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Monday, 30 December 2024

Moving With Our Technology

I was resisting talking about this for a long while.

This is going to be like a long and extremely fine cotton string - it might be too long for some of you, too fine to keep together; it might break and the logic be not connected.

The matter is not a simple one at all. People have strong ideas and beliefs which they have had ingrained into them from early childhood, and even if the basis for these ideas might be roughly-speaking sound enough, there are many technical aspects that today, we should be viewing through a modern lens, and not through the eyes of people who never had the slightest dream about the things we know of today, in terms of technology in particular.

When Hesiod tells the myth of the baby Dionysus being torn apart and eaten, by some Titans, primitive (in the sense of technologically not as advanced as we are now) people would understand the story in terms of its violence and its sense of horror that it inspires in listeners for the wantonness of the act, and the primal evil that was the chief characteristic of most of the Titans.

If, as they are now saying, they know
how and where Plato died and was
buried, then this, should have been
spoken about in the text, and will be
able to be found near his body.
All Orphics have this left behind
them when they leave here.

Today we have no idea who or what a 'Titan' might have been, and most people think of it in terms of fable, although some psychologists use the terminology to talk about deep inner dark parts of human nature.

The Jews have the mythic story of the primordial sea serpent Ti-taninim ha-gadol, the Norse have Jotunn Jormungadr, and the Ancient Greeks, Typhon.

The Greeks say that Typhon was so fearsome and dangerous that even the Olympian Gods hid themselves in large 'towers' in Egypt and disguised themselves as various animals and birds...

The original Greek narrative is not that the monster and also those Titans who dismembered the baby version of Dionysus - were killed, but that they were attenuated, and since they had eaten the flesh of the God Dionysus, then the myriad split up parts of Typhon and the other evil Titans, also now contained parts of the God Dionysus; and it is from this combination that the third iteration of human/humanoid beings on this Earth has come.

We, are that Typhon and those other evil beings. 

And those humans who retain a very large part of the Titanic make-up in themselves, have a tremendous enmity toward the two or three major Gods who incapacitated them in their fullness of primal evil power, and some of them even retain a consciousness that has a full memory of the primordial events, and scheme to one day re-join enough of their split parts to once again rival the power of the Olympian Realm.

These beings in human form reject the Dionysian heart - since the heart was the only part recovered and restored to life by Athena and Zeus and Hermes.

I could be wrong 
but I'm not.

If we look at the human genome, we are told that until recently 98% of it was thought to be 'junk DNA' but now they say that some of that has functions to do with health and recovery of cell and tissue damage.

But today we are not likely to think of a modern myth-story in terms of someone eating a life, but combining or absorbing some DNA. Of course we can still indulge simplistic horror stories about cannibalism but those stories will not have the same story-arc purpose in terms of synthesizing a combination life-form as the result of cannibalism.

'Death' is about the attenuation of Titanism.

Humans, are or at least the majority of them can be and many certainly are, incredibly devious, dangerous, duplicitous, heartless, and wantonly violent, murderous and selfish. In short, these are all the traits of the 'mythical' Titans.

Except humans are not mythical - they are perfectly and existentially real now.

The only way you will ever be able to make open direct contact with any truly advanced non-Earth intelligence - because they will certainly already have a fair idea of what humans are like - is to allow them a proper basis on which to trust us. Never forgetting, that the way the Titans dismembered the baby Dionysus, was by tricking him with delightful things and sweet speech. Humans are also naturally deceitful.

And very good at it.

I wonder if you can tell the objective physiological and psychological point of having humans get drunk on wine...?

Titan wickedness, plus
heavenly heart.

And I'm not encouraging it, because some of you will go over the top with it!

In any case it's the principle at stake not the material numbing of reflexes.

And either you are, or you are not, deadly, treacherous, and violent.

So you see, this is a real conundrum - most of us, and I am one, do not wish to simply just 'give up' these capabilities. 

So how do we convince the advanced beings, without coming across as the most expert Cosmic tricksters ourselves -, that we are at least safe if not always benign. 

One thing you will find out early this coming year, is that 'if' it happens that there is an 'appearance' by some kind of advance contingent near us, my goodness, suddenly you will discover just how angry and violently-disposed and hate-filled, are so many 'human' people towards these visitors that we should not, technically-speaking, know even anything about (what they are like)... Why are we angry towards them?

Note this down. It will happen.

The reaction is the important, interesting thing; not the 'sudden' appearance.

In the meanwhile, you can give a lot of thought to how one might prove one's safe nature to an outsider. And believe me, although I think you already can see it - that is not going to be an easy thing.

I'm sure all of us has had the occasion of being 'entertained by strangers' - who tried to make us very drunk... Watch your step, if you find yourself in such a situation. What a benign, generic type of 'warning.' LOL

Friday, 27 December 2024

On Good Ground

This is basically out of the Gospels: 'a seed onto good ground.'

It's hard to get away from the meaning that this is about someone having at least some basis of prior knowledge that provides the metaphorical 'earth' in which a truly great idea like a seed, can take root and then grow.

I suppose in the context of the text in question, it is not just an idea, but the text really means to say 'some life.' The seed has life potential in it.

My own fear for the younger people of today, is that they are being given stories about history, which are made up and recent, very recent. And these are supplanting actual ancient handed-down accounts.

For example, there has never been a 'burial place' of Plato. There has never even been an account of anyone actually seeing him pass away.

Suddenly, out of the blue someone pointed to some recently-discovered fragments in Italy, and claimed that these were a 'scroll describing Plato's death, which scroll was owned by the father of Julius Caesar.' 

In the first place, the 'scroll' consists of eight, maybe ten small fragments which are the remnants of some papyrii burned in one of the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius. This is the same kind of nonsense that goes on with the famous 'Meshe Stele' which purports to be an account of Moses.

Well, no one really believes the scratches on this particular stele even 'says' anything legible much less that it is about Moses. Although the tendency for commercial academia to float made-up stories for money transcends any other objective - and they get away with it.

The 'scroll' is in a collection of scrolls which are about the philosopher Epictetus, and previous known independent accounts of his life and death - do in fact mirror what people are now claiming that this other scroll says pertains to Plato. 

I mean given that there were thousands of people who belonged to various schools either started by Plato or any number of his direct students - who knew him personally - and that there has never been among those people any account even vaguely approximating what this new concocted fragment story says -; it's a wonder anyone would given any time to this stupidity at all. But, you are not going to find these days, online, anything BUT the stupid account!

Purple shoes...

...One of the amazing revelations doing the rounds of modern academia, is the one about the early Gospel texts not having been finished, or in fact, have passages that seem to be deliberately missing. 'Deliberately' in the sense that in the actual pages, there are empty places where the rest of the paragraphs eventually go.

This is 'amazing' in the first place because how would anyone know, BEFOREHAND, that is to say, before a later forgery or fabricated set of paragraphs would exactly match those empty spaces - unless the fabricator deliberately made the length of his words exactly fit...

Well okay, I will tell you, that one of the key processes of the Platonic Schools in particular, but it dated from much earlier on, from Oracles principally - was to have the students read and study and learn the grounding texts, and then ask them to say what the final teachings should be.

And that is why there are a dozen or so 'last letters of Plato' that so-called authorities and scholars argue over which one is legitimate and which one (usually they say the Seventh Letter is) authentic and so on and actually written by Plato.

Well it doesn't matter!

The whole point is that his students, in order to demonstrate that the inner (secret) knowledge had been absorbed by them, would write the ending/s.

The so-called 'missing' parts of some of the Gospels exactly are those parts nowadays explicitly speaking about the 'rising' of the main figure.

Purple hat...

But what the exponents of the 'missing evidence' position always fail to tell you, is that in all of the supposed new sections, there is a clear statement made across the board of all of the witnesses, that initially they could not immediately recognize this person... Even though at some different encounters they could.

What is that about?

Now why would it have been, if the basic proposition is that the same physical person has come alive after having been buried, dead.

It's like, these days, people are all going back into 'history' and records and accounts and archaeology, and 'de-coding' fragmentary elements -, so long as it is according to whichever preexisting position they already themselves had.

Don't waste your time.

You can't argue with people about it.

And there is no need.

You have a set of tools and techniques - now, not in some theoretically past - which basically posits that there is a 'sub-space' communications field, maybe it's neutrinos, maybe something else, but if you gear up your brain and your mind, you will find a natural capacity, a faculty of 'vision' which gives you both a feeling and a view of a governing reality that you cannot see with your standard five/six senses.

But then, why all the add-ons, the bits and pieces, the oils and colors and whatever else?

Well if you sacrifice a pig on an altar of incense, what result do you expect to get?

The Gospel text does not say 'do not sacrifice pigs,' it says 'where it should not be.' 

Jesus Himself 'sacrificed' many pigs - straight off a cliff!

If you want to see something nice, well make some nice preparations. That's all.

Hey, anyone who has seen a lightning bolt up close is not going to think 'oh, you know what, I must go into this light...'

At least one of the best!

You can. But it's maybe not such a great idea.

The early secret texts say that the 'light' that is to do with Divinity, is a 'sumptuous Light.' That is the exact word that is used.

People make bad preparations and do bad things - or, they are trying to be 'objective' and thus approaching things with neutrality, almost like it is a science experiment.

But this approach (the science experiment one) is illogical if you have considered it very deeply.

The experiment is about an existential personal reality, not a reality that has to be proven over and over to the masses of the ignorant and the barbarian. That is something, maybe, some Alien Invasion war-group 'could' do with thousands of flying vehicles! LOL

Let's say you 'got a positive result.' You 'saw the Light.' And it was sumptuous.

Then what?

How are you going to 'convince' Richard Dawkins? He doesn't even 'believe' in the Nutcracker ballet!!

He is as far away from comprehending what is going on as an ant on the ground, from the Moon.


Your experienced material reality consists of all things that can be seen, and some which are not immediately within your optical vision, and some which are merely ideas.

But, and here is the key point - 'all things' also means all the bad things, all the mediocre things, the lesser things, the greater things, and the greatest things.

The 'ritualistic' preparations are the filter. They affect how your mind is positioned.

What if the existential reality is very mechanistic?

The passages and doorways simply lead to where they were always going to lead along strictly mechanistic principles...

There are sentient things, less sentient things, and more sentient and intelligent things.

And most intelligent, sentient, reactive, sensitive, things (by which I mean beings/people).

The better the ground that your mind and your intellect and your sensitivity possesses, the more sumptuous, the results.

It is not easy for us to pick ourselves up from the dross, the heaviness, the mediocrity of the world, and try and lift our heads up to see the illuminated realms above (I think I just verbatim quoted Socrates there or whoever's mouth Plato was putting words into in his Dialogues).

Tyrrhenian Purple is the best. It is 'royal' because that was the beginning of the Star People's entrance here, way back since Before The Flood. It was 'found' by a nymph's pet dog. She was from the stars. Somewhere. Dunno where. At least still, you can find King Melqart on Wiki.

When Julia Roberts' character asks Richard Gere's character 'How come you get these seats up here when you are afraid of heights?' He says to her:

'Because they are the best.'

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

The Beauty Of Living...


So... I am being told something, which is to be said to someone else here.

Actually two things; one I was directly told to talk about, the other simply comes from the most recent Ammon Hillman exposition.

Hillman explained about the word 'lithos' - which is in the Greek Old Testament text, and he relates that to some aspect inside the human mind which 'turns to stone' or to a stone, as it were. I didn't really watch his video properly, which I expect I will do presently, but he related the word to something to do with Moses and then also Medusa, of course. He said something about Lucian, the second century Syrian-Greek writer, and quoted him to say that he once saw a woman so beautiful, that he thought he was beginning to understand the power and the force that could turn a man to stone like the Gorgon Medusa was able to - because of course, Medusa was extremely beautiful, as you know.
The Hollywood actress involved,
sat in front of sunflowers,
during her Good Morning
Britain, interview.

But back to the first thing - this is the one that I was directly told to post about.

'Dimetor' is the Greek expression for those who are 'born-again;' it has the surface meaning of having 'lived twice.'

Robert Graves speaks about this as well. 

Now what I am to talk about is that most usually, people are only able to get the second vision, after they have been through some extraordinary trauma or a great tragedy. And then there is some kind of a 'breakthrough,' and they see.

There is a very prominent Hollywood actress who writes explicitly about seeing these otherworldly beings and she writes about her experience almost dying after surgery following a dangerous brain hemorrhage.

It was not something she experienced while having the brain hemorrhage, but rather, afterwards, when she was already in hospital theoretically recovering.

She writes about it in her book 'The Beauty of Living Twice.'

And there is no doubt that her whole life up to that point, had been nothing but a long litany of traumatic experiences one after another, frankly - if taken by the ordinary person's standards of 'a normal life.'
This car is notable because of its color.
The paint is made and sprayed on, by the
world's most profitable company
In the past, this color
was shared by Rolls Royce and
Aston Martin and Bentley, and
was manufactured by ICI.

In any case the point here is this: don't try and excessively push too hard to get amazing powers of second vision, so to speak. It is in the first place not necessary as far as I believe things to be the case - but it becomes an issue for us to try and push hard, or too hard, because we are in a hurry for confirmation of this extra-Earthly-world support; that it is even there in the first place. That it exists for real at all.

It does exist.

You can take Sharon's word for it.

'Chakra spinning,' if you can do it, or know how to do it, has the same or even better capability of easing someone into the hidden nature of existential reality. It is a subtle entry process, albeit the whole technique involves being able to spin these 'wheels' extremely fast, faster than the speed of sound at least.

The cenacle address section of the New Testament talks of the sound of a strongly rushing wind. This passage in the New Testament is known to be not so much missing parts, but written so as to indicate that the writers are about to 'not tell you something;' once the doors are shut in the 'upper rooms' (aka the cenacle) then there is something going on in there, a mysterious procedure or event, about which we are all as it were being 'left on the outside of the closed doors' about.

Traditionally, the event is known as the cenacle address, meaning, not 'address' as in the street location of the place, but the fact that something was said, addressed to the people inside.

And those words are not recorded in any of the publicly-circulated Gospels.

Which you would think is rather odd, since this figure does nothing if not speak to people openly for the greatest part. And yet, clearly, there are many places in which the texts say such things as 'what I tell you (or show you) now, tell no one.'
Rowan Atkinson is the iconic
fairy tale 'man in the black cloak'
character in Love Actually.
His character is the same figure as
Drosselmeyer. His role in the
movie often escapes people's
notice or awareness.
EWS/Nutcracker/Love Actually
are all the same fairy tale.

It is a 'Mystery Cult' thing that is involved. And of that there can be no doubt.

Which is to also tell you, that 1. there is no possible way a standard mainstream public version of anything here, can contain the actual inner secrets, and 2. those secrets are meant to be handed on literally in a direct chain from one truly knowledgeable experienced person to another. But then that chain holds because of its authenticity, not just that it is a chain. Modern academia is also a chain but it is a chain of nonsense.

It is that time of the year, where any of us could go on a public forum with Richard Dawkins and tell him to his face that he is a fool. Since everyone knows God personally and as an existential reality. 

To which he would laugh and scoff and tell that person how unscientific that they were, and then he might ask, well who is that God of which you speak?

Well everyone knows that it is Love, Actually.

Me personally, I would go even further to his face - that he should remain in his ignorance and die in his pathetic mediocrity.

If you watch a video interview of say, Plisetskaya or Lauren Cuthbertson or best of all Nureyev, you will immediately see how simple rote training, renders the majestic in the human person. How they stand, or how they sit, how they turn to the interviewer - it's all dance training at work. It has become natural.

Practicing the Kung fu of seeking the Eternal Vision, gives you all that you need.

You will be well-advised not to push things, because soon as you attain the vision, in the precise moment of it, your natural Earth mind will try and shut it down; it will recoil quickly from what are your are seeing and experiencing.

However the process is the destination.

(When) The magic occurs, and it is the only thing that is real in the world. 'Science' has literally no standing against it. The only reason that you live, is because of the magic.

The whole point of (your) existence, is the magic.



