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Monday 28 March 2016

Recycling Old...

When Ben Affleck finally becomes a really good actor - oh my god, what am I saying?!

Yep - the best thing about Batman v. Superman is Ben Affleck. His acting is beginning to take some, well for me anyway, unexpected good turns.
Affleck - better in the movie than you would think

Could he actually turn into something of a real actor? It's entirely possible. And this surprises me but there you go. From his media interviews this week he's looking a touch peeved about this latest 'blockbuster' but someone he trusts needs to tell him he's making all the right moves in front of the cameras.

I have always considered Hollywood screenwriters not really writers at all but 'channellers' of something that has to do with the larger public sphere at the time of the movie's release.

Here, in this particular case, we have another ridiculous undercurrent involving 'gay themes' at best, and at worst, it's all just nonsense breaking out from insane minds. But suddenly, there is an addition - an obviously Jewish-looking 'Wonder Woman' intervenes with some Eva Green v. Bond repartee, and she is going to resolve the unresolvable.

Batman fights Superman.
Silly in every possible way

Okay. Whatever. And lesbian Wonder Woman turns up and, and, and - slings off a few witticisms at the possibly closet gay male characters, or insults them or something.

Is this Hollywood's idea of recycling the old?

At least when people die, and they go to the next iteration of themselves, they at first are made to forget everything from their previous life, so that everything old seems new again. And even when the supernal Hollywood screenwriters of their lives re-write the same old rubbish recycled as a 'new life' with a 'new story' no one really realizes what a boring heap of nonsense it is they are going to be forced to live out once more.

Life is of course a slightly interactive event, in which even idiotic Muslims can work out the utter crap they are conned into thinking comes from 'god,' and change the pattern of their behaviour. This of course, is not anything we can expect from Western politicians - they have absolutely no hope at all of ever changing their position on anything. 

In the case of Hollywood and Western politicians everything old is old, seems old, behaves old and broken down, and the price of it all is getting a touch steep for what it offers...

Saturday 19 March 2016

Intelligent Conversation

I watched with interest, a conversation develop over at the Wall Street Bear Forum yesterday. When you have intelligent people talking, regardless of particular individual tendencies to 'a side' of any political or economic position, you can see the unfolding along useful and correct pathways, of any ideas involved.
Yep, this was how we grew up - these were the sorts of
adults of my memory, but the rooms were a lot larger.
It is still the way the boys and girls at the Wall Street Bear Forum
carry on!

As someone who grew up, effectively, within a radical Tamillian Sanskrit Vedic tradition rather than any normal or usual Western religious philosophical one - and at that, a RADICAL Tamil tradition... 

Penang, where my father was stationed, contains two or three of the most important Hindu and Buddhist temples and locations in the world. The Hindu God of War - Lord Karthikaya - has his temple center and main religious festival here.

A 'radical' Vedic tradition denotes an actual specific religious group, albeit one that is superficially not distinguished from and not called anything different to, those systems that study and practice the ancient Vedas of the Sub-Continent. However, it is unlike the Hindu tradition of castes and fairly rigid orthodox formats of Hindu-ism - which, to be blunt, I would have to say is barely distinguishable to the Western eye, when you witness what goes on in the temples, to an Anglican High Church or Roman Catholic cathedral: you have all these well-dressed middle class people, prayer books in one hand, and a lighted candle in another, reciting verses and prayers in a very organised and rather benign stylized 'service...!' That is really true, by the way, should you ever go to a Hindu Temple, especially a modern era one.

The South Tamil religious philosophy, however, is very demanding of the gods, and of divinity as such. Tamil Vedic culture is a science, and not a 'practice' alone. If something doesn't work, they don't use it.

The point was made, among the Wall Street Bear people - as the discussion moved from people's tendency in investment markets, to possess either a positive or a negative predisposition, to the question of actual outcomes - that the disappointment of one of these 'manifesting vision'-type outlooks calls into question the point of a non-skeptical basic stance.

