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Friday, 15 December 2023

Tried To Stay 'Materialistic...'

So basically Chris Lehto the former F-16 pilot and currently public commentator on all things 'Disclosure' has recently been doing verbal aerobatics over this video showing the MH370 disappearing following some attendant phenomena, let's put it that way.

Naturally the video is variously 'debunked' and then not debunked and so on - because that's the way these things go in the public's hands.

You have so-called 'scientific experts' who rush into the fray to 'de-bunk' and then that is followed by others who question where the debunking actually was, and point to the obvious negative bias being demonstrated. And then all parties go to their separate corners and nothing is resolved in that round, so to speak!

Northern Hemisphere -
means winter and snow
right now.
Where I am it is nothing like
that at all! 
Down here it's all rugged
'big country' blazing sunlight
and sand and desert
and bush and RM Williams.



...'On to the next round.'

Because all of that is rubbish, isn't it? It's just how the standard typical false antithesis paradigm is always worked.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, eh.

I happen to come from Malaysia. So does US Navy Crew Chief Kevin Day's brother John, with whom I attended a military K-school there.

Funny 'bout that. Wonder what possible connection to Malaysia of all places, this matter of ET Aliens has going on with it.

Anyway here we are, you and me and the lamp-post, yet we are on the internet and now I am going to discuss with you how to make contact for real.

And believe me, no one will be any the wiser.

Now here's the problem though, for the big-wigs of the world as it is:

Your effective contact could end up doing massive and severe and serious damage to this planet, this whole place filled with people, but more fundamentally still, to those who think they are in charge.

Five seconds after you make contact, you will realize that these guys are your friends in much closer of a way than any political leader, or government personage, or administrative junkie, is.

I say 'effective contact' because it is not set in stone that everyone can easily attain this phase of things.

Effective means you have to intellectually sense presence, and then see it at least in sufficient of an organic, palpable way to convince your own skeptical mind that it should shut up for once this time and go with the flow without standing in the way for no actual rational purpose.

In the medieval Arabic traditions, consorting with the Jinn meant having communication with beings of the 'smokeless flame.'

This is 'RM Williams.'
Men's cologne, they have, Bill Smith.
Can you believe this!
(RM Williams is a prestige
'Outback' leather shoe company.
Pretty much a high-end Aussie icon
brand these days).

In the much earlier Hebrew and Egyptian traditions, offering sacrifice of Frankincense, called down to the Earthly, to the human sensory-obvious material plane, angelic beings who, as Mauro Biglino translates the Bible, took messages backwards and forwards between humans and the 'sky council.' ...Or sky councils because it looks like there were several of those.

As I have said before, the human brain requires to be firing on all sensory inputs but in harmonic ways first, and then, it is able to 'see' more precisely what is going on.

Raw frankincense resin certainly, contains suspended liquid crystals which are a good medium for light frequency phase shifting: you can get a pale jade-green rock crystal of Hojari Frankincense to turn lavender or purple/pink or red by causing the phase-shifting of blue light laser energy that was being input.

The rock crystal would not actually heat up but any nearby organic material such as aloes wood, will give off thin whisps of fragrant smoke.

Now these are all things that live better than they read, as the Ian Fleming chapter title puts it, and some of you will be struggling for air when you start to see things that you never thought were really possible to see.

Most people of course, will not make the leap from this scant preparatory prescription that I have provided, or as Diana Walsh Pasulka (whom I have not 'outed' in this new, upcoming text that you haven't as yet read -, because I cannot do that - out an active agent or any agent actually, because then that would be illegal) phrases it: 'protocol...' the actuality of how to make contact and have a completely visceral engagement.

But those who do make contact will at first recoil from the sheer fright of doing it, the initial shock of discovering that the 'impossible' is in fact actually real and very possible.

New Age-y props look good

After a while there will be 'adjustment' made. Yet even then the coming to terms with the sheer power of who and what you are dealing with is the 'hand-brake' for things going completely out of control and you the mere mortal human being swept under a huge wave of awesome and highly advanced, attuned, super-culture.

My own personal attempt to focus these pages back more onto the plain simple ordinary materialistic themes which I love and that won't get us into too much trouble - has fallen in a hole of course.

Meanwhile, since we have been talking about the Silver Digital Dirhams a little bit and updating the list of participants - who is 'Eric H.,' by the way?

If Eric can contact us via and let us know a current physical address, that would be helpful.

