - and understand that this is Shaman music 'for reals.'

If by now you still haven't had the full and obvious experience, still then I know quite a few have begun to get inklings though - and you will, eventually, get the whole thing.

'Don't mess around with the private men's
club stuff, Double-Oh Seven.'
'Shorry Kew.'
'Did you say Q? Get out of here you
Right-Wing nut-job. And anyway,
I am not Q!' Harrumph.

Hey you might need us to re-start one of those 'Monroe Institute' floating silk rooms and all of that wherever you are and that can happen, probably next year if... ...well, so long as no one has started a nuclear conflagration by then which effects you where you are. 

They will certainly go pretty close to making it happen in NATO countries in Europe somewhere, probably Norway or Sweden, or even Poland; that would be funny. In Poland you will be able to get full-suite crisis actors and CNN front-line reporters going right there where the nukes had gone off, taking photographs even while there is radiation everywhere. 

It will be amazing. Amazing what leaps of science fact, media fantasy-fiction can proffer to the public.


Sunday 2 October 2022

Words As Technical Things

The thing about AI is that it can be constructed to be some super-pedantic, always technically-accurate corespondent to the living human being.

Humans are not technically accurate in their language and in the exercising of what they claim is 'communication' at all. 

Many big organisations like NASA and IBM and so on, literally train their people to speak and to communicate in very strictly accurate ways. Superficially it's a good idea, and it has served to achieve many beneficial results. But of course it's also a way of subverting truth and manufacturing false realities.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
because they don't need really
expensive things to be happy. 

Humans themselves by nature are not pedantic at all, and nor are they particularly accurate in their verbal communication styles.

You can even prove this by observing that they even have 'art' and music and theater - all of which are forms of communication and none of which fulfill 'mathematical' accuracy paradigms at all. And yet, often, societies will elevate art and theater and music and poetry to better and more accurate systems of actual communication between people.

So what is going on?

And how will you construct AI to achieve these actually socially better, certainly more preferred ways to communicate?

I want to give you an example that will seem pretty strange:

People, human beings, generally do not understand what they are saying when they say 'God.'

'God' is a word which technically means 'Whom you worship.' So it is about your volition.

'Divinity' by contrast, is a label for a set of necessary definitional qualities.

Christians worship Jesus - this is a true statement. Was or is Jesus 'God?' Well that's actually a different question - because they do indeed worship Jesus and they also say that Jesus was a man and a mortal, so -, as all Muslims everywhere challenge: well but how can they say Jesus is acknowledged by them to be a man and a mortal so how then is He also 'God?'

See the thing is they don't necessarily say that He is God - for example some sects literally clearly say that He is not; for example the Jehovah's Witnesses (though how they can witness 'Jehovah' no one can say) say that Jesus is merely the leading angel being. This is a well-known form of Christian heresy but it is what they maintain.

Blessed are the wealthy women,
who wake up in the morning,
and someone brings them
a Mimosa cocktail.

So they don't equate 'Jesus' literally with 'God' but then they still do 'worship' Jesus.

And that's fine - the two things are sustainable because one thing is a fact of your volition only, whilst the other thing is necessarily required to be a fact or else or literally be a false thing.

You see your volition is not ever false: you willed, intended to do a thing. Well that's a fact. It's only reliant on what you intend/ed to do.

But is Jesus actual 'God?' Well now that's dependent on a fact that is external to your own intention!

He either is, or He isn't. That's an external objective matter.

It's not about simply whether you say it is so, and nor is it about whether some book says it is so and that you are showing your loyalty to that book...

You can be loyal to 'The Prince' by Machiavelli, but that doesn't make you an honest person. In fact, it will make you a deliberate, skilled, and intentionally expeditious, liar.

You can be loyal to the Quran but how do you know that this is actually a book from actual, real God so that you really do need to be loyal to it?

Super Aliens, those ET ones who come here from very far away in natural distance - are they apt to be technically pedantic always, or only; or will they have the same range of methods of communicating that humans do, but know which ones to use in which contexts?

Factually you can't actually worship Jesus right now for real because He is not here. He has left someone behind here - this is an invisible Spirit Being. It's easier for mortal minds to think okay an invisible Spirit could be 'God;' rather than say that a physical, mortal human person who can die is somehow also literally-speaking 'God.' That latter is not so easy.

Blessed are the...
Well, just blessed.

The invisible thing is here obviously; it is invisible so you can't see it(!) so therefore obviously, this invisible thing is obviously not visible... So it's 'here-ness' as an invisible thing, is indeed 'obvious.'

You can't see it. Which is the way it is supposed to be.


So therefore vast numbers of Christians get away with this nonsense because by their own paradigm and claims about their religion, they don't have to visibly evidence this 'currently present' God because it is invisible by definition.

See that there though, is very easy of a thing to play around with... I mean lie about.

The problem is when you introduce the technical word 'Divinity' into the affair.

Well then if you say Jesus is God then He sure can turn up here right now in your room, because God by definition 'can' do anything. 

If you say His Spirit is God then He too can show up right now in your room in front of your eyes, for the same reason.

And if you say some other form of or format exists outside of the whole entirety of the physical Cosmos and that this too is 'God' then that too can evidence itself to you right now. For the same reason of its capacity to be able to do anything.

