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Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Remnant Codes And Theodicy

'Remnant Code' is an idea from a fairly popular computer game. The game-play featuring the 'Remnant Code' element is to do with a 'basic' (well it wouldn't be all that basic, and I certainly would not be able to solve it without going on-line for the 'cheat sheets') cryptic square puzzle with 'Alien' symbols in some of the blocks. 

And then, what you do is walk around the virtual reality space and locate the remaining Remnant Code symbols.

No, no, it's not Tiffany's. People think
it's Tiffany's, but it's not that.

The idea is that the symbols are some kinds of left-over language elements - which comprise the actual keys to controlling the place - of a long lost Alien civilization that probably made or ran the gigantic computerized equipment there, and which is still functional.

...Now if I say things here, along the lines of 'the existing narrative among,' and similar, it really helps me avoid making outright personal declarations for which some children will immediately ask 'where's your proof and your evidence!' LOL

So, it is quite common among the UFO-logists, that there are two levels (or at least two levels) of beings that come here - one just being simply a kind of a drone type, and the other, the rarer ones, being the 'managers,' or something like that.

Just what exactly it is they are managing I guarantee you I do not know, that is, not from the UFO truthers, on account they cannot get their own stories straight and they don't agree among themselves. 

Nevertheless, let's go with the 'Remnant Code' concept for a minute - just to examine it for what it purports to be.

Old Ben 'Obi Wan' Kenobi, takes over
as ruler of Oman.

You see the problem with all of these 'Gaia Project' people and pretty much everyone else too, especially the 'Aliens-built-the-pyramids' people (which they might have done, too, but I have very little interest in that, frankly, other than that I am at least aware of what the things are and what they do - they are big, um, objects, is what they are. Like 'sign posts.') - is that they seem to be completely convinced these things of the past represent some advanced civilization's work.

Okay sure they're big, and some of them are quite clever too, but none of them show the level of sophistication we have around us in our structural designing and building. Yes there is some evidence of super-grinding, and unknown means of lifting very heavy things - but no 'modern human technology' really evident.

So, even if some super advanced race were here, they left nothing.

As in I mean, they really left nothing at all! Not anything of theirs.

God or Alien it does not matter either way, because both of those are still leaving this question of 'Theodicy' wide wide open to the skeptics.

God is either not Good, or He is not All-Powerful. And that is how the underlined conclusion of all atheists, non-believers in this never-ending backward mirror of 'superior but Alien civilizations seeding us...' goes.

Foraged violet flower, tea.

Except there is a third conclusion, and one that is in fact more logical and sensible.

However, it is not one which readily fits in to the standard Western mainstream Christian or Judaic system, and nor does it fit into the Arabic Islamic one, and nor does it clearly fit into any kind of modern Hindu thing either.

In all of these systems, BANG! ...The bad guys eventually suddenly get thrown into Hell either forever or just simply dis-existence'd. And evidently 'God' (or the advanced Alien 'seeders') have no way of actually 'handling' the situation vis-a-vis the morality of extinguishing consciousness.

For the absolute atheist the question is moot, because the lights go out when he dies anyway. So he doesn't really care what the answer 'might' be, since he already knows what the answer is. Don't you, resident atheist?

The atheist is absolutely just as much of an ideologue with fixated opinions, same as the West Coast 'born again' (and I'm sure they have no clue what that expression even means) is.

So what's the third way?

Well how about we just take a look around us at material reality as we are able to see it, experience it, look at through the lens of science? And I don't mean Karl Popper BS 'science.'

It is actual real silk, but not from a silk worm-type
silk. Anyone? Anyone? That's it, rush off
to 'Google Search.'

Everything exists in Gaussian terms here; everything 'goes by degrees.'

How about if I propose to you that if you misbehave, you lose some power. And you even lose some of your mind's acuity.

While those who play by the rules of the Universe, amass simply enormous power...

This, by the way, is the direction that the Star Wars (or at least the OG, 'original gangsta' form of Star Wars) basic theme was going, but they changed it along the way.

Darth Vader has power. Except not really. He 'loses.' Yet that is not what Yoda ever said, nor even what Obi Wan was saying - those guys said he would lose it by degrees.

And that didn't happen in the 'canon.'

Speaking of which, why is the Book of Enoch not 'canon?'

Well, it is because - and this is the only original reason, people later creating other justifications later on - the Jewish seventy or seventy-two scholars and scribes who put together the Septuagint, realized that the Book of Enoch actually existed and was in another language other than Hebrew and had never ever been written in Hebrew. ...Even though the so-called 'oral Torah' of course, cannot be produced or evidenced at all in any actual material written form from that time, today, or from any time previous...

So, I put it to you, the 'Remnant Code' - because that's what it is - exists in the original language text of the original source written books, and these are not the Hebrew ones.

And I put it to you, that when you add in the Book of Enoch into the canon, it produces a completely different 'Theodicy' and moral narrative including set of 'prophetic' outcomes - than the standard one that all Judaic people and all 'pop' Christians have and hold and apparently, cherish, even though the one they have makes no sense. Because even a dimwit like Stephen Fry can take it apart (IE the standard narrative).

The standard one is that 'God' (or the Aliens) do not really know what to do about 'bad things,' nor what to do about bad people. And that in all events, God (or the Aliens) are very very slow.

And I absolutely 100% guarantee you that the actual 'Book of Enoch' has been completely mistranslated, and those segments that have been retained in the Bible, and including those parts to do with Ezekiel, are completely wrong.

The 'third way' is so astonishing, but also so very dangerous too, because, if people generally knew about it, immediately what would happen is that those who are right now going down a sliding path (you know, bad people), would try to halt themselves - and let's face it, right now they have more power than you do so why would you want to prevent them from slipping?

If you get what I mean? 

And I mean -, and another thing - so what if there really are Reptilian Aliens??

So what if there are and they rule a lot of stuff, and suck blood from you when you're not looking.

And what if they build gigantic tall dead buildings and deal on the world stage and play with people's lives and everything. And have stax of national-scale wealth.

...But then you stumbled on the 'Remnant Codes.' Or I gave them to you. Same thing.

Spintronics. The very latest
in physics...
My god, the things y'all are getting here
for absolutely no money! LOL
But, but, Cal., what does it mean,
what does it mean? What do you mean?
The 'very latest' in human physics.
Wow. Gee. 

Listen I'm just trying to think how many of them could I give y'all here...

I suppose one of the worst things in today's 'internet' and 'on-line' world of supposed information resources - is that it is largely just an echo chamber of utter rubbish. And what I mean by that is, you will find a great phrase, and you will follow it thinking they will tell you something important on account the phrase suggests something important is there. But then, they will pepper you with drivel, in place of real deep knowledge.

I can't cut across that.

Because if I told you something here, most of you would rush off straight away to 'check it.' Well 'check it' where?? Where exactly? Dr Sledge? Dr Sledge is a Jewish guy. How is he going to tell you the truth about what is in 1 Enoch, or 2, 3, or 4 Enoch?

He's from the people who never wanted you to know in the first place!

I mean he could try hard to disavow his own natural biases. But how is he going to do that?

The first thing he would ask someone like me is, 'where is your proof?' And this mind you, coming from someone, whose people never ever had any proof but succeeded in convincing everyone that their 'oral tradition' is the same as the written source would be. If someone had that.

...Which they do.

But I can walk through walls, can I not, Lyn Buchanan, and 'Lyn Cassady?' And Dr Sledge cannot.

This month, back in 1974. No ropes,
no safety harness.

As in, actually, literally material-physically, walk through a hard concrete wall, not 'metaphysically' or 'imaginarily...' Because there's your problem right there. Enoch says materially, but the modern Christians all say metaphorically, or metaphysically.

Well which one is right?

Easier to bet on the Christians, correct? Because they have nothing to 'establish.' ...With proof and evidence.

Jam yesterday, and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.

Except I said 'jam now today.' So now what?

By and by and by, right here, we will put together five, ten, maybe even twenty kids. And they will all be able to walk through walls. Zipping here, going there, right under the Secret Services' noses everywhere. And there's not really a gd thing any of them will be able to do about it.

How about that?!

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

'Noorun ala Noor'

If we take ten young kids here, and instruct them and give them spells to make the magic carpets rise into the air, according to ancient tradition, only one out of the ten will return later to say thanks.

Consequently, it will probably be a good idea to take twenty...

So, even among the foolish rich kids of Dubai who waste time reading here on behalf of their uncle MBS, there may be some who wish to learn such diabolical things!

Come on rich kids. Which car, which car?
No, no, it's not the Rolls...

For the rest, the motivation should simply be to make a million dollars, each - at least.

All of this will be for free of course. Except it is restricted to just a bunch of young kids, say between oh, 16 to say 23.

Listen - if we can make the carpets fly, we can easily have you pull a mil., or two or several out of Elon's pockets, don't you worry about that.

So now back to the carpets.

Alf layla wa layla...

Actually no, let's go Al-Tabari.

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari ('Al-Tabari) was born in 839 AD and died 923.

He was from Iran (hence 'al-Tabari;' he was from Tabari) and he traveled back and forth to Baghdad, but he never ever went to Mecca in his whole life.

The Djinnnnnnnnnn!
Or at least 'Jinniyyaaaaaa!'

He wrote the first and in fact only, 'official authentic' Islamic history of the Prophet Muhammad, and he never knew him nor met him, since, of course, he lived a full three hundred years after Muhammad was born. ...And a thousand miles away up north.

Along with the first ever 'narrations' of the Prophet by ibn Hisham, which in fact were recensions of other oral traditions by ibn Ishaq, all of these were 'made' more than two hundred years after the death of Muhammad by no one who ever actually met him. Additionally, none of these actual 'official authentic' biographers and narrators of what Prophet Muhammad said, were even such as a thousand miles anywhere near Mecca. ...Where Muhammad was said to have been.

So, as for having carpets to fly, this should be an easy thing.

I do not understand why anyone should not believe me.

What, are you a disbeliever in my claims??

Perhaps if I cut a few people's heads off then you would believe me.

Or maybe, you know, since it is past the age of the mere 'sword,' maybe 'call down some fire' or something. Heh heh heh.

Meanwhile, 'game on' in the ME as Israel whacks another Iranian tanker off Latakia by some 'mysterious' means -, virtually like, well, 'fire from the sky.'

Wasn't me. Definitely was not anything to do with me.

Just - 'just' (lol) - a VW GTI 2021
by Manhart.

Nor anyone that I know. Personally. Not anyone I know personally.

But back to the kids.

I guarantee you, that I will both introduce you ten, to actual, real life, real living, ET Aliens, with masses of technology that will aid and abet you in your messing around in the commercial realm of this wicked, evil, materialistic world.

Ten kids. Or maybe, if we can arrange that many, twenty. Because I know most of them will be completely ungrateful, and run away spending the cash like drunken sailors, never remembering where they got it from in the first place.

Only to be expected. Ungrateful wretches.


But to them, nevertheless, 'noorun al noor.' The secret of the genies of material wealth. And the magical spells thereof.

And of the to-ing and the fro-ing of the skimpy-clad dancing girls in Turkish pink silk and satin...

Look. Ya gotta understand - I am trying to be humble. But such a thing is not completely easy for someone like me.

...I was going to post a music vid by Schodt - but I won't because; I'll have to keep it now for the rich kids, in order to spin their heads off their shoulders. What we'll do is make just a few tiny small 'adjustments' to the last few articles here, and the kids will have their minds blown.


Monday, 9 August 2021

Why Only Mega Issues

Gregory Mannarino today says we are expecting a 'false flag' event in order for oil to be sustaining these current price levels or go up.

One of the underlying 'technicals' that is in his favor in saying this, is that the US reserves of oil are high and have been steadily rising. Saudi ARAMCO managed very healthy profits over the last twelve months but there is a certain truth to the idea that this was fundamentally due to price recovery, not advancing forward sales or projected demand.

So we now we have 'outlier' analysis from Intelligence people, and Gregory Mannarino.

But until anything really happens, I want to go back to the issue that has been on my own mind over recent days.

World on fire, Gregory?
Or just someone's fire pit?

And it is basically that I have been sensing a touch of dubiousness about my own reluctance to hand across detailed instructions about 'contact.'

I mean seriously, just why am I denying to people - who would find it stunningly interesting at least, if not incredibly valuable too - clear information?

Is it a mistake?

Well, I said clear information. It isn't that I haven't already put a lot 'out there,' so to speak.

'Clear' means who, where, how - so on.

Then again, let's err on the side of caution though. Just take a glance across all of the news media everywhere: how (IE 'how' - there's one of them...) come there is no interest at all in learning, in a focus on the intellect and any advancements in thinking and teaching and learning that the human race or society at large, is making?

Nothing on industrial design philosophy.

Nothing on social quality philosophy.

What there is, by contrast, is a lot of fear-based 'big bad wolf' stuff that is apparently 'about to affect the whole of everything!!' Aiyee run for your lives, but not -, just do as you're told.

Climate change.

Red zircon crystal. You know they stick
these things into fire pits too.
Looks good.

Honestly WTF cares about climate change who spent their whole lives reading Asimov and Ray Bradbury and who have been waiting and prepared for climate change including catastrophes??

But you see, the problem really is not that there is climate change, but that 'authorities' and the media, seem to believe you need to be convinced that it is 'true' because, in their perception you don't believe it.

Ah, well. I'll tell you what I think. 

I think they, don't believe in science at all. And that is because they know they have been lying for a long time about a lot of things.

'They' don't believe in science, they don't believe in academia, they don't believe in study, they don't believe in knowledge and learning - they have gone well beyond just a crisis of faith in these things. They simply don't believe in them at all.

They believe in marketing and they believe in lying. Because that is what has got them to where they are, and where you are not. But because those are the only things they have left, and those are not even working properly anymore, they are resorting to creating massive huge monsters hiding in the dark.

If they really believed in science actually, and academic learning, well, then the character of the news in the news media would be consistent with that: you would see what which professor was saying that was new.

Not echo chambers of non-entities preaching rubbish and boring stuff that is barely supported by actual science.

The Sugar Plum Fairy...
Chapter 19 - Exorcism Of The Sugar Plum Fairy

So what would happen were I and a half a dozen of us here on this side, to suddenly show you where the ET Aliens are hanging out, and introduce you to them, according to actual protocols they have and not 'we' (aka Steven Greer et al) have tried to develop without them?

The first thing that would happen, is that over fifty per cent would critique it and say, 'oh that is not what such-and-such really says.'

How would you know (meaning the fifty per cent of trolls, effectively; because that is what they are in the scheme of things)?

Colossians 2:18

That is one of the most used (and completely false) passages among Christians, who are trying to merge in, other religions - such as Islam - and various Jewish 'monotheist' systems, to a 'conservative' pattern.

You show me  - and I am ethnically part really austere 'Greek' (I don't want to say what other Greeks call us, from the Ionian Republic) - where 'threskia' means 'worship?'

You show me that.

'Prosyke' means to bow to, as in to do that worship-fully, 'latreia' means 'to worship...' 

'Threskia' does not mean any of those things.

So, once again, just for the stragglers - here is the link to 'Chapter 19' Exorcism of the Sugar Plum Fairy:

Look for Chapter 19

So what is that passage actually saying? And how come at the end of it, there are two words for 'body' whereas all the translations only say 'body' just the one time?

...What the vastest majority of the whole of modern civilization thinks it knows about these things, these old books (and I am only picking on the Bible and Torah here this time, because they are the most clear-cut examples of widespread false beliefs arising out of misunderstandings) - is, to out it bluntly, utter rubbish.

It isn't rubbish maybe, at heart, because there still is managed to be conveyed some essential basic ingredients about 'love your neighbor,' and 'oh by the way, there is a God - but He came and He went and He's gone now, and He's going to (IE 'might') come back another day...'

People are 'wedded to' various ideas that they sincerely believe must be true, because they are comfortable with what they grew up with, and have been told from various 'reliable sources.'

The arguments that would ensue, if I were to point out in crystal clear detail how to locate, how to find very special, very advanced beings around here, and how to begin to engage with them, and then what happens next - would detract completely from any human efforts, for example, for human advancement.

People would actually argue, even if they saw um, um, a glass of wine appear in front of their eyes from out of thin air (or apparently, thin air), They'd actually argue against reality.

They do it all the time now anyway.

Here's the reality in front of your eyes right now: no one cares about climate change, and no one cares about 'Covid.' And, no one cares about the environment. And no one cares about sustainability.

The only 'rainbow' anything people
really are interested in, is this type of thing.
Expensive watches, 'type of thing.'
They couldn't care less about gay people, 
or 'colored revolutions.' They care about the
revolutions of the smooth and
silent Rolex second hand.

What they care about is learning. What they care about is studying and finding out new things, including even new ways of how to survive in changing situations.

Nobody cares about what your government is trying to tell you is important.

Nobody really cares.

Stop lying to yourself if you think differently.

Your friends' mouths are opening and closing and there is sound coming out but none of it is linked up truly with what is in their actively thinking heads.

By 'learning' no one means just being shouted at or 'being told.'

They want to see, every little tiny detail of the how.

Now. I could tell you that it really is true that Iran is at most ten weeks away from having meaningful amounts of nuclear bomb material. Which means Israel will create and develop a 'scenario' possibly springing from the English-owned MV Mercer Street, which will have the UK sitting right there on their side as they pre-emptively smash something really big in Iran. 

I could tell you that Erdogan has a plan to have 'the Mahdi' roll up in Turkey, and a plan to tell Muslims around the world to abandon Mecca and the Saudis.

Will happen too.

I could tell you that he has the bomb already. I could tell you he will launch serious, significant attacks via Yemen at the Saudis.

But I'm not heading down those paths.

Henrik Schodt.

I want to head towards something much more interesting than all of that same old same old.

The biggest problem with someone such as myself and my compadres here (I don't mean ET Aliens!! lol), stepping out into the open and doing a 'Zoom meeting' or whatever, maybe a live Zoom group discussion among those of us in our little team here - is the John McAfee problem. He died.

So. We won't be doing anything too risky at the moment. 

It is too risky!

But soon. Maybe soon. And with that you'll get a real fright!

Won't be no 'global climate change' that will make you sit up and take stock of things.

Who's good at waiting? Mohammed bin Salman? You good at waiting?

Oooh. Is that an upright 'bell piano' I hear in this track below? (Man, the things you guys learn here!)

And the pics were, in order: fire, rock, fairy, fire, all colored rocks... ...and -.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Exorcism Of The Sugar Plum Fairy

Do not think you are getting all of this from this planet!

You tell me where you would get any of this - here?

...So. Anyway. Posted up now is the extra special 'chapter 19.' Free to read. (Still not the 'secret' section - that is only for Mohammed Bin Salman, because that is about the only person who could afford to pay for that).

But if you are really very very clever - you will be able to 'find the way,' or at least find your way... us.

'Unusual' new Chapter 19

It would be a sad occasion, if, over coming days and weeks, I have to resort to plowing through the 'luxury shopping' web-pages for Hong Kong, only to find that there too, the place has become like everywhere else in the world - bereft of anything really interesting.

Luckily for all of you though, we are not stuck here.

LOL Nod, nod, wink, wink.

Not stuck at all.

For our readers here, who follow their Shaykhs - or their Sheikhs - the question remains: 'Oh Messenger of Allah, sassal'm, will I be allowed to take my Rolex Oyster into Jannah?'

Messenger of Allah (S'SLM): 'Does it not say perpetual there on it? Well then, why, yes. Furthermore, there are 72 additional unopened boxes of Rolex watches waiting there, just for the Faithful.'

'Oh Messenger of Allah! Forsooth!'

'And will there be lots of movies there, for entertainment? Will there be a Hollywood Industry there?'

'Oh no, Seeker After Truth and Student Of Knowledge! ...But there will -'

'Yes? Yes?'

'Be coffee.'


Not a coffee salesman, but a 
definite gun-toting type.

Where else, tell me, can you find this kind of witty diversion -, except but here on these simple pages?

Now one reason I will not give out the method to make contact with these advanced ET Aliens who are among us, is because all of you will throw in your jobs and hang about messing with the... ...with the 'salt.' I should add though, that might be okay except that what you are doing at the moment could be pretty important, so let's not mess with that, right? 

Today, just earlier today, I was in a small, well, correction, there would have been easily twenty odd people in there, packed-like-sardines - 'tactical data analysis room' - and there was this one uniformed soldier guy I knew, used to be quite high up, and had clearly been kicked a few levels down, prolly because of something that happened in Afghanistan, and he gave me an eye signal for me not to indicate that I knew him. LOL So 'I didn't know him.' There was one young girl there, a techie nerd, who displayed for me the whole organisational structural map of '*' well I won't say which organisation. 

What do you think you are doing, George.

But I will relate to you what it consisted of. Was big, pretty spread out with the 'edges' kind of a bit blurred as to whether they even really knew who they were actually working for. But the key segments were the holders of the decisions to buy high tech equipment (a lot of academia in there), and then there were the political elite managers - not many of those, all very high and mighty, some with dual roles in banking. The rest was all very pigeon-holed and bureaucratic with literally no real strategic decision-making power at all. ...And