Down through centuries and centuries, this standard habit of people is to get bored or dissatisfied with whatever belief system they previously had, and turn everything upside down and formulate some 'new' belief system.
These days, we can read all about the 'ancient gods of Sumeria' because someone came close to working out what the Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform scripts actually say - and so, we now have this story about those 'who from the heavens to the Earth descended.'
This is just another one of these 'rebel cycles' in standard mainstream belief. Away from Genesis and Jehovah and towards the Anunnaki: 'who from the heavens to the Earth descended.' And then so what though?
Now really, this is a very complex sentence to get completely right in the first place: is it 'heavens' or is it 'heaven?' Makes a big difference which one it is.
The 'White Room' - but now with communications interface panels. |
'Descended?' What is that, really? Came down, sure, but how? Exactly?
Is it 'came down' or is it what the Campbell's Tomato Soup Christians say 'fell down/fallen?'
You can split up the theories on where Mankind came from into three distinct ideas:
1. They simply developed from slime (Richard Dawkins), aka they 'evolved' (now also called 'emergence theory' when jammed up with modern physics);
2. God created them in the Garden of Eden;
3. The ET Aliens came down and played around with some DNA experiments, made Man, decided it was a mistake, flooded them all thinking they would kill off the whole entire lot, failed, and then just took off never to return.
No no! Not the Russian Standard Vodka! Aaaaargh, now, you're gonna be sick in the White Room! |
...If we go to the last one first, what you have is an illusion. You have a never-ending backwards facing mirror. Yes the Aliens came (let's say), here -, but then, where did they come from themselves? The apparent answer is, seemingly, well, doesn't matter - it was all so long ago who cares now? So, we're left back to the 'developed all by themselves like slime' story. It's just that these guys developed from slime a long long time earlier than when Dawkin's evolution fairy tale here happened. And it's so far backwards into the distance of past time, that well, it's invisible, really.
If we next move to the Garden of Eden story, we are left with some utterly amazing logical problems that no one bothers to address, because, well, this time, in place of the religion of 'sci-ence,' we have the scientific hierophancy of religion. How come this amazing, all-powerful, all-knowing God was not able to simply 'wipe the minds' of these beings He created, when they apparently learned the Knowledge of the Fruit of Good and Evil (why is that even a problem anyway?) - and, what was He doing sticking this tremendously wicked tree in such a place anyway, right in the path of these poor unsuspecting, innocent creatures, who now have to suffer immensely, pretty much for thousands of years now and still going...?
So then you get the same old paltry, pathetic 'justifications' about why this all 'had to happen.'
One answer literally being that then, then, Jesus could come and suffer some more and 'die' so that this 'Original Sin' could be fixed, except it hasn't been fixed, yet.
Does that really make any sense to anyone who is prepared to use logic and not religious ideology?
In both cases, the backwards-looking mirror one, and the modern Christian one, we have this 'things falling off the cliff at the end of the horizon' business. It's all 'happening' - happening so far into the past that you can't see it, and it doesn't matter, or so on-going into the never-ending future that you can't see that ending either and so the meaning of it all in any conclusive sense 'doesn't matter' there either.
Except it does matter, doesn't it?
We are literally facing actual extinction through the risk of global nuclear war.
The problem with Richard Dawkins' stupid nonsense is that of all of them, you would have supposed the 'scientific' theory would actually use a bit of maths and physics.
Today, 'science' has been hijacked by 'observation theory.'
Maybe if I just meet a 'mini god,' I will be able to seduce them. We don't need no 'super duper' hot-shot top-line dude... |
But science is not actually about observation; it's about observation in conjunction with functions that are real - in other words, it is about logic.
You can have a function which is not real. And then if you continue to 'make observations' in line with the functionally false equation, you can assert that it is 'true' and that it is 'science' but it's just making noise with your mouth. And that is what people like Richard Dawkins do.
I am about to demonstrate to you, prove to you, how to read the future scientifically, and how the religious problem of theodicy is actually resolved:
A triangle is a real thing; it really exists.
But it is a principle, not a naturally-occurring physical thing - there are no actual perfect triangles anywhere in the material Universe.
If one inner angle of a given triangle is an obtuse angle...
...the the other two internal angles must always be acute angles.
And it is not the case that such a situation bespeaks only a fully formed triangle, it can be a linear relationship thing (hence, in time, along a timeline of events): if you have a base line, and two laser 'guide star' rays proceeding at acute angles, then they shall meet at an obtuse angle in the future, as the rays proceed along the angle that subtends the eventual apex (or corner).
100% always predicts the future, that situation.
If for one geometric relationship, then for all of them.
I can spin a baseline of a 'pre-form or proto-triangle' and tell you the conical end section...
I can place indents in the radial orbit of the baseline and tell you the exact gearing (speed) at the apex of the cone, with fluid measurement due to the fluidity of the circular surface, which is no long a two-dimensional thing as the baseline is spun as if it were a radial element.
In other words, I can not only tell you that (because of the logical conclusion of the subtended angle rays, and also why (definition/principle of the triangle form), but also when ('gearing,' aka ratios).
Well over thirty now. Boy, time flies when you're in Twilight. |
God did not 'make Man' at any time. God is, and because God is, Man also is. God is principle, Man is form in function.
When you follow in the train of the gods, who most closely follows - and many fall away, fall down not being able to stand the rigors - you ultimately go to where you are able to see the gods as they really are, and be friends with them. ...Words from an ancient text.
Let us see together if we can 'see' the future now.
There is no 'never-ending backwards looking mirror;' that is an illusion. There is, a triangle. There is one of those for real. That's a real thing.
Life is not a 'matrix' and it is not a hologram. It is totally completely real. Triangles are real, spinning triangles are real, gears are real, wheels are real, and...
...broken wheels are real too.
'Evil' is a broken wheel.
It can't be fixed; it's 'broken.' If it is broken in principle, well then, it is just broken! A broken wheel which is fixed is no longer a 'broken wheel' at all but a functioning wheel.
If your mind is broken in principle, then it actually cannot be fixed at all.
My friends, the gods do not play by FBI rules...
I hope you know what that means.