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Friday, 10 May 2024

...To How It Is

It has not rained over here since October of last year.

It will rain this month and it will likely flood.

So 'over here,' is way down in the Southern Hemisphere and on a Continental Western Coast, which means in any case that it is a desert region -, more or less; especially so inland.

Not raining for long stretches is not particularly unusual here, over centuries and centuries.

At the same time though, not raining at all is probably a bit unusual.

The 'scientists' will tell you this is all because of 'climate change' and the religious scholars might well suggest that no, it is because Enoch and Elijah are back and they are prolly just giving their powers a 'dry run' (pun there, right). 

Just a little test of their strength.

And then the flood and the lightning and thunder and all of that.



Now it will take a decent mind to work stuff out over all of this, and I mean the esoteric stuff...

Neither Jews nor Arab Muslims can take full control of the 'Sacred Places' that are in contest right now and restore peace to the world. There is no goodwill, there is no 'peace on earth.'

...There is this 'tree,' you see.

In the Book of Enoch.

And it shall be taken from the world, from the Earth, and moved to the Heavenly City, and there it will forever be, accessible only to those who are able to reach there.

The tree itself is still here (down here on the Earth) at the moment. But it 'cannot be touched by any mortal.' 
'...And visions of sugar plums danced in their

In height it is like the fir tree...

It's fruit is beautiful and like the sweetest dates of the palm (like sugar plums, frankly) and its fragrance goes into the bones of good people who will live on earth a very long time and see no evil.


I was quoting all of that by the way, from the Book of Enoch.

Things are a lot less complicated than people try and make out.

And me, I am just only repeating stuff.

If I were to say something entirely new, that would indeed be a problem.

Actually the interesting thing is how all of these people vying for supreme power, and for political power, and for domination through violence and 'victory' are for all of their mundane earthly aspirations - apparently not all that really good at the materialism game.

It's almost like they are brainless and don't know what they are doing other than to do harm and hurt and injure and even kill anyone they can.

Things must proceed though, as their trajectories demand.

'No mortal can touch this tree.'

...When you find out what the tree is, and reach out and touch it, then you will know something important about yourself.

The thing about 'mortals' is that they all die, and they deal in death and dying along the way.

This is called 'trajectory.'

I suppose because so much of the apparently successful and 'upscale' world is filled with cheating and deception and the deliberate suppression of the lower stratas, most people are easy prey to ideological savagery and brutality which claims to be against the corrupting influences of materialism and materialist society and therefore on 'the side of good.' 

Because people always will innately want material wealth and they aspire to live like those presented to them as the examples of success - IE the apparently successful. And then they fail to achieve those aims and discover the criminality and corruption behind it all and so they become cynical and bitter about material wealth and are ripe fruit for ideologies.

Human society though, cannot give you, what it does not have (as in, possess) to give. There is something important to understand about all of this.

It is to focus on the impossible, not the possible or the plausible and all those things you 'must' do to gain material wealth and success.The unique feature of the human being is the doing of the impossible and the completely new and innovative.
Some humans are
quite capable...

The breaking of new ground. You must master this.

Those who cannot break new ground are dead.

'There is no God,' they say.

And some others say that there is a god, but he has conditions on what he can do and what he will give you gratis.

Actually, real God by definition is both Good and All-Powerful and can give you anything you want up-front before you 'do' anything - because He is by definition as just said 'All-Powerful.'


Not 'some' and 'conditionally.'

'But, but, why is my life so pathetic up until now, when you just told me this?? And what if you're wrong and just another person telling me something that will not come true...?

Because what I said is already true and does not require to be proven.

Reach your hand out, and take.

You have a mind; know what you want. 'You ask but you ask without conviction and for yourself alone;' thus it is written and said truly.


Sunday, 5 May 2024

How You Think You Want It, Compared To...

 ...How it really is.