I am ever so slightly concerned that sending out physical mail right now during the Christmas days/weeks might not be such a good idea, but at least everyone who has made contact (I mean ordinary simple email contact, right?!) should be assured they are on the list of the 'first run' and that this is not going to be diluted. The first run is limited to a set number.

We are still way way off from having these 'cyber trinkets' formatted the way I want them to be - but it is important for everyone to be noted in the file records now because the forward money position with them is looking 'positive' if not bigger than anyone's wildest dreams, let's say.

Please do not expect any level of overt 'professionalism' with this because if we do that we run the hell of a risk of drawing the wrong kind of attention.

This is just a thing that helps a few teenage kids with disabilities. 

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

The Nine Sisters French Lodge

The psychological complexity of the human situation evades the minds of all but the most astute and careful in their considerations.

Mainstream religious orthodoxy holds that things like the Ouija (planchette) and witchcraft are fundamentally evil and also morally dangerous.

But the reality is different.

At first you are alone and you have nothing.
This is good.

People are merely seeking 'presence.'

They want the feeling of someone out there besides themselves, and most usually someone - or at least some intelligence that is able to converse with them in some way - who is 'above the Earthly existence.' And in that aspect they are content to a very large extent to deal with what is entirely invisible.

But I have already demonstrated the existential reality of an unseen yet completely intelligent in the human paradigm of intelligence, form of being: and this is simply the internal neural network system which releases photons - a thing that is nowadays termed 'biophotons.' 

On the one hand the typical round of voices underscores the risk of 'pseudo-science' when it comes to those preaching some kind of protocol of mechanisms to do with this nascent understanding of biophotons and how they are able to convey information - on the other hand if we looked only at those voices we would be missing the whole point.

Which is that there is a system we do not ordinarily see with our eyes, but that exists as completely part of ourselves, and is intrinsically a part of our identity and functions as our identity.

Be if we go back to the fundamental issue - that of a feeling of an external presence - then we must at least logically allow that all that people are doing when they go to witchcraft circles, or indulge in Satanic rites in groups particularly, is trying to find an experience of a presence outside of themselves.

...And then you buy glasses to fill
for a friend.

You cannot go up a mountain and stop eating for a while (so-called religious 'fasting') and pretend you have had a vision of God when scientifically and medically-speaking, you may have been hallucinating due to lack of food!

Secondly in any case - you cannot go up a mountain and see God. Because if 'you' - by which I mean any ordinary person - could do that you would take your iPhone camera and ask for a Selfie with God...

And then you would be a Tik Tok hero.

The trouble is that all of these mystical experts are not cognizant of some of the most important and absolutely vitally necessary elements to any of this.

It's also a wonder that none of these Oxford/Cambridge philosopher geniuses ever have seemed to realize the basic context of all living human creatures: they none of them, the humans -, 'know' anything prior much to their actual birth, and they do not generally speaking, return from the grave to give categorical, in physical condition, reports of what happened after they left the living human world.

Let us leave aside the YouTube fraternity which loves to talk about 'near-death experiences.'

I'm sure everyone has had some kind of similar experience, if only say in a powerful dream or under the Pethidine-drugged influence of dental surgery.

Element number one is that IF a human has a coherent, complex, sophisticated, and coordinated internal construction which is developing an in vivo 'living' system of biophotons that are communicating with the external material conditions - then the moral dimension of an internal human (the tendencies of sentient responses using those internal neural systems) either is self-generating a moral code, or is harmonizing with an external one.

Element number two is that IF biophotons, then light transmission is the data conducting media.

Element number three is that IF we want to have the presence of another person with us in this agenda, then necessarily the transmission of light goes from person one to the external codes to the second person. ...And maybe back round and round and round again.

And because we are delimited to the mortal time-frame, then IF we are in communication with an unlimited moral code then it explains why humans are born with no knowledge...

It is the 'us' that requires to fit into the unlimited, not the other way around.

Either you fit in with the external unlimited tendencies, or you just go back into a 'trial and error' proving ground called 'life' or you might even be extinguished altogether.

You cannot logically be so dissonant with the unlimited code/s and yet fit in with them in that unlimited arena nonetheless.

George Washington, as you know, was a member of a secret French Freemasonic Lodge under the rubric of the 'Nine Sisters.'

And, according to writings of the Lodge members themselves including Washington, so I am led to understand -, they actually held or believed, that these 'Nine Sisters' were real beings.

