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Thursday 11 August 2016

Those 'Luxury Lifestyle' Images

Have you seen the 'Forbes Life' Magazine or Vogue or anything of that nature, really... You know, those magazines whether web-based ones or old school print versions, they are replete with pics of some motif or other about 'wealth,' and/or 'luxury.'

Of course far be it from me to say I don't like these things. I pore through (pore OVER? perhaps...) all of this nonsense because 'Mrs Beeton's Christmas Magazine' doesn't exist anymore - and any of my ancestors who were in the publishing business (Ward Lock and Co, among them) are all long gone too of course. So no more Sherlock Holmes, no more J. Sheridan Le Fanu...

But have you noticed that dust doesn't exist where the 'wealthy people' are? I have never seen a single speck of dust in any of the photographs of scenes that are supposed to be from the world of the wealthy.

They're all so... sanitized.
Not a speck of dust anywhere

I spend many hours of my day in recent times, worrying about buying a new Rolls Royce (my wife's uncle had to get rid of his because his wife didn't like it! Mind you he's a lot richer than me.) - and worrying about how I will ever get it out of the garage and gasp(!) get road dirt on it.

Oh god. Just the sheer thought of such a thing. Horrible.

When you die and go to heaven - the Muslims say - if you have been approved of by the whim of Allah, you get to go to this place where there are two wives and seventy servant girls for the wives (that's the source of the '72 virgins' business) and you also get seventy thousand page boys.

This kind of thing doesn't appeal to me as much as, I gather, it must appeal to Muslims, because if heaven still has dust and road grit and all of this, then my Rolls Royce is not going to be happy there. Unless one is to suppose the servants and page boys spend most of their time vacuuming away any traces of dirt and dust.
Surprised no one thinks the latest RR gimmick something to do with the Illuminati

I mean to say, going by the stock standard visual images of what is 'luxury' for 'the wealthy,' they do not live anywhere near where there is dirt or dust. And the roads upon which they drive their impractically low-to-the-ground Lamborghinis, are bowling green flat with no pebbles.

My word, what little I know of this lifestyle... The lifestyle of the wealthy... 

Those 'Luxury Lifestyle' Images

Have you seen the 'Forbes Life' Magazine or Vogue or anything of that nature, really... You know, those magazines whether web-based ones or old school print versions, they are replete with pics of some motif or other about 'wealth,' and/or 'luxury.'

Of course far be it from me to say I don't like these things. I pore through all of this nonsense because 'Mrs Beeton's Christmas Magazine' doesn't exist anymore - and any of my ancestors who were in the publishing business (Ward Lock and Co, among them) are all long gone too of course. So no more Sherlock Holmes, no more J. Sheridan Le Fanu...

But have you noticed that dust doesn't exist where the 'wealthy people' are? I have never seen a single speck of dust in any of the photographs of scenes that are supposed to be from the world of the wealthy.

They're all so... sanitized.
Not a speck of dust anywhere

I spend many hours of my day in recent times, worrying about buying a new Rolls Royce (my wife's uncle had to get rid of his because his wife didn't like it! Mind you he's a lot richer than me.) - and worrying about how I will ever get it out of the garage and gasp(!) get road dirt on it.

Oh god. Just the sheer thought of such a thing. Horrible.

When you die and go to heaven - the Muslims say - if you have been approved of by the whim of Allah, you get to go to this place where there are two wives and seventy servant girls for the wives (that's the source of the '72 virgins' business) and you also get seventy thousand page boys.

This kind of thing doesn't appeal to me as much as, I gather, it must appeal to Muslims, because if heaven still has dust and road grit and all of this, then my Rolls Royce is not going to be happy there. Unless one is to suppose the servants and page boys spend most of their time vacuuming away any traces of dirt and dust.
Surprised no one thinks the latest RR gimmick something to do with the Illuminati

I mean to say, going by the stock standard visual images of what is 'luxury' for 'the wealthy,' they do not live anywhere near where there is dirt or dust. And the roads upon which they drive their impractically low-to-the-ground Lamborghinis, are bowling green flat with no pebbles.

My word, what little I know of this lifestyle... The lifestyle of the wealthy... 

Friday 5 August 2016

It's Time

'It's Time' was the slogan used by very clever marketing agencies to present the ground-breaking and seemingly 'Left Wing' E. G. (Gough) Whitlam Labor government way back in the 1970's. Eventually, this government was deposed by a coup d'etat run by Henry Kissinger and the Council For Foreign Relations and various now-discredited 'strange' banks owned and managed by various shady characters from parts of the CIA. Christopher Boyce, the one-time secret agent for the CIA, gave some fairly astonishing evidence that was supported by independent facts and he went to jail in the US for a long time because basically, they didn't like that he spilled the beans about what had gone on.

On the surface, Boyce was charged and found guilty of trading or selling defense secrets to the Soviets.
Blanc de Bleu Champagne - totally real,
totally legit; Pink Champagne is sometimes, well
it isn't pink!

The CIA is not one single uniform, and seamlessly monolithic creature, regardless of how its top people like to see it. I could go into where the 'seams' and 'fractures' are but I'm not going to do that.

Underneath the media story about Boyce, was his fundamental claim that he had been receiving 'misrouted' internal secret communications about plans to get rid of Gough Whitlam and/or his government. Now it may indeed be that there are such things as 'misrouted' communications in the CIA. LOL. I wouldn't know about those things and I have never encountered such things...

Today of course, we know that things 'go missing' in the United States government, and its brain has been missing for a while. Leaving aside the 33,000 emails from Hillary Clinton, and the 400 million Swiss Francs 'to Iran,' recently a story has been moving around that the FBI 'lost' an officer whom they believed was dead, only to have him turn up yesterday with an un-serialized, from-the-factory, Glock pistol and a silencer. Needless to say he was at a Trump speech having busted through many levels of its security.

