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Friday, 22 April 2022

The Backwards Mirror Problem

Down through centuries and centuries, this standard habit of people is to get bored or dissatisfied with whatever belief system they previously had, and turn everything upside down and formulate some 'new' belief system.

These days, we can read all about the 'ancient gods of Sumeria' because someone came close to working out what the Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform scripts actually say - and so, we now have this story about those 'who from the heavens to the Earth descended.' 

This is just another one of these 'rebel cycles' in standard mainstream belief. Away from Genesis and Jehovah and towards the Anunnaki: 'who from the heavens to the Earth descended.' And then so what though?

Now really, this is a very complex sentence to get completely right in the first place: is it 'heavens' or is it 'heaven?' Makes a big difference which one it is.

The 'White Room' - but now with 
communications interface panels.

'Descended?' What is that, really? Came down, sure, but how? Exactly?

Is it 'came down' or is it what the Campbell's Tomato Soup Christians say 'fell down/fallen?'

You can split up the theories on where Mankind came from into three distinct ideas:

1. They simply developed from slime (Richard Dawkins), aka they 'evolved' (now also called 'emergence theory' when jammed up with modern physics);

2. God created them in the Garden of Eden;

3. The ET Aliens came down and played around with some DNA experiments, made Man, decided it was a mistake, flooded them all thinking they would kill off the whole entire lot, failed, and then just took off never to return.

No no! Not the Russian Standard
Aaaaargh, now, you're gonna
be sick in the White Room!

...If we go to the last one first, what you have is an illusion. You have a never-ending backwards facing mirror. Yes the Aliens came (let's say), here -, but then, where did they come from themselves? The apparent answer is, seemingly, well, doesn't matter - it was all so long ago who cares now? So, we're left back to the 'developed all by themselves like slime' story. It's just that these guys developed from slime a long long time earlier than when Dawkin's evolution fairy tale here happened. And it's so far backwards into the distance of past time, that well, it's invisible, really.

If we next move to the Garden of Eden story, we are left with some utterly amazing logical problems that no one bothers to address, because, well, this time, in place of the religion of 'sci-ence,' we have the scientific hierophancy of religion. How come this amazing, all-powerful, all-knowing God was not able to simply 'wipe the minds' of these beings He created, when they apparently learned the Knowledge of the Fruit of Good and Evil (why is that even a problem anyway?) - and, what was He doing sticking this tremendously wicked tree in such a place anyway, right in the path of these poor unsuspecting, innocent creatures, who now have to suffer immensely, pretty much for thousands of years now and still going...?

So then you get the same old paltry, pathetic 'justifications' about why this all 'had to happen.'

One answer literally being that then, then, Jesus could come and suffer some more and 'die' so that this 'Original Sin' could be fixed, except it hasn't been fixed, yet.

Does that really make any sense to anyone who is prepared to use logic and not religious ideology?

In both cases, the backwards-looking mirror one, and the modern Christian one, we have this 'things falling off the cliff at the end of the horizon' business. It's all 'happening' - happening so far into the past that you can't see it, and it doesn't matter, or so on-going into the never-ending future that you can't see that ending either and so the meaning of it all in any conclusive sense 'doesn't matter' there either.

Except it does matter, doesn't it?

We are literally facing actual extinction through the risk of global nuclear war.

The problem with Richard Dawkins' stupid nonsense is that of all of them, you would have supposed the 'scientific' theory would actually use a bit of maths and physics.

Today, 'science' has been hijacked by 'observation theory.'

Maybe if I just meet a 'mini god,' 
I will be able to seduce them.
We don't need no 'super duper'
hot-shot top-line dude...

But science is not actually about observation; it's about observation in conjunction with functions that are real - in other words, it is about logic.

You can have a function which is not real. And then if you continue to 'make observations' in line with the functionally false equation, you can assert that it is 'true' and that it is 'science' but it's just making noise with your mouth. And that is what people like Richard Dawkins do.

I am about to demonstrate to you, prove to you, how to read the future scientifically, and how the religious problem of theodicy is actually resolved:

A triangle is a real thing; it really exists.

But it is a principle, not a naturally-occurring physical thing - there are no actual perfect triangles anywhere in the material Universe.

If one inner angle of a given triangle is an obtuse angle...

...the the other two internal angles must always be acute angles.

And it is not the case that such a situation bespeaks only a fully formed triangle, it can be a linear relationship thing (hence, in time, along a timeline of events): if you have a base line, and two laser 'guide star' rays proceeding at acute angles, then they shall meet at an obtuse angle in the future, as the rays proceed along the angle that subtends the eventual apex (or corner).