Now I don't know what is meant by 'real beings' according to what they were trying to suggest, but I do know what is always avoided by religious scholars when it comes to explaining one particular sentence in the Bible, in Colossians 2: 18-19.

The presence of the word 'and' never is dealt with by commentators and they never want to discuss it anyway.

Listen I like food, okay! 
...Not just wine.

What it means is that people should not be tricked into NOT worshiping 'angels.' It does not under any circumstances or interpretations at all, mean that you are not to worship angelic beings. 

Yet this seems to be a peculiar thing, since most people suppose a 'perfectly godly moral person' worships only God...

But that is not so at all according to Jesus' own teachings...

Back to my story of the circularity of communication between the divine moral patterns and the external beings who are in tune with those patterns.

No more can you 'worship God' - who is a part of the Divine Moral Pattern/s and is also a living being as well - though not be part of an intrinsic flow of perfectly harmonic communication at the same time; than actually 'worship God alone.' 

In the first place God is not alone.

And in the second place neither are you if you are inside a fully-connected circle of communication with a permanent Eternal harmonic.

Today's human life tries its best to block you from such circles of existence.

It is very difficult to get back into such circles.

Superman's Fortress of Solitude...
Patterns of true, and material reality.

But when you do, there is no question of 'invisible' beings.

There are only actual material beings.

In fact they are the only real material beings - all others die and decay and fade away to nothing in the end.

Most people think in their vain imaginings that it is impossible to do away with the nature of things as we see them in the mortal world. 

The Truth however is this - the Moral Code which is the pre-condition to the doing away of all temporal and material shortcomings including the basic 'nature of things' as they are usually seen, is this:

"The memory of others cherished in the secret hearts of the humble."

...The first two-and-a-half full minutes are just 'beat-matching' bars. Then it makes its statement.


Saturday, 9 December 2023

Before The Next, Um, 'Insight'

Before there is any kind of 'revelation' about something very important, it is absolutely necessary to go back over one or two key issues.

The common viewpoint around the place in mainstream society, especially within the professional credential-centered world of contemporary academia - that there is no genuine 'spiritual' dimension is a fatally flawed position.

The problem being that when we use a facile description of the 'spiritual' as simply something that is highly intelligible but completely unseen, we are flying in the face of the latest factual knowledge. 

Yes we of course 'see' things on the outside of the human body (using that as the prime case for intelligent consciousness), and we can see reactions and effects and volition exercised by the physical and organic person - but what we do not see on the outside covers a vast array of complex arrangements inside the organism; the neural networks and connections.

On the one hand the most ardent common atheist will completely aver that beneath the skin there is certainly biochemistry going on and electro-biochemical actions that are an intrinsic part of the living intelligent human being - on the other hand it seems they are unaware of what that actually means once you look at it through the lens of the best and latest mechanistic factual knowledge of these things...

All of the neural network systems when they are 'alive' develop biophotons which may be observed using sophisticated and quite sensitive computerized equipment and technology. These photon releases are in the ultraviolet and low visible light range and this itself raises a significant question mark about what is happening.

In fact it is 'science' or at least 'modern/contemporary science' which is unscientific and pseudo-scientific about this because it cannot explain - has not yet explained - how come there is sudden entropy at the ultraviolet frequency when the energy is on a fundamental spectral trajectory?

We have discussed this here before.

Let us then rather than merely speculate -, let us propose, a very advanced piece of equipment which can give us a real-time view of the organisation and patterns of biophotons as the human being's neural circuitry works in real-time.

It used to be nice in Chicago...
...around this time of year.

Firstly we would be able to witness the links between incoming stimuli and what could be said to be the brain-level thinking that is going on to do with that stimuli, and then a split-second later the responses and reactions throughout the organism as a whole resulting, putatively, from those thoughts and nervous responses; with each neural electro-biochemical event throwing off some biophotons in varying degrees of intensity.

But secondly, over periods, we would be able to detect patterns. Some subjects would consistently have similar patterns when it comes to the particular stimulus, others would be less consistent, and some might be fairly neutral - but over all, when comparing a range of stimuli, then you would see some patterns (of responses) were very predictable in some people.

Let us 'speculate' that with some people you would see something very like the stanzas of poetry - with meter and rhythm and some kind of analog of rhyme.

This is the 'spiritual dimension.' 

And it is in fact very obvious - and very obviously existentially there - in human beings.

