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Thursday, 17 August 2023

Boring News Update

His Excellency, the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM just gave State Governor Awards to two schools here in Western Australia this year (and these are not awarded every year, but only when there is some clear outstanding performance in education that needs to be recognized) one of them being MERRIWA PRIMARY SCHOOL. ...Which is basically from where we started the Autism future employment project (still is physically mainly located there) and I don't need to go on about how many of us are on the Board there, and other stuff associated with those amazing people and their supporters some of whom include yourselves (it is designed to be a project transferable worldwide where there are dynamic, interested people available in other places).

This school is in an area which is in the lowest socio-economic percentile in the State (believe me, if we let them, some kids would come to school not having eaten the night before or the morning either, and there are potential issues about where they slept/if they slept at all), and has the highest number of different ethnic groups represented in its student population (around 35 different ethnic groups from all over the world!). This year, we had afternoon and evening 'pizza meets' where the State Education Department provided interpreters so that the parents of these kids from all over the planet were able to clearly comprehend in their own language what the grades being given to their children actually meant. 'C' being a very good grade, for example, and which meant that the child was doing everything asked of them.

When the Governor carried out his usual tree-planting thing that he does wherever he goes out on official duties to make awards and so on, one of our local Aboriginal students gave the 'welcome' address extemporaneously, with a very moving statement of how proud he was on behalf of his community and his people. ...And this from someone in Primary School. We are talking some serious chops here!

This last month all the children of the whole school met with Aboriginal Elders, and all of them made bush damper, from a recipe given by one of the students' grandmothers.

...I think I'll have to get this recipe from them and post it up on the FB 'Rave Festival Cookies' page now.

Culture is handed on in inter-generational processes where the slightly older children, having learned key things from their Elders, are then able to pass these things down to the very young ones. It is a fact that much of the ancient ways and understandings are highly sophisticated and kept and maintained as incredibly precious things - and it is a matter of enormous generosity that the Elders are at this time choosing to share what they know to the current crop of children and to the wider community here and around the world.

Gouryella - Ligaya
We've played it before here a
few times already.

As you know we have been promoting here in these pages, deep connection with the tremendously ancient past, and pretty esoteric ties to a strong positive future but linked to that past -, despite current problems in the world. 'Gouryella' with its official music video clip, is the most obvious expression of those kinds of ideas. 

'Gouryella' is a global hit by Armin Van Buuren and Ferry Corsten, and the word (which means 'Heaven') is taken from probably the Wiradjuri Eastern Australian Aboriginal language - whereas we speak mostly Noongar over here in the West.   

There is far too much going on right now to make anything like a decent report of it all here right away. But things will unfold...

One of you here I know is involved in Ultra Frisbee sports in the US, and this month too, our Ed Support Campus had their kids all outside being taught the art of the frisbee. 

Meanwhile - here's the personal message from JES to the school:

Opens to my Google Drive file copy of JES message vid 

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

In The Mists, At Nightfall

Sometimes you find yourself in some part of a winding back roads, perhaps halfway up the side of a heavily wooded elevation leading further and further, deeper, into those uninhabited places well away from the last sign of human civilization, the last roadhouse before the long climbs and then descents through valleys across the major escarpment.

You are driving alone, the radio set or podcast on your digital device your only companion.

When you are back in cities, in the urban communities, there is the crush of people, the loud noise of humanity in its dense throngs - in the fast-pace and 'take-away' mentality of modern people all gone off the rails but pretending to be doing something.

In the jungle there are beautiful 
animals, but these are also dangerous 
animals regularly.

Most people who read are fairly familiar with the Tao Te Ching. And therefore they are very well aware that there are numerous translations of it, none of which completely agrees with any other of the translations.

This is the nature of Chinese script and the obscure grammar of especially poetic verse as written in the logograms of the Chinese language form.

Occasionally you will find some scholar who mentions that during the Tang Period in particular, Chinese philosophers understood the divine beings - usually termed 'fairies' but regarded also very much as gods and goddesses - as sometimes being interested in the curious ways of mortals, but then inevitably dismissing them as a trifling affair; a trifling form of only temporarily living creature.

