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Thursday, 14 April 2022

All Gandharvas Are Aliens

Technically, they are sometimes classed alongside fairies and sylphs although they are neither of those.

Specifically, their actual duty is to escort gods and 'sacrificers' (that means you) to the soma plant, and also to bring things from the outside worlds into this one and vice-versa, the necessary task and process that they are skilled in, is in divesting the earthly things of their harmful nature (what the Vedas say) before those things or beings are allowed to enter into the normal company of divine realm beings and into the more inner places of those divine realms where they are going.

Gandharvas live among the sap of trees and the
perfume of flowers and plants.

The largest proportion of Gandharvas are male beings, and everything they do is associated with male actions and activities, which is why even those of their kind that are female (and there are very few of them), often appear male in many ways although they are in fact females.

Gandharvas are the exact same thing as 'Valkyrie.'

They are very bright and shiny beings and are assumed because of this to reside in very large craft like 'space wheels' closer to the (our) sun or to those other 'suns' which are the stars of other planetary systems. But these 'space wheels' are completely invisible to humans and are much more technically advanced than the human race on the Earth is at the moment. 

Gandharvas with the task of interacting with human sacrificers, live here on the planet as human beings over many lifetimes and have 'immediate rebirth,' possessing also the state of a fully sentient being between rebirths.

'Blue Grotto' gin martini.

'Orlando,' in the book of the same name by Virginia Woolf, would be considered a Gandharva by Vedic scholars.

...I tell you all of this to prime any future discussion about the meaning of 'Hathor' in the Ancient Egyptian, and also prior to any discussion about what happens in the secret cenacle rituals in occult Christianity.

Now.... ...if anything that I am saying is wrong, it would not be that the real name of one of the Twelve Apostles, the one called 'Bartholomew' in all texts and translations, well -, you know what the real name is there.

See, if you imagine - as everyone wants you to think - that the Christian story is essentially a Jewish one, well you will get nowhere.

So, sorry, not a Jewish thing.

It's Jewish to the extent that the Romans used the Jews as a foil against the Egyptians that Caesar Augustus imagined he had 'conquered.'

But there is also no point going to Egypt today and looking around and hoping to find anything. 'Egypt' is long gone.

Besides, it was always the ideas that counted there anyway. The monumental constructions were memorials for ideas. Just as Plato said that the Egyptian priests had said that they were.

Here is this Tamil singer Nicki Wells. The second part of the vid is almost better than the first half.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Beyond The Gilded Age

The American Gilded Age ran from the 1870's to 1900 and was driven by the economic boom involving technological advances in rail transport, energy, and electrical power and electrically-powered equipment and devices.

The era spawned super-wealthy people such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, who tried to, and failed to, buy his way into the upper class strata of people in New York. (That's you, JES. You are the upper class people in New York; love your designer Adolfo Sanchez btw). 

The use of the word 'gilded' is intended to say that this superficial economic wealth was merely covering over massive underlying social problems.

The Marble House 'red room.'
A little summer cottage in Newport,
built by Cornelius V.
That's not a pope, though right?
Well, kind of was...

We are today, certainly very far beyond the Gilded Age and there is not even a thin veneer covering over anything.

Here in these pages, I have been trying to avoid posting pics of really expensive things - no mansions, estates, private jets and so on - because the wealthiest of us are those with the health capacity and environment luxury of being able to go into the relative countryside somewhere and harvest mushrooms and flowers for making blue-colored tea...

That's if you had clean water available to you.

Think of those poor Ukrainians 'fighting to the last baby' stuck (or locked in by wonderful charming freedom and democracy-loving neo-Nazis) inside basements with no running water supply.

About half an hour ago the Russian MoD told Zelensky that if he didn't do something they wanted (I'm not really quite sure what they even wanted right now), they were going to hit his 'decision-making centers.'

And that would be the offices of WPP in Geneva then, I guess.

Or even better still, those of the Safra Group in the Pickle Building in Londonistan.

Basically means they are going to hit him, maybe even kill him.

They know where he is.

More rich people water.

And then that will be amazing for CNN. Nuclear war here we come!

Anderson Cooper, one of those from the Vanderbilt Family that lost the entire Vanderbilt Fortune, will be able to announce to you that you're going to die miserably and horribly.

But, there will be a Ukrainian actress running around a wheat field somewhere with a sickle in her hand, beheading people on behalf of the ISIS theatrical company. So, that's something at least.

The story about how in just a couple of succeeding generations of Vanderbilts, they lost the entire fortune -, is that they simply 'spent it.'

Well, hey! But what about the idea that property never goes down in value? They didn't just spend it all on simply nothing - they acquired heaps of property. Lost stacks on all of it, though. Somehow.

Cooper has shifted from trying to buy into upper social class, to actually buying - and very successfully - into the literal dregs of humanity. He's gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction from Cornelius, into the world of Washington and California politics.


Some part of the Dendera complex.
There's no meaning intended here;
I just like the photographer's work!

Any kind of Golden Age is when, if you scratch beneath the gleaming surface, you find actual substance.

...There's two kinds of etchings on ancient Egyptian walls: there's hieroglyphs, and there's pictographic metaphors.

A bull, means a rock. And a bull with wings, means a meteor. The reason it is portrayed as a 'bull' is because the bull symbolizes substance, whereas the lion symbolizes strength and focused desire, hunger, intent.

They were weirdly clever people, those ancient Egyptians. They built their houses on rock.

And when the floods came, they survived. 

But the meteor, well with this figure they meant something that came - some substance - that came from above.


What you want to know, is whether they tried to convey any idea, in those graphical depictions, of how to provoke the heavens to send some substance down to you.

The other question is, and the more important question right now, is - do I know.

Here's the funny thing, right. Most people who are 'experts' in all of this, are inclined to repeat what previous 'experts' all have said countless times before. They all tell about 'stuff.' Stuff that happened, one time, or a long time, ago. Or didn't even actually happen, but people say that it did, or just plain make stuff up and imagine all kinds of things - ancient Lemuria, Annunaki, Pharaohs, Moses...

And it's all very interesting.

No one you know tells you 'try this, see what happens.'

The lion is the hunger, the desire, the cobra the power of hatred and anger, but where is the substance?

Monday, 11 April 2022

Few There Be...

...that find it.

Hang on! You said everyone would be saved! Or as many who asked, and hey, there's billions of Christians been on the planet, how come only 'few there be that find it?'

Find what?

'Saba' is the Egyptian word for 'star.' (Yes, that's right, she wasn't the 'Queen of Sheba,' she was the queen from the stars... Don't believe me, do you...).

Romulan ale glass

'Steno' is an ancient word, could be even Lydian, or Graeco-Egyptian first. We have it in English: extended.

'Aker' means gate and also gatekeeper in ancient Egyptian.

And the 'Lamassu' are the twin guardians of the narrow star-gate.

Eloi are the people of the heavens. But it can also mean 'come here to me.'

'Eloi Eloi, lamassu saba'ak-steno-i...'

'Hal. Open the pod-bay doors (for me).'

'Access the star-gate portal.'

Try it.

It will not harm you.

Must have been imbibing too much of that illegal Romulan ale.

By the way, Romulan war birds and Klingon 'birds of prey' craft... Hmn.

Could be, could be.

Still, it would have been handy if that Jesus fellow had not have mentioned the 'restricted gate' in the same breath as speaking about the big house that survived the huge flood because it was built on a rock.

You have to find that 'restricted gate' though, all the same.

You can't drink this stuff!
It's aftershave, but -, it's naturally brewed
and the 'lime sec' looks a bit like
Romulan blue ale... ...even has some tiny
bubbles in it.

Where could that be, where could it be? Now, let me think... 

...Let me look around the place.

Is it here?


Is it there?


Well, after all, few that be that find it. Fair enough.

No 'star-gate travelling' for us then, I suppose, right now.

Back to the Romulan blue ale then!

Sunday, 10 April 2022

For The World Weary

Woah! That last one was too TL/DR, right?

You go through one of these star gates that everyone seems to have around the place these days and for sure you don't really want to come back here and wait around for god-knows-what.

I once went through this whole phase when I was in my late Twenties, driving a black Lamborghini, wearing dark grey or black double-breasted French-made designer suits and pretending to be depressed as I sat in a dark corner of some really up-scale restaurant counting my money.

I aspire to this
kind of face, though.

Everything 'was tiresome' and I wore this face of extreme irritation... ...I think.

God it was so fun. I was literally thinking all the time: 'Am I getting away with this? I hope people actually think I am under pressure and stressed.'


I used to literally act it out.

And then I saw all of the older guys around me actually go through the whole process of losing everything, and I thought 'well there's no cachet in this anymore, acting like these clots all do because they lost it!'

It was my way of 'relating' to the outside world though. Not sure how I 'relate to the outside world' now. Haven't given it that much thought recently.

'World weary' I suppose is when you've seen enough, and most of what you have seen, and what you still do see, is annoying and deceptive.

Doesn't matter what fine thoughts one has in one's head, the outer human physiology has a system and it can well go through a long mode of neurotransmitter depletion.

This is when some things come into their own.

Super Negin Saffron

Red Gold Super Negin Saffron (all other sorts of real saffron do as well!) grows more and stronger neurotransmitter connections throughout the whole body. 

And butterfly pea flower increases the acetyl-choline levels in the brain.

Muscimol (and also myristin to some extent) works on a complex range of processes in the brain that clear up the synapses and work on the Dopamine cycles - as well as do other super significant things which we cannot talk about because the FBI will knock on my door again if I did.

And then the other thing to keep in mind, is that it is necessary to 'arrange' an 'approach' to a complex sensory event...

You can knock back a non-alc cocktail and it will feel totally stupid to you.

But if you properly char-grill a steak and sprinkle some non-alcoholic American Malt over it at the end, the taste of the steak is strikingly enhanced.

And if you make sure the glass you are using is stunning and the liquid you're pouring into it is very very cold, and the liquid honey is floral-perfumed, and that tiny spritz of citrus rind has been mysteriously passed over the glass... ...well then you have a performance going on, haven't you?

Blue butterfly pea flower tea.
They use it to make colored gins
and 'purple' wines. Changes color
with lemon...

And if you work yourself up into that solitary space, in which you can pour yourself a lonely cup or mug of exotic fruit tisane (was invented by the Egyptians, or maybe even earlier than that), well all of your earthly problems, be they as simple as a headache or a head-cold or a hang-over will be cured - if you do the thing properly with the correct ingredients.

Grapefruit pith and peel, dried hibiscus, and lemon grass.

The very first waft of whatever volatile oils are coming out of the steam, will shoot into your brain and affect your mind.

The thing wears off after about thirty minutes, of course.

But that's when the muscimol (if you have that) kicks in...

An actual Khazar coin. It says on it,
written in Arabic: 'Moses is the Messenger
of Allah.'
That rocked a few Muslims reading here,
didn't it? You think you know what
'Islam' is, do you? Ha ha ha. Islam is 100%

And then a beautiful maiden (or an Oghuric-speaking - lol - barber), should be employed to undertake scented, hot-towel therapy on your face and wrists and hands.

'Oghuric.' The original language of the Khazars.

And why?

Because they are 'Og from Bashan.' Gog u-Magog.

Good with sharp things though, too. Thus Turkish, as in, literally ethnic Turkish, barbers are the best in the world.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

The Skeptical Modern Byzantines

We are going to deal with these infamous 'Khazars.'

The modern Israeli flag of state, is regarded by many groups of highly scholarly religious Jews, as blasphemous and deliberately so. 