But light - aka a 'photon' multiplied - is not contained in organic structures ordinarily speaking. 

It can be asked to flow through fibre-optic cables but we do not have fibre-optic cabling running through our bodies and moreover, a lot of what causes there to be a release of photons in the human neurology, comes from electromagnetic fields and flows of EMF potential.

Find the door...
Find the right door.

In other words, not only is the human being, the material organism as such, susceptible to EMF externally, but it creates and develops its own EMF potentials and flows and so can 'communicated' to something outside of its own bodily containment - for instance to sensors and to sensing equipment.

Any experienced radar screen operator would be able to look at computer vision of some human 'subject' just being depicted as a 'radar plot' of real-time biophoton activity, and identify one discrete particular subject from any other one the same way that they can pick out particular whales from particular dolphins or submarines: without actually visually looking at the 'real thing' but only at an electronic signal-generated depiction on a two-dimensional screen (or a three-dimensional one).

What does this mean?

It means your neural activity coded as biophotons are identifiably 'you.'

As a parallel matter though, we must state that as far as is evident, the life process is a 'sovereign' process in the linear-Time Cosmos; that is to say, an individual may and can uniquely change 'over time' as the result of linear experience/s of things and dynamic relationships around him. A person can change and they can get 'better' - for example they can become better musicians, better artists, better at mathematics, whatever. And then no doubt some of their internal biophoton patterns would be modified.

Yes you are 'you' but you can also change. 

Is the 'contained' person's action of biophotons - all those patterns - what constitutes 'consciousness?'

Vulcan candle ritual...

No because as previously said, light is not containable within any finer structures; it requires to have very manifest 'hard' barriers and counter-forces in order to be channeled at least - and there is nothing in the human person's physical structure that is in the order of an EMF barrier.

In other words, 'consciousness' where it is defined as coming from active dynamic neural organisations in electro-biochemical play - is connected to all other light.

Yet we do experience ourselves as discrete individual units for the most part, unless we engage in some kind of 'meditative' process or the like.

And so there is necessarily something to be called 'personal individual consciousness.'

I say all of this, or at least, somewhat repeat it now (because it has been said before), so that when we look at what any external other intelligent being is or might be, then at minimum we can notice that for the most part all of the other human beings around us are pretty 'vegetative' or 'automatic' - they are on some kind of very dumbed-down autopilot even though they like to think of themselves as super smart.

I mean you can prove it to yourself by realizing in a very mindful way that people are these networks of biophotons all going off inside of them in sophisticated patterns hopefully, just like a piece of highly complex music -, and then going walking outside around in some populated place and observing how many are really at all like that...

And that would be virtually none.

When you encounter such a person though, who is operating with very vast and complex and sensitive internal neural networks, it becomes immediately very obvious how different they are, and how interesting they are, once you look at them through the mind's eye that is considering how their patterns and networks of biophotons are working.

Although Alex Jones recently kind of misquoted Plato, one thing that Plato wrote that is much more astute and accurate than most suppose, is where he spoke of people 'seeing' only as one might see shadows cast onto a wall...

Ultraviolet in the deep green forest....
It's a catastrophe of science.

If you are a person who experiences life at depth, and I do mean physical things of life, then the first thing you realize upon reflection, is that there are shortcomings.

The most peak experience of the human being is only a momentary snapshot, and then declines and fades and the material structures involved all decay and eventually are effectively destroyed in time.

Energy and light however, cannot be destroyed.

And therein hangs a tale for you to think about when it comes to deciding what is 'God' and where God is.

And only when you have a resonating relationship with something clearly outside of your organic containment, will you be able to find Truth. That is to say, the Truth of which you are a permanent Seeker whilst ever you are just a mortal.

Every single thing you can buy in this world, is 'mortal.'

It does not matter how materially 'rich' you are, I don't care; it matters not one jot to me.

And I mean that most sincerely, and after having read this you know that I do sincerely mean it.

You cannot 'buy' a being of light to stand before you and communicate with you.

Theoretically, according to Paul, I think -, 'Satan is transformed into an angel of Light.' But Paul is wrong.

Satan cannot be literally transformed into any kind of Light at all; he would be destroyed. 

I think Paul means that he - Satan - tries to make out that he is a messenger of knowledge - like scientists do.

Satan is a manifestly physical material automaton. He has no consciousness because he has no Light in him.

Satan is process - or, a process.

Light is a thing. 

A material molecular thing not light itself that has organised dynamical processes can seem to be 'alive,' or it is alive for some terminating linear phase. But that's all it is.

If you ever had a being of intelligent light standing in front of you, it would never ever be anything Satanic; and it would not be Satan.

You already know who 'Satan' is or at least what it/he is: it is the organised neural network contained within a human-like physical structure, with deficient biophoton patterns.

And you can identify Satan all over the place when you look for him/it.

A scientist who cannot communicate with Light is not a scientist, he's a fraud.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

The Hairs On The Back Of Your Neck...

It's hard to say what will happen with some of the things going on in the background here right now.

Cutting a long story short, it has to do with people in government at pretty high levels and a lot of money.

It might happen, it might happen less than I think or greater - who's to say.

'ABRACADABRA... Change!'

Let's leave all of that aside here though.

...Just let me tell you about something that no one on the planet will agree with:

There are some 'emplacements' out there, out in space not too far from here. They consist of more or less abandoned facilities; facilities whose purpose would have been for travelers from distant worlds.

They are abandoned because of fashion.

And also modes.

Today we do not have the modes of travel of these guys who constructed the facilities.

It's fashionable to be stuck on this planet.

On the one hand you imagine that people would find it easy to just pack up and take off - if they had the equipment, the technology, and knew about these places, these way-stations, as it were.

I have a friend, and he is just one of many in similar situations - whose father is so wealthy that he has purchased 'rent rolls' for both his children.

So my young friend just pulled out of two University courses, fundamentally because they could not hold his interest. 

The fact is they only hold the attention of those whose parents are not that super-wealthy, and who want their kids to 'make money' in professions all of which seem to require 'qualifications' that you get from Universities.

This is an abandoned caravanserai 
in an Iranian desert.


Anyone who goes to a University today - is not educated; they are uneducated. They are not functionally illiterate but they are illiterate. Because illiterate does not mean 'unable to read;' it means 'not well-read.' 

Nobody at the Pentagon is literate.

...Unfortunately for you, my friends - you recently read a handful of texts from Plato, maybe Hesiod, others, you got snatches from 'Midsummer Night's Dream' about the occult use of wildflowers (Didn't you? You remember, right?) -, and you just read 'Hassan' by James Elroy Flecker. You have a few odds and ends of mathematics and geometry and logic.

You are educated.

Do you really imagine that a super-advanced intelligent species from far far away is made up of uneducated idiots?

Yes there are no 'ET's' in Flecker's 'Hassan,' as far as you could tell.

But there is Hassan himself and there also is Flecker...

You tell me when the hairs on the back of your neck start to stand on end. 

If you think I cannot stick you in a space-craft and send you off to outer space you are being very very uneducated.

It's what we do, it's who we are; and we thrill to it. I already told you about hyper-axial rotating dactylism; you read about it in one of the earlier texts linked here. And if you think this person below really is just 13 here you're an idiot.

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Saving Lives

Those of you who have been funding the Autism employment project ought to know that you are saving lives.

I know it says in various sacred texts that 'only God in heaven knows what you give in secret' but in this case I also know and you should at minimum know that these things have vastly more value than what people tend to believe.

Last week I read in a national newspaper a whole article about a fund with a lot of money that was managed professionally and it appeared to be handling what is called 'philanthropy' by the very wealthy and is a practice that has pages and pages dedicated to the kind of thing in places like Forbes Magazine.

What the Moulin Rouge was actually like
in the olden days.

I don't know about those things and I have never seen those levels of funds for actual on-the-ground socially worthwhile and meaningful causes anywhere.

There are more homeless people living in the streets today than I have ever seen before.

And there is more money channeled to 'philanthropy' and our national government here is complaining about going over-budget on its bi-partisan 'national disability insurance scheme.'

I've never seen any of that money and I know personally of no one who has.

It's in the multiple billions. Allegedly.

I know that clinically diagnosed anxiety among the public is on the rise and the so-called mental health rates among all ages are not going down either.

But I don't want these pages to descend into time-wasting discussions about charities or causes or the general poverty of the planet.

I want to talk about the fact that very likely almost no one here has actually acquired a copy of 'Hassan' by Flecker and read it to the end and still people wonder why no ET Aliens turn up and show themselves...

You got Hassan, right?
I mean you did get it.

Ah nah, I don't really want to say that - I already know and expect what people are likely to do and what they have the time to do.

We can't all just drop what we are doing in the moment and go get some all-fired old book just because Calvin says.