Fundamentally, the logograms being written down by poets are subjected to a lot of differing interpretations and explanations. Although something has been 'set down in writing,' nevertheless the nature of the exact ideas and meanings are not set in stone.

The widest public generally laughs at the deep scholars and deny that these will really know what is being intended in the classical texts.

With technology, it makes us think
that we can control 'nature.'

The scholars and intellectuals are 'up in the clouds,' so to speak, according to the common mind all the time.

The scholars themselves on the other hand, refuse to dispute with the common minds, and proceed as though they have some esoteric knowledge - but a knowledge so valuable and practical and beneficial, that they want to keep it exclusively and not share it with others who are not fit to be granted access to the precious meanings.

A secret is in the dual way one can translate the phrase 'consort with heaven,' for instance:

It could mean conspiring or being solicitous with the gods, seeking their assistance, asking them for things...

Or, it could literally mean being or becoming a consort - a sort of a concubine to the gods!

And then, as a consort, instead of asking or seeking or praying, the person of knowledge makes themselves attractive to the divine personages and to their divine minds and way of thinking - their outlook.

In the human world we see so much suffering, so much grief and pain...

We cannot understand it on the basis of any logical concept that a divine mind is anywhere in the loop but then just stands there failing to intervene when tragedy strikes.

The presence of evil and gratuitous suffering is not genuinely explainable if there is a god and the nature of that god is goodness.

The presence of evil however, is something which exists here because human beings are evil.

You might not be evil but the rest of the world on the whole is very evil and obscures its responsibility and pretends things are all just naturally transpiring on their own.

How evil is 'very evil?'

Well, once you realize that even the mortal man is part-way to being immortal and a god himself, you are potentially more willing to accept that the other gods are intentionally not stepping in and thereby treading on the rights of the human 'part-god.'

No sooner though that you have decided to consort with the heavens, than it comes to be that those gods intervene with you - and but with you alone.

And then at that point suddenly you yourself will become what will appear like a massively disconnected and disinterested person - of all the other fellow human beings around you; their fate, their pain, their struggles, their suffering.

These will become to you like small things, of little or no consequence.

And then you will become like the stranger at the Hibiscus Inn, about to begin his journey - in the great Tang Chinese classic:

"With this cold night-rain hiding the river

You have come into Wu

In the level dawn, all alone

You will be starting for the mountains of Chu

Answer, if they ask of me at Loyang

One hearted as ice in a crystal vase."

Sunday, 13 August 2023

China's New Lasers


So China has announced that their researchers have found a reliable way to power lasers and cool the energy systems driving the photon generators so that a weapon can be continuously fired upon any enemy target.

We have talked about that here over many recent years already.

The thing does exist and it has been tested - even in space over the Southern and Antarctic Oceans.

The reason why we hide
...Is that human rulers are
very evil.

In addition to just photons being fired in a beam, the Chinese have a way to propagate gas plasma in a straight line. This is basically what you saw going over the Melbourne, Victoria skies last week. They fire out little metal packets which have the ballistics to move forward in a straight line with a trailing gas plasma chain behind it - and then this is super-vibrated with the continuous laser.

US and Western technology is way behind what the Chinese have achieved. 

And it is fatal to believe that the West stands any chance whatsoever on its own, of countering any military ventures of the CCP Beijing ideologues. And that is because the West has been run by its own utterly lunatic ideologues for a number of decades now. And they've run the place into the ground.

The stakes are incredibly high over whether or not the West - or even anybody - can gain the help of some 'outside' agency in the coming years. 

Assuming that Xi and Beijing are benign in any way is simply nutty.

There'll be bloody global warming all right!

Except not any natural kind.

The diabolical thing about this technology is that because no one really acknowledges that it exists as a practical thing (yet), then the Chinese can use it strategically a lot and claim, if someone shouts too loudly, that well whatever happened was just a trillion-to-one collision with a bit of meteorite or something...