Monday, 23 December 2024

Dentro Tis Zois - The Secret (EWS)

[This article is particularly for that very special person who has been a strong contributor to the Autistic kids thing, and who would like to see a real fairy or elf.]


Translated into the English, this has been since forever rendered as 'the Tree of Life.'

Which it does not in fact say, in the original language text.

It says and means - 'the Tree of Divine Joys.'

The phrase occurs in Genesis and again in the Apocalypse.

This is the same tree that Hera Queen of Heaven wished to become the personal patron of, and which is the Divine Eternal Tree bearing the Fruit of the Hesperides, beneath which of course, is the Dragon Ladon.

Thomas Whitehead is one of the
best ever Drosselmeyer's in
this year's Royal Ballet and Opera
Company's production
of the Nutcracker.

And around which are the Graces (or some say the, or some, Muses).

Over the last few evenings all over the world, the rich people have all been dressing up in their finery, and going to live performances of the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky. 

....The music by Tchaikovsky, choreographed by Marius Petipa, and the story adapted by Alexandre Dumas (pere) from the original fairy tale by the German E.T.A. Hoffmann called the Nutcracker and the Mouse King.

And what does that all have to do with us?

Now although I said that the botanicals composition in Metaxa 7 Star contained - really, was the original formulation basis for the original Chanel No 5 (which is true) nevertheless, today, in order for you, the modern alchemist, to get the same effects, there are still some secrets left to say there... But we shall leave those to another occasion.

Today, we must speak of the rich people.

And of their finery.

Their opera cloaks. And their furs (although this is probably only evident anymore in Vienna and in Moscow). And their pearls and jewels.

And ignorance. Their complete and utter ignorance; their shameful ignorance.

Glued to their iPhones, they search for background info on the Nutcracker and Wikipedia tells them not a word, in its entry for Tchaikovsky, on the Nutcracker. Apparently it is somewhere in the End Notes or 'see also's' in different print face at the bottom of the page. My Russian friend told me but I didn't look.

And so, when the house-lights dim, they are left in the dark.

In the Palace of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The original libretto has the real opening scene, left mostly out of current productions except interestingly, in this year's London Royal Ballet production it is right in there(!) - of the sorcerer Drosselmeyer in his workshop, giving instructions to his masked attendant, to take a certain wooden toy (the Nutcracker) to the house of his goddaughter, Clara. 

Inside his workshop, there is a glass-y picture in which there is an image of his nephew, whose soul is entrapped inside the picture, and to whom he may speak, though as if to a living image inside of a magical mirror.

And only then, after that scene, does the ballet move onto the people coming into a grand house, in which a large group of family and friends are in attendance. There are very very old people, children, and adults gathered around a Christmas Tree.

Soon enough, Drosselmeyer himself goes there, and gives out wonderful gifts, and seems to especially select certain of the children, also especially acknowledging certain of the older people there. And he somehow, arranges that a bright shining star fairy, is set at the top of the tree.

The brother of young Clara. jealous of her large special toy soldier, tugs at it and it falls to the floor and breaks. And Clara is upset, but Drosselmeyer effects a modest temporary fix, and places a bandage made from his own scarf, over the wooden toy. And Clara is made happy again but stores the wooden soldier in a toy bed.

This is the correct opening scene.

When it is late and everyone goes home and the household retires, Clara comes back down to the main celebratory hall, and goes back to the Nutcracker doll.

Drosselmeyer, who is a wizard and a sorcerer floats down from the Christmas Tree, cloak unfurled, and Clara is slightly afraid.

A horde of mice appear, led by their monstrous Mouse King -, and the wooden soldier toy tries to protect Clara but a large-scale fight ensues with the soldier falling in battle and lying seemingly mortally wounded, albeit having killed the very ominous and quite evil Mouse King.

Clara is desolated at what has happened and rushes over to the Nutcracker soldier, and he arises not dead at all but very much alive. 

But she is very tired and soon goes to sleep right there -, but the Christmas Tree grows into a gigantic tree glistening with presents, and the Fairy comes down from the top of the tree, transporting the sleeping Clara to the Palace of the Sugar Plum Fairy and Fairy King, where Clara awakens and is greeted warmly by the Sugar Plum Fairy herself, and finds that her soldier is also there, but he is a living man not a toy.

Lots of things happen then, all to do with different beautifully-dressed couples dancing round and round -, the Oriental Mirlitons, the Cossacks, the Gypsies, the Arabian couple, the flowers, and Sugar Plum Fairy and Fairy King themselves.

Clara wakes up again next morning, with the wooden soldier toy in her arms.

Outside it is bright day, and there is a young man coming towards the house, with a large letter in his hands. He recognizes Clara and she recognizes him. And the ballet ends either right there, or back at the workshop of the Sorcerer Drosselmayer, where he is very happy that the picture no longer has anyone inside its golden frame.

And those of you who know and understand the meaning of this ballet, and who have recalled the Tree of the Eternal Joys, will now also remember that the movie Eyes Wide Shut is quite incomplete, in the sense that Kubrick never finished it himself, but it was completed by Sydney Pollack with the studio editing the final scenes and then given a global cinema release.


The problem that atheists have, and many other even religious people, especially the know-it-all's and the bigots (which includes the atheists too of course because these are the most bigoted of them all!) - is that they cannot demonstrate with any material evidence, that there is anything truly supernatural involved in the ideas and beliefs of the standard narratives.

The atheists, and there are almost countless numbers of these in the front rows of everywhere to do with the arts and with high culture particularly -, all of whom possess many wives and mistresses with much fine jewelry and expensive cloths, clap avidly to demonstrate that they are there, and that they appreciate high culture and can enjoy it in the front rows before the envious eyes of the hoi poloi.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Now Look You're Not Allowed... go telling people about some of the stuff you find out here!

It will just ruin things for those 'in the know.'

So don't be tempted.

It's Christmas, you've got to get your wife something, and you always get something she gets to have exclusively and you get nothing out of it.

She never takes you to those meet-ups with her wealthy gf's where she flashes the fifty thousand dollar Birkin you bought her. She never takes you to the private dining rooms where they have the real Caspian caviar and the entry rules demand three-inch stilettos - unless you fancy yourself as a Bruce Jenner- type.

Time for Christmas

...And you find that you hate Chanel No 5.

And no wonder, it isn't the real thing.

Today's No 5 bears absolutely no relationship whatsoever other than the name and the industrial maker - to the original composition.

And it's expensive.

You know, people like Kip Davis and Ammon Hillman and all of them, fancy that they know stuff, but they don't know it.

You cannot know about the Eleusinian Mysteries, unless you are in them. Formally in them.

And those who are in them, know how to keep secrets. Even what things they do say, are couched in mysterious wordings, with weird ideas tacked on which no one can decipher.

Those of you who are trying the 'get in touch with Aliens' thing-ys, are soon going to be discovering just how bland and grey - not the ET's are, but -, how bland and drab and dull the human race has become. Your 'visions' will as often as not be filled with nothing too special at all. A lot of ambiguous figures dolefully marching about, meaninglessly, and with meaningless, purposeless lives.

So unless you know how to access the light-filled, beautiful emotion-filled realms, you are going to simply be looking at whatever is down here at this sad place - the place the humans have all turned into the social disaster that it is.

What is the point of having this great big tree up at Rockefeller Plaza if no one knows what it is really there for?

Soon, right here, we will be talking about how to access the exquisite wonderlands...

But for now, so well, you got your wife/girlfriend-whatever, this bottle of Metaxa Premium Limited Edtion (or just the seven star or even the basic one) - and she says to you: 'What the heck is this!'

Well that, my friends, is Chanel No 5. And if you go telling anyone, I will come around to your place and * your * arms off. LOL

This was made by a relative of some people not a hundred miles from me, and it is literally the mixture used in the Mysteries.

Now if you knew someone who you really cared about, then you should take a screen-shot of this page, together with the link to the music - which is this: - and print it out nicely in color, and scroll it up and tie it with a silk bow and stick it under the Christmas Tree for them. And if you think or you thought that were no such things as elves and fairies, well then think again...