The kidney does not have muscles in it, although it rests next to the back muscles, and so, people often confuse kidney problems with basic back muscle pain.
Yet, the whole idea of going to doctors all the time to get 'pills' to solve organic problems flies in the face of what your doctor's own lifestyle is like.
All he does all day long is sit behind a desk and hang around with 'sick' people.
He is no living example of what a healthy person ought to be doing during their days and nights.
And frankly he has no right advising anyone on anything. ...Other than on which BMW service plan is the least expensive, and where the property prices are rising.
Most countries admit that their health system is over-prescribing SSRIs and this nevertheless also speaks to the fact that a huge number of people think or say that they are 'depressed.'
Well that's all just great.
Who am I to argue with a multi-billion dollar industry - right?
And doctors spent seven or eight years learning stuff too... So they must know everything.
By the time someone has spent a bunch of years doing all the wrong things and they have to have radical surgery to fix something which has completely broken down - it's a bit late to talk about lifestyle and 'food as medicine.'
To attain good kidney health you need to move!
And to maintain a good liver condition you need to back off - every now and then for a short while - all of these 'amazing, brilliant supplements' and also back off things like alcohol and raw starch.
People insist on saying that they are 'this intolerant' or 'that allergic' and most of the time they cannot discern when the active factor is too much antibiotics in eggs and chicken and raw un-proven flour - this latter of which turns into the very common 'gluten intolerant' saga.
It is really the case today that a lot of commercially-produced 'bread' is not authentically bread but a frozen pre-fermented form of dough designed to enable lots of 'food miles' and sudden zapping by microwaves and then 'finishing' with high heat industrial toasters.
This has nothing to do with actual food.
It's 'just' water... |
This is rampaging human stupidity.
Drinking great wine has nothing to do with 'getting drunk' as the objective - but so many people today are looking for a quick and relatively cheap 'way out' albeit mostly it will just be a temporary deviation from the same old narrow road they are always on.
Being able to enjoy your life also means keeping your body in some sort of reasonably good order.
And there is very little chance that a person is going to be able to expand their mind or drive it to reach great heights if they are permanently carrying pain and other organic dysfunctions.
Austerity and asceticism are best applied in short-term bursts so that they do not themselves take over as obsessions - and many people are obsessional for whatever reason.
Before you go planning a budget for acquiring the world's best wines, buy some good quality running shoes and some running gear that you intend to wear out totally.
Pine bark extract, bilberry extract, blue spirulina - all very good. Also running shoes and getting up and running; or walking. |
Then, you will be on the way to learning about the Destination.
Fail to do that and you are not going anywhere fast.
You think 'Big Pharma,' right? Big, powerful, smart, important...
Absolute total dumb rank amateurs.
If Big Pharma started investing in Asian Hot Pot restaurants, then, they would be something to take seriously.
...As those of you know who have been here for some time, this place does cover a few 'strange' topics and occasionally there have been hints about events well before they happened.
And that's because we are the Yordei Merkaba. And by the way, nowhere in any ancient literature at all, does it ever say the 'merkaba'; are 'flying things' made up of two tetrahedrons like pyramids jamming into each other - aka 'sacred geometry...'
No such thing.
Even Wiki talks rubbish on this, suggesting it is in Ezekiel Chapter 1.
Well - where?
Bourbon oysters. |
Where in Ez. Ch. 1 does it say any such thing at all??
Yeah they got some shapes from somewhere, and for sure the idea is reminiscent of what the US Navy filmed.
How 'bout that?
Wonder who was in that thing...
Nah, not a real thing. Just a fantasy. Like sci-fi.
Isn't it.