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Wednesday 23 December 2020

Accessing The Thesaurus

The Greeks call 'Theseus' - Thesau.

Theseus entered the Labyrinth - the deadly maze designed and built by Daedalus - and found his way to its center and to the sleeping Minotaur. 'Minotaur' was the son of Queen Pasiphae and the White Bull of Poseidon, otherwise known as the Marathonian Bull.

All of the ancient Greek mythological heroes had various 'heroic labors' to undertake, before they would be able to attain whatever it was that they were out on some iconic mission to reach.

During the course of these 'labors' the opponents they vanquished would result in the liberation of the humans there.

We can say that a modern-day 'hero' such as the criminal barrister Brian Singleton QC (of the immediate last article), liberated the lives of many. But his name is not well-recalled at all even in the city in which he was the preeminent legal brain and legal orator and persuader. By no means was he just an attorney in the field of criminal law, and he had been drawn into the most high-level and far-reaching cases of political conspiracy and corruption, among the range of legal pursuits that he had involvements in.

Once again, in the myth of Theseus, the Goddess of Wisdom favors this hero and enables him to achieve his mighty purposes through great cunning and applied powerful intellect.

The narratives concerning Theseus span an enormous amount of time, and when no more heroic deeds are accounted for, it seems that many generations have already passed and the final stories seem to be made up by people far away from where Theseus had originally been active, and these stories give some 'justification' to whatever those newer identities were doing - such as ruling an island, or claiming rule there - by referencing Theseus although by this time there really was no 'Theseus.' The accounts therefore of the death of Theseus, are all fabrications by later date myth-makers. No one knows anything about what became of Theseus.

Paleolithic cave art bull - Altamira, Spain. 

You see...

'The Difficult - or impossible - Labors,' are means by which to keep ordinary people out of, and away from, various significant places, and the means by which heroes are led in, to those very same places.

To get from the ordinary human realm of this Earth, and to enter some place else, some elevated place, some place filled with a treasury of great and enduring wealth, is the same as entering the Labyrinth. At the end of this maze will be the sleeping Minotaur, a human flesh-consuming monster, that you yet must overcome - that no human yet before you has ever overcome - as the final 'labor.'

And so, in overcoming this creature, you demonstrate in fact, that you are yourself something more than just simply another 'ordinary' human.

Every step of the way though, you had been given secret and very quiet assistance by the Cause of Wisdom.

The Judaic-Christian narrative is that to enter the Treasuries of Heaven one must 'do the Will of God.'

And so too, first, we must know the Will of God.

The will of Baal is clearly understood - it is to overpower one's fellow by whatever means, usually brute force either physically or in the guise of officialdom - in order to rule over them and to take whatever you want.

The Apis Bull of Saqqara, Egypt.
In that mythology, also a white bull in reality.

And around you then, you will have only those that fear you, and those that feed your vanity, in order that they might get the crumbs from your table, or the opportunity to unseat you altogether.

This place, is known as the Land of Magog.

And, in all the Arabic/Judaic-Christian eschatologies, at the End of the World, the human race is overrun by the children of Gog who seek to turn the world into the Land of Magog. These children of Gog are, according to the exegesis of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi - who is widely derided by other Muslim Sunni scholars on this point - zombies. He literally says 'zombies.'

The stories all say that the children of Gog are cannibals, feeding on the flesh of humans. Yet they are really not actual human cannibals, because, in fact they are not human at all, even though - as in the myths such as that of the Marathonian Bull - these types of figures are some preternatural hybrids in flesh form, of crazed humans and non-humans.

To 'Access The Treasury' we must move into the supernatural maze, which is designed as much to keep people out, as it is, to let you in.

Next time, we go there, right into it, and we begin the actual journey.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Too Much False Background

The very popular radio broadcaster Art Bell, who passed away from an accidental overdose of prescribed medications... 2018 - is one of those whose involvement 'on the historical record' contains an interesting incident regarding the US Government and 'Area 51.'

In this incident, someone phones in to Bell's radio broadcast, and talks about 'Area 51,' at one point saying that there is a plan to massively depopulate the Earth especially around major cities, leaving only a few people left who are easily controllable.

This radio broadcast has gone down in history, of course, and almost everyone knows about it, for a variety of different reasons.

