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Thursday 18 December 2014

Think You know, Do You?

On Friday, 15 March 2013, I  posted something here called 'Calling Andy Garcia.'
No comment
A guy who deals in Cuban cigars. And who is a 'friend' of the global-operating casino owner, James Packer. Ta ta, James.
(The original text posted here on 18 December, was deleted by myself, as indicated that it would be, when it was first posted here.)

Monday 15 December 2014

A Blistering Attack

And yet at the same time is it entirely realistic of me to keep trying to avoid talking about all of this?
I have said for many months now that I wanted to steer well clear of what was going to happen – it was not a guess any more than the CIA’s ‘misery index’ is just guesswork about whether or not things are likely to get ugly suddenly in any given society.
I actually detest what has been going on – it is very distracting from the things I, you, and everyone in business prefers to focus on.
Modern Arab think tank guy -
Maajid Nawaz
Anderson Cooper’s interview of 16 Dec 2014, of the Quilliam member, Maajid Nawaz, was absolutely spot on: Nawaz said to stop referring to these people as ‘lone wolves,’ because that is not what they are.
I don’t think Nawaz is going to be listened to though. And that means these things will continue all over the world.
This is a free blog and there is no conceivable reason I can think of for me to attract the wrong kind of, and completely unnecessary attention, by blurting something out that would lead to just more of the wrong kinds of questions.
Don’t trust what you are being told by governments though. On the surface they are all holier-than-thou and so-on and stand on television complimenting the field officers for putting their lives on the line and resolving crisis situations involving serious violence and threats of violence.
Underneath it they take twenty million dollars from criminals found guilty of oil subsidy frauds in South Africa, and massive oil frauds in Nigeria, allow those individuals in on forged passports, whilst bunnies stuck with that individual’s identity are jailed in say South Africa, for example – falsely, of course – and then that criminal pays for and is allowed to promote Islamic missionary activities inside the country that are precisely designed to agent provocate people like Mohammad Hassan Manteghi . Oh, I meant ‘Man Haron Monis,’ the name the media is using to talk about the Sydney chocolate shop gunman.
Underneath it, they take massive investment inflows from dictatorships like that of Sri Lanka, and even taken terrorism advice from representatives of those dictatorships, such as Rohan Gunaratna, so-called ‘terrorism expert.’
Another cheap Sydney Barrister-
lol (with Maajid Nawaz, again)
And then, to cap it all, senior intelligence staff, go off to Riyadh and Dubai, to hob-nob with the exact same big-money international money fraudsters in their multi-million dollar lifestyle abodes where they also put up officers from MI6 who are deeply inveigled in the money. Am I guessing? Not really – it’s all contained in a recent Auditor General’s report into questionable ‘tourism planning’ non-tendered contracts worth fifty million put out by the then Gallop Western Australian State Government and continued by the current Liberal Party government.
Sydney – which is a big finance hub of the world, rather than just a large city in Australia – one thing about it, you know when you are there, that it is exciting and fast-paced and very very professional. Full of professional people. Media centre of Australasia. It isn’t cheap to live there.

Trained, Uniformed, Kept Out Of the News

Here is a photograph of the Bangladeshi 'Rapid Action Battalion,' basically an armed group of thugs who act as extra-judical death squads for various factions in the Sunni dominated government of Bangladesh. They include Rohingya elements from across the border in Burma, and travel quite easily in and out of what is now a broken down, dysfunctional country - Thailand - and into a number of foreign countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia.
These, are Laskars.
Recently there have been a number of incidents, relatively easily concealed by the state-controlled media of Singapore and Malaysia, that have included car-bombings, violent tourist assaults, other things. When you have a state-controlled media you can characterise such things as 'a disgruntled domestic worker who wasn't paid,' type of thing.

There is some good sense in recent Australian politicians' and police force statements about being alert but not afraid or panicked.

Yes, you have to protect yourself.

Citicorp has its back covered, but you don't because you can't afford the lobbyists with which to get any politician to do anything responsible.

Welcome to today's world.

About a month ago I decided to back off a little because I respect and trust Admiral Rogers, the new head of the NSA. He's battling it uphill though.

The guy in the field is always the last to know...
But I expect Admiral Rogers to stick his foot down on some of the things that are being forced on the US by entirely outside interests. No Carlyle Group, no Singapore or Sri Lankan, and no House of Saud 'influence.' Politicians do not seem to understand that taking advice from a dictator is a morally bad choice. But big equals better as far as your average politician is concerned.
Let's have this conversation again ten years from now and see where it all stands!
Your country and mine will still be forced to go on though, ten years from now and ten times that too. So, let's start to get a few strategic things right soon.
If any of the strategies were correct, why is 'it' still happening? And I don't want to hear what I already know is a lie - 'lone wolf.'
This is my take on what the present security intelligence agencies know: I don't think they know what they are doing at all! Rogers may make some shifts and that, may start to take follower agencies towards the right ideas.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Scene Of The Crime

If you read pretty much all of the news services and business and finance news services out there you will never, ever, get actual ‘inside’ information and you’ll always be the last to arrive at the ‘scene of the crime,’ as it were. From what I can see, more or less all of the well-known economic commentators around today are reacting to and reflecting on already known facts which in effect are already past history by the time people start talking about it. I think we all know this.
But this is not for the usual reasons everyone assumes. There is a bigger reason.
People genuinely on the inside are creating the next ‘fact’ of the economic world as it will appear in tomorrow’s newspapers. The 'inside' doesn't really consist of 'facts;' not fully formed ones anyway.
This car will not be built -
because the MD, Dany Bahar, got sacked.
What a shame.
These people are taking on important risk, and no reporter or commentator has the same understanding of risk and consequently, even if or where they hear about it there is an amazing reluctance to say anything until far too late.
“This cannot be.” “This will never happen.” “He’s crazy.” Or better yet, “he’s weird.”
And then you get: “I knew about it...” “My editor refused to run it...”
You want to be at the scene of the crime, and preferably before the crime is committed.
There is no story in Russia.
There is no story about oil.
There is no story about the debt ceiling in the US.
And there are a very large number of other things – events, incidents, ‘troubles,’ ‘issues’ – that you will see in the media this week and next week too, and none of them are stories you need to be concerned about or take a great interest in.
Deadly Ebola is just a thing in a Michael Crichton book written about forty years ago.
The story will become the story all too late – after everything you thought you knew comes crashing to the ground. And then you will ‘know’ something different to what you knew before – when you were being assuredly very fully informed...
The crimes are being planned and plotted even as we speak. Or read.

Monday 8 December 2014

Betty Who?

Sometimes I go to one of the BIG cities - you know what I mean: one of the big 'world' hubs. London, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Chicago... And Sydney.
I don't count places like Singapore because they are not really open to the world in the same way that New York or even Berlin is. Nor some of the sprawling places that are dimensionally huge but otherwise very narrow in their localized form of urbanized culture.
Breakout class act -
Betty Who
But Sydney is in the big league. You go out to a live performance in Sydney and you immediately sense everything is right on the beat and that you are where it's at.
Betty Who is a new 'breakout' talent that is currently taking the world by storm. She's another of these decent handful or so of modern era performers whose energy is electric and who can get all the subtleties out of a well-written song and hit all the notes note-perfect and with a verbal tempo that is high up there on the front edge of the beat, and yet still remain crystal clear.
I think she is also another of these song interpretors who are becoming guaranteed success channels for the hit-machine songwriter Bonnie McKee.
Well now we have someone that we can replace the ridiculous Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop with as soon as!! A little photoshop work here and there on the dimensions but there is something about the face, isn't there... It is of course a lot better, but, also similar...
A class act is never just window-dressing!
But a class act is obvious against the ordinary.