100% always predicts the future, that situation.

If for one geometric relationship, then for all of them.

I can spin a baseline of a 'pre-form or proto-triangle' and tell you the conical end section...

I can place indents in the radial orbit of the baseline and tell you the exact gearing (speed) at the apex of the cone, with fluid measurement due to the fluidity of the circular surface, which is no long a two-dimensional thing as the baseline is spun as if it were a radial element.

In other words, I can not only tell you that (because of the logical conclusion of the subtended angle rays, and also why (definition/principle of the triangle form), but also when ('gearing,' aka ratios).

Well over thirty now. Boy, time flies when
you're in Twilight.

God did not 'make Man' at any time. God is, and because God is, Man also is. God is principle, Man is form in function.

When you follow in the train of the gods, who most closely follows - and many fall away, fall down not being able to stand the rigors - you ultimately go to where you are able to see the gods as they really are, and be friends with them. ...Words from an ancient text.

Let us see together if we can 'see' the future now.

There is no 'never-ending backwards looking mirror;' that is an illusion. There is, a triangle. There is one of those for real. That's a real thing. 

Life is not a 'matrix' and it is not a hologram. It is totally completely real. Triangles are real, spinning triangles are real, gears are real, wheels are real, and...

...broken wheels are real too.

'Evil' is a broken wheel.

It can't be fixed; it's 'broken.' If it is broken in principle, well then, it is just broken! A broken wheel which is fixed is no longer a 'broken wheel' at all but a functioning wheel.

If your mind is broken in principle, then it actually cannot be fixed at all.

My friends, the gods do not play by FBI rules...

I hope you know what that means.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

'Creative Envisioning' Is Not 'Stargate'

The real 'Stargate' procedures involve the presence of a 'control' person. Yes you can do it still by yourself, totally on your own, but the point of trying to get actual usable material from the future or from some distant, and otherwise inaccessible location, is to have independent monitoring that various states and stages of the process are authentically being moved through.

In the Monroe Institute procedures, there are very discrete brain states that can be seen with technical equipment that the individual is transiting through and then, at the time when they - the persons involved - are perceiving information from some source different to our usual five/six senses, you can detect that too because there are specific brain states associated with this phase.

They say 'dystopia' but I don't see that.

Now this stuff is super important to people, not just anyone who wishes to go see inside the Azovstal Factory. It is important, for instance, to people under a lot of perceived stress.

Because, one of our complex of natural physical senses is intero-ception - and this is something tied to our polyvagal nerve set-up.

You can very easily find some key exercises which work on the polyvagal system on-line from the famous expert in this area - Sukie Baxter. Her material is pretty easy to understand, very accessible to everyone.

See the problem with too many people trying things without the proper guidance, and when so many people are motivated by just needing something to say on Tik-Tok all the time and so on - is that it is all too easy to end up doing some 'creative envisioning' and mix that up with actually 'seeing' the future or seeing some distant otherwise 'invisible' place.

Most depictions of the future that you will encounter on-line from those saying they have seen the future and know what it holds for us, are variations on the movie 'Demolition Man.'

AI runs our lives, AI sorts out criminals and 'misdemeanors' and there are 'no governments and no laws...' Well but what is the AI if it is not the government then and the law?

There is truth to the conspiracy theory about Oxford University stopping and preventing others from looking into the archaeological site of 'Eridu' - which is in Iraq.

It's all about what's in my bag.
Don't try to pull 'Academi' on me, sonny!
You can't even spell it rite.

ISIS and Al Qaeda you recall, went to Palmyra and destroyed some very ancient artifacts there. And when it comes to Eridu, the place has been open to looters for nearly a hundred years now, ever since the Oxford dig stopped and they 'upped stumps' and left the place unguarded.

...Notwithstanding that is it is the oldest city in the world, if you leave out the possible pre-Harappan civilization sites.

It is certainly without any question though, the oldest city with actual written monuments there in a decipherable language form.

I mention Eridu because in Eridu there are descriptions - different from the 'laws of Moses' inter alia 'of God' and very different also, to the Code of Hammurabi - descriptions of how the society of intelligent human beings actually runs. Or should run under natural systems.

There is no need for 'AI' because there already is 'AI' in-built into people and into their society, but these systems have all been destroyed in no less brutal a fashion than what the ISIS vandals did to various ancient monuments around the world.