Ed Snowden this week released the code 'It's Time.'

Everybody ought to know what he means.

Snowden is nothing if not a student of history.

And there would certainly be a few people around the place who would be under no illusions about what 'It's Time' means. 

It is a fact, that five Saudi nationals were found with heavily encrypted computers which held the exact itinerary of Donald Trump - and that was more than a year ago!

Saudi nationals, not Jewish nationals let me just point that out. Kissinger is NOT a Jew, and neither is John Brennan - they are both motivated by a love for what America stands for, free enterprise, power, and money. 

There are things I could tell you about how Donald Trump is being protected but I'm not going to do that either; I want him to get to the election.

If anyone makes a mistake from here on in, things might turn quite a bit more ugly and nasty than you could possibly imagine short of a Hollywood movie.

Monday 1 August 2016

Tang Is Also 'Old Money'

I've got a letter from David Tang somewhere, the person who conceived the highly successful 'Shanghai Tang' design emporium. If I recall rightly, it concerned some query about lobster supply for his private club in Shanghai prior to a major Asian festival or centennial or something.   

David Tang is another one of these interesting 'Londoners;' I mean yeah he is a legitimate 'Tang' as in literally from the Tang Dynasty families - but he speaks with a real Chelsea accent.
Tang-designed dragon Martini glasses,
and something else, I don't know what

I'm not so sure that he really is the actual design brains behind the brand itself, and all of its products, but he is at minimum, the equivalent of what Alessi was to its brand - a sound design manager.

The Shanghai Tang franchises almost all around the whole world, have been retreating from their prominent high profile premises, and moving to smaller footprint, and often rather hidden abodes. But they are not going away, as such. 'Tang' is forever.

David - or in fact Sir David, as he is today - is a rather boring middle class mindset type of Londoner with an Sino-Asiatic look about him. And the trouble with a lot of these Etonian- types, is that they are not anywhere near as brilliant as they claim to be, or often, sneeringly insinuate that they are! I don't even think they believe they are sneering when they talk. That is how out-of-touch with human reality and society they really are.

Now you ought not to make the serious mistake of thinking that 'society' consists of these people; not actual 'upper class' society. They think they are, but they are not. 

'Tang' is upper class. And David Tang ought to be upper class because of his surname. But he isn't and anyone from the genuine upper circles can tell instantly when he speaks. 
I had one of these once - it was

Someone behind Shanghai Tang is upper class, but it ain't Sir David. And that is all I will say about it.

But as a way of 'explaining' what I am saying, let me tell you this - if people want to say there are
such things as 'Reptilians' or 'Rothschilds' (pejoratively) and all of this, then they had better understand that you cannot walk into a room with one of those and feel bored.

Think 'conservative,' think 'promote conformity' - think middle class. 

Think someone or something hiding in the shadows, behind what is actually going on, that is the hand or the agency or even the mufti style of the genuine Upper Class in person. And the outcome, always bespeaks who was doing what where.

And if someone who is UPPER CLASS chooses to show themselves out in the open, the sun is occulted.

By the way, have you ever noticed that with all of the images and pics of things which are supposed to be to do with wealth or luxury, there never is even a single speck of dust anywhere - I tried to find a pic (the Lamborghini above) with at least some elements of weather or dirt...

There's something about the middle classes that they have this phobia about dirt and dust and everything must be perfectly pristine all the time. Unused, I would hazard. Which is why a lot of stuff that is portrayed as representative of wealth and luxury and so on - is actually non-functional. Or 'un'-functional. I would call it 'un'-functional. I mean it works, but it never does what it says it is meant to do for you.

Thursday 28 July 2016


Y'all remember that James Coburn film 'The President's Analyst?' 

Coburn plays this psycho-analyst who is contracted by the Government of the United States to 'look after' the state of mind of the President - who happens to be a black guy in the movie.

Very scary movie, with a very scary ending.

'The Telephone Company' apparently has gone around substituting real people with automatons - or perhaps have implanted people (I can't quite recall which it was right now) with some kind of device that allows them to completely control these subjects. Including the President, and eventually, including the President's analyst too! 

I only clearly remember now that the fading final scenes of the movie show a cable being plugged into the shoe of Coburn's character with the intended meaning that he had himself now been 'taken-over' by the Borg/Telephone CORPORATION.

Personally I am not one of these anti-'H++' (Augmented Human) Luddites. I like technology, I am a technologist myself, and it isn't the machine intelligence of a dynamic electronic system that worries me particularly.  

It is the defective human that worries me. It is the malevolence of human ideologies wrapped in some other covering that is so easily sold to the continually unsuspecting ordinary person who is trying to mind their own business.

I told you all that Erdogan was going after the US Air Base in Incirlik in Turkey. Today, there was a huge protest rally outside that base. Erdogan could not have been anything other than behind it. He seems to be able, after all, to suppress even a military coup against him in fifteen minutes...
Saudi University class
You 'watch it now,' but... I suppose there are a lot of doomsayers around; it's the easiest thing to engage in, that kind of EOTW scenario talk. But we are in for the hell of it now. And you'd better hope Trump is the guy in the driver's chair and he can get back some of the top brass, like McChrystal.

Saudi Arabia, is being run by madmen. It isn't Assange's leaks about Hillary's emails that ought to concern anybody - we already all know she is 'problematic.' And it isn't those emails that the Russian Secret Services particularly cares about. THEY, actually have got Arabic readers and speakers working for them on the electronic communications traffic in places like Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, Londonistan, Egypt, and Turkey. And they know EXACTLY what's up.

And none of it is funny.