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Monday 2 September 2019

Al Uqsur

Al Uqsur is the Egyptian for what we today call 'Luxor.'

Luxor is in Thebes, and is the place at which Plato said Hermes founded his city, and provided Mankind with the necessary modern ideas for it to establish actual 'civilization.' 

If you search 'the Courtyard of the Kings' in virtually all the search engines, they will take you the 'Temple of Ramses.' And this is not actually 'the Courtyard of the Kings.' ...And this is just the beginning of the deceptions that will be offered to you by so-called 'scholars' and historians, mostly modern, but certainly including some old ones as well from thousands of years ago.
Courtyard of the Kings

There is a problem about Egypt of course, namely, we simply have inadequate, or highly unreliable 'information' of its true history.

As far as the relatively uncontested narrative is concerned dating to authentic Egyptian inscriptions, the god Amun, established Al Uqsur - 'Amun' meaning 'the hidden god.'

In terms of comparative accounts, the Hebrews supposed that certain 'heavenly' identities were present on Mount Hermon, and they did all kinds of things, mostly not that good according to the Masoretic traditions. The ancient Greeks also held a similar version of the story, and they too, suggested there was a group of such beings who established their dwellings in a mountain in Syria, but then, some titanic maleficent force turned up threatening to literally destroy them - as in kill; even 'the gods...' And consequently, they 'hid' themselves in artificial mountains in Egypt, disguising themselves as forms of terrestrial animals, the leader of which was an eagle.


Strangely enough, you will find this same account in the Christian Bible, except it is almost never underscored that there was an antecedent account, that we today call 'mythology.'

You see, the words used are the same words: 'eagle,' 'uqsur,' 'temenos,' 'oiketerion.'

'Uqsur' means a palace, but 'al uqsur' has the implication of a grouping of palaces. 
The Temple of Hatshepsut

Now how is it actually possible to 'kill a god' - a being who presumably, by very definition, is eternal and cannot 'die.' Well, the titanic being seeking to 'kill' them, was itself something from out of some indescribable place before time itself began ('primordial') - or at least, this was how it was 'billed.'

The leader of the gods in these accounts, sought the advice of some other 'ultimate' divine identities - the Moirai - who assisted him to vanquish the titanic entity. It is literally the case, that the primordial being, is chaos - a preternatural force that is not constrained to behave according to physics, to laws, to nature, to predictability along any set rules at all; it does not obey 'the gods.'

It is part of hypothetical existential 'thoughts' in that it is, the opposite of all things.

Is it really possible to destroy, 'the (theoretical) opposite of all things?'

You can constrain it. I have not yet seen a logical proof to any surmise that it can be fully destroyed.

L'uqsur-fer...' ...means, assistant in the palaces.

There is nobody anywhere in any 'lodge,' masonic hall, or secret conclave of the Illuminati, who will tell you that.

It is difficult, I understand, to get good help these days.

There is literally no point telling Rabbinical scholars that 'malak,' or 'melek' does not mean 'angel' or 'king' - 'm'el-aig(yptos)....' Because they know better, don't they. I mean it's their language, isn't it.

Winged, as an eagle. Divine, of the 'Els.'

'M' just means '(hu)man.'

King is 'ji-n-si-b-ijwys-t.' 'N' is 'of' and 'b' is 'and' and 't' is 'all.' And that is on ALL the hieroglyphics. And that is not disputed by anyone; but they never talk about it either.

Saturday 31 August 2019

MAKS 2019

We have a couple of friends who are attending this year's 'MAKS' - aka 'The International Aviation and Space Salon' just a few kilometers south of Moscow.

The Russians don't refer to it as a 'show' or 'air show' but as a 'salon.' It's partly an equipment and aviation products marketing platform; hence there are intended to be plenty of 'sales.' Oddly enough, the same word is used in France for what were once 'private rooms' in which displaced European aristocrats entertained the arts communities.
SU-57 (I think this is probably a CGI pic)

Not sure if there was anything in the form of 'sales' going on there in Paris of a hundred years ago...

The 2019 MAKS salon finishes this Sunday, 1st of September.

There were some outstanding aerobatics displays once again and for me at least, I thought I saw some completely new maneuvers presented for the first time. This whole thing about the Russian jets being able to fly backwards and float around seemingly suspended in the air and also conduct flat spins has been taken to new levels.

There's some pretty nice aerospace and aviation technology on-line right now, be it from the USA or Russia. The technology from both of those sources is remarkably similar... ...almost 'harmonized' you might say. Although I shouldn't say that because the criminal media wants everyone to forget the space and airspace safety and security co-operation agreements between the two super powers. As if they didn't exist.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Number, and Craft

This is one of the most important things any practical economist requires to know about the modern world.

'Number, and Craft.'

These subject headings are the very basis of science. 

Ignorantly, young people assume that science is some fact of eternal existence, or that being so in fact existential and real, that clever humans (the clever ones, at least) more or less always employed some form of it, and that we, in today's world, are so outstandingly clever and possessed of such amazing instruments, that we are the premier scientists and that this is the Age of Science.
Because of the subject matter in the painting, a lot of people
think this is Camillo Agrippa, but it is his contemporary,
Luca Pacioli, more or less the inventor of modern accounting.

It might be the Age of Science; it is also the Age of Abject Stupidity.

There is nothing valuable about 'science.'

You see, there has always been a hint of a dispute between the thinkers of the 'Austrian Circle' and those who emerged from the very Renaissance itself. Thus, we have what all of modern academia calls 'the Zilsel Thesis' - which holds that the aristocratic layer that housed the abstract and rational purist thinkers, came together with the craft workshops in Italy and Spain and Poland and Germany, in the Renaissance, which practiced rule-of-thumb habits following basic experimentation; and then these two bodies of human endeavor when joined, led to 'science.'

...And, by contrast, we have the position enunciated by Camillo Agrippa, the world's greatest fencing master and (fencing) thinker who ever lived.

Agrippa maintained that number and space and time existed objectively, and that the combinations of number in space, and number in time, produced 'motion' and all perfect motion was beautiful, and decisive.
This is Spanish bespoke - the Spanish cut is quite distinct from the
various Italian, as well as the closer Parisian lines. Spanish bespoke has maintained
a closer tie to its Renaissance heart and roots.

Agrippa never needed to doubt that 2 + 2 = 4 whereas Karl Popper (not actually ever a member of the Austrian Circle) spent the whole of his life doubting it and at the same time suggesting it couldn't be proven nor could it be falsified and therefore it was not a scientific thing.


Agrippa lived during a time at which it was possible to 'wear swords' and thus, he composed a vast treatise on 'the wearing sword.'

Bruce Lee never needed to wear a sword. And he was aware of Agrippa and spoke about him.
710bhp F8 Tributo - science or Renaissance art?

See that kids? You don't know anything.

You watch the Hollywood movies with the little old grey or green guy who 'raises rocks with The Force,' but you cannot do that yourself and you don't even think it can be done for real.

Yeah it can.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Proof Of ET Life On Earth Now

He he.

You don't trust me on this, do you? LOL

And why should you!

I had a conversation this past week with an inveterate world traveler, and he said to me that the place that had given him 'really weird vibes,' of all the places he had ever been to - was Milan.

Our conversation didn't go as far as me asking him if he meant that the fashion photography that always goes on there, in the streets, maybe presented too many 'out there' people wearing 'out there' clothes in front of everyone's eyes... And frankly I'm not sure he meant that at all; he never mentioned clothes or fashion or style or anything like that - he said the people were odd and the place, well, gave him a strange and unsettling feeling inside.

I have never been to Milan so I don't know what my impressions might be.
This is just Milan fashion stuff, right... It's nothing weird,
or 'special.'

As far as anything really strange, as in 'ET strange,' you would hope that as a human you would be able to discern that something was not quite all that it appeared to be, if the 'ET' in front of you were masquerading as a human being. And even if, to push the theory a touch further, the ET in question came from a species visually similar and in other respects physically and intellectually rather similar to your stock standard Earth human.

In some pretty obscure Arabic folklore, there are ET's here from Lyra and also from Altair in the Constellation 'Tarazed,' or 'Shahin-i-Tarazu;' (Aquila).

What are they doing here? Why do they come here?
This is an 'Eastern Bloc' gentleman, a classical composer,
who wrote something called 'Vega/Lyra' or something like that.
It's like... ...propaganda. It's not important; you don't need to know
too much about it. 

These people are meant to be here - they are allowed by Allah, to be here, and they have specific tasks to perform. ...According to the folkloric traditions.

On another front, this past week too, some US media outlets were reporting that the NSA had complete recordings of Alexander Downer's meetings and conversations with George Papadopoulos, in which no such things ever occurred, that the FBI claimed had occurred, to do with Papadopoulos telling Downer in that London wine bar, that 'the Russians' had dirt on Hillary from stolen email archives. What they did have, in the sense of incriminating conversations, were recorded conversations of Stefan Halper telling Downer what to do and what to say and what actions to take subsequently.

Now there is just absolutely no evidence whatsoever as far as I can tell, that any government anywhere, really has hard definitive knowledge of or communications from ET's - be they from Lyra or Altair or anywhere at all.

And what would be the point anyway? Unless they are going to turn up in their big eagle craft, and snatch a few odd human subjects away off to the way-stations out there  somewhere beyond the Moon (oiketeriae) to brief them on or train them for some matter or other and then re-install them back here on Earth after a while to carry out some purpose that we simpletons may only speculate about, almost like a futuristic science fiction/fantasy proposition... ...then, well, it's all just so much 'National Enquirer' material, isn't it?

Ah. Now. Speaking of which... The National Enquirer this week passed its ownership over to the CIA. And believe me, this part of this article, will not remain posted up here for very long.

Who's your daddy? 

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Plans, A, B, And Maybe Even C

This latest podcast from Richard Martin really does capture the mood that you can see emerging from the broad mindset out there:

His lead item this round is entitled A Good 'Plan B' Is Essential.

And how right that is.

*   *   *

Meanwhile back over here right now, I am posting the link to one of the easiest to use, simplest to download, and completely reliable digital wallets around:

And that's the link to the Electrum BitCoin Wallet.

If you're not all that familiar with the world of digital crypto currencies, I recommend the Electrum Wallet because since BitCoin is the most liquid and easiest digital crypto currency to buy and sell out of - into a totally global market - you will find it by far the easiest way to transact any business and execute any elements of 'Our Plan.'

You can start at the Electrum Wallet but if you are up-to-speed enough with all of this type of technology, and you want to have a multi-currency wallet with all of the bells and whistles, accounting packages and automatic exchange calculation software then there is nothing better than the Exodus package - here:

I'm not fixated about any specific target mark-to-market value for an initial issue (of digital currency or Utility Tokens), but I can see the logic for a calculation of $100,000.00 - in the broader market - from the relatively modest, if not indeed tiny, base of what I have termed 'critical mass' of members here and in allied 'groups' and a projected uptake of our digital cryptos from that 'critical mass' alone as it stands right now.

What would be a much more realistic projection into the true global digital currencies market would be in the millions - but let's 'prove the point' first, at the modest level Beta Test.

I'll go back to 'normal posts' next article on, but there will be this drumbeat from here going forward as we push some of the 'on-line marketing tool' buttons, and ensure that plenty of people register via the basic email address - which is this one:

And, for those interested to email and 'register' (get direct private communications about what is going on), perhaps just type 'dut reg' into the email subject line.'DUT' is Digital Utility Token.

And what's the basic plan?

  1. Digital Utility Token
  2. Supported by a real underlying funds flow (currently from commercial product and service closed user groups, P2P, and certainly also standard treasury functions)
  3. Open Exchange Activity (digital currency trading - highly managed to support 'market makers' and their pricing)
  4. Exchangeable to Gold