These systems have been destroyed and people are actively blocked from re-discovering what they are and how to implement them.

The most obvious and fundamental problem with the 'Moses' story, is that if the 'serpent' of Moses was able to 'eat all the other serpents' of the court magicians of the Pharaoh, why did not the god of Moses simply throw out Pharaoh and arrange whoever he felt should have ruled there, to rule. On the surface we are meant to understand that the god of Moses was superior to the power of the Pharaoh...

You're a Vegan, eh?
So you say...

Though clearly not powerful enough to entirely depose the Pharaoh from Egypt and/or dispose of him on the spot. But why not?

And then, from this point in, you will get all kinds of 'justifications' - but of a falsity of basic narrative.

1. There is a code of human activity and behavior, and it is entirely self-regulated for reasons which can readily be understood when you see the texts from Eridu;

2. There is the same code of human activity and behavior, and it too is also, inscribed onto the walls of various ancient places in Egypt;

3. The future of the Human Race, cannot involve any such thing as 'AI' running all human things, unless this pre-existing internal system is further obliterated, but then, it will not be able to be because there are plenty of people already here now who possess the knowledge of how to uncover the intrinsic system. 

Tell me, what kind of 'All-Powerful, All-knowing' God, sees Cain kill Abel, but then, when the Serpent apparently made some murderous mischief in the Garden, this 'God' didn't simply kill the Serpent. I mean, he might at least have learned from the example of what Cain was powerful enough to do, which was namely, to kill his opponent. ...Seems like the example is anachronistic, but it isn't surely - God can see the future, right? He's supposed to know everything including that.

Is this super-powerful deity not able to kill?

He manages to see to it that actually, everyone does 'get killed' at the end of their lives...

So what's actually going on here?

Well I'll tell you. It's all recorded and set out very clearly in the monuments at Eridu. As it is mostly, also in the inscriptions and devices on the walls of the ancient structures of Egypt.

See it's the same kind of thing that is going on at Mariupol right now.

I was a 'Vegan' for the first course.

If, if, the neo-Nazis and the Ukraine regular army and all of their backers everywhere including the West at large, were really that powerful, why could they not simply go behind the Russian soldiers who are presently surrounding the Azovstal Works, and cause them to at minimum fight on two fronts, and thereby give some chance of escape to the neo-Nazis holed up inside the steel-works?

Theoretically, there are two groups actually 'trapped:' one being the Azov neo-Nazis (that we in the West whose parents all died fighting the past iteration of, are now backing) -, the other being the Russians, because they are 'trapped' as it were, physically 'surrounding' the steel-works complex. We know where they are, and we could easily, in theory, engage them.

Also, by the fairy tale told by CNN and MSNBC, 'we' have superior weapons and fighting 'people...'  Right? I mean, 'we' do, right? Don't we? We're sure of that...

Okay, here is what has been going on though.

The con-artists all across the planet, have been winding up various kinds of idiots - 'ISIS,' Al Qaeda, Azov neo-Nazis, BLM, Antifa - and pitting them at different groups, throwing both sides into pitched battles.

The point is that unless these schemers can convince enough people to 'follow' them (means to go and die for them, at their behest), there will be insufficient killers around to wield weapons and kill anyone all that much. When there is 'no one against me,' then I have no one to 'fight.' And that means that the criminals also will have no one to fight for them.

It's all about having people to fight for them. They are raising an army.

For ten thousand years, the only point of this planet has been that one 'side' has been raising an army of stupids.

Human beings are nothing if not utterly militantly stupid.

They are broken, flawed, fractured beings, not complete inside, some of them literally have bits and pieces missing, and they are just intelligent enough to operate machinery but not intelligent enough to control themselves with the machinery. 

Somebody was asking the question just now, is there going to be a nuclear war?

Yes for sure there is. Absolutely 100% for sure.

French Earl Grey, Bill Smith.
There is such a thing, as you will soon
find out, Bill.

If no one steps in from places that you cannot see and prevents it, then the same set of 'war-fighters,' the belligerents, will pick up nuclear weaponry and train to use it, and test it for actual war-fare, and then, they will use it too.

The thing the Reptilians and the Moloch herd know that you don't know, is just exactly where, the internal 'soul' of a dead person goes, and then, how to get it back and re-use it to commit all kinds of atrocious acts especially murder, on command.

'Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.'

What does that mean?

Why 'look up?'

If they can manage to get enough humans to fight for them, well, there is a chance they can break out of 'Azovstal...'