As I say, the Tamil radical religious philosophy - which is to a large extent a phenomenological study - has a skeptical core, but then it also firmly grasps hold of things which prove themselves over time; these things become 'lore' and religious belief.

One must be able to transition from skepticism to knowledge and then to firm expectations about solid reality and from there to a science of conscious living. And this is true whether one is wealthy or only moderately so.
Milagu, or Murughu Thani (pepper water soup)
also known as 'rasam.'

It is nothing for the Tamil to look at the phrase 'after you die, go towards the light' and say, well I did that while I was alive, and now, I think I shall move towards the curry. In all seriousness.

I think the idea that most people have, who default to a permanent position of skepticism, is that well, if there really were some special path to material gain and success, wouldn't there be exponents of the method around you could see and refer to -?

And I agree of course, that is a moot point indeed. When the rib-eyes are on the grill, and the beers in the ice-box, who ever advertises 'I am an exponent of the radical Tamil Vedic mantra technology of material attainment!'

But the morning after the over-indulgence of the night before, I ask no one's advice about the rasam pepper-water soup that is a cure for hangover. After all, there is generally no one left around to laugh.
Now here's a really good beer.

And this is no different to when you make a lot of money; there is generally no one else left standing around you. Not because it was too hard or that you 'bested' them or something devious like that - it is because forward motion is scary to people.

Rib-eyes on the grill and beers in the fridge are where the ordinary people dwell. And they are fun. Up to a point. After you get too much of them though, you will get a head-ache from them. And then you need to go towards the spice.

Rib-eyes and beers do not denote the after-party from the making of wealth; not to me at least.

Of course the symbolism is all a bit of an irony too though we have to accept. The idea is that you want to be an ordinary person with little social and cultural pressure on you (the beer) and still you want to have the substance (the rib-eye steak). 

Ah. Social and cultural pressure must equate to wealth.

Friday 11 March 2016

"Whatever It Takes?!"

Whatever it takes to do what? What is Mario Draghi supposed to be doing? 

You gotta laugh.

The big news on the financial services wires is that Draghi wore his blue-coloured 'whatever-it-takes' tie to yesterday's announcement about what in the hell is going on with various economic policy settings and targets, in the Euro-zone.
This is NOT Mario Draghi's blue tie! He could not wear such a thing.
The history and meaning of paisley - the motif - is quite amazing.

People quoted various figures that add up to 'zero' whichever way you looked at it, and then the next big news was that the European Stock Markets er, something, maybe they approved but they went one way and then the other and everyone now thinks er, something, anyway...

Get the picture? And this is going to go on till the next decade at least - according to the idiot Draghi. 


He's actually calling what he has been doing 'stimulus measures!'

This is the same kind of thing as what is going on in the world's greatest and largest paper financial economy... 

But in the real world - well in the real world it's all a helluva mess. We don't need to go into a litany here of all the problems; we all know what most of them are.

Now if I started to just plain avoid talking about all these problems, and began talking about how wonderful everything was for me, people would say 'this guy is crazier than we thought.' 

Even if things were great for me, you'd have to be Blind Freddy not to think that the concerns of the outside world could never enter your own little world and create havoc if you didn't try to protect yourself.

The difficulty with talking about how great things are for you, is the risk of attracting unwanted attention! From authorities, competitors, narcissists in business who want to absorb the energy of your success and squander it...

Yep. I have a rock, and I'm sitting tight underneath it.

I hope things are going well for you - now is the time to start making money for yourself. You see the banks and the standard markets and all of this have reached beyond the point of no return; people can't see it this way so clearly, but this has already happened. The public - people at large - are in deep need of something, and there is a huge demand for something, and it is not a something either the banks or governments possess any of. And nor will they ever in this world.
The Lamborghini Huracan - in blue. Is this something
Mario Draghi would like to own? He probably would if he thought
he couldn't have it. Then he'd try to steal it. And this is why you have to
be circumspect about your successful business... 

The underlying basis of business now has to shift away from concepts of risk that were appropriate in a free open currency and interest rate market, and look at things through the filter of human risk and human psychology. After that, it's easy to see how to, and then go ahead and make, money.

To make money today, you but are required to provide what it is everyone needs.

No one needs debt. No one needs equities paying no yield. And no one needs Mario Draghi.

There are a lot of special concepts attached to the complete definition of 'money.' These concepts entirely elude the crooks who have ruined the world that we once knew - and that is because these people cannot create anything and are motivated by taking whatever is not firmly locked down and then 'having it' for themselves. They are so greedy -  and so stupid too - they simply had to have all the money in the world as their own private personal possession. And now they do.

So the question is - do these people also have a sound understanding of what value, is? If they knew, they might use their money to buy value...

Because you see, if they think now instead, that they can simply preside over the exchanges of value that will go on between people, well they are mistaken. 

You will live to see the utter destruction of the forms of cash (paper and digital) money that you have been used to, and the complete fall and collapse of institutions you could not have imagined, growing up, would fail and die and then disappear.

We can't just be simply harping on about gold all the time - yes gold is money but what we should be talking about is trade and exchange. Business is about trade and exchange, and these clowns that have taken over everything, have failed to see that by simply 'getting' money, you will have avoided comprehending how one trades and undertakes exchange - of merchandise and goods and services. Sure cash is something held by the bank, but capital is held entirely in people's heads... Always. It's always there; it's not anywhere else. It's a big mistake to be suckered along by accountants into believing capital is on balance sheets or exists as real physical things out in the external, material world. Capital comes from the belief in the value of something. And not in the thing itself. 

Monday 7 March 2016

Enter By The Narrow Door

Some of the music video clips on YouTube by popular artists such as Taylor Swift number in the billions of views. Billions. I mean, isn't that amazing?

It can reveal something or certain things about the human race, which particular clips are the most popular... Oddly, they are almost never the ones featuring the music that made the particular artist famous on the radio or music scene. To some extent I find this fact a little strange. For me, I 'see' very heavily produced, I would say, over-produced video clips, and these are the ones that attract the common mind set.
From New York you get the Pastrami sandwich -
you get a good one and it's heaven

Far far FAR be it from me to divulge anything about Donald Trump at this moment, which could even accidentally throw tinder on a presently non-existent fire the DC elites want to ignite - and so I'll not be disclosing the artists the Don has been seen with in various gatherings in NY. But it's no particular secret that the zillionaire Noam Gottesman funds or funded, the career of Jay-Z. And he's an exact example of the type of over-producing but which nevertheless seems to grab the heads and the eyes of the public at large. I recall he has this song about New York which pushed his career but it's a tragedy of strained, forced, over-producing - in my mind... Though that's not what the public saw. They lapped it up.

Which is good for you in a way because you are clearly not 'the public.' Not when you consider that a few hundreds of people look in here compared to the billions who watch Taylor Swift's most popular video clips!

Will I therefore reveal here, things that are not in the general public's interest, but that might be in your interest? Possibly.

Soon. Maybe soon.

For now, here's a music video from a friend of a friend - Armin v. B., - which becomes mildly humorous around 1:45 in...

Saturday 27 February 2016

Have A Look At This!

So there's this brand new, exciting video clip advert for the latest Mclaren 570 GT out - and personally I love it. Well, hey I mean if I absolutely had to, I'd be able to live with the car too...

Anyway the ad has some tremendous backing music which, from memory is off this video short of the planet Earth at night taken from space, and some fast-action time-lapse clips of radio telescopes in various places around the globe. It was a singularly brilliant film short but it has been pulled from everywhere on the net, and there are now only very poor copies with rather average and uninspired backing music.

VCCP, the creative artists' management group behind the recent series of Mclaren ads, is probably responsible for forcing the take-downs and I wonder how long they can go not showing the entire production credits for this particular ad... The other ads in the current series for Mclaren aren't too shabby by any stretch, but this one is really making headway into the customer mind-space that had been previously occupied virtually exclusively by Rolls Royce and Maserati and to a very small extent the Mercedes top-end product line.

This ad is making me re-consider whether the alternate James Bond is going to be handed this model of the latest Mclarens to do the really serious work in!