James Anthony - art. Not a great leap
from 'obelisks...' ; )
(Not many peeple noh dat)

...It isn't so much that there is little discussion, but that there is far too much speculative commentary, and most of the more widely-accepted elements, are really only a blending of a tiny amount of fact with a rather lot of fiction. One of the most famous interviews ever given and recorded was by a gentleman nearing death, who had been involved in official 'Project Blue Book' research, and who had a formal CIA designation and very high clearance at one stage - it appears his real name might have been 'Stein' - and he made mention of a secret project run from out of a facility in Maryland, probably Fort Meade.

These are the sorts of public disseminated popular accounts which drive so much of the 'ideology' behind anything 'woo-woo' but having some genuine tie to official government and military activities.

This gentleman was a 'post factum' (to whatever actually went on at the facility in Maryland) clerical assistant to Washington political inquiries into where some 'dark budget' funding had been going especially where it related to possible 'ET Alien research.'

I was personally in that project run from out of Maryland. No one ever interviews me.


But then, just the other day, talking to a colleague heading for retirement, we mulled over our pasts, and I recalled then that for one whole year, I had been the legal research assistant to the most prominent local criminal barrister - Brian John Singleton. ...I could not find, not even one photograph of him anywhere on the internet, even though he had an entry in the local Parliamentary Hansard record - an official state eulogy to him, on his passing not very long ago now.

I recall that one reason I worked for him at the time, was that I felt sorry for him - everyone else detested him, his desire to seek justice and uncover the truth, he had absolute zero other employees, a shared secretary/typing pool (and I took over that on the matter I was working on because their typing and spelling and grammar were all simply atrocious given who he was was and what he was engaged upon), and he was not rich at all.

Only the most significant people in the whole of Australia would have known the lawyer Brian Singleton QC personally, as close friends - Neville Wran (Premier or Sydney), Bob Hawke (Prime Minister of Australia), and a dozen or more of the biggest bankers. 

So. What history says, and what it was - are two vastly different things.

...There are no 'crashed ET Aliens/Alien craft' at Area 51; take my word for it. There never have been.

Latest pop song is about
silly ET's abducting Zooey Deschanel,
mistaking her for Perry! 
...Song is quite okay, video clip v. funny.

But is there a plan to depopulate the Earth? Yes. That, there most certainly is.

What's the connection between that and 'ET' anything -? Well, these ideas come from nutcases who dabble in the occult, and have all had 'experiences' in which they are told to do this and that, and at some point, the most senior people at NASA would talk about 'leaving Earth in case of some massive Apocalyptic disaster' and there were those there who believed they were receiving messages from space regarding actually helping to depopulate the Earth.

A fellow who looks the whole nine yards of being a real dark occultist himself - and he plays up on that - but who has a sense of humor and a decent enough background as a serious investigative journalist, namely Leo Lyon Zagami, makes a good point in one of his books about the 'Illuminati:'

"Everywhere in the mineral,vegetable, and animal kingdom, we see innumerable gradations of existence..."

And he connects this to the idea that maybe, 'extra-dimensional beings' who converse with NASA scientists in their dreams and visions, also come in a vast range of different kinds of being, some good, many not-so-good.

I make mention of all of this now, to underscore how important it is to not get carried away by public mythology - virtually none of it is actually true in such a way that knowledge of it is going to help anyone.


Rather, what Zagami says is true - if you step outside of clear-cut absolute morality as is laid out in say, standard mainstream Roman-Greek-Hebrew-Sumerian codes of ethics and 'good and evil,' you run the risk of being swept up by some 'whiz-bang' futuristic technology envisioning, but with distinctly demonic 'Baal-worship' type themes entailed.

These 'demonic' visions are not just completely 'real' in that they are an invisible force, but they are very long-term in their aimed objectives and trajectory arcs, as it were.

The modern popular trend towards body tattoos and having them seen as a social norm, is about inuring the human psyche to demonic forms of 'trans-humanism' - where active electronics and devices are installed as part of the 'living human being and their body.'

Around this time, we have the 'Hanukkah' festival - a commemoration about a time when some Hebrews defeated some Seleucid rulers in a conflict over an order the Seleucid rulers issued, that the Jews should inscribe onto an ornamental set of bull horns, that 'we have no part in the laws of Israel.' That is the Jewish narrative.

But why would the part-Greek Seleucid rulers want them to stick this on a 'horned bull's head?'

The bull's horned head was already to the Greeks a symbol of Atlantis, and the wicked people who performed blood sacrifice to the horned god Baal... Following which demonic rituals, the leader of the Council of Heaven decided to destroy Atlantis completely.

'Baal' is a factor that has affected life on Earth for a very long time, and it is a competing system to standard evolved Western morality and even 'Cosmology.' Baal has always been linked to artificial 'living' things - to automatons made by Daedalus at the order of Poseidon (Baal), or strange hybrids like the Minotaur. 

Even Aaron made the Hebrews who had constructed their 'golden calf' idol crush the golden idol and mix the gold with water, forcing them to drink it, telling them with anger: 'this is your god!'

It makes more sense that the Seleucid rulers might have said for the Hebrews to inscribe on the bull's horns: 'We have no part in the laws of Baal.'

So but is there really, a plan to depopulate the Earth, some plan given to occult practitioners high up in all sorts of official places, who think this is coming from advanced beings from who-knows-where?

You can bet your life there is.

Samsung launches their 'Project NEON' -
human/AI interface

When I say actual real ET Aliens are killers, I mean like this - if you are a 'Baal' minion, puppet, or just a silly human being stuck in Sodom or Tyre or Atlantis when the decision is made, you will be slaughtered. 'Baal' is only going to 'cull' you to control you.

In front of your very eyes, today, they place the Arch of Baal all over the world. If you think this is just some 'accident' and co-incidence of public art, think again.

'Baal' is the main competing 'god' force on the planet.

Baal promises you material wealth and success, God promises you what Brian Singleton got; which was the satisfaction of fighting for the truth and for decency and moral justice. Brian ended up with nothing. He was lucky to get a few lines on a page on the state government public Parliamentary record.

Saturday 19 December 2020

Elijah Goes To Horeb

So, 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington' is a 1939 movie starring James Stewart, taken from a book by Lewis Foster about a young United States Senator (Mr. Smith) who tries to expose corruption and ends up talking for 25 hours on the Senate floor until he collapses with exhaustion.

It is regarded as 'one of the greatest films of all time,' and is preserved in the National Film Registry, selected by the Library of Congress for being 'culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.'

Elijah is, of course, the guy who also tried to expose the corruption of those following the Canaanite 'Baal.'

Elijah's new chariot of black fire...

He didn't go to Washington (not as far as we know...) but he did take off to hide from people trying to kill him and eventually he disappeared up into the heavens in a fiery chariot in a whirlwind of fire.

Now... It is impossible to explain to anyone that the Bible exactly nowhere at all says Elijah actually 'went up' any 'mountain.' And yet the widespread idea is that he traveled to a certain 'Mount Horeb' sometimes also called 'Mount Sinai' and there he encountered God.

And that is not what the text says.

Nor does it say that there is either a 'mount' Horeb, nor a 'mount' Sinai. And that is true also, of the place Moses was said to have ascended also, 'to see God.'

Instead, what is said is that these people went and went and went, almost starving, until they 'found God in a place shining like the sun, and shining like the moon on another face...'

If you recall your Bible, God tells Moses to leave the location where Pharaoh had ruled, and that if ever he or any of the Children of Israel ever went back to Egypt, they would die. And He further told Moses that 'the Glory of God shall go before you and no more shall I dwell in Egypt.'

So - any 'God shining thing-y' is definitely not in Egypt, and nor is it in any mountain either, since Moses went round and round a desert for forty years and the 'Glory of God' went along with him. In the desert.

For reasons that will truly truly shock you and that I will not be explaining here, the fact is though that (although I'll not be explaining what about this is shocking), one of the faces of one of the pyramids in Egypt is called 'the face of the Moon,' and the main face of the Great Pyramid is called 'the face of the Sun.'

Not a mountain, just a little shard of fire.

Anyway, after being told by a 'messenger' to get up and travel for quite some time and that he would need to eat to have enough strength to make the journey - Elijah ends up, not on a mountain, necessarily (it never says anything about a mountain at all) but in a cave.

He had come from a mountain - Mount Carmel, which in Arabic is Al-Muraqa ('the shining'), and there are other etymological theories, one that this place means 'Noble' (Karem) place of 'El.' Although in this case, it appears that there was some considerable dispute as to whether this 'El' was a deity from Tyre (more or less the same as Poseidon of Crete), and indeed this dispute was the virtually the whole story about Elijah anyway, principally, the key part where he calls down fire from heaven as opposed to the 'prophets of Baalim' who were not able to bring down anything from anywhere - and whom he mocked raucously. 

But he had not necessarily ended up on one, that is on a literal mountain. The text does talk about the power of the God of Elijah shaking even mountains, but that is all there is about 'mountains.'

Elijah is not on a 'mountain.'

He has 'found' a mountain of light.

To get to that 'mountain of light' the angel tells him he'd better eat what the angel had brought him, because otherwise he would not have the strength to make it! ...Interesting.

Elijah, for his part, although he does eat and drink what he was brought, he was himself at the point of giving up totally: according to the text he told God that he was at an end and that he might as well die there and then. No - in fact he didn't say 'might as well,' he said that he should die right there and then. But God says 'no - you gotta go on some more and some more and some more (the proverbial 'forty days/nights' thing) and then, you'll reach the mountain of light.'

What's all this endurance thing all about? I'll tell you what it's about. And you tell me whether you agree or not.

As we are on the verge of the implementation of the new 5G network technologies, I shall take the opportunity to explain that there is an amount of electromagnetic force that keeps molecules together, and that it takes a higher amount of EM energy to break those bonds. This is the essential worry that 'conspiracy theorists' have regarding whether this new thing will increase the risks of cancer. Theoretically, it shouldn't happen because the actual energy levels are diffused because of the squaring principle over distance from the microwave towers. However, since there are no studies, we do not know whether there may not be some other effects from warming of molecules due to simple energy perturbation, even by diffuse low frequency radiation at these new increased levels.

But, let's posit that there is also, a complex network of EMF centers inside - or that is to say, parallel to - the human physical body made up of molecules, and that these are integrated through the frequency levels of the molecular bonds of course, however if they are discretely integrated also at their own field levels, this may be at incredibly minute wavelengths, maybe somewhere around even the gamma radiation frequency; it would take some kind of quanta of even smaller frequency to be able to penetrate those EMF networks. 

...If you were a 'mountain of light beyond gamma frequencies,' and you knew precisely how the human consciousness all was networked together inside a person, you could cut them all up apart and kill someone quite easily, never ever to be put back together again quite the same way unless you had their personal 'design schema' and even then you'd be stuck with the Star Trek transporter question as to whether that even was the same 'Picard' beamed up at the other end, as the 'Picard' at the origin location of the 'transporter beam!' LOL

It's not really that funny, though, is it?

Ten different individuals, all with the power to cut your internal consciousness to shreds... How would you trust them to hold that power over you, even if you were one of them yourself?

Are we getting the picture yet?

Thursday 17 December 2020

Maybe, Just Be Careful

(New Note/Added Later) We're getting a bit of a 'run-on' at Reddit. Anyone who's interested, if you 'pop across there' and 'up-vote' it'll send some chickens running:

As usual, there are a bunch of minor 'celebrities' who have been recruited to promote commercial 'Apps' exploiting some of the superficial aspects of what got leaked at various times by the original Russell Targ group that had been receiving backing and funding from the US military many years ago.

Luca Turin got funding both from the US military as well as from the CIA. 

However all of these research projects got the taps turned off a while ago now, and partly, at least, it was because half a dozen researchers just plain 'took off' AWOL as it were, ending up in Hawaii and Joshua Tree and Sedona, hanging out with Hare Krsna people or whatnot.

No such thing as 'peaceful,'
no such thing as 'human initiated.'

There is a thing called the CE5 App, which was commissioned by Dr Steven Greer, and you can get this off Apple. But I would be careful and I'll tell you plainly why - I have already hinted at this several times in previous articles as well as in larger texts sent out elsewhere.

Read this instead. It's free and it has everything you need to know FIRST before you do anything else!

Pandorah's Noah's Ark Box

This other thing - the CE5 App - hints at certain things: tones, electromagnetic phenomena, and so on, but it doesn't explain why any of these things are important. It just seems to want to have credulous people accept whatever they are being told without any clear reasons. Which is not to say you cannot extract some possibly valuable ideas from the App - if you want to spend the 9 bucks or whatever it is to get the whole thing.

I'm giving you already, all the truly necessary information right here. There's no money required to get anything at all.

A reason, why most of these Greer-style groups all concentrate on 'meditation' is because firstly there are limited prospects of any widespread 'contact' being made with ET Aliens because human society is just too far away from the ethic and advanced nature of super advanced intelligent beings who have the capability to breach the time-space wall. And secondly, physical travel inside actual physical what are being termed 'UAV's' inside Earth atmosphere would kill most human beings given their usual physical condition and health status.

For human beings, it is really the 'contact group network and inter-group communication' that is the thing of most value - and that is not something you can get via the CE5 App and I will tell you bluntly, nobody of any genuine knowledge is going to be involved in those anyway.

And why not?

Because as I have said before, in fact ET Aliens are not favorably disposed towards the human race as we are right now, and they will only engage with a tiny selected few, and even then there are risks and dangers too.

You are going to find, in any case, that in some parts of the world - like China being one obvious example - the government will begin to specifically outlaw any activities involving the sort of thing that Greer is doing, or else subvert it from the inside, and very definitely ban anyone actively seeking private citizen contact with extraterrestrial Aliens. And then you will be asking yourself - why would a government ban such a thing, if ET Aliens don't exist...

Even now, you are going to start seeing strident opposition and some unexplained anger and antipathy towards ET's and any discussion concerning whether or not there are any.

ET Aliens are dangerous - not 'potentially' dangerous; they ARE dangerous. Deadly dangerous. They will kill people and they have killed thousands already. Okay, well, put another way, they certainly never intervened in the New Zealand earthquakes and they knew those were going to happen; same with the Indonesian tsunami that killed half a million people eventually.

I've also given plenty of broad hints about what actual ET Aliens look like, and how they try to 'alter' the physiology of people they are intending to literally 'transport' away anywhere. You could have started out your life as a fat pumpkin with a lot of curves... LOL 

The broad 'ethic' as far as life v. death is concerned, is that these 'people' treat death as a serious matter... ...but they also have techniques and tools to extract 'consciousness.' So, to what extent they treat death really as a serious matter, is questionable. But they claim to, and they are meant to. So the textbook says.

But my personal guess is this - if you are what they would consider a relatively 'good guy,' but you are hanging around where they are going to destroy something, you are going to get killed if you're in the way, and they'll 'pick up' what's left of your human consciousness and stick it in one of their glass tube-y things 'for future reference.'

What are human beings? Listen to the music and ponder what.


Tuesday 15 December 2020

Pandorah's Noah's Ark Box

Everyone here must surely be well aware by now, of Chaim Eshed's recent comments, from his viewpoint as the retired Director of Israeli Space Security, that there were indeed ET Aliens around the place.

We have put together some of his own and key Israeli military intelligence knowledge about this and are ready to release it now:

Pandora's Noah's Ark Box 

This will likely be a complete shock in so very many ways to some people.

This is free to access and to read, although if and when it goes to Amazon/Kindle there will likely be a small price because it will include possible photographs and at least one other segment that is not in the free version.

Everything that you might require to fully utilize the processes of communication necessary are contained in the free version.

Sit back with a calming cup of tea...

Some of the interesting subject matter, apart from the ET alien material, concerns very determined actions by a lot of people over many years to deny human beings any kind of access to these beings. 

It is quite the reverse that somehow, 'the people of the world will react adversely because of religions and their religious views -,' to knowledge that there really are extraterrestrial visitors to the planet.

And you will readily see why.

The document deals with identities such as Imre Lakatos, and Sir Karl Popper, as well as their acolyte, George Soros.

The text that you will read, is potentially hard going, and it is definitely recommended (if you're going to read it at all) that you sit with a cup of tea - or a gin and tonic - and go with the flow deeply into the thing. But it will provide you two important things: firstly, the understanding that any physical travel inside actual craft inside the atmosphere of the Earth, to about near-to-Earth space, requires a physiology of a very specific kind, as well as considerable physical conditioning beforehand - that is, for a 'normal' human being like you and me.

Secondly, it will expose 'ways and means' that people, especially adults with the wear and tear of life evident about them(!), can yet communicate with advanced ET Aliens who are around the place and accessible.

The document might just as easily be called 'Religions and ET Aliens,' and you will see why from about half way through, when it moves into detailed discussion about technologies and moral codes and so on.

'Gin and tonic' aspic jelly...
Who eats this??!
Quite nice though, I must say.

Not everyone however, that reads through it, is going to 'work out' what to actually do to go about interfacing with real ET Aliens.

And that's fine too, because there are half a dozen of us around the place who can go into more in-depth details about what to do.

At some point, you are going to realize that this is in the end about the exercise of power, and that means if you do that, so too you need to be aware that with power comes responsibility.

What are they? What do they want? What are they really like?

Bluntly - and I have no compunction in telling you this whatsoever - they are killers. Cold, calculating, deliberate killers. They are not here to 'save' the planet, or to 'save' large numbers of the human population. They are going to massacre anyone who crosses them. And why?

Because that's a warning not to cross them. That's why. 

Chaim Eshed's statement that they are 'simply' interested in studying the 'fabric of the Universe' is not exactly quite, well, true or accurate: they are here to protect the fabric of the Universe and to preserve certain 'species lines' and to wipe out - as in totally, completely, and literally fully, obliterate, others.