Meanwhile, the personal credit card debt of Americans stands at a trillion dollars.

And international medical bodies re-name diseases so as not to offend fat people.

And that kind of brilliant genius stuff.

Fire is nice.
I like fire.

And why is it that all government leaderships, when they speak, speak gibberish: nobody ever gives an explanation to the voters and citizens about what they are doing.

What is the rational explanation for why you can detain someone without trial forever in the West, which is against the whole basis of the Law and Justice in a democracy, but you can't do it in the East? At the same time Xi himself talks absolute meaningless drivel whenever he gives a public address...

There is no, as in simply no moral credibility left for judges in the West, and there never was any in Communist China.

So where do we all stand now?

God is Truth and Truth is God - as David R. Hawkins points out; and for this reason it is clear and it is easy to affirm that 'Anti-Christ' literally is what we are left with ruling things today.

None of these people have even the slightest interest in speaking Truth.

They cannot explain what they are doing, to the public, and they don't explain it.

Why does the media not scold the judiciary right away and say re Assange, for example: 'Listen, you can't do this without explaining to the public how come it is you can break your own laws and principles of Justice.'

If you don't give an immediate and a good explanation then clearly you are no longer an honest, democracy-driven, free society but one which is run and controlled by deceivers and thieves and criminal tyrants.

Satin and velvet housecoat.
Wearing this kind of thing is
illegal and subversive.
In the present world.

What was the excuse, anyway, even if you started explaining your rationale now, why you didn't do so sooner?

No. We are in 'complicated' times. And they might get messy.

Assange was originally arbitrarily detained by Swedish authorities.

And then he was 'arrested' following an incursion by a foreign power into an Embassy grounds. And then he was charged with 'breaking bail.' There is no such thing as bail where there are no initial actual charges! 

All of this stuff is 'after the event/s,' and the result is illegal detention without trial for decades!

The West is run by a literally financially bankrupt criminal so-called 'elite' and the East certainly in China at least, is run by a militaristic tyrant dictator.

So what happens next?

Everything gonna be great, right?

But if you suppose this means I am preaching all Doom and Gloom you are mistaken.

Things could literally not be better.

Nobody suspects anything.

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Slow Down

Two days ago I got a phone call from Nathan Burley, the marketing manager, I guess - although he is a capable wine-maker in his own right too - of one of the greatest wineries in the world today -, and he was just such a wonderful gentleman. We talked a little, as a side-note, about Dennis Lillee, arguably the greatest fast bowler (cricketer) of all time, who lives not very far from my present daily hang-out in front of some pretty sophisticated computers, and who is off to visit Nathan Burley's place in a few days...

But mainly we talked about some wine.

Right now you won't necessarily see any connection with what has been the usual fare on these pages but not long from now a few things will eventuate and everything will make just a little bit more sense.

I don't personally know Dennis Lillee, but a senior business partner of myself and a couple of people here, Bill Cocks, not with us anymore sadly, knew him quite well enough to be more than just a passing acquaintance, and I've met Lillee briefly in that context (of high level professional sports and also business affairs).

By this November it will have become clear that not only has the Ukraine and NATO and the US lost the war in the Ukraine, but that they have done that comprehensively so. 

...Anyone imaging that the Kremlin will not decapitate Kiev when that place is finally fully exposed and weak and vulnerable is living in a fantasy.

The risks therefore, are now tremendously high that the US will provoke a nuclear exchange to try and turn around what is otherwise an impossible situation.

So that's what you are looking at, in terms of the near future and what that future holds for the world, for the planet.

You might be a person living in a daydream that you are 'on the right side' or on 'the side of the good people,' but the governments of the Western World lost all credibility once they permitted the illegal detention of Julian Assange without trial. Lost -, not 'are losing;' actually lost.

We are living in extremely dangerous times -, and no, not just dangerous; perilous.

But I am expecting all of you to have your wits completely about you, to have your brains working - and working well.

Most others will lose their heads.

Don't you do it.
It's kinda crass, but hey, still looks
pretty cool tho.