(Who is 'Calvin?' Calvin J. Bear is this guy who has been around a long time on a private investment forum started by some serious professionals most of whom are in the services 'somewhere').

I mean put it this way too - how much would the Wall Street Journal pay for access to a person who has actually been on one of these 'recovery' missions??


You know which ones.

Those ones. Of which there are said to have been nine already.


Hey no point calling me! I don't know any such persons. And besides, they would all be signed into a 100-year heavy-weight agreement for which there are only jail provisions for breaking the covenants of secrecy and confidentiality. So, no, I don't know such people.

Yeah, and?
What sort of people actually live in there?
Do they all get on with each other?
Are there servants?
What about slaves, are there some of those?
Who cleans the joint?

What I do know about though, is that there are mansions in Oregon and Aspen and so on worth tens and tens of millions and I happen to know one or two of the folk who own them and gee, they are boring boring people when it comes down to it.

I mean most of them are quite nice in the basic way of how people come across socially and none of them is stupid exactly.

None of those people know that I am to be found here.

They would not be shocked with what I have been saying (about them).

One is an inheritor of one of the original shareholdings of a major oil discovery in the Timor Sea. The actual historical fact of it all is though, that those people never did actually extract any commercial oil there and the whole thing was fought over by the government of Indonesia and Philips Oil and then subsequently the independent Timor government backed by Portugal.

This gentleman's entire wealth came from floating the proposition on the Australian and the London exchanges during the era of the 'wealthiest entrepreneur in Australia' back then, Robert Holmes a' Court and in the end it was demonstrated that he never actually owned any rock-solid rights to anything in the Timor Gulf at all and meanwhile... ...he died so it was never shown that he was a complete fraud all along.

During his day no one could say a word against Holmes a' Court because he owned a media empire and all the politicians had fallen in love with his seemingly aristocratic Rhodesian style. Enough said. ...All you Freemasons out there.

Is this a truly wealthy person,
do you think?
What is 'truly wealthy?'
...Are they an interesting person?

Actually, another of his famous crazy investments was that he had bought a huge number of heritage properties in France and the truth of that was that legally - he wasn't allowed to sell any of them!! LOL

So, what he had and what he owned and what was real and legitimately a commercial asset that could be sold in an open market - was moot.

I tell you all of these things in order to explain why 1. you are not barred from being in one of these incredibly beautiful white elephants in Aspen, and 2. you do not need to be intimidated by those who 'own' them.

Those people are nobodies.

The people who are somebodies are the ones that actually gave to a real physical manifest cause to do with social endeavors and the human beings that received the benefits and welcomed those and were grateful are all real and important people. All of them; both sides of the equation.

Who's to know or say whether some day some currently unknown person with Autism suddenly turns up on the public scene as the world's greatest concert violinist?

...I know you want to be in that mansion in Aspen.

But that is where the 'friends' come in.

And they are our friends and they are your friends too. They can take you anywhere. They can 'disappear' you and bring you back in one piece too. And you will not be able to tell anyone what you saw.

On that private almost secret, finance forum I was talking about a few paragraphs above, one person recently remarked that there were rumors that MH370 was 'disappeared' by some top secret amazing technology of the Pentagon... I've seen those short video clips too. 


The Pentagon has no such 'top secret' technology.

It's not secret, but it is
nice technology.

They can make out they have it all they want as far as I'm concerned.

They can do whatever they want to do all the way to the bitter end.

Because there soon will be such an end.

Meanwhile though, we want to just go find ourselves in one of those mansions, right? With some friends, and some very good wine, and absolutely no one else who should be left behind in the world far below - or outside, as it were.

You are already on the inside.

Can you tell?

I mean you think about it: you got Hassan nobody else got it; you got to read about the funny long-fingered people, no one else did; you got to be told that there is a gooey, oxygenated substance inside those little white Tic Tacs no one else knows about that; and you got told that blue light lasers (LED ones, that's all) shone into halite salt crystals placed over your heart area increase the T-cells in your blood and prevents disease and gives you tons of energy, nobody else got told about that.

Now though, Hassan. Back to Hassan. What did we learn from that?

For lust of being where the common folk should not be, we take the Golden Road to the mansion in Aspen...

For me the one question is who will want to go with me - will I go alone, or do I want others to be there?

I started out more or less alone. I found some fellow travelers along the way though.

Most serious-minded people want love above all else, but they want the love of the right beings: