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Saturday 27 January 2024

Learning To Pace Yourself

I grew up in the forests of the tropics, more correctly said - the jungles, and not just any jungles but the deep ones, filled with wild animals.

Now I'll tell you how the great predators take their prey - very slowly and deliberately and carefully. But it is quite quick in the end.

Those of you who have begun to have 'experiences' by now; by this time, will observe how that your virtually instant reaction once you have seen the reality -, was to pull back.

None of this is as simple as it is made to seem when you watch a lot of the YouTube videos by those who have been messing with the subject for a good while.

Isn't the light beautiful?
In the middle of Winter...
Let it shine.

For one thing once it gets filtered through media commentators, then so much overlay is placed on things that it becomes hard to discern what is really true.

And of course we are all living in a day and age where no one wants to enunciate bad things, that is to say spell out violent things.

Doesn't ever matter, of course, that governments go and kill thousands and thousands all the time in wars and conflict break-outs. They, apparently, have some right that not even Cain when he killed his brother Abel, really did have.

And yet we do not see in the traditional religious narrative that 'God' goes and kills Cain back for murdering his brother out of envy and some sort of primitive 'competitiveness.'

God does not do that kind of thing.

So we shouldn't do it.

Even when He slaughtered - or caused to be slaughtered - all of the citizens of Sodom & Gomorrah, there was a discussion between Abraham and God first, a negotiation starting at 50 people, that perhaps God would spare the city if there were an amount of good people still left in there.

It seems a bit redundant though, since being God, He could have just simply moved them (the good ones) instantly when the wipe-out of all of the rest took place.

I guess the point is that from Abraham's point-of-view, Abraham is asking whether this super-entity has a calculable balance of what constitutes sufficient value of human life as it is existentially being lived in the human condition and in the human world.

The answer was that only for 1 would God hold back the execution of the destruction edict.

And so we are to process the concept that 'God' values individuals.

You are an individual.

But as an individual do you not sometimes also feel that an especially meaningful demonstration should be performed?

What you fear when you do this reaction of pulling back - is your own power if and where and when you could give free rein to it.

That time is now.

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Some of you, I assure you, will encounter actual real physical people -, some of them will be beings not from this world, and some will be from here in the recent sense though still heavily under the influence of a field. There are field effects when it comes to encountering truly advanced other beings who are incredibly intelligent.

We have a schedule over the coming merely two or so months, where there will certainly be some video-ography entailed...

What you will see in there it will be up to you to decide - that is, to decide what you are actually seeing.

I won't say anything in advance and I won't label anyone or anything.

And what does that mean 'especially meaningful?'

Just remember this - beyond the White Room there are other people there. Some of whom are humans just like you and some are not. But they are there and it's more about what you all wish, and not whether there is some 'pure-hearted' moral cause or strict system of ethics wherein no Satanic thing ever got smashed up and pretty thoroughly too.


We're all just waiting upon you...

Old enough...
Not sure how I feel about people
not 'acting their age.'
The question is though, can you go back in time,
and would you have done things
The real 'Fountain of Youth' is yeah,
you go back in time at least
organically, physically.
And that would be pretty cool.
There is only one 'religion' that allows you to
think along those lines.
...I noticed recently there were a few old hand
UFOlogists who opined that
so-called 'Reptilians' were dinosaurs
evolved as far as what we humans have.
I don't say 'evolved' though - I say
developed or unfolded.
A triangle never 'evolved' from a point
or some lines!

I know what everyone else up here is thinking and it is not all pleasant, wine and roses stuff.

Waddya think Chris Wray? 

What happens next, do you suppose, with the French farmers, for example?

Did you buy some moderately-priced wine and cognac yet?

Short-sell some stocks because the towers are coming down?

Come and get me if you can. Won't stop anything.

Promises, promises - you say, right?

Well it's up to you, actually. You 'talk' to the right people and put your 'vote' in.

It's very democratic up here. We all listen. The question, the only question is: how far, how much damage.

You're waiting for something to 'happen' but it's entirely up to you right now.

The media is stuck, Joe Biden is well stuck!

Gaza is stuck.

The cops are full of crooks. The crooks are full of imbeciles.

'Property' is a mind-trap to divert people away from liquidating and having cash and spending it on things they need and that they can use.

The judiciary has gone to hell.

So. Up to you. Is there just 1 person worth 'saving' (the rest of things for the sake of).

Prolly not.

If you think we (all up here) can't make it happen, you are very wrong.

...We'll do a 'fly-over' first so that you will for sure get the message! Did I say 'we;' I meant them, them.

Don't forget, the dinner parties up here are throbbing (throbbing) to this kind of thing:

Listen I'm turning the electrics on inside the Tic Tac right now, except this one is not that little... And you gotta understand something else here - the people in charge of these things are really really wild animals. Oh it's going to happen all right. You think 'promises promises?' Ya think?

Thursday 25 January 2024

You've All Been Here Long Enough...

To know, to realize by now, that you are dealing (here) with something most will not be able to understand, not be able to comprehend because it is all just too far outside of their comfort zones.

Today, this very evening wherever you are, French farmers and farm workers are setting about destroying major assets of large land owners and corporate interests in the French farming sector.

Who knew, right?

But who knew anything like that would happen?

The super rich people at Paris Fashion Week.
They have sown and they have scattered...
They think they own it all.

...I have just deleted a whole big lurid tract that explains what is about to happen.

It was too intense.

Let me set some things straight though, for those of you with open enough minds to consider the wildly implausible - in terms of today's mainstream mindset - if still the perfectly obvious:

Nowhere in the Bible anywhere at all, are 'angels' characterized or presented or described or portrayed as 'spirits' or invisible entities. They are always presented as human-like in every way.

And that makes it a problem for the modern mindset to handle what it is dealing with, either with the ancient stories or with any re-running of those sorts of events in an existential present time context.

It (the mainstream mindset) cannot factor in that it is what looks like ordinary human beings - that one has to be careful of; not some wildly different-looking beings from space or 'angelic' invisible beings such that you can obviously work out they 'could' have strange and futuristic or amazingly advanced powers and that therefore you would be on your guard.

People today are unsuspecting of any 'problem.'

When I say 'what it is dealing with' I directly say that you cannot go from admitting the US Navy video recordings of super-advanced intelligently controlled vehicles, and then just blithely ignore that they might have an agenda. 

In other words, that they are there but heck we don't know why and don't care why they are there (IE here in fact).

You'd have to be pretty cynical
to have zero respect for the 
person or people who designed it - 
if you intended to simply take it from them.
And leave them with nothing.

If the one thing is real - and it is - then the next logical thing that follows from the first must be stressed as really important to bear in mind at all times going forward.

In other words, that they have an agenda. And they're more powerful than you.

The agenda explained in the old stories is troubling: it is that they didn't like humans as a social phenomenon and did not approve of how humans carried on. In the case of Sodom & Gomorrah they killed them all (except for a handful and those were not from that specific place but were just there by happenstance and trade and that kind of thing).

So there's your existential problem.

But why might not they just leave people to themselves? Leave human people alone...?

That would assume that human people have some right of independent agency, but they actually do not and I'll tell you why (not):

Because whoever is the most advanced gets to make the rules and run the show. And they are more advanced than the US Navy and so that's the end of that!

In fact it actually tells it straight - explicitly states the thing in the Bible: 'A man let others grow a field and make produce there and then when they had He came in and took it all for Himself...' And, 'He takes for Himself what He did not sow, and He gathers where He did not scatter!'

...The man who bought the French Cognac before the present troubles, owns the wine; he has taken possession of it, of its value, but he did not make it. He just has it.

The man who bought the French Cognac knowingly, before the present troubles - knows something more and better than you know. Or that any human being knows.

We're just nice, calm, peaceful

So did I not tell it to you knowingly?

How much more knowingly do you want it to be?

From here, telling things explicitly, involves 'a lot of bad things.'

The good side of it is wine prices - good wines, including good Cognacs - are going up.

What do you want to know the 'bad side' of it all for?

You don't need to know that.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

The Festivals Begin...

In a couple of days from now, the Venice Carnival will start and run all the way through February - and then that will be quickly followed by the Paris Fashion Week which starts February 26.

There's fireworks at both.

We down here will also have fireworks going off around the whole of Australia this Friday because that will be 'Australia Day.'

What is the world celebrating? Who knows.

Doesn't matter - we will don the party gear and go hang around some big gatherings of people all of whom are probably going to consume a lot of alcohol, mostly...

And we will watch the other people, all the people around us, and listen to noisy public sound systems blaring who-knows-what - but whatever it will be it will fall in line with current-day politics and social orthodoxy.

Life goes on.

Chinese New Year - this will be the year of the dragon - will also get under way on Feb 10.

More fireworks.

I will quietly watch those fireworks too and go somewhere for Black Pepper Crab.

Nobody suspects a thing.

And certainly nobody cares what they are celebrating - it will all be just another excuse to try and get away from their daily slave lives.

If you think that the latest car designs 
are made by anyone who can really
'design' you are just plain nuts.
You have been sucked into the
whirlpool of propaganda and
media cant that is run by
a small criminal cohort. 

The villains from Davos will all have their schemes and scams fully planned out and by the middle of all of the celebrations these will be fully unfolded and in full swing.

And nobody suspects a thing.

'Celebration' means to assemble to honor.

Honor who or what, nobody will know and they will not care - or care to know.

Basically all of the modern people will be assembling to honor their versions of the Golden Calf.

But somebody is about to stick a spoke into the schemes of the people from Davos...

And nobody suspects a thing.

There are * in the town square.

And they are going to spend all the nights of the 'celebration season' out in the town square watching and confirming.

And if they find but five decent people they will restrain their hand.

But let me explain to you the significance of actually finding as many as five decent people and by decent I do not who do not 'sin.'

No, let me not explain it - let it unfold before your very own eyes in the coming days and weeks and short months.


Monday 22 January 2024

Behind The Poker Hand

Okay so first up, message to JK from A.C.T.

A small package was sent out to you today by Express Post and will get to you in a day or so.

Even though no doubt you will think what is inside is even less than merely underwhelming, don't be tempted to open the two metalized plastic sachets before reading the information sheets in the files on the USB stick. 

The first sachet is the 'Persian Aura' basic composition, and the second sachet contains half the ingredients of something brand new although it was hinted at right from the beginning here: 'Utopia Blue.'

JK, this is (as you know) how the 'Wellness'
and 'Day Spa' community rolls
these days.

None of this will make much sense even when you use the sachets but this year it will start to make a lot of sense.

We have scheduled a video shoot in the near future, in which a subject, or maybe several subjects, will experience the whole process, inclusive of the blue laser aspect that drives some electron field effects inside the human body.

The other matters to do with the digital silver dirhams are all fairly straightforward.

...But now, on to a different, a slightly different theme -, which is how people use this word 'energy' in the alternative modalities sphere that we are familiar with these days.

There is, apparently, 'energy that does not serve you,' and there is 'feminine energy' and of course we certainly must make mention of masculine energy which is completely toxic...


I don't know about any of these things actually, but I know that we do present a lot of things both from the male perspective here on these pages, as well as literally exemplify, I suppose, male or 'masculine' energy.

And yet, I have to say this, I know that all categorically male deep inner personality individuals are not the way the media portrays them to be. Yes, they are or they can be 'action-oriented,' and even driven by an immediacy and a desire for an immediate conclusion - but they are the complete reverse of what the general public believes about the two sexes: the media and the public think that it is the female that obscures things and casts camouflage over things...

When it's cold outside...
And somewhat dark.

It is instead the male who is permanently playing a kind of poker hand where you can never see what they are holding behind the surface image until that 'hand' is formally played.

They are always holding up the cards and the backs of the cards are all that you see.

Again, there is a phrase or a term that is coming more and more into use and it is 'authenticity;' that people have to have authenticity.

But this is a deceptive way of putting things... It's deceptive because the question is really left hanging in the air: but what, what is authentic?

You can be a right bastard and be quite authentically that. Is that good? 

The popular media mindset will say yes.

No. The reality is you have to have truth in you and the truth in you has to be authentically part of you.

Truth is a completely objective, independent fact.

Some people have a lot of success and they have no truth in them. Some women are successful at being attractive and yet they have no truth in them and therefore they are in fact not authentically attractive.

People find it very hard to identify truth, especially truth inside other people; even truth inside themselves.

Female energy is attractive if it has truth. And then it is authentic.

Sarah de Warren.
We'll get some of her music
onto here soon.