Okay let's say you are thinking 'no, no way will there be a nuclear exchange!' 

But you are not using your brains here, in thinking that.

The principles that guide the hands of the ruling elites are not the ones that you were raised in school to believe are the principles, and which therefore you are attributing to those who sit in government, and whom you may have thought were just people from your own ranks.

At all costs they must maintain power over you. They have nothing else to fall back on. They cannot farm, they cannot fish, they cannot actually hunt, and they cannot gather - they can only rob and kill: you.

This is Cain.

And this type of affair will explode on the world stage over the next few days and weeks and months.

There will be killing, that is, murder, and there will be mass destruction.

Meanwhile, we'll be drinking the wine.
...And from out of his treasury, he brings
the old, and the new.
Matthew 13: 51 - 53

Because, the wine-press is being brought into the picture.

'Come, tread, for the wine-press is full; for their wickedness is great.'

Doubt this at your extreme peril.

These things are in Joel 3: 13 - 14, which talk about multitudes upon multitudes in the Valley of Decision; otherwise referred to incorrectly as 'Judgment' by modern commentaries.

And also in Revelation 17.

You are going to be drinking wine.

The amount of lying in the media and by governments is going to prove simply astonishing to you. That is, prove to have been simply breathtakingly audacious.

Wasn't 'rocket parts,' by the way... Rocket parts don't send gas plasma beams shining straight ahead before them as they slide sideways across the sky.

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Not Long Now

There are things going on that the world does not know, does not understand - because it does not know us.

Whatever your current situation in life, you are part of a circle. And that circle is very powerful, except not in the way power is regarded in the ordinary day-to-day world.

This circle has the power to do things others will never be able to do.

This means something to one of you...

And you yourself know the way. You know the 'door' and you know the path to it: you can go in and return back. 

...Maybe you are only just at the arrival stage yourself, to the party.

But persevere. Stay on in there.

Open the big doors. 

Most people are quite oblivious to what is going on. And some people think they know but they don't know.

People are carrying on like they always did: 'as in the days of Noah (the fourth from Enoch - who was taken by the Elohim and was found no more here on the Earth).'

You know that saying.

Well that saying is true.


Team JES just sent a wonderful personal video message to the MERRIWA Primary School where I am on the Board there, and where 'Amanda' and 'Bill' and others here are massive supporters - and which is also the location of the 'front-end' of our work with the Autistic (mainly) kids as well as other kids with various disabilities - and they are going to be blown away when they see it. 

She (JES) is part of a group of very talented musicians and composers who have worked on massively-successful mainstream projects like 'Finding Nemo' and 'The Fast and the Furious' and 'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,' and 'Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas...' Among a huge swathe of amazing output. But above all they are really nice people.

This is pretty 'fast and furious!'

There is a lot of connection with this league with 'Downunder' where I am, because this same sort of musical genre and circle includes people like Emma Hewitt and Tyson Illingworth (EH: from Sydney and 'TyDi:' from Brisbane), not to mention that MaRLo although usually regarded as a Dutch musician, is in fact mostly based just up the road from me here just north of Perth City - to say nothing of the fact that Darude (of monster global EDM hit 'Sandstorm' fame) comes down here very regularly to the Bar 1 facility at Hillarys Boat Harbor (nothing to do with H. Clinton! lol) to DJ live (and to the park across from me to skate-board! He's an avid, virtually pro-level skate-boarder).

I won't play the personal video message here until the School Board and kids there get to see it first which will be at least some time after the next Full Board Meeting this month later.

Plenty of music clips anyway in the meantime.


We'll save up the JES videos and the BT and TyDi videos for later. Right now let's spin a recent release that is hitting it on the serious heavy Trance and 'Intelligent Digital Music' dance-floor (did you even know there was such a thing? Well there is...) scene with DJ's the likes of Farius and Markus Schulz.

Find us in the circle; find your place in the circle.

Hayla - sings below:

[Doorman: 'You have to advise re necessary age requirements.' 

Dad: 'He's already ten and a half.'

Doorman: 'I meant you, Grandpa] LOLOL