'Remnant Code' is an idea from a fairly popular computer game. The game-play featuring the 'Remnant Code' element is to do with a 'basic' (well it wouldn't be all that basic, and I certainly would not be able to solve it without going on-line for the 'cheat sheets') cryptic square puzzle with 'Alien' symbols in some of the blocks.
And then, what you do is walk around the virtual reality space and locate the remaining Remnant Code symbols.
No, no, it's not Tiffany's. People think it's Tiffany's, but it's not that. |
The idea is that the symbols are some kinds of left-over language elements - which comprise the actual keys to controlling the place - of a long lost Alien civilization that probably made or ran the gigantic computerized equipment there, and which is still functional.
...Now if I say things here, along the lines of 'the existing narrative among,' and similar, it really helps me avoid making outright personal declarations for which some children will immediately ask 'where's your proof and your evidence!' LOL
So, it is quite common among the UFO-logists, that there are two levels (or at least two levels) of beings that come here - one just being simply a kind of a drone type, and the other, the rarer ones, being the 'managers,' or something like that.
Just what exactly it is they are managing I guarantee you I do not know, that is, not from the UFO truthers, on account they cannot get their own stories straight and they don't agree among themselves.
Nevertheless, let's go with the 'Remnant Code' concept for a minute - just to examine it for what it purports to be.
Old Ben 'Obi Wan' Kenobi, takes over as ruler of Oman. |
You see the problem with all of these 'Gaia Project' people and pretty much everyone else too, especially the 'Aliens-built-the-pyramids' people (which they might have done, too, but I have very little interest in that, frankly, other than that I am at least aware of what the things are and what they do - they are big, um, objects, is what they are. Like 'sign posts.') - is that they seem to be completely convinced these things of the past represent some advanced civilization's work.
Okay sure they're big, and some of them are quite clever too, but none of them show the level of sophistication we have around us in our structural designing and building. Yes there is some evidence of super-grinding, and unknown means of lifting very heavy things - but no 'modern human technology' really evident.
So, even if some super advanced race were here, they left nothing.
As in I mean, they really left nothing at all! Not anything of theirs.
God or Alien it does not matter either way, because both of those are still leaving this question of 'Theodicy' wide wide open to the skeptics.
God is either not Good, or He is not All-Powerful. And that is how the underlined conclusion of all atheists, non-believers in this never-ending backward mirror of 'superior but Alien civilizations seeding us...' goes.
Foraged violet flower, tea. |
Except there is a third conclusion, and one that is in fact more logical and sensible.
However, it is not one which readily fits in to the standard Western mainstream Christian or Judaic system, and nor does it fit into the Arabic Islamic one, and nor does it clearly fit into any kind of modern Hindu thing either.
In all of these systems, BANG! ...The bad guys eventually suddenly get thrown into Hell either forever or just simply dis-existence'd. And evidently 'God' (or the advanced Alien 'seeders') have no way of actually 'handling' the situation vis-a-vis the morality of extinguishing consciousness.
For the absolute atheist the question is moot, because the lights go out when he dies anyway. So he doesn't really care what the answer 'might' be, since he already knows what the answer is. Don't you, resident atheist?
The atheist is absolutely just as much of an ideologue with fixated opinions, same as the West Coast 'born again' (and I'm sure they have no clue what that expression even means) is.
So what's the third way?
Well how about we just take a look around us at material reality as we are able to see it, experience it, look at through the lens of science? And I don't mean Karl Popper BS 'science.'
It is actual real silk, but not from a silk worm-type silk. Anyone? Anyone? That's it, rush off to 'Google Search.' |
Everything exists in Gaussian terms here; everything 'goes by degrees.'
How about if I propose to you that if you misbehave, you lose some power. And you even lose some of your mind's acuity.
While those who play by the rules of the Universe, amass simply enormous power...
This, by the way, is the direction that the Star Wars (or at least the OG, 'original gangsta' form of Star Wars) basic theme was going, but they changed it along the way.
Darth Vader has power. Except not really. He 'loses.' Yet that is not what Yoda ever said, nor even what Obi Wan was saying - those guys said he would lose it by degrees.
And that didn't happen in the 'canon.'
Speaking of which, why is the Book of Enoch not 'canon?'
Well, it is because - and this is the only original reason, people later creating other justifications later on - the Jewish seventy or seventy-two scholars and scribes who put together the Septuagint, realized that the Book of Enoch actually existed and was in another language other than Hebrew and had never ever been written in Hebrew. ...Even though the so-called 'oral Torah' of course, cannot be produced or evidenced at all in any actual material written form from that time, today, or from any time previous...
So, I put it to you, the 'Remnant Code' - because that's what it is - exists in the original language text of the original source written books, and these are not the Hebrew ones.
And I put it to you, that when you add in the Book of Enoch into the canon, it produces a completely different 'Theodicy' and moral narrative including set of 'prophetic' outcomes - than the standard one that all Judaic people and all 'pop' Christians have and hold and apparently, cherish, even though the one they have makes no sense. Because even a dimwit like Stephen Fry can take it apart (IE the standard narrative).
The standard one is that 'God' (or the Aliens) do not really know what to do about 'bad things,' nor what to do about bad people. And that in all events, God (or the Aliens) are very very slow.
And I absolutely 100% guarantee you that the actual 'Book of Enoch' has been completely mistranslated, and those segments that have been retained in the Bible, and including those parts to do with Ezekiel, are completely wrong.
The 'third way' is so astonishing, but also so very dangerous too, because, if people generally knew about it, immediately what would happen is that those who are right now going down a sliding path (you know, bad people), would try to halt themselves - and let's face it, right now they have more power than you do so why would you want to prevent them from slipping?
If you get what I mean?
And I mean -, and another thing - so what if there really are Reptilian Aliens??
So what if there are and they rule a lot of stuff, and suck blood from you when you're not looking.
And what if they build gigantic tall dead buildings and deal on the world stage and play with people's lives and everything. And have stax of national-scale wealth.
...But then you stumbled on the 'Remnant Codes.' Or I gave them to you. Same thing.
Listen I'm just trying to think how many of them could I give y'all here...
I suppose one of the worst things in today's 'internet' and 'on-line' world of supposed information resources - is that it is largely just an echo chamber of utter rubbish. And what I mean by that is, you will find a great phrase, and you will follow it thinking they will tell you something important on account the phrase suggests something important is there. But then, they will pepper you with drivel, in place of real deep knowledge.
I can't cut across that.
Because if I told you something here, most of you would rush off straight away to 'check it.' Well 'check it' where?? Where exactly? Dr Sledge? Dr Sledge is a Jewish guy. How is he going to tell you the truth about what is in 1 Enoch, or 2, 3, or 4 Enoch?
He's from the people who never wanted you to know in the first place!
I mean he could try hard to disavow his own natural biases. But how is he going to do that?
The first thing he would ask someone like me is, 'where is your proof?' And this mind you, coming from someone, whose people never ever had any proof but succeeded in convincing everyone that their 'oral tradition' is the same as the written source would be. If someone had that.
...Which they do.
But I can walk through walls, can I not, Lyn Buchanan, and 'Lyn Cassady?' And Dr Sledge cannot.
This month, back in 1974. No ropes, no safety harness. |
As in, actually, literally material-physically, walk through a hard concrete wall, not 'metaphysically' or 'imaginarily...' Because there's your problem right there. Enoch says materially, but the modern Christians all say metaphorically, or metaphysically.
Well which one is right?
Easier to bet on the Christians, correct? Because they have nothing to 'establish.' ...With proof and evidence.
Jam yesterday, and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.
Except I said 'jam now today.' So now what?
By and by and by, right here, we will put together five, ten, maybe even twenty kids. And they will all be able to walk through walls. Zipping here, going there, right under the Secret Services' noses everywhere. And there's not really a gd thing any of them will be able to do about it.
How about that?!