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Friday, 10 January 2025

The Power Materializing...

Those of you persevering will encounter great difficulties and when you get something, at first it will seem so slight, so quick, that if you blinked you missed it.

Today, I met with Bill and my cousine from Schweiz - im Zugerbug (I call it that because of the 'bugs' of Switzerland...), it's Zugerberg, obviously. We went to the Perth Mint, as all good Zugerbergers must.

You like?

And then, we went out the back (really, as far as the architects were concerned, it is the 'front' of the building) of the City Council main office building, and took some pics for the Autism project.

Earlier this week, one of my compatriots in the Kung Fu Academy (basically this is the same 'school group' as the one Guy Savelli went to - think, 'Men Who Stare At...') turned back up from a long stint as a private security and personal safety/defense consultant to very high level clients in London and France, and announced he wanted to, was going to, and had already started to, re-start up the old school. 'Round the corner from where I live.


So that's pretty cool. Literally the revered Lacey Brothers (Northern Shaolin) had this big dark 'hall' with wooden and iron dummies arrayed on two sides and you would go down it and were supposed to beat up the dummies that 'jing jong' - magically came to life. That is the actual meaning of the Cantonese phrase 'jing jong' although in modern times it has simply come to be used for 'to play against the dummies.'

Jing Jong is actually a magical term.

The number of masters who know how to make the dummies come to life is exactly three, or possibly four if you include the mysterious old guy who is sometimes glimpsed gliding through the depths of deep forests. ...But he might not be a real human person so we'll leave him to one side for the moment.

Altitrak, for telling how high a drone
is flying.
Kids can easily use that.

What pics for the Autism project?

Well, these would be the ones where the kids have partly solved the New Jersey drones mysteries.


Ah hah. Oh yes.

Am working on the Press Release and will eventually, not yet right now but this year sometime -, send it out to just about everywhere nationally and it will get massive coverage.

So. Interesting materialization into fact of theory. Say, 400,000 standard circulation coverage and that's just the one main local newspaper.

But if we go back to the recent lines of discussion here, that was about Ancient History and tales of long ago.

The elements of the Death of Socrates are mainly in 'Crito' and 'Phaedo' not in 'Apology.'

And it is in Crito, that the reference to a flute girl at the time of the death of Socrates (not Plato) occurs.

This recent deciphering of part of the Herculaneum Scrolls cannot - simply cannot - be about Plato for real because it was always and originally a part of the way-preexisting story of the death of Socrates. Philodemus is making a completely false claim for propaganda purposes and trying to say that Plato was more supportive of the Epicurists' School rather than the Stoics or all others. And this is just Philodemus stealing an already-existing story about Socrates, rather than Plato.

The local City Council
main building.
This is regarded by experts
as one of the greatest 'grid-pattern'
modern architecture style buildings
ever built (in the world).

Bluntly all of these so-called 'academics' who are peppering the internet with 'shock stun amaze' accounts of the Herculaneum Scrolls are liars and knaves.

When you follow the Orphic Rites, you will 1. have friends and relatives turn up from out of nowhere (or Switzerland) and help you make photographs, 2. have friends and long-time associates arrive with capital and plans to continue the legacy of truly great people, and 3. (the bit I haven't told you about yet), encounter the old man in the trees (or as in my case it's usually a moderately 'young' female) and the rest is all about the jing jong and I will get around to describing that more fully probably in a longer text sooner or later; it won't be to do with sex!

It will be to do with those hyper-sleep chambers (the sci-fi movies call them cryo-sleep chambers but there is no such thing) with half a dozen of the almost exactly the same person inside each separate unit.

You will never be so shocked or amazed as when you are standing, looking down at the same person - except there are six of them not just one individual; or maybe there is only the one actual complete individual but with six separate 'units' as bodies that they can use selectively. Or as in this case because we are talking about humans not 'demi-god' like super beings from somewhere else, someone operates them selectively...


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Little Snakes And 'Medicine' Stuff

So... S-o-o-o-o -.

Sometimes I feel like I am 'going backwards' to reach into some concepts - and that is because ideally (which is never gonna happen, right! lol), you want to be going from some basis moving forward that is already sound and fully established in the minds of the people dealing with the matter.