Nowhere in the Book of Enoch (the only tie we in the West have, to anyone simply human actually being in contact and going 'elsewhere' and expected to return back here to the Earth) does the word 'Jehovah' or anything that the modern day Jewish people or even any Islamic people refer to as 'God' - appear written in the original source texts.

Oddly though, the same wording or phrase 'Ancient of Days' (Atik Yomin) does appear in the Book of Revelation as it was also written in the Book of Enoch - and there are quite a few scholars who suspect that this writer (of the Apocalypse) was Enoch; returned in human form again though in the guise of another named individual. This despite that in the Transfiguration it seems that Enoch was there and that other disciple was there. But the reporters were 'as if asleep' so how would they really know...

Enoch - as returned and clothed by
Anderson & Sheppard, of Savile Row. 
Well why not though?

The word 'Enoch' is in any case not really a name but a label: 'he is/was trained.'

You might want to believe that there is some Supreme Divine Being whose name is or who is the same individual as 'Jehovah' - and who is literally 'God' as such; same as Muslims think there is someone called 'Allah' - except there is not.

There are lots of amazing things out there -, and there even are complex and formal structural primary elements behind how the Universe exists and continues and has action in it and dynamics, and there are moreover huge computational-like machines which absorb data and information and archive it all and disseminate it and filter it as well and handle fundamental energies.

This is all clearly described in Enoch 1 and 2.

Well, probably not as 'clearly' (in modern-speak) as a present-day physicist wants things to be described, yet even they argue among themselves about what they are talking about!

In any event the only personal figure identified as the Supreme Ultimate 'God' by anyone who ever is in scripture recorded as having actually been to some 'heaven' to witness such a thing at all in its formal official dwelling place, is that person or figure of 'Atik Yomin.'

Enoch speaks of two beings - living, Divine, intelligent, visible - who are the appearances of 'God:' 1. the Ancient of Days, aka 'Atik Yomin,' someone who looks old, and has a lot of white hair, and then 2. something that is awesome and fearsome and has the surface appearance of glowing hot iron.

When Enoch returns, he brings with him knowledge of a certain plant or tree, the essence of which penetrates the human to their bones and lets them live youthfully for an incredibly long time here.

Pen of gold, as used
by the scribe Enoch.
Well why not??


Where is this tree? What is this tree?

Better we should ask where is this Enoch character, since it clearly is high and almost past time for the 'End of the World.' (Because he should be here by now, right?).

Because if we could find him and grab hold of him, we could make him tell us about this plant or tree.

Anyway, never mind that, the thing is 'living here for a very long time like your fathers did in ancient times' means that after that you still have to encounter the end of your time here on this planet.

But why not shouldn't we desire to stay here in good times, or else at least in situations where we are having a good time while all else is going to Hell?

I would like to stay around here for some time yet...

I do not absolutely need to get up onto a space craft and go back anyplace right away.

How 'bout you?

Look. Isn't it that all you need is some crystal clear evidence and sight of 'our friends,' these 'Uriels' (real name 'Iru-el' with a small 'e' by the way; that's the male one - bit like Vivien is the Welsh female counterpart identity - there is a Viviel...)?

Maybe some moment when you can catch sight of one of these mysterious silver shining objects...

I think the sooner everyone who is smart comes to terms with the fact that there is no obvious 'appearance' going to happen in the skies of this massive space armada (although there is one) so that absolutely everybody easily understands what is going on, the better it will be for those who come to understand.

Because trust me, it is exactly like Enoch says in one of the passages: 'it is marvelous and supremely awesome and supremely frightening....'


No sooner will you have 'got the message' that it is all real, than you will hit the brakes real hard and ponder over all of the consequences that are necessarily entailed. 

My friends you cannot just go meet Marilyn Monroe in your homey T-shirt, right? I mean yes you sure can of course but you don't want to!

That's the point. You don't really know what you want until you find out what is real and what is true.

Because then the obvious inevitable consequences hit real hard.

Suddenly then you will want to know about the tree (or plant) that lets you live in youthfulness till very old age - because that's just by how long you know that it is going to take you to get enough stuff happening off your own bat and not just handed out by some insanely advanced super-computer or machine from space. ...So that you won't feel so perpetually useless and spoon-fed

Anyway, anyway. Don't sweat things. There's plenty of time yet.

There's enough time. 

Let's see how this mess in the world of current geopolitics pans out first.

Behind the White Room there is a supercomputer though...

Just sayin'. In case you wanted to make some 'materially' (IE materialistically) right decisions.

The beauty of us humans is that we do not need to be so absolutist, do we? A bit of this, and a bit of that...

A bit on our own and a bit of help too.

Friday, 3 May 2024

A Single Tiny Lamp

In this world Evil rules - or seemingly does rule everywhere.

Far and away Evil is the thing that covers all and determines how people proceed.

That is to say how the bulk of people in human society -; how they must proceed.

God is not in any building or at any place or in anyone that is a publicly-known figure, certainly not one that is thought of as godly.


This means that you cannot go to some place or inquire of some person, or attend some ceremony - again, certainly not one that is publicly well-known - and there come face-to-face with a god or God or even any divine aspect fully revealed.

...So that you may inquire of it, of that source be they person or thing - what it is you must do, to gain the heavenly abodes; or merely just to overcome Evil and the power and the force of it which will act against you everywhere and at every time and opportunity.

Allah is an unethical being; he causes Adam to sin (in the Quran), he makes Satan to be wicked (in the Quran): for all of these matters are predetermined, predestined. 

Muslims are compelled by their religion to believe in destiny - that is to say the destiny that is devised for them by Allah.

The secular courts of the land are highly unethical: they jail people promoting weight-loss products...

But they turn a blind eye to the complete impossibility of efficacy of the same weight-loss products when these are in the hands of major corporate and professional concerns blurring functionality. Nobody jails people for deliberately going 'off script.' Yet the very phrase 'off-script' means that it is not officially recommended by medical authorities. 

Sign of the artist, engineer, and alchemist
Bernardo Buontalenti, the 16th
century figure who was a friend of
Catherine de Medici, Queen of France.
This sign is in one of her chambers, in which
it is said that she consorted with the occultist
and magician Cosimo Ruggeri, who by use
of a revolving hand mirror, was able to see
visions of the future...
By the way, those two guys are credited with
inventing modern ice cream - in Florence.
A flavor of Gelato is named after Buontalenti.

The present structure of society is geared to creating situations of panic and stress in people, created to cause necessary states of anxiety - and then for those to be 'treated' by anti-anxiety substances but not processes and changes of the deleterious condition or conditions of that specific person in their social context.

The standard Western Judaeo-Christian institutions are irregular, mixed, heretical, even apostate in some instances, and often highly corrupt.

Hinduism is a mixed bag of loud and insistent but nevertheless grossly inaccurate modern interpretations of Veda commentators, not even the Vedas themselves - and Buddhism is fraught with rumors that it is subverted by politics and money, Sri Lanka and the Dalai Lama being the most obvious examples.

The wild winds of Evil are howling around every place, and whistling through every lane-way.

Yet somehow you are here, at your table, one single solitary small methylated spirit flame lamp burning under a brass spoon to melt your sealing wax in order to drip it onto your leaves of hand-filled paper.

And nothing exists in the entire Universe that can put out your flame.

You are the most powerful thing.

And at some point you must use that power. You must learn to accept that you can use it; that you must use it.

It is said that no imperfect thing can enter the Gates of Heaven.

So all who will enter must leave their flaws behind them as they travel upwards, and enter...

For the way is difficult and the path is narrow WHICH LEADS TO LIFE, AND THERE ARE FEW WHO FIND IT!

...On the completely unrelated subject of our Autism project, there are future plans for a 'photo-opportunity' with local politicians who are sitting members and ministers, with the disabled kids demonstrating some amazing technology.

So much for my decrying of common modern politics then! 


...A single small lamp... all that is required.

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Biological Machines And Angelic Torpor

We should not be surprised that there really are these glass-like tubes in which sentient beings are 'resting' I guess, and some of them are actually growing slowly in there.

Super-scientist - super-biology scientist J. Craig Venter has already formulated and produced living cells in a laboratory situation; literally from synthetic and not alive component materials.

So that is what Earth humans are capable of making.

...The darkness is a gloaming thing
just before the dawn.

Out there in the broader Universe, there are many wonders, many different kinds of living and intelligent beings, and one of these come into the mundane classification that we would call 'angels' or angelic beings. These are kinds of biological machines which are also intelligent.

Consider the hummingbird. The smallest of these is only up to around 5 centimeters in length. But it has the fastest metabolism of any living creature on the planet and it can flap its wings as speedily as 80 beats per second. That's pretty fast.

Yet despite that it can go into such high speed action, it can also drop its heart rate to fifty beats a minute and live in a state of torpor (that's what it is technically called in the biological science of these birds) when the weather turns freezing. The thing seems dead when you look at it and it can hang upside down in that state as if it had died while hanging onto some tiny branch or twig when the weather turned nasty.

Instead it is virtually hibernating like other much larger winter animals. 

Yet unlike the formally hibernating winter animals, its torpor will last from a few hours to the whole night and then it will awaken itself just before the light of dawn and draw enough light energy from even the weak sunlight and fly around consuming insects completely invisible to the naked human eye.

They look very beautiful and their feathers have incredibly small nanotube filament spikes filled with compartments like packets of air bubbles - these give the characteristic effect of shiny brilliance to the colorful feathers by reflecting and refracting light.

In short though, the point is that this creature is quite amazing and most unlike the types of living things you will find ordinarily around you, around the place generally, yet they completely exist of course. They are not a fantasy creature. 

They have such a huge range of heart rate and physical rate of action though that they would seem like a fantastical creature when simply considered 'on paper.'

So beautiful -, so derelict and

...They are, very comparable in many ways to certain kinds, of what are termed in religious stories -, 'angels.'

Such beings - these angelic beings - can exist in a state of torpor, and they can look on the outside incredibly glamorous and iridescent and shining.

They react to a certain kind of light, which is made intense by the desires and demands of much more warm-blooded creatures, namely, human beings for the most part.

As hummingbirds have capabilities and skills that you do not have, so to these other creatures have skills and capacities and functions that you do not directly possess yourself, but that you can order to come into action.

Right now, meaning exactly now this very minute, there are quite large squadrons and whole battalions of these beings not so much in 'torpor' anymore but awaiting your commands...

Like a lighthouse, there is a planetary location - foci (because it is not one single focus but three of them...) - of this energetic intelligent pathway of communication and connection and contact.

Presently, you will see -, you are about to witness, some of the most head-spinning actions which will be conducted by the agency of beings you previously (might have) thought were non-existent or fantasy beings.

But just as your human eyes cannot actually see the beating of the wings of hummingbirds, because they are very small and very fast, yet they are there and utterly completely real - so too are these absurdly wonderful other creatures, these beings, also there and completely utterly real.

They eat not a lot but the 'hummingbirds'
must eat...

'138 beats per second' started out as a joke among trance musicians when some of the pioneers came out now and then with super-fast tracks suitable to runners but that were still insanely 'entrancing' and fulfilling of all the emotional and psychological elements of classic trance tracks.

'Who's Afraid Of 138 bps' (aka 'WAO 138 bps') has come to be taken as the phrase used to issue the challenge to the non-trance audiences to drop off when the going begins to get very austerely into the most esoteric levels of the trance music experience.

One of the lyric lines in this says: 'Could you be like Justice...' (It's far along into the track though, so you have to persevere; feel the futuristic cathedrals where the beings dwell in seeming torpor).


Nike is Winged Justice.

This is the figure depicted by what commonly today and erroneously goes by the title 'Winged Victory.'

'Nike' is smart people from the ancient past expressing their ancient knowledge not about some fantasy or pagan idol, but about a real existential being that has been long since absorbed into what is now recognizably more recent Western religious theology as an 'angel of God's Divine Wrath.'

Of course by 'winged' it is meant 'swift.'

But as the hummingbird rests in torpor, this specific angelic being (or many similar beings falling under the same characteristic), can appear to be hidden, distant, unmoved, un-moving.

Until of course it moves and then you cannot see it at all.

You must be permitted the eyes to see if you really want to actually physically see these creatures.

You do not though, need to see them - you need to inspire them:

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Silence In The Heavens...

Now you all very well know of the sentence in the Book of Revelation 'there was silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour.'

The beginning of the sentence reads 'And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for about the space of a half hour.'

The seventh seal is a critical moment, a critical turning point in the human story, but - well, I cannot say 'few if any' know; because nobody here knows, or has known for a couple of thousand years...

Just a fantasy, right...

Here is the meaning: it stems from the statement of David when he was alone and without earthly help and surrounded by his enemies - that it takes around thirty minutes for the Throne of God to render and to physically manifest Divine Assistance.

But you know an even more dramatic aspect of the meaning as it pertains to Revelation.

Because I told you that as humans with earthly experience - of the life of humans, of lived common injustice towards men and by 'men' of evil natures presenting as simple humans - you will be the only people entitled to judge humanity and human beings at large and in specific as well. 

The implication is of course dramatic and what logically follows, I'm afraid, is very much the truth of things as they are and not merely as some people in the past wished to fabricate theology concerning, as if to ascribe such rights and powers and authorities to elaborate religious institutions.

There is a space of silence. And then the Throne of God speaks, that is, the particular edicts are voiced from there.

But it is you, actually who are in very large part deciding them if not devising them in detail. There is so much more that people are unaware of, to do with massive 'machines' and thinking systems and even living beings - and it is all very much like the fictional Borg of course and all of that, except there is no malice entailed by inherent nature of such real things.

Not 'futuristic' urbanwear/techwear.
This is now.
Anyone can. Not many do.

It's a case of that malice is entailed in the evil natures of beings on the planet seeking to dominate and exploit others on this world.

On the one hand it is also says ' white garments so that your nakedness not be exposed.' And it says that people do have worldly riches and are clothed materially, yet are naked. 

And on the other hand it says people are not able to really see, because they need 'eye-salve for their eyes so that they may truly see.'

In other words when you can really see you see the transparency of people.

And you can definitely see their internal disharmony. It is not that colors are intrinsically faulty!

But that they are badly misaligned in most people.

And 'white' clothes? Well because people have many separated-off 'colors' showing from themselves all of the time, out of place and out of order and strength -, such 'colors' in another sense being the non-integrated obsessional focuses on themselves and the constant avarice they have inside which demands satisfying at the cost of other people's lives and the well-being of those others.

The Christian religious right everywhere today is talking about the 'End of the World' and the Second Coming of Jesus - even many Muslims talk about the Coming of Isa ibn Maryam (who is a different construct by the way, a constructed parallelism).

But it does not say any such thing in the actual Bible text; it does not say Jesus is coming in the clouds at His 'Second Coming' and then you will see Him...

Not at all. 

Even BMW knows about
live active color changing...
This is technology.
You are technology.

It says 'I am standing at your door knocking now.' 

'Whosoever lets Me in I will be with him (or her) and eat with him (or her).'

Go to the white room.

What does that mean if not (only) to take to the skies in a particular actual real vehicle (although it does mean that)?

It means to spin up all of your internal frequencies in correct balance and by doing so becoming actual white light which contains all the components properly fitting together.

If you managed to do only that alone you would achieve a major advancement on the standard ordinary human being as they are around in the world today.

And how long is that 'half an hour?'

Well in this case it's as long as you are going to make be.

Unleash the fire.