The matter resolves, I'm afraid, very much into the von Daniken model: Jesus literally 'went away' materially and physically, in order to actually do something (which is spelled out what He is doing, in the texts).

You are not 'God' and so, you do not have 'God vision' in order to be able to see 'that' version of God, and nor are you sufficiently 'psychic' I suppose you could say, that you can 'see' this invisible 'Spirit' thing.

Will Jesus eat fish curry?
Fish curry is 'God-level' thing you know.
What do you suppose - God 'knows'
how good fish curry but He has never
actually eaten any??
My friends, be careful of strangers
coming to eat your fish curry;
for some of you have in that way entertained
Rebel Alliance agents in disguise.

The only 'thing' that you are technically able to see, is a physical material 'being' and in this particular example, it is not 'Lord Shiva' we are discussing (although that could just as easily be used) but 'Jesus' the human physical person.

You would be able to see Jesus. If He were here.

And He is not here. Not physically. This we know and can be reasonably sure of.

You cannot technically just 'go to Heaven' anywhere and see Jesus - if... would be at that time a human being; a physical material human being and Jesus was not also the same 'up there' (a material being). And yet, that is what the standard orthodox (meaning mainstream dogma) of Christianity says. It says that you will be a material physical person. Therefore you will be material, and Jesus will be also material.

Text-book Christianity is not that you will go somewhere invisible and 'spirit'-structured - but that you will be physical and materially existent.

And that's a logical problem for all or most modern-day Christians because there is no way around the 'Star Wars' model of things now. Well it's not exactly Star Wars because Star Wars never expounded any 'physical immortality' proposition.

In Islam, Jesus will return at the Damascus Gate and fight with 'Dajjal' who is standing behind that gate with 70,000 Jews armed with swords; including 'Dajjal' who also is armed with a sword.

Well good for them!

I don't even need to be Jesus, because I can take ten drones and wipe the whole bloody lot out in five minutes. That doesn't make things worthy of being a 'God-level' story.

I'm telling you all of this because there is something under way right now in Europe that will be construed to be potentially a 'moral cause' for World War III.

Although the 'independent media' is using the term 'UK Royal Navy Seals' to say who carried out the Nordstream sabotage, you all know here that for years we have been saying 'Five Eyes' were carrying out major clandestine underseas (highly illegal) activities. You know this - you've read it here when it happened before. So they are by no means at all official 'UK Royal Navy' as such.

A 'God-level' story, is: 'ten thousand X-Wing Fighters off Rebel Alliance mother-ships' is close to a 'God-level' story. And nothing less is.

Stop looking at old books and thinking with olden day brains!

We stand at the threshold of a gigantic and nuclear World War. I am trying to take you to the point where you fully challenge all of your beliefs and find out which of them really are substantively and factually completely true. Jesus (or ET Rebel Alliance Aliens) might not easily turn up for you. And that's only because you're not trying hard enough. 

On the other side stand the modern rational pragmatic and political atheists. And you will be dying for them unless you have the help of those who have X-Wing Fighters. Make sure you are settled in your mind about this!

Saturday 1 October 2022

Scheherazade's Decision Of The Days

Well Calvin, you have taken the minds of some -, off the silliness of the world these last one thousand nights and one. And now, it is the End of the World that has come, and no one worried themselves to death with the sickness of distress and fear.

O Scheherazade! But is this true??

What Calvin, that it is the EOTW?

Miley Cyrus dresses in her
Orientalist gear, and goes to
the BIR Gymkhana Restaurant
in London.
People like this are so talented, and so
But they have never met
real Scheherazade...
You have.

No. I meant, is the world really silly? And also, has it indeed been one thousand nights plus one?

Oh yes, Cal. The world is very silly. And it must have been quite a sum of nights at least, by now. Who cares how actual many.

Aaah, Scheherazade. You had me worried there for a moment. 

...For I had thought that you had no more tales to tell.

Oh Calvin, but how innocent that you are. That was but one set only of tales for but one man, Sharyar, and his meager short life.

Yet, O Scheherazade, I do still fear there may be some truth to your jest that it is TEOTW.

Nay Calvin. It is not so, but it will seem so for a bit and no doubt, there are already games afoot in the Pavilions of Brussels late into the black nights there right now.

What games are these, O Scheherazade?

Games of mischief of course. And yet, the braying street dogs are not able to restrain themselves from barking at the moon. And so, I am sure that by-and-by, we shall see and hear from the mouths everywhere on the television and all across the internet news platforms, of a great and cunning fiction. But do not thou, believe such massive inventions for they are false and they are lies without even any moral teaching to justify the telling of them at all.

But I will let thou into a small secret about all of this.

How easy it is to pay crisis actors, Calvin. How easy.

Authentic beef curry.

But keepest thou wise counsel, O thou of many wonders, and heed not those false tales inspiring fear in the many. 

For I shall soon spin for thee a tale so fearsome, that no one even in Hollywood nor in WPP Geneva would ever even dare to think such things were true, or even capable of being fabricated by their own machinations.

And like strong lightning that strikes from the highest position of the atmosphere, to all the way down to the ground like a fiery illuminated pillar, and continues to blaze like this on and on in a way that no ordinary bolt of lightning has ever done in the past - not even in the deep ancient past of primitive times - things that once were rock, shall turn to ashes and molten glass in front of your eyes.

Scheherazade, you are scaring me.