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Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Problem With Our 'Science.'

I'm posting this article for some friends around the place and also for all of those who read here and are moved to ponder on the hypotheses on their own.

When you read media articles and 'news' in which the phrase 'science' is used - or anything like 'scientifically based,' or 'proved by science' and so on - I think it pays to be aware that for those of us who are deep conspiracy theorists(!) consider that there is a deliberate legal use of the word (and phrases) going on there.
One-time Head of MI6, on the left there.

There is a legal standard for the use of calling upon 'science' as any kind of evidence for anything. This is called the 'Rye-Daubert Standard' and it came into existence in 1923.

After 1923 the formal standard was altered and modified several times, the last time being in 1993.

It is my view that the standards suffer from genuine, serious deficiencies. And that these have been 'allowed' in there deliberately. They are designed to deceive, and to mislead, and to exploit people's ignorance for malevolence and someone's illegitimate gain.

Consequently, you cannot rely on anything - billed as contemporary science - widely spread about, and in the media certainly, as being something you can take for granted as really having been proven anywhere at anytime in terms of logic, mathematics, or functioning factual knowledge (which is the real definition of 'science.').
What are these guys? Politicians, lawyers, scientists...? 
...Because when challenged they will always default to 'having obeyed' the legalistic standard for the introduction of 'scientific evidence' as their unarguable defense, and con you (and if not you now, then certainly the ignorant general public) into assuming this is the same thing as actual scientific proof; it's no more than an admissible allegation - if you can put it in those terms. The fact is, by manipulating the process into simply an exploitable political tool, it's no longer science at all, in reality. They have utterly hi-jacked the word and its authentic meaning. 

Sunday 9 June 2019

Culture In The Desert!

Believe me, Australia is not obviously the world's most evolved, advanced cultural paradise.

And that's because it is that, albeit well-hidden.
School kids on a music learning excursion in Australia

This immediate past weekend, the public of Australia voted in a referendum for their favorite 'top 100 classical music composers.' Okay, so let's pretend it was an actual government poll... LOL

The poll was run, giving the public heaps of time (months and months) to think about their choices, by ABC Classic Radio FM.

Beethoven came Number 1, and when you think about it, it was quite some feat to produce a public-submitted list of names that ran to all of the whole 100 names on the final complete list!!

On Sunday, there was a major performance at the Sydney Opera House, of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra - which was able to feature 800 adult choral voices!! Jesus! Think about it. Did you ever think there even were 800 sufficiently culturally educated people in Australia to the extent you could field an 800-person strong team in any one place at a specific time? 


A Sydney restaurant menu item... Oh yeah.

Friday 7 June 2019

15th of June - LE MANS!

Nothing's happening anywhere, see. The London Times has become utterly unreadable, the BBC unwatchable, and every single 'high end/up-scale' journal in the world has gone to hell.

Every single one.

Hollywood movies are completely bereft of creativity. 

The whole thing's gone a bit, a bit... ...a bit queer, frankly.

Is there anyone here, by the way, who thinks that Charlene is an actual biological female...

You know, Charlene, from Benoni, where the crime rate is so high, apparently, that the family (of Charlene) considered moving to Monaco.
This is a hybrid tea rose. Anyone know its name?

Anyway, she got a certificate in 2014 affirming her Irish ancestry. If that's any help. Originally, recently originally that is, they were from Rhodesia which no longer exists since it became Zimbabwe. Did you know she's related to Barrack Obama? Oh yes, basically through the ink cartridge from the same back alley lawyer's office.

This is all a bit like the Apocalypse of Abraham, isn't it. The book written around the exact time of Jesus of Nazareth, whose major problem as far as scholars is concerned is that it is quite poorly written, and contains a fairy-tale about the ancestry of Abraham and a myth about Abraham smashing some idol statuettes his father made, and some talking crows and sundry other stuff.

Sometimes, it is a touch difficult to see into the past and completely grasp laboratory facts from out of there!

I mean just how do you prove Jesus ever was born or existed at all? Pretty much same as how you would prove that Charlene is a real girl. ...You know, what with all the scandal and 'stories' about whatsisname having an illegitimate kid born at the same time as Charlene's planned wedding.
Sponsored car of 'Second Skin' the medical support
and compression garments.

Meanwhile, coming up in a week will be the 24 Hours of Le Mans in the Loire Valley. This year top-lined by teams financially backed by governments - Russian, Chinese, Italian, American (well, Ford anyway - that's the US Government, right? RIGHT?), and the rest a bunch of no-hopers with cocaine cash.

Looks set to be two days and nights of noisy fun-filled petrol haze, and on the third day - a massive clean-up.

You know, if you ever go to Le Mans, the place reeks of rubber and plastic and petroleum fumes... Heavy duty man-made technology...

Nod Nod Wink Wink. 

Monday 3 June 2019

What A Mess

Judge Emmet Sullivan has a major problem on his hands with the refusal of someone, not quite sure who exactly - since Barr and Trump just declassified it all - to hand over at least the transcripts of the wiretapped conversations between Lt. General Flynn and Kislyak.

Conversations between White House Counsel and Flynn are already on the record - and even here, it is clear the FBI lied and extracted key parts of the conversation from their tendered 'evidence.'
Bond's faves.

What a damned mess.

It's become by now patently clear that the FBI and Robert Mueller in particular have been lying in extremis.

But that's all okay because now we have a 'person of vague gender' doing a re-write on the latest Bond script in order to make it more SJW and diverse and inclusive.

...In the wings we have poor Julia Beck, the actual real Lesbian activist crying foul and the dedicated militant hetero Prof. Greer doing much the same thing - with the media largely ignoring the both of them.

Ah well. It's off to the races then, for us. No, but wait - mid-Winter; nothing much on except the crash-and-burn Queensland Stradbroke. So, no races either.

Baba au Rhum - is quite a big thing, see. The Koran says Jesus returns
'at the Rhum.' And I agree.

Friday 31 May 2019

"In Perfect Moments, I Want To..."

"Annihilate the guard and surrender - but I cannot be that tender."



Anyone, anyone?

But onto the material physical world of manifested creativity, one of the chief designers at Rolls Royce, conceived the beautiful Faberge 'Spirit of Ecstasy' Egg, which was brought into reality by the House of Faberge last year. It's been doing the rounds of places like Doha and the like, where us Plebs never much venture because we have too few bucks to even breathe the expensive Oud-redolent out air there.
Faberge Rolls Royce 'Spirit of Ecstasy'

Alex Innes, the designer behind the shape, proves once again, albeit it is among a small nay, tiny set of examples of design and creativity in today's world - that humans are not yet completely exhausted as a creating species... Even so though, you would have to say that at virtually every level of popular culture now at least, it is decidedly an effete Age.

In the hands of the top-end mass-market commercial corporations and their chosen design-houses (they are always groups and virtually never individuals in this sector), the exhausted phase of society and culture expresses itself visually in particular in artificial 'cleanliness,' and an imposition of 'purity' onto complicated things and complex systems. Here is an example by the German Design House Cheil - in theory this is a Korean company underneath the Samsung Brand, but in all practicality it is run by Germans. There appears to be some sense in which the top people don't trust in people's capacity to handle sophistication.
This is going to be the style of the Samsung 'pop-up' stores around the world
for the near-term future. An example of what I consider extremely bad design... (There's a truly gratuitous comment for ya).
And yet, there are some stunningly good Samsung 'pop-up' stores around - but these are
where the shopping center management itself imposed their own 'conditions' and effectively,' their own design ideas.

The true leading-edge of human thinking and society and culture now is becoming ever that much more thinned out... There are fewer and fewer people with the active mindsets capable of appreciating sophisticated things and trusting humanity and the intellectual power of human beings.

What does this mean for the future?

I can but smile. Although it is not a nice; not a generous, smile.