'Female' is truth for a female; it's not a case of a female being truthful or being 'truly female;' the person has to be female. And then it is not a question of being attractive, it's a question of things falling into line with truth. They are not merely 'attracted' - they are in place.

Male energy is not necessarily attractive but it is forceful. It moves things about - correctly. False masculinity shoves things about in chaos and selfishness and then things fall apart. Nothing holds but it requires to be forced against its will.

If, again, it (a male energy) has truth in it - then, in fact it cannot be withstood as a force. There are many many males who use force and power to overcome others yet there is no truth in what they do, in what they are doing.

Some military people have complete authenticity and they have total truth - and when they say 'sir' to a commanding officer or to a civilian it means everything.

A lot of US military people are very properly trained and when they use these kinds of formally grooved-in and seemingly stock phrases (like): 'How are you today, sir' - it means so much more than the simple chain of words and their technical dictionary definitions.

Behind a well-drilled and well-trained soldier involves a vast network of manpower and of infrastructure and of military tactical knowledge and skill and strategic thinking gained over centuries and very likely to an extent over the entire course of human history to become civilized from the state of being nothing but pure savages.

We expect a bunch of
pics, Lachie.

This is male or masculine energy at its finest.

It is not playing about (at all!) when it says something like: 'How are you today, sir?'

Julius Caesar told his captors when they had first taken him hostage for ransom as a young man, that he would get free, and he would kill them all. ...And they found him to be a very urbane person who, I understand at some stage even saved the lives of some of them when their 'pirate' vessel (of its time) capsized despite that they were all still stranded on some far away island then.

Caesar's captors by their own nature were destined to be destroyed.

...Sometimes the night skies are very clear, and the stars very bright, and there is nothing much about up here.

Reprise from an old play:

Friday 19 January 2024


The latest interviews with those Congresspeople who were given access via Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities to what the military and intelligence services were 'now' prepared to discuss about the on-going assertions in Congressional Inquiries to do with unusual aerial phenomena and related matters - contains the admission that there exists some government-level 'evidence' and belief that there are 'inter-dimensional beings.'  

Well of course they are inter-dimensional because that is the way they get here at all.

People jump to conclusions about what 'the truth' is bound to be given what highest-level briefing government officials appear to believe based on their privileged scientific and military access.

Cold in the North.

By 'get here' what I mean is to 'get hereabout.' 

There are plenty of places you cannot see or find with most of the advanced instruments available to scientists and government - within the solar system. And there are an odd handful of 'emplacements' at these locations that are not 'inter-dimensional.'

Traveling great distances is one thing; just being at a location is totally another thing.

Spanning huge distances is a need if you want to go from one part of this galaxy to another part of it. Just being at a spot is a matter of everyone's existential reality.

So if 'they' - the others out there - exist, then they have existential (Gauss Curve! lol) reality same as we do.

The attempt to narrow-down and limit Alien beings to a purely 'inter-dimensional' reality is deliberate and quite sinister. The spin already is that 'they' are visibly materializing because of errant 'slowing of their atoms.' This is not nonsense if you disregard the fragility of saying that 'atoms speed up or slow down' (I mean what does that mean? Are they trying to say there is a frequency rate to them - which is arguable, really...) - and simply leave out the 'errant' part and say they are deliberately choosing to go wherever they want by some process that employs quantum cycle rates of matter structure.

The implication there of course, being that then it is quite logically allowable to input the religious case, which is namely the basic narrative being informed by those ancient scriptural accounts and the ideas and conclusions and beliefs that were formed from way back then arising from whatever encounters and experiences various people were having.

If deliberate travel (is possible), then encounters construed as religious ones are existential (in other words true and factual although they may be subject to a lot of interpreting).

Warm in the Middle.

If inter-dimensional and accommodating the Einstein (and Heisenberg) principles, then the Zero Point and 'Omega Point' are facts.

And if 'Omega Point' then there is enough of the characteristics and existential aspects of some entity or entities in reality somewhere for it to be so that there is a 'god' but that it is 'us' as part of a loop of transitional becoming and ultimate being which are all tied to a permanent template of necessary dynamics and interactions and interaction rules otherwise known as 'mathematics.'

...Though sometimes, we can just drop all of the over-thinking and just break through the 'mind tension' into lived reality.