But you don't believe this do you?

What's the point 'believing' in some imaginary 'Stargate' process, and being able to 'see' into the future? What, just because some one some time said the CIA funded such a silly thing?

Is that why you believe it?

Listen, if 'Stargate' then 'War in the Heavens,' buddy! (Some people say they don't like it when you call them 'buddy.' lol) It's as simple as that. No way 'round it.

No escape from the logical conclusion.

For hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years, you've been waiting for 'just one little sign' - just one little cute high-tech space ship to fly over your ass (head, sorry, head), so that then, you will do the right thing.

Well what makes me, you or anyone think 'we' can be trusted without that, though?

Do you need 'a sign' to do the right thing?

JVHV was a sign. Man he freakin' burnt up a whole mountain!

So then, next thing, y'all did whatever he told you. Abandoning what was already inside you...

Is that right? You needed to be told what the difference is between 'Good' and 'Bad?'

You don't know what it is? Is that so?

The Reptilians have all the cash.

When did you not know?

Are you starting to see who you are, as a human being? What a 'human being' is?

You are not 'good,' as such. You are contestable space is what you are.

But look, I'll take you to the sheer logic of the thing right away: all you have to do is go for the win. Pick the winning side. 

If you think the Reptilians can win this, go with them. They have all the cash and all the secular power; go with them.

Not only that, they have written all the history. ...And from what you have been educated to know, you can really tell who are the good guys, right?

Mind you, I can't tell. Both the Zulus and the Brits seemed both to be heroic and brave in that movie.

Both sacrificed their lives, both killed, and both got killed.

So what am I saying here? Be a pacifist?

No. I'm not saying that at all.

This is a very 'difficult' music track to fully understand. The artist says it hints at his inner romantic nature, which is also mystical...



Tuesday, 19 April 2022

The Complexity Of Great Wines

See, I could, the trouble is I really can though...

What we are facing today, is a complicated, and systematic and very devious scheme to destroy the human race.

But before we can truly comprehend this in its widest scope of vision, it is entirely necessary to ask well, what is the human race though?

Takes fourteen days till the 'full moon,' according
to the ancient pre-Pharaoh Egyptians (although
recorded by the Pharaoh era people); meaning,
it takes fourteen days to do magic...
It's what they mean there (above). 

The 'human race' is a set of human beings. It's a set of varying individual examples of a class of being; they're not all the same even though they share a species' characteristic format. 

And the real difficulty with being able to come to terms with that in the first place lies in the primary acknowledgement that we do have to make to ourselves, that each individual is so very complex. They're not simple at all. Not at the high end. There is a low end and a high end. Worse still, each one consists of immaterial principles, plus material, iterative, complex factorial equations as manifested temporal dynamic things.

This is expressed figuratively in the ancient Egyptian temple images of the seven different-colored Hathors.

Within each individual person's consciousness, there is a function, an ability to create intention.

Takes a lot of centuries to make this stuff!

Now here is what I really wanted to address all along - right throughout the last several Blog pages from some time back:

If you got up into - were allowed into, even to actually see - one of these 'Romulan Bird-of-Prey' type craft that really are around not far from the Earth atmosphere, after a very short while you would come to realize that being there, and having advanced technology access, and 'agency' if you will, across some pretty fantastic technical capabilities, renders its own problems or 'issues,' let's call them.

And everyone up there is a Mouton Rothschild 2000.

And what is a Mouton Rothschild 2000? This thing is so amazing, even the empty bottles are sought after because of the artwork on them. You're talking about a thousand dollars for a legit empty bottle.

In fact in 2000 there wasn't an artist commissioned for the artwork on the label (there is usually an artist commissioned to do a painting for it), but Baronness Philippine de Rothschild decided she would have a stylized painting of the Augsburg Ram, which is a silver gilt drinking vessel created around 1590 by Jacok Schenauer, a German master metal-smith.

The wine bottle has the ram design enameled on it in real gold. 

But what is the wine like?

Chateau Quintus.
I could tell you what this
is going to be worth twenty years 
 from now.

Well it's very dark. When experts say the tannins are hyper-polished, they mean it's like a cedar wood cabinet made by an Eighteenth century French cabinet-maker like Boulle or Cressent.

When they say it is powerful and muscular, they mean the taste hits you in the front of your mouth and goes on and on and on in the back of your mouth and deep down your throat for ages.