For one thing, the 'Star of David' - well, there is no 'Star of David' at least not from the time of actual 'David' who could have been another fellow altogether anyway (in fact I am saying he was...).
Chariot of the Khazars.

'David' - had a shield with some designs on it but most unlikely to have been in the form of the star which is to be found on the forehead of the statues of Moloch everywhere.

For another thing, the blue lines on the priestly shawl of Jews, go vertically (not horizontally as the blue lines on the flag do) to represent the connection between the 'above' and the down here where we are on the 'below.' LOL (See the gods mostly all regard us as 'below...' Humph).

There was something on the shield of David but it was definitely not ever a six-pointed star!

It might have been the eye of the giant Goliath at some point later on... Together with a multi-rayed sun symbol. 
The difference between that and the Gorgon-headed shield of Minerva or 'Sulis' in England or Athena, is that she herself contrived a mechanism that saved Medusa from being further raped by Poseidon (this is this guy again, who had these bulls and had princes of his blood who ruled various places at various times in deep mythology, be it Atlantis or Saqqara or Altamira or wherever else that they were. The Greeks call the Khazars 'the Children of the fire-breathing bulls;' the Coraxi. This is even where Shakespeare gets the name of his witch in the Tempest from - Sycorax).

And the whole meaning of affixing the literal head of the Gorgon Medusa (after Perseus slew her and offered the head to Athena) onto her shield is that Medusa is 'translated' into the Divine places.
If you ever buy one of these new 
'non-alcoholic' alcohols, like 'Lyre's 
American Malt,' for instance, you should
stick some simple syrup in it, or honey,
or maraschino cherry liquid...
Then it becomes 'good stuff.'

Up until that point, Medusa lived in the carnal world and lived in great misery.

Her sister Stheno is still alive on Earth and living on the coast of Bulgaria and would certainly travel up to Mariupol - which is a Greek sea-faring city, established by Catherine the Great of Russia.

...Whereas the Star of Remphan (six-pointed star) represents the strong box that Saturn uses to consume greedily everything into that he steals or that he extorts and from which there is, theoretically up until the next hero alters the matter, no return out of. Saturn is the ruler of the Dead, of the Underworld. But actually no - not the 'dead,' the naturally dead go to the fields of Elysium or various other places, but Saturn has the stolen dead.

Saturn is not 'Hades.' 'Hades' is the ruler of the place also called 'Hades.' But he is not 'Saturn.'

Neither is Saturn Jupiter as people think, although there are reasons connected to the wealth inside this 'black box' for people conflating the two and making the mistake about it.

Saturn is Cronus. Cronus killed his own father with a sickle and did worse than that too...

Sicilians are the children of Cronus through Phoenicia (the Punic people).

'Kha'-Zar is not the same as 'Khai'- or 'Kai'-Sar.

'Kha' means to emasculate. It comes from what Cronus did to his father.

Whereas 'Kai' means like a shout of joy, not Joy itself but it is linked. 'Kai' means 'more, more, more, again again again' - endless abundance. Acclaim.

So what you are looking at is deception by false association (of sounds and words).

They seem the same, or close enough, but they are poles apart.

Jews don't understand, that unless they are being very careful about it (and they are mostly all not; in fact I don't think they even understand what they are doing at all), that little black box they tie to their upper left arms - is an occult, and demonic ritual sacrifice to Saturn.

Of course they don't want to be told this.
Looks good,
but you really need to add
simple syrup and maybe
a hint of lemon oil... 

How do they get from some mythology about this historically non-existent person 'Moses,' to the black box of Saturn? Can they say? Seriously, what's the connection anything 'Moses' and the black cube of Saturn?

Can they find some means to distinguish - that is, say why - that what they are doing is different? Different to the black cube rituals of Saturn?
Their ancestors sacrificed babies to Moloch, and the pain and torment of the babies and the parents was a 'sacrifice' to Moloch. And now they place all of their pain and suffering as Jews, into the little black boxes...

So somehow 'God' is all about pain and suffering and endless torment, is He?

Since when?

Since Moloch is since when.

See everything to do with human ideas on the political and the pseudo-political aka the religious ideology scale, has to do with the 'Byzantine.' In the sense of that it is all hide-bound and caught up in utter nonsense about words and lists and theoretically formalized texts and 'legislation.' Byzantine. Literally everything that came out the mouth of one Jesus Christ of Nazareth too, has been abrogated in full, by all of the - all - modern Christian 'churches.'

So much so that you will even find high scholars, assertively attest today that the Pope is 'in' heresy now, but that he is not 'a heretic' and not not the Pope... Further, they will say the things that go on inside for example, a Catholic church are 'valid' but then that they are illicit now according to actual Church canon. And they will openly tell you that Vatican II was heretical, an heretical council, but that this does not mean there is no Pope - even though his appointment was illicit.

And that's because they have especially defined meanings for all those various particular words, terms, terminologies. They don't use them as English words, they use them as Byzantine language.

'Thou art Peter, and upon this weak and fragile Rock I will build up a huge whole vast infrastructure of nonsense and rules (better than those of Moses of course, certainly, much better than that...) inclusive of special red socks from Gammarelli and valid unleavened round little flakes of bleached white bread, and especially, the ability to be a subtle dissembler by using tricky language but not actually saying I deny that this or that other earlier ruling was true...' 

And thus getting away with not being formally denounced as a heretic even though I am literally a Satanist.

Oh what a lot of nonsense and gibberish!
And some cherries and
cherry juice.

Same goes for Jews.

Jews are tied to the false narrative - and it is a completely false narrative - that any person 'Moses' at some time, met with 'God' with a capital 'G' and then from there all of these 'laws' (more bureaucracy, more lists, things to do, rules, commandments).

Well let's go back to the God Athena - she did not 'command' Medusa to become a serpent-headed creature, she turned her into it. Neither did she 'command' Medusa not to 'be raped' by Poseidon inside the temenos of Athena - for she knew very well it was outside of Medusa's power even had she wanted to resist. Athena did not give any 'commandments.'

She did not say to Medusa 'here are some rules and commandments you must obey regardless of any other thing.' She did say 'here are some rules you must observe to maintain the sacredness of this place.'

Well when in any narrative did a god say 'no I'm not going to do such-and-such' that someone asked seriously for? Exactly never. Not if it was a real god in the mythology. (We'll say 'mythology'). 

And then again, the Christians mostly all say, and the Catholic Church's formal traditional canon law and dogma teaching is, that no Jew can be saved into 'Eternal Life' by following even all of the laws of Moses and so on but who does not accept Jesus as the Messiah and the Pope as the only church of God on Earth. 

Whereas that cannot be correct from logic though since Jesus said these two things Himself: 'For I tell you, you know not; David is alive because God is God of the living not the dead - and you say God of David. I am the son of David and yet I was before David and David even said so himself.' (And the Jews scoffed). And then He said 'I Am... ...before David was I Am.' And the Jews wanted to stone Him to death then immediately because He was calling Himself God then (according to them).

The Christian Bible is the Q-Continuum.

If 'Divine' once they are always Divine; they were Eternal once, then they always are. 'They' saved to Eternal Life once, always remain thus. 'Jesus Christ' is just a continuity of the Psalms... Of 'I Am.' Not 'we' are, by the way; we are not 'god.' We are 'demi-god.' Half-way up towards a different state of being.

Jews who read the Psalms of David today and practice what it says in there must go the same way as David, by the same power and virtue of whatever it was in there that saved David - and he is alive according to none other than the God of all Christians, namely Jesus Christ.

You cannot get around it. You can't start making up 'rules' about effective 'time-line' when Eternity and Divinity are both outside of Time. You can't say 'was so then, but then suddenly is not so now' because we have a bureaucracy about it!

Jews who follow David 'are saved' in the Christian Biblical sense of Salvation. Jews who follow Moses, die. And that is because that is what it says in the Laws (of Moses). And that is moreover also according to Jesus Christ, straight from His own mouth.

David was starving and he broke the Law of Moses - and thereby lived by eating the altar food (which he wasn't supposed to). Divine things are ultimate Utilitarianism! They don't exist because of their bureaucracy, but because of their sensibility. Sensibility revolves around the senses, or at least, the apprehension and comprehension of the intelligent person. Bureaucracy revolves around dead rules, not 'tradition.' Dead... things without a living mind; tradition is different, tradition can be part of an Eternal Continuum: the 'Q.'

Now, in the Star Trek sense of 'member of a Federation Star Ship...'

(Oh, don't worry, we're about to get to your friends the Khazars). Finally.

Going to the most ancient myths of all, Uranus decided that the children of Cronus would never be able to leave their mother the Earth and go to the heavens, or to heaven, whichever way...

: )

Are you getting it?
Ah, the famous bulls.
In Atlantis they had them...

So Cronus 'cut off the connection' (IE 'emasculated Uranus') between the heavens and the Earth. And thereby released his children to run free at least on the Earth as absolute rulers here, with no connection to the heavens, and with no subjugation then to that Authority which had denied them into the 'heavens' where it dwelt.

The ancient obelisks, at the base of which animal and even human ritual deaths are carried out, is in order to entice some of the gods of heaven to return, by 'sacrificing' to them living beings - but then to take some Divine power from them through the 'connecting link' that occurs, if albeit only temporarily. Nevertheless, it is seen to be enough, by Cronus and the children of Cronus. And, potentially, there has always been the thought that the children of Cronus could one day, ascend to the heavens and de-throne whoever was there.

They have in fact, in the myth and legends, even been up to there - but found no one up there who is the actual 'ruler' as such. From which impression of the emptiness, they have formed the mistaken belief that indeed one day, they will ascend as a group up there, and take control fully and reign from up there as the ultimate ruling elite.

'Zar' means Emperor/Absolute Ruler. 'Kha-Zar' means who cuts the connection to the heavens -, or restores it as well after showing the power to cut it, and therefore dominating the connection.

And there is no one 'up there' in the ruling seat of authority.

As far as the Khazars believe.

Now. They do not believe in Jesus Christ being any kind of 'Messiah,' because absolutely no one 'went up and back' despite the story that Jesus Himself did do so - since the time of the crucifixion.

Jesus Christ made himself out to be a god, literally in fact to be God as such, but none of his followers since then came back and attested to anything. They did not come back armed with phasers and piloting space craft! So - not Star Trek. Not 'Q-Continuum.'

The Khazars are comfortable that they have all bases covered...

...Jesus not God, Jewish Messiah (of David) not coming, nothing up there going on at all. Uranus has had his 'genitive powers cut' and he is powerless on this Earth. So, they have everything covered. There is no rival.
Poor starving King David.
Julius Caesar's favorite food, this...

The Khazars know that if they keep going, sooner or later they will be able to select DNA and store it, and extract the electromagnetic patterns and algorithmic tendencies of specific individuals, and restore their DNA as living human physical persons and inject the EMF patterns back in - and they can then 'live forever.'

As gods. As God, in fact.

And there is nothing that can stop them, and there is no moral cause they cannot dominate and rule out of their own will and mind and intent; and they can ascertain rational codes of behavior out of their own reason which function usefully and efficiently for the end purpose, which is 'endless survival in absolute power and authority.' Which is why Vatican II talks about 'reason' all the time. It is a Khazar document.

Every 'skeptic' you have ever met is a Khazar at heart. 'Skeptic' means not admitting of the existential Unknown and for any power which might reside in it. 'Skeptical' is one thing; skeptic is another thing - it's a noun.

See the problem though - is Cronus is not a god. So these skeptics are fools.

He was a child of the Earth and Uranus; so he's not a purely heavenly sourced being. He's a mixture. He is like you. Somewhere between the purely mortal and the potentially immortal. Although a lot more towards the 'immortal' in the physical sense than you are, ordinarily speaking.

He's much more advanced along the line of all everything, than you are right now. He's been around much longer than you have and he never died. He was certainly here when Zecharia Sitchin's famous 'Sumerians' and 'Annunakis' and all of that, were around.

He's here now. In his preternatural, actual personal individual identity.

And he has plenty of literal beings 'of his blood,' right here too. They have precocious knowledge and talents and skills. They look at you and me and think we are truly stupid. Troglodytes. And they rise to great wealth and position very easily in their apparent 'lifetimes' although they live again and again, over and over.

They have absolutely zero problem killing the whole lot of you (us/we) 'ordinary' human beings, and sitting back outside of the planet, maybe in Mars or whatever - not right now, but later on down the track when the technology reaches to that capability easily.

Ah there's a whole bunch of you reading this who think this is all crazy stuff.

Well, you just go on-line, and look up interviews with single women refugees from the Ukraine, and watch those interviews about the girls who say they were pressured to become sex slaves in the West, at the refugee intake centers.

You know, there's a reason there was a Jeffrey Epstein.

There is a reason there still is a Jeffrey Epstein.

But you keep right on telling yourself well it's all just about commercial realities.

Jesus never said 'Judas, on this pathetic sell-your-soul for thirty pieces of silver mindset of yours I will build my anything at all,' did He? It isn't about 'commercial realities.' It's about true tendencies.

It wasn't a case of a god choosing just any old mortal thing in its moral state of degradation and changing it up. I mean if He wanted to make a statement about how powerful He was as God, He should have taken 'the worst of men.'

Humans though, are demi-gods, half-way between gods and men, and they are all moving, and those closer to the 'Divine' side have the better chance of getting there sooner.

True Khazars are not humans... 

All professionals at war talk logistics: 'getting there soonest with the mostest.' Not tactics.

Elon Musk and Sean Penn talk tactics.

The Khazars see no one on the throne of the heavens.

David on the other hand, discerned the following: 'They shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.' And 'as the dew that descendeth upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.'

Just where is this 'Zion,' and where are these 'mountains of Zion,'  which 'cannot be removed?'

You see there's nothing in any scripture anywhere that says there really was a particular spot here on Earth on any 'mount Zion' where God 'commanded the blessing.'

Especially not any blessing 'even life for evermore!'

So what was David thinking?

What did he know that every single Jew since, and every single Christian even, of which both of them you could say 'for the most part,' did not know and do not still know?

David sees something, and the Khazars see no such thing.

In the Chinese system, the Emperor Shun 'cut the ties between men and Heaven.' Shun is a Khazar.

Mao Tse-Tung is a Khazar.

Stalin is a Khazar.

Zelensky is a Khazar.

Epstein is a Khazar.

Joe Biden is a Khazar.

Elon Musk is a Khazar.

Zuckerberg is a Khazar.

Their god is Cronus.

...Sicilian Mafia are all Khazars.

Fauci is a Khazar.

Fidel Castro is a Khazar.

Khazars are all those who deny the connection between the Heavens and the Earth.

But they will steadily build more and ever more amazing satellites and space stations so that when you look up at the heavens, it will seem as though there were something up there - their something.

Khazars are extremely deadly and dangerous - as long as they think you are essentially powerless against them they are not so immediately deadly.

...Which is why it's not so easy to say here, openly, all kinds of things about contacting these 'mystery ET Aliens,' right?

As long as they think you cannot, and that there is really, no such thing, then you are fairly okay.

Cronus is a Primordial Being. One of the great early Titans. So... Extremely powerful. 

By the way, it is not true though, is it, that no one 'went up and came back' after Jesus Christ...

We just don't all go knocking on their doors for pics and all. What, tell me you knew though right??!