The contemporary paradigm of medicine, is that of delivering a chemical substance (at least most usually a chemical agent) into a system in the body, where the problematic symptom exists, or directed at the organs that generate the eventual problematic symptom.

The objective is to deconstruct the cycle that generates the problem, and/or remove the actual physical symptom, as soon as possible.
Who wrote in there?!
I don't know.
I don't even remember stuff I write,
it's not that familiar to me after awhile.
Same with films - I am fortunate there;
I never remember the endings of any
films I have ever seen. True.

It is neither necessary nor is it a good idea to undermine this approach; the paradigm does have a lot of positive outcomes. 

But however where as thinkers, we must look at the existential reality and not just the convenience aspect of keeping people in a workforce -, forgetting that they also 'have a life' and ought to be able to look forward to a naturally long life.

Now it's okay if you want to view your local doctor's surgery as your effective social club (and I know that is what happens because I have been in the pharmacy business for a number of years, apart from a lot of other businesses).

There is so much outright sheer lying going on in modern academia and the internet as a resource of information, that unless one is being guided by people who know for real, then the younger person is going to be led badly astray most of the time! Not just some of the time.

On Wikipedia, you will find a heading 'Sleep Temple.'

And in here it will tell you that this was a place developed in Ancient Egypt by Imhotep.

Well, none of that information comes from any source actually at the time of Imhotep, but two thousand years later!

I mean, hey come on - that is a long time later.

Second, if you try and look up the actual Greek 'Sleep Temples,' you will get taken to an entry for the Asclepieion.

Now there never were any 'sleep temples' in Ancient Greece called 'Asclepieion.'

There were the 'Daughters of Asclepius' which was the tilte for nurses and some midwives, and they attended in places which were actual 'Sleep Temples' dedicated not to Asclepius, but to the God of Medicine, Apollo.
See if I put this here, see,
people will think this is all
materialistic and down-to-earth.
Which it is not.

You will not easily find the name of these places online, but it is called an 'Enkoimetron' - the place of measured sleep.

And indeed, there were numerous snakes where the Daughters of Asclepius were, because they extracted venom from these to make into medicines.

Much more importantly, the snake symbol occurs even today on the Caduceus, not simply because of the connection to venom, but because of something to do with Sleep Temples.

The Enkoimetron was the place to go, if you had a very difficult ailment, and in there, you got in touch through various processes, with the God of Medicine, who then advised you personally directly, what the way forward was.

I could tell you, on a very basic level, that crushed pineapple, or very pulverized pineapple through a decent blender, will resolve a number of for example, skin ailments. But the fact is, in any case, that resolution will not take effect in any too obvious a way, overnight; like modern drug treatments often do.

But where modern science steps away from existential reality and doesn't recognize that it is doing that, is where it supposes that the five sensory pathway signaling processes - which all run at no faster than 1/12th frame rate of information delivery and recognition by the brain - tell us everything that we require to know about our selves...

And that is just not true.

Our ego consciousness is a continuum and happens much faster and with information flowing far more than simply that basic 1/12th of a second rate of speed.

Our ego consciousness is contained within the organic living body, but it is made up of EM field force and form. And when it is no longer contained in the living organism, then possibly, it can dissipate into the chaos or ambient field, whatever that is at any given moment when a person, say, dies.
Impressive, really, for 
an old person.
She's old!

But then, going back to what happens in the Enkoimetron, clearly information is happening at a high discrete rate - not a some low level, 'dream' state subconsciousness level.

And that is because as previously said just now, the human ego is much broader than a simple, simplistic 1/12th of a second juddering 'frame-by-jerky-frame' thing (although that indeed it is for most people in today's world).

If you really want to fix a health condition, then you need to make your own Enkoimetron and go into it, into the state that prevails in there.

Ammon Hillman wants to say that these things pertain mostly - believe it or not (at least in his system) - to sex and not just any kind of sex but really out-there stuff! He believes Jesus was at best a pervert which is why He was arrested at 4 am in the dark, in a park, with a young boy. He says 'a naked young boy' which is not actually what any text anywhere says, but he shifts the fact that when the kid struggles with the Roman soldiers and gave them the slip, he left them holding his thin cotton outer garment.

That is actually a joke from Euripides, and Hillman knows that it is, but he also knows no one else has read all of Euripides or about the Death of Socrates so he knows they don't know. So he's exploiting their ignorance against them.

A lot of people, worry about this sex with Aliens thing - the internet is full of accounts of 'abductions' by ET's (which I don't know anything about because I am not aware that ET Aliens abduct anyone).
And, that's the world's
best female soccer player.
She thinks no one
can see her behind
the mask.

Or they worry about: what if we encountered the God of Medicine, Apollo, or actual Jesus (just in a dream, let's say), and He - one or the other or both - were standing there in thin rough raw linen garment and sandals, with holy expression on face, and but we were all in a state of excitement and expectation of 72 virgins at minimum...

This is like thinking that God exists only on the 1/12th of a second frame rate of science and human institutional religion.

Jesus' first actual miracle in the Bible accounts was at this out-of-control party to do with sex.

And He enabled it, and made it worse by adding a whole lot of wine to the place when they had all clearly drunk the place dry already.

Religions say the out-of-control party was to do with marriage.

And that apparently, gives them the licence to hand out licences for sex, and partying, except none of them know how to do the wine trick.

I would much rather hear from the guy who does the wine trick.

So this woman was dragged to Him to be stoned, right, and what did He do?

He said: 'Go, and sin no more.' Except there is no word 'sin' in there, in the actual text.

He said - 'Stop making mistakes.'
No reason.
Materialism. And snow.

You can make a lot of mistakes with ordinary human beings.

Hey, people make mistakes. That's what people do.

And that is why we look to higher brains to get some better answers! Or, even better still, find better more interesting people to make our typical human mistakes with.

In fact those people might not even think we are making mistakes and actually enable us all the more.

'I come to give you Life and to give it all the more.' That's in the Bible somewhere, in the New Testament. I'm sure it's there, it sound so familiar to me...

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

For Every Position...

 ...there is an opposition.

Now that the Inauguration gets closer, so close you can almost reach out and touch it - it is appropriate to really consider who, what, and where are the opposition.

As you all know by now, there are things in this world, that are not dreamed of in your philosophy, Horatio. That's not quite the exact right quote from Shakespeare but it'll do for the moment.

Diana Leah.

'What,' in my calculus, ranks as the most important one of all of those questions. The 'who's' are all pretty obvious because you can see them from the front, and from there, you can look behind those fronts and see the connecting links backwards to some dark places.

People have all forgotten by now, a certain person by the name of 'Joseph Mifsud.' Now there are a couple of 'Joseph Mifsuds' (as you will notice there always are 'two of,' whenever it comes to actual field operatives of high-end spying agencies) - one of which two same-named individuals is a magistrate in Malta.

The other Joseph Mifsud is theoretically an academic - and here I will throw a cat among the pigeons for y'all to think about.

He is an academic the same way there are doctors and medics in Palestine hospitals.

Most spy agencies around the world not already connected with Joseph Mifsud (and MI6 is one of them that is connected) think that he is somewhere in Rome.

He is, however, in An-Najah University in the West Bank.

Now, it is possible CIA or the FBI knows of the connection between the prosecutor in a dozen failed trials against Donald J. Trump, Jack Smith - and Joseph Mifsud, but if they do, there have certainly been no 'leaks' anywhere about it so I can only conclude they officially 'do not know.' 


Jack Smith, chief prosecutor at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers at the Hague, MI6, Joseph Mifsud, Hamas, Gaza...

You don't really know what you are looking at here, do you...

But you will recall, that I used to talk about how CIA dropped specialist teams into Yugoslavia before the war there and how they would project laser holograms over bridges to convince the local religious people there that it was 'a sign' that they should begin a war.

Authentic supernatural visions of Divine Figures might happen in various places from time to time, but Medjugorje is not one of them.

Not politically correct.

Smith prosecuted 'war crimes' against members of the Kosovo Liberation Army. There was another Tribunal which ran the prosecutions against the major political leaders of Yugoslavia - but both of these Tribunals or Courts are provisioned by the European Union under a thing called the 'Rule of Law' institution.

The European Union has an interesting genesis because it is a 'supranational economic and political union' having evolved from a long series of 'treaties' between actual sovereign states, but with the eventual result of having abolished both those sovereign states as well as their currencies and the legal sovereign standings and real powers of those participating sovereign jurisdictions.

Although those originals states are still said to exist, they have no actual legal rights or standing against the dictates of the EU and they are bound by all of the rulings of any Court or Council run by the EU.

There are peculiar and quite secretive groups involved in both the inception of, the founding of, and now the running of, the EU - one is called Evros (which you have never heard of) and the other is called Davos, which you have heard of. Both of these sport great personalities as intrinsic figures of note within them like the recently endowed 'US Presidential Medal of Freedom' recipient George Soros.

I am just telling you all of this not to suggest that I have personal access to the 'big data' center computers outside of Moscow because I do not, not officially at any rate -, but just so that you remain with some of the main connections being kept in the front of your mind as we move into the cut-and-thrust of this exciting new year of 2025.

Now I happen to know that there has been quite a lot of consternation recently in the dim chambers of these transnational elites who do funny things in large expanses of barbecue area such as that one just outside of Monte Rio in San Francisco.

Because they just cannot work out who interfered with their cunning little plans and upset all of them - with only Macron and Starmer still to fall.

Also not politically correct.

If you remember, I literally taunted Chris Wray here personally, many times over the last year.

And you know what, I am not feeling in the least bit under pressure to pull back any time soon.

Apparently, their own much-vaunted 'big data access' retrieval of internet traffic and key-word programs and so on seem not to be able to pick up stuff that is being openly posted here -, so -.

Let's go one more time.

Well. Let me see.

Could it be, could it be, that some 'people from Above and Beyond' might actually go to some more kinetic kind of action soon?

And yes, yes it could be.

Apparently the FBI and CIA do not (officially) believe in ET Aliens anyway so whatever I say here doesn't matter.

Perhaps they can focus their blame game fantasies on the Chinese!

Because for sure, yeah, it's the Chinese that have those anti-gravity things.


Time frame? Less than three months. And I said it first, not Clif High. Just remember that.

Diana Leah. Lyrics are a couple of minutes in:

Sunday, 5 January 2025

The Vandals

In two days, Joe Biden will be going out to Coachella in Southern California - in the Colorado Desert area. ...So here is another twin-place-with-same-name thing like 'Fort Bragg...'

Coachella is not in Colorado State, it is in Southern California.

Coachella Music Festival at sunset.

The music festival named the Coachella Festival, is owned by billionaire Philip Anschutz, and it happens in the Coachella Valley every April.

Joe Biden is going out to the place to dedicate some kind of memorial or other.

Well, it is the Chuckwalla National Monument - chuckwallas being a type of lizard (reptile).

Music festivals are big beautiful, noisy, energy-draining things, although while you're at one it might seem at points to raise your energy - they are hardly the kinds of event someone like Joe Biden would be interested in attending; and he never will do.

But they are 'events.'

And as you know, the FBI likes 'events.'

Friday, 3 January 2025

And Since No One Yet...

 ...wants to say here that they have actually observed anything resulting from the Orphic Oracular rites - we must return temporarily, to the world of the humans, of today.


Once upon a time, in the Court of the Fourth Safavid Shah, Khodabanda, a certain travelling wise man al Mehdi, entered the Court for the first time to give council and attend to the great Shah.

Upon entering and approaching, unlike all the other Sunni advisers, although he too removed his slippers from his feet, and despite the great security around the Court and the Throne of the Mighty Khodabanda, he tucked these slippers under his arms and pulled his cloak around him.

At a certain point one of the scholars observed that he had these slippers tucked under his arms and not left at the doorway like all the others had done.

You can buy, 
modern things made using
actual bits and pieces of
original artwork from many
ancient times and cultures.
This is not copy stuff, this
is authentic original

Khodabanda inquired as to the meaning of his actions.

"We have a certain tradition dating back to the time of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him...), Oh Worthy King, that says that the School of the Hanafis -, are all thieves." And he bowed and folded his arms more tightly.

Mutterings instantly broke out from the Hanafis in attendance: "Hah! This is impossible, the Hanafis came a hundred years after the death of Muhammad (SAW)."

And then spoke once more the wise traveler al Mehid, "I am sorry, I misspoke. I meant to say the Hanbalis."

"Hah!" Protested those of the Hanbali School. "Ahmad ibn Hanbal established his School more than a hundred and fifty years after the Messenger (PBUH). So this tradition cannot be true."

Once again spoke the Wise al Mehdi, this time implicating next the Malikis and then following them - as duly corrected - the Sha'afi's. With the same or similar kinds of retorts and objections.

...Then, drawing himself up to a full height before the Great Sovereign, he addressed him as follows:

"Now that we have got that out of the way, and that they have all of them admitted that none of them have any predecessors who ever lived during or at any time anywhere even near to the life of the Prophet, at least we can say that our own predecessor Ali, actually lived at the time of the Prophet and knew him well..."

By this he meant to say that nothing that the other Schools of Jurisprudence had to say as being properly assertive of the meanings of things according to the teachings of the actual Prophet, were to be relied upon by consideration of lineage alone.

You are all familiar with the word taqiyyah, which is to permissibly lie in the face of political adversity or opposition. 

This is a term and a usage which comes from this exact time of the Safavid Dynasty among only the Shi'as and not the Sunnis - of whom of the Shi'i the Great Shah Khodabanda was of the most wise and worthy - and introduced by those Persians of the Court Manuscript High Culture which is itself from a long time far back before even then, and indeed who at that very time of Khodabanda, started to write the great work of fiction and fantasy known as the Shahnameh, the Book of Kings, which tells the complete history of the world since its creation, till the entrance of the Arabic Conquest.

This is an actual flying carpet
of King Solomon.
Notice the real wood in the backdrop.
How much more evidence do you need!

And it is in this context, following the bloodthirsty reign of the Caliph of Arabia, Abdul Rashid, that the idea of allowable lying comes to the 'Muslim' world, although I have placed that word there in inverted commas because there can be no doubt that these calligraphers and proto-scientists and alchemists were not Muslim at all, believing in the Peris (fairies) and Evil Serpents and various castes of Dragons, above anyone 'Muhammad' - and moreover since all of this happens in Persia and nowhere near the Hijaz where such an individual 'Muhammad' was supposed to have lived, yet his first direct followers and family were all Persians... And which followers lived in Persia from before the Rashidun Caliphate and also afterwards, although the Wiki entries are now full of just simply nonsense dressed up as history. 

These new things of 'history' fail to say for example why all the Shi'a are now based in Persia (modern Iran) or how it was that the Two Opposing Armies of the Great Battle between the Sects fought at first for some time, in Medina, then all the way down South in Yemen, and then magically both appeared instantly thereafter in Karbala in Baghdad, and then suddenly again in Syria -.

Must be they flew to there on Solomon's magic flying carpets.

And most of all, they fail to say why the term 'Mullah' is in fact used by certain Jews, and that the Safavids claimed a personal history from Noah and others of the Jewish narrative.

'Mullah' although it is said to be a Persian/Arabic loan word term, is in fact an ancient phrase and is widely used by the Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews and comes from the Mycenaean Linear B Ancient word for to 'consider something deeply.'

Today's 'Mullahs' of Iran have no relationship with early form Shi'a ideas - this current iteration of the 'Mullah' is literally known as the Khomeinistic system; which is a totalitarian and dictatorial ideology asserting that to obey the Mullah who is in charge whatever he says, shows one's obedience to Allah. This has nothing to do with Safavid or original form Shi'a ideas.

This is an actual spirit.
It is haram!!
There is no Djinn in it however.
It is made from distilled wine
of the grape.

Although in modern popular media depictions the putative Iranian Shi'a 'festival' of Ashura is about the death of some figures in Shi'a Islamic history and culture, in fact it is a Jewish festival that the Arabic Muslims slightly altered the date on to move it to the 9th, when it in fact falls on the 10th day of a certain month because that is what the word actually means - the '10th.'

You will be told many things about this latest participant in the great obedience to the Grand Mullah -, this individual in the Ford truck, Shams ud Din al Jabbar. 

His participation in the Great and persisting Battle, also like the Battle of Karbala, is able to move magically from here to there, his battle starting quite far away from Shams in Iran, in Fort Bragg California (although there was also a Fort Bragg in North Carolina though that is now called Fort Liberty).

The last and most important Sign of the End of the World according to the Orphic Oracles, is when the tail of the Primordial Serpent Typhon raises itself in the world.

The more that you try to fight him in the world of Men, the less you will be able to defeat him, because he is a preternatural Being with many Supernatural Powers.

The most significant of the powers of the Serpent, is deceit. But it is not just any kind of deceit; it is Supernatural Deceit.

And the world is full of it.