And when they say it is beautifully balanced they mean the taste is literally sweet from the sugar-rich fruit, while the grape-acidity has disappeared leaving only a sense of fresh grapes, but the impact of honey. 

And when they claim that it has a velvety texture they mean the liquid is resinous and thick and yet also soft in the mouth - in its mouth-feel.

And then when some say it is of enormous constitution and overwhelming power they mean it has a long long list of flavor components, some of them quite exotic, and each one of them is strongly represented and clear and well-defined.

The final result is a combination of two entirely different things: the physical vine itself and the land it grew on, the soil it grew in, the weather and the sun and the rain - together with the skill and knowledge and understanding and careful selecting of the individual grapes by the wine-maker.

You will see and hear and read a lot of people these days talk about how 'I am god.' Well you are actually not god. And I'll tell you why - first you have to have the mindset to be able to arrange all of the material things around you in some conformity to an idea of just what you would like...

You can't simply go up and live in 'Elysium' if you don't know what 'Elysium' is in your own mind. Because if you did, you would simply be a follower and not anyone with 'agency.' You would be a drag on the rest of that society. Now if you are a child well then fine.

But you are not a child, so, well, take all of the things that are here, around you, and make them conform to the reality inside your mindset.

Not someone else's mindset - your mindset.

What do you have in your mindset?

'I want to turn the water into wine.' Well okay, go on then.

I can definitely show you the techniques, and you will then have agency over the power to do it, but if you make vinegar and intend to give that to those who are used to the Mouton Rothschild, you are going to get kicked out of their company.

Make the wine. Make it here first. From what you have available around you, at least in theory at depth. Which means, understand what the hell you are intending to do. Of course you should get a little taste of what's going in upstairs. I get that. That's fair enough.

This is the real 'Aida Fenhel,' by the way. This is what she looks like for real, because this is her:

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Vegans And Cowherds

So, that first song we were looking at here recently is a 'thumri.' Which is a song meant to be danced erotically with 'ganti' bells on the dancing girl's ankle.

'Ganti' by the way, is the same idea that is applied to how an elephant uses its massive foot - it strikes it on the ground, or on whatever else. The generative proposition for the word itself entails the power behind something really massive. 'Gan' is another word for elephant, or at least the 'idea' of the elephant rather than the manifested physical elephant itself.

Part of the lyrics include such things as 'gopastri paribesthita' - which means 'surrounded by the cow-maidens.' And also 'vijayate gopal' - the Lord is my cow-herd.
These people - smh: 'I'm a Vegan.'
Yeah yeah, so you say...

Anyway the point is, never mind that Jehovah demanded '32 virgins' (or maidens) -, none of the maidens proclaimed 'the Great Lord God Jehovah is my cow-herd.'

There is a fundamental thematic absurdity in ever saying that a god who plays games with young maidens, and is frolicking with them in the open fields, is the same as one that burns people up with fire emitted from his mouth and nostrils just on a whim and a permanent disposition of rage and anger.

The point about looking at the musical expression of various ideas is to be able to 'see' the themes and the underlying 'whole sensory' concepts involved.

When it comes to stunning magical actions, ones that actually work, we have to get away from religious and ideological nostrums and terminologies and human language words - and focus on real forces and principals as they exist and not as we merely describe them in our passing linguistics as quite temporary existential things ourselves. I mean sure, we are arrogant, but that doesn't mean we have any permanency or enduring existence or actual metaphysical power which controls physics.
'No, no. I am!'
Okay so I show you an Elf 'being'
who is a living fungus and what
are you going to do - eat them?
Damn cannibal!

It is not even true, this common thing around today that 'what we observe is affected by the observer.' The real physics meaning of that is simply that apparent 'particles' display separate characteristics at some measurement point, depending on whether we are looking to see those 'particles' as waves or objects. So really, it's a channel difference, not a causative one.  

There is not really much point either saying 'scientifically;' science is only capable of handling something after the fact, and not before a genuine 'unknown.'
Magic is about creating things that never were.

How can you turn water into wine? How, actually?

The underlying matter - the material substance in its form - was in one arrangement. And then you want to move everything, all the component elements of the structure, around inside of the form so that it has another form completely, with different function and implications.

Possible I guess.

We don't really have any clear-cut technology right now to do it but we have various 'close approximations' at low levels of operation. Nano shears, micro-wave amplifiers, digital assembly computers -, all kinds of things.

Yet we do live in a vast context of things, of phenomena all interacting, inclusive of highly psychologically reactive human minds within societies of human beings. So human beings are things, but they are also animate things.
'But I want to be a Vegan.'
Well go on then, who's stopping you?
Don't expect to ride in my car though,
it has leather seats.

The fact that all these things (including humans) exist inside a phenomenological framework that is dynamic along particular strict rules, means that category actions are expressed as field functions.

You could say oh, George Lucas was 'affected' by ancient history and stories and narratives from there, which is why he says in his movie stories there are 'Jedi masters' who use SR staffs of power...

...That is, he is just plagiarizing from the Egyptian Djedi pillars and the Wassir (Osir/Osiris) staffs, same as the Jewish oral tradition manufactured its story about Moses and his staff of power.

But you could equivalently say that he is being affected by a field (of information), and which field is 'known' in a sense to everybody at a subconscious level, which is why his movie series was so widely accepted.

Today, we all have access to bowls of purified water and ozone generators and conceivably, we could cover our hands with glowing miasma of (slightly dangerous) positively-charged gas which exhibits electromagnetic field effects through walls.

It isn't going to change water into wine though, right?

Not unless the underlying whole existential interacting, integrated field right there intends for that to happen.

And I don't know how to do that.

Or, um, if I did, I am not going to tell anyone so here!

...Time for me to go get some steak and drink some wine.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

What Does It Say?

'Thought to represent.'

'Said to contain.'

'Understood to have been..'

Oh really.

Where are the bits and pieces of left-over electronic radios and phaser guns and anti-gravity sticks and stuff...? You know, given the ancient Egyptians were really Annunaki and even some were Reptilians with super-advanced technology and 'Star Gates' and all kinds of everything. LOL

By the way, I might as well just say, before 'NASA' and the 'Pentagon tell you, that they have been shining these huge clusters of lasers up into the sky, and getting UFOs to turn up.

Oh yes.

Peaches and cream jellies.

They'll tell you officially eventually.

They're trying to work out a kind of 'linguistics' I suppose you could call it. A 'sign language' with lights.

It's all really funny to guys like me.

People shone bright lights up from that joint in Las Vegas and no one from space turned up.

How come someone figured these guys will show up for the US military? If they shone bright lights.

But not Casino bosses?

Look I shouldn't joke. There really is a protocol designed to arrange some kind of basic communication to happen - and it has all got to do with ascertaining what might be 'allowed' or 'permissible' use of nuclear weapons, to the little grey guys.

This is the really high end of 'Top Secret.' If the US military and Intel Services decide that they have got the 'pass' on some limited use of nuclear weapons technology ('Rainbow bombs' are allowed up to a point), then they will plan up strategies and tactical systems to be able to really implement them.

(If I said 'guys' one more time here, do you think anyone would guess it was a signal...)?

Reverting to the first idea back up the page, remember last time I said I was going to show something really crucial about how to 'read' certain things, and then from there how to apply what you uncover or discover.

Fig and honey yogurt...

Some people here want to discuss 'remote viewing' a bit more.

Well, here's a little bit of something: 'I saw you under the fig tree, Ptolemy.'

It is 'Ptolemy' by the way, don't let anyone say different.

The fig tree is the third tree in the Garden of Eden mentioned in Genesis.

Hey. These things all happened a long long long time ago, much longer ago than what everyone supposes.

So at least ten thousand years ago anyway (the first figs seen in archaeology are in the Jordan Valley).

Human beings yes, we use words, and we try and work out today from what artifacts we have from ancient times, what various signs and symbols might have meant from our modern conception of words and language.

But then, as with just about anything to do with the human race, there are all of these arguments and disputes, and when it comes especially to matters of religious texts and sacred or 'holy' scriptures, well hell, then you have the warfare of 'this was corrupted' and that was 'heresy,' and this is misinterpreted or misunderstood...

In short, everyone wants to have an argument and no one can actually show you the water turn into wine.

But I can.

You just think about this - there are 7.9 billion people on the planet Earth right now according to the United Nations, and Justin Bieber will have however many million looking at his YT videos (I don't even know if he has any, but you get the point), and there is just you and a handful of others who come here and read and participate.

You're allowed to eat figs. No problem.

And right now I'm going to show you how to tell the difference between a lie and a fact, and how to determine if a sacred scripture truly is that, or is a fraud.


This is important because as I said, we are going to practice things that are in 'sacred scriptures' and which will work when you do them, but will never work when any others on the planet do whatever it is they imagine that they are 'doing' based on what they suppose they are reading.

So, watch: