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Saturday 5 June 2021

What Is Appropriate To You

Because we as a civilization, are still coming out of vast eras of Imperialism and physical conquest in some form -, be it through choking supply lines by strategic political machination, or outright military battle - what is almost always reflected as the most prized social values, is valor and heroism in the form of literal fighting.

'Adam's Peak' in Sri Lanka, where 'Adam'
first lived, after he was set out from the
enclosed compound
called 'Eden;' according to several religious
traditions, and the folklore of many 
different peoples.  

It just cropped up with me this week, and even some people around me have been commenting about some things coming through their social media feeds too, even in places like Quora - something to do with what is being presented as the Christian ethic about women covering their hair or the heads.

The thing went as far as presenting this whole idea about women simply always covering their heads, because according to the fable being told, Paul in 1 Corinthians had a lot to say about it...

...You know, that whole thing about who is the boss of whom.

So I had a big fight with a bunch of people on-line because I said to them: 'no such thing exists in Christianity at all.'

Naturally, there was an uproar.

And so I said, why are all of you refusing to quote the next sentence in the stuff you keep shoving at women - this verse here (1 Corinthians 11:16), which says: "But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God." (Have any such custom or rules).

We have... such custom.

That's what the book actually says.

The full meanings of the entirety of the passages in question are far away from the comprehension of those who wish to forces their ideas onto women, and I am not really going to go into it here.

Rubinacci 'Gurkha pants.'

But what I do want to mention, is that it seems to be a habit of human society at large, that not long after someone comes and frees people's minds up from something, certain people just go right back and even use that very liberation itself, to force the same old ways to creep right back in, this time under the guise of the rubric of the very liberation matter itself.

In our own times they've done it with Freud, with Newton, and they are close to doing it with Einstein.

The Gurkha Army was effectively cast away in one of the most disgusting abuses of people's goodwill, by the UK government in relatively recent times, to the extent that only Singapore and Brunei now have authentic Gurkha units. 

But even so, I don't personally agree they even are 'Gurkha,' but only an imaginary version of what 'Gurkha' means.

'Gurkha' means followers of one of the Nine Saints of India (Navnath) - and these are different to the Seven Sages (Saptarishi), but even so, they possess supernatural powers; 'Gorakshanath' being a particular 'saint' (holy man, master of Divine Yoga), who is the originator of the lineage therefore, of 'Gurkha' disciples (IE of his teachings.)  

Killing and fighting is in fact, not, one of his teachings.

How the Gurkha soldiers acquired their literally second-to-none reputation as war fighters, was due to the idea that the disciples of Gorakshanath, did not fear death at all.

And there is a saying that 'anyone who says they do not fear death, is either lying, or a Gurkha.'

However, the fact is, that Gorakshanath, was someone outside of the laws of time, and appeared in different eras and in different places all over the world, to demonstrate and to underscore the teachings of Krishna after Krishna left the Earth the first time - and to spread his message of Love and the overcoming of obstacles in order (for people) to unite with Mahavishnu or Shiva or Shakti.

I myself do promote the union with Shakti (Shakti-yoga), and in this regard I could say a few things about that passage by Paul in 1 Corinthians. The passage has to do with 'women prophesying' - and being originally a strict orthodox Jew, Paul was obviously aware (unlike many people today) of what that actually meant in terms of Hebrew customs.

Within the portable goatskin tent called 'the Tabernacle/Holy of Holies,' as I have made mention of here before not too long ago - the Shekinah descended following the ritual sacrifice of Frankincense smoke, and only certain priest class or caste people, some of whom were women, would receive messages from the Shekinah which then became the prophecies for the next year, to the Jews.

As you know, Joanna Lumley's
father's life was saved by this Gurkha.

At a certain point though, and due to some extended term of various Hebrew leaders disobeying the prophecies, the Shekinah left the Tabernacle and did not return.

During the time of Paul, the view was that the Shekinah had returned to the Christian 'sect,' as the rest of the Jews would have called it.

Thus, in all events, Paul was talking expressly about a specific occasion, and a specific 'ritual' in which certain things happened, one of which being that actual 'angels' were seen to  descend accompanying the Shekinah.

What is this 'Shekinah?'

Well, there is the Sun - this is a star in our solar system, and it burns and propagates light which you can see and which makes other things visible; then, the light energy also produces heat, which you cannot see, but which you can feel.

Now unless you are (that is, have been) in some place where you yourself have felt the heat - so to speak - of some actual Divine Source, you have not ever been to a Christian ritual...

And what does heat do? Well, it can warm food, cook food, boil water to make coffee -, in short, it produces thermal effects.

Divine effects, are supernatural things, such as miracles.

And unless you have experienced supernatural, that is, actual miraculous things, you have not been in contact with the Shekinah.

Or with Shakti. 

For that matter.

...And you are not a real Gurkha, unless you have.

Shakti and Shekinah are the same thing, because, as was just mentioned, 'Gorakshanath is outside of the laws of time, and appears in different ages at different places in the Earth, but to procure the same outcomes that Krishna ordered...'

All Christians MUST be yoked (is the actual term used in the New Testament), to the Shekinah.

This is called 'Shakti-Yoga' - 'yoga' as you know, simply meaning 'yoked.'

Friday 4 June 2021

Just Some Practical Logic Stuff...

Even Barack Obama was caught recently, or at least forced to offer an expanded explanation of something he had said a while ago - while he was President-in Office, in fact - with regard to what the US Government knows about ET's and UFO's.

This whole thing has become a modern 'nuther Doomsday Cult' phenomenon!

There is so much commentary on-line - both from Christians as well as Muslims and some Jews too - about an imminent 'invasion' of some evil beings in these vehicles. The Christians and Muslims talking about 'fallen angels' and demons, while the Jews who lean to this negative perspective use slightly different terminology but it all amounts to the same thing. And then there are those that are neither Jews nor Christians or even Muslims - who go on about the evil 'Draconians' or the 'Reptilians.'

Portable 'IFOF' unit - identification friend-or-foe.
The US Military has a lot more data
on these craft, than they
have been saying even now.

All that has happened - all - is that the US Military has multiple radar and tracking and video data recordings showing the evident reality of something 'up there' flying around in restricted air-space.

This is nothing new as far as what is going on 'up there.' The only thing that is new is the quality of and the amount of, recording equipment and the retained data, plus the public admission about it.

There is no 'invasion.' What is happening has always been happening - for absolute centuries upon centuries. No invasion back then, and no invasion now!

There's no invasion.

Obama said something like there would be new religions formed because of the acknowledgement that there are ET Alien life-forms in the (rest of the) Universe.

Well right now, these people are insisting that some kind of 'Doomsday' scenario is at hand.

The Aliens are bad, according to them all.

The funniest thing of all is how so many YT people are claiming to have had 'prophetic dreams from God' telling them there are going to be mass abductions and that the Aliens are evil and demonic - and all that kind of stuff.

'Divine Red.' ...I had a dream, that
one day -.

I never got a dream from God! What's wrong with me? Doesn't God like me? How about you? Did you get a special personal 'dream from God...?'

'HEY - so-and-so... This is GOD here. Here is a dream especially for you, about how the Aliens are evil and you must choose this path and not that path. Choose wisely.'

Oh yes God. Thanks for just talking to me, right. And for those other select few like me. I will tell everyone else that I can, but no doubt they will just laugh and scoff at me - but at least I shall have discharged my duty to warn them. At least I will be saved. And will go to Heaven. Because I am so special.

I had a school board meeting this week, and on the board are some people who look after disabled people. Now if one of them had have come to me or just blurted out to everyone 'hey I had this dream' well I tell you what, I would be listening very carefully.

But no one of them did, so I am telling you, there is no invasion happening, the ET Aliens are not bad or evil or anything like that - as far as I can see from anything that one could imagine is actual 'evidence' of anything.

Sure there is a lot of Biblical prophecy that seems to be 'coming to pass' and it may well be.

The day after the main school board meeting, I was walking through the city here, and saw a middle-aged guy sitting in an alley off the main city Mall. And he looked like he could have been a disabled guy, a kind of 'developmental' sort of disability thing...

In our city Mall there are these Council social workers and the police have an involvement in that angle as well - we are a very enlightened place here. So I didn't do anything and went where I was headed and then, on the way back I saw the same guy in the same place but it was very clear he was on heroin.

Twelve princesses, go across
this lake, see, to
'dance the night away.'

So when the End of the World happens, who is going to clean up this whole entire mess? Does God just 'press a magic God-button' and everything is fixed? Why couldn't He have done that before? Why couldn't He have done it sooner?

There are good people around who do things to help. I know them. And you maybe know a few.

There is no excuse on God's part if He is 'just delaying' doing something.

Which means (as I said in the title) that is not logically, what is going on.

It doesn't mean 'there is no God.'

It means the greater public opinion is incorrect - same as it cannot be correct that there is 'about to be an ET Alien invasion of the Earth.'

So what is God doing? What is the logic of it all...


Oh you think you are going to get away with these beautiful gleaming golden answers all in one hit here and now?

I give you step 'the first,' though. Go read Grimm's Fairy Tale of 'The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes.' 


Monday 31 May 2021

The Bathos Of Modern Argumentation

So that was not any kind of clever phrasing - it definitely isn't particularly humorous. However I want to look at this word 'bathos' because it is the basis for my discussion here right now. 

Now we all at least know that the word is Greek and simply has one superficial, technical level of meaning that is simply 'depth.' Okay fair enough, that in itself is some irony right there: superficial but deep... I am trying desperately not to make stupid jokes but right now it has proven unavoidable for me!

What am I drinking, Bill? Nothing actually - just water.

Swiss clouds - screenshot from
the movie 'The Clouds of Sils Maria.'

Anyway, let me get back to the actual point.

There is no way I can hold serious sensible conversations in public these days, because people go look up Google-Search and there, they find 'TRUTH...' Right?

The Wikipedia entry on 'bathos' - if you take it all-in-all - says that this is a literary device that either deliberately seeks to create a ridiculous moment, or accidentally does so (and here is where I dispute with them all) by being ridiculous, abruptly and incompetently juxtaposing something that is common or vulgar, against something earlier which was lofty or grand.

The final example they (Wikipedia people) give is this, from a short narrative description by the English poet John Dryden:

"The cave of Proteus rises out of the sea, it consists of several arches of rock work, adorned with mother-of-pearl, coral, and abundance of shells of various kinds. Through the arches is seen the sea, and parts of Dover Pier."

Kindly, at least, I suppose, Wikipedia admits that what they are going to tell you, is that 'today, bathos refers to rhetorical anticlimax...'

Cartier 'scented cloud' in Paris.

...But then it never quite gets around to saying what it was, before, 'today.'

You see, there is definitely a way to apply the word albeit it is a droll way of applying the actual original word and its true ancient classical meaning - to the defining characteristic of American television humor: Frasier being an exact case example of it.

However the ancient Greeks who treated these things seriously though in very different ways than people do now (now, it's a box you tick on the way to a University English Degree), used the word the same way we use it to describe a 'bathysphere...' Namely: you go down deep. Deeper than you can naturally go, and maybe, deeper than you are really supposed to go, if you are in search of something in a given boundary. Therefore, you are really in fact, pushing a boundary the wrong way.

This has nothing at all to do with humor and it isn't funny, and it is never meant to be funny and it is, in fact, dangerous.

Many excellent modern movies - City of Angels, Clouds of Sils Maria, Siesta (1987) for three examples that spring easily to mind - draw intense emotions from the viewer because they are submerging them into an 'exceeding depth.' In both cases, the narratives have to resort to 'mystery' and/or supernatural and 'unreal' elements to get there.

In both cases, the lynch-pin of the human emotional depth - is death.

Siesta - movie starring Jodie Foster and
Ellen Barkin

In reality, you will observe, in fact we cannot, traverse into death - and get back from there!

Not actually. Which is the device then used to produce a completely false narrative about death, though one that we mostly all accept naturally. Mischievously, these movies convince people ever more so that death is genuinely a terminal, terminating, evil 'place/condition/event/outcome.' But, it satisfies the political system that thrives by making people full of fears or else refusing to confront reality in any actual, and practical, way.

Thus when people do not really know what lies in the depths there - Hamas can get away with inviting you believe that it is 72 virgins for the suicide bomber 'believer' (it's never the actual 'knower,' you will observe), and politicians can get you to behave yourself according to the notion that this is the only place in which, by our own devices, we 'might' (so long as you, behave yourself according to the laws they have made for you) create Utopia maybe for us in old age and mayhaps for those who come after us.

They all tell stories of the past and make promises for the future. Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.

Eyes Wide Shut never made the descent to bathos - although in every possible way whatsoever, the whole entire movie is set up to do it - by having either one of the two key characters, those played by Tom and Nicole, die at or towards the end, or even at any pivotal point along the way.

Versailles 'Masked Ball' - 
definitely still on this year, and soon.

However I will tell you, you should imagine that one or both of them (the movie characters) is in fact, 'dead' and in absolute real terms too. This is not something I am inviting you to suppose as far as what you would say was standard film literary critique method in any way at all!

But it is what the occult perception will absolutely say.

If you take it as an outright occult manifesto about human life and the human condition, then that is what the movie is telling you.

We are entering an historic moment, at which the 'official' (means you will see Wikipedia tell you that it is so... And Wikpedia is the source archive of all truth and knowledge throughout the Universe) - position is that there are sentient life forms that traverse time and space.

And on that basis, I am suggesting to you, that the 'standard religious narrative texts' are that there is an 'identity' without known father or mother, who is not locked into one particular usual lifetime. Muslims say al-Khidr, Christians and Jews 'the King of Salem.'

But the problem is, the texts do not say this is a 'supernatural' figure you see only in your dreams and visions - but an actual real physical person.

So here is where I am going to tell you the problem with 'spirit channeling' people and mystical visions and 'meditation' and all of that. These are all about 'imagined' or 'envisioned' things.

And yes for sure you can 'see' something with your 'mind consciousness' and I will tell the secret why...

'The Green Knight' - by
Alexandre Chaudret

Light is the fastest thing our senses employ but it is not by any means the only sense pathway. Boeing engineers - pilot ergonomics designers - know that the human has what they call 'highly optically-claimed sense channels.'

If you go looking for what lies beyond death, and you go in a 'bathyscape' you will end up in bathos, and you will be emotionally dragged under. If you go in a 'impossibly' very fast space rocket you will run out of dimension. (Try it - draw a line with a laser pointer across a wall, and then imagine the wall retreats into Eternity and then tell me what happens with the speed of light across the horizontal 'line on the retreating wall' at some point...)

Why would anyone have to do a Monroe Institute full course or something - to 'see,' that is, to really encounter al-Khidr? Where does it say that in any of the standard narratives?

Well my answer to the ordinary person is, well it will get you to the 'seeing' part, at least.

But some of you are not ordinary people. And you want the whole nine yards.

The first thing is probably you feel the throbbing and understand it (this is music), then the truly clear thing is seeing, and that is via light, and because it is the quickest thing to get to your mind.

Olfactory sense is not, about chemicals, as much as it has been standard theory to date to say that - it is about electron spin polarity. And that is because if it were just about the movement of tiny chemicals through the air, then it would be dependent in the discrete 'brain labeling' function on atmosphere, and air-current or movement or flow, and it isn't. It is dependent on whatever the data signal is that compounds carry with them - and the chemical 'keys' are just not sufficient by a great magnitude to account for olfactive functioning.

al-Khidr always dresses in green and we can adduce from that, that 'somehow' we are being told to look in the middle, and not at the ends, or in the depths or even in the heights.

Unless you completely substitute your standard passing physical sensory and brain/memory pathways, with something that is not weak and failing or subject to external disorder and chaotic and random interference - you will never see al-Khidr.

It isn't 'orbs of light' I am suggesting people go after. It is geometry, and algebra, and trigonometry, and music.

You can do no better beginning right there.

You watch our very good friend tell us right away that standard symptoms of schizophrenia includes hallucinatory olfactory experiences. And yes it does - but these are not experiences in keeping with waking reality anyway: these are kinds of synaesthesia but where well, a lemon exudes the odor of - a gherkin...! For example!

Unless you have a good firm grasp of reality as you are in your existential mediocre sense state - how are you going to perceive actual reality; that is, permanent existence?

This is about toddlers walking and getting up on their trikes.

Your new steed-of-war - 
by Aston Martin

Senses are trained. They can be nascent but to use them functionally as 'adults' they have to be trained. A baby cannot really 'comprehend' vinegar. Sugar in the form adults consume it, tastes like poison.

If you see god you die.

And that's really, a fact. That is, it is a fact unless your senses are trained and are strong enough to accommodate what they are 'holding.'

And that is also the reason for so much subterfuge: 'for some have entertained such beings unawares.'

You, however, will not be, unaware. Because you are in training now.

Aren't you?

An ordinary person, average in all ways except maybe too average, too symmetric, not a 'grey-skinned skinny creature...' Even in vocal tone. Fairly pleasant. Calm. Relaxed. Unperturbed by what perturbs ignorant people.

Comes out of clouds as their only known source of being here at all, steps back into clouds and disappears again.

This kind of thing is presented in the Clouds of Sils Maria but as a metaphor for death.

That is bathos. The surgeon Maggie Rice dies in City of Angels and that is bathos.

Well, I am sure I 'could' entertain Meg Ryan too, but I absolutely assure you it would not be 'unawares!'

You want experiences, you want reality, and you moreover, you want agency too - the question is, do you know how to entertain?

And that is why you train. And that is the only reason, kids. And I never use words casually.

Friday 28 May 2021

Three Measures Of Meal

No doubt there will be quite a few who will quickly jump to say 'someone' sold their soul to Satan, joined with the Illuminati, all of that stupid nonsense -, if we blurted out here that oh, well, we just made a couple of million dollars...

But thankfully for both me and thee - I haven't made a couple of million dollars for a very long time, so I have nothing to report along those lines at all right now. (Chuckle).

Camps De Luca - french 
bespoke tailoring.
I think the English bespoke styles
have gone off the rails for the moment. 

I remember one time during the phase where I was really making a significant amount of money - which was a long while ago, admittedly - that I realized it wasn't the immediate stage after the cash was all in and counted in the counting house, where there were any feelings of excitement and satisfaction at all. It was the immediate moments prior to actually raking it in, when your thinking brain realized that yeah, the game was wrapped. That was the real point of satisfaction.

So for me it was always just an intellectual exercise. It was about specifically what you were doing, not that, you were doing it, or even doing anything at all.

John McAfee, who is still locked up in Spain for his US tax matters - recently tweeted something about how someone else inside there just had an impassive, cool discussion with him about the best and least painful way/s to commit suicide...

McAfee wanted to come down here where I am and stay with me for awhile and spend all the time jet-skiing here. That was a couple of years ago now - just two years ago. We used to converse via the internet and now it's impossible to guarantee you'd even get through to him, one reason being his messages are all clogged up with well-wishers and several haters too. He's never been so directly popular among the millennials, I don't think. It's due to his 'crypto rebel' status. I used to deal with his very first companies way way way back. And he came here more than once although I never took any notice of him at all - it was all the female secretaries that gravitated to him and one particular local senior (female) manager of the Ed Department.

He claims he's lost everything today.

Cifonelli - still french bespoke.

Where would have been the point talking to him about 'space Aliens' back then - not seriously anyway. I'm sure he would have been more than willing after a few hits of whatever he was on back then.

Where would have been the point saying the word 'encryption' to him...

You think?


Not the way I would have wanted to use it.

You see, the word is in Matthew 13:33

Isn't it?

What is human life all about? What is the point of it? Where are we meant to be headed, if anywhere at all?

Well, it is like a woman who has 'enkrypto'd' some yeast in three measures of meal (about sixty pounds, so that would make a lot of 'loaves of bread'). The word is not 'hidden' - that is, it doesn't really say 'hidden' which is something like 'conceal' (keuthein) or 'kalypsi' or even 'klepht,' but 'enkrypto?' Nah.

Yeah okay maybe Gieves & Hawkes still...

That word means to strategically entangle.

Actually... ...we know what it means today: it means 'encrypt.' And we have 'en-crypted' things all over the place. We have seed crypts in the Arctic Circle - and although some people refer to these as seed 'vaults,' they are actually crypts, because, well, even some peoples before the ancient Egyptians had them. They placed 'sacred bulls' into those crypts, so that, when Poseidon came, he could revive those special bulls. A crypt is a storage place you put something that you intend to grow to life later on.

So, if someone has 'encrypted' something into humans, well then, that is just exactly what is meant.

As far as what we are going to spend all this money on, the pressure is on from at least one actual kid, and one other grown-up kid for something like the latest Aston.

Trust me, Satan does not have a monopoly
on wicked things.

Lots still left over though. 

So what else?

That's a good question.

A Turner, World Peace, the Best of Everything...

No doubt, no doubt.

I hope you realize that these 'books' that are being written, the music tracks are most of them showing up here first...

Monday 24 May 2021

Amma Baad... ...Wa-Layla

So, the next night comes (amma baad: 'and so, onto the next thing'); another night.

'La' equals 'no;' 'Lay' equals 'light.'

'Heylel...' The Devil. 'Lah-'Heylayl...' One of the 'divine' lights.

...So the next night comes, and the Ruler of Lights of the World, is about to spend his last night with the beautiful Scheherazade, after which he must cut her head off, because of his oath to kill all his wives after spending just one evening with each of them.

Now... I happen to know that there are a couple of well-connected 'Industry people' who stop by here or have their girl-Friday's plow through all of this nonsense because this is effectively one of the places that goes into the Vigneron & Johnson Brand Index analytics, though not for any reasons I wish to disclose right now.

When I say 'Industry people' I mean Hollywood. People actually in Hollywood call it 'the Industry,' they don't call it 'Hollywood.'

GUCCI - Park Avenue NYC

Anyway, as far as luxury brands, the erstwhile current top listing order is: Porsche, GUCCI, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Hermes, Ferrari, Rolex.

Rolex, for one of them, has said they cannot say if or even whether they will really be holding 'Basel World' in February of next year, when it had been postponed to from this year's dates.

The Masked Ball at Versailles, however, I have been assured will definitely be going ahead...

Complex hybrid Iris species flower...
This event is 'masked' in more ways than one, though - it is impossible to discover who really is behind it, and superficially, it is the Versailles Museum Trust with its vast array of global sponsors and the simple fact that it is a marketable brand in its own right with a massive commercial demand for its venue capabilities and many other 'selling points' that the place possesses. However, one can penetrate a little to see people like the commercial backers of Australia's Kylie Minogue and then from there there are 'thin strands' which trace back into French Arabic and French Egyptian billionaires whose names I shall not mention. There are oil sheikhs participating, certainly. But they are not alone in it all.

Well okay, it's not 'impossible' but not advised to go too far down that rabbit hole.

We probably have the old one-time TAG owner and McLaren Racing identity Mancur Ojeh's money in there somewhere in the mix... You remember him.

Anyway anyway, I'm going too far off to the side.

I wanted to mention to the 'friends' that without question at all, the number one top female actor in the mainstream full-length feature part of the Industry - is Kristen Stewart. 

It's all very well to have a family in the Industry but that doesn't make a whole lot of difference if you can't 'carry it off' in the first place. Kristen Stewart can, though.

Something there in the Iris flower patch,

She has the enviable reputation among directors of being 'easy to work with.' OMG

For me, she is a born-and-bred big screen actress - you can tell right away from how her body has only micro-movements in front of the camera with its 'red light on.'

She doesn't flail her hands or limbs -, or throw her head about like so many do these days who never listen to the training that someone tried to give them.

You can't let her slip away into 'retirement' just because she is no longer going to be the Ingenue. Okay, so, y'all have absolutely no idea what a good script or screenplay is...

I'm sad for you.


You still think you know though, right? 

You have no idea.

A new property has to have the quality of making people's jaws drop and you just ain't got it!

So sorry. 

What are you gonna do? I know, go chop your girlfriend's head off. No wonder she's gay (that Kristen).

I will be spending a lot of time going on and on about the stylishness and acting ability of Kristen Stewart over many many coming articles here.

'A hot-house flower that blooms in a day, is gone in just as short a time.'

Kristen Stewart is no 'hot-house flower.' Both her parents have extensive careers in the Industry, and they both know what they are doing and the kid knows too.

Not a kid of course now, in most people's eyes though not in mine. Still a kid. Theoretically, her best acting moments remain ahead of her - but that is now all up to 'the Industry.' If that Industry wishes to even exist into the future from here they need to start getting their own 'act' together. All of the top chiefs - including Barbara Broccoli and Kathleen Kennedy - imagine it is other people's heads on the chopping block of history down there. It isn't. It's theirs. Their 'Industry' itself is on the chopping block and without the magic - without the Jinn powers - they are nothing.

And they can slap their arms and feel the 'tingles' all they want, it isn't going to matter. Without the true Jinn force the carpet will not fly, without the 'Chi' power, the cinema goers will not go through the ticketed doors, much less through the walls.

You see but if you make bargains with the Heylayl, you will end up 'seeing lights' all right, but they will be the ones that fall onto egos, and spotlight those, and make out the ego has the center stage - and then no one else cares.

And that light is always just positioned on the biggest ego - which is usually the producer or the combined 'producer/director' and especially the director who thinks he is the producer.

Kristen Stewart down here in Oz,
in Sidney. She's actually more or less
from Australia, I suppose you knew...

Most of the non-fiction and biographies about this part of the industry almost always make a big song and dance about the producer who thought he/she was the director - but the issue is the other way around. Directors regularly have absolutely no respect for the money.

And so for me, and it should be so for everyone in the Industry production side, it is that those actors - George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Samuel L. Jackson, John Malkovich, Gong Li, and Kristen Stewart - are the ones who are working for the Industry and for the making of good films, and not working simply for themselves or working against the Industry. Say what you like, Tom Cruise makes successful films.

These people are entitled to some decent material every now and again. And guys (and gals) out there in Industry-land, you just ain't got it, have y'all?

...Here (below) is an example of how to write a song. You have to be patient for the first couple of minutes in, and turn the volume down while the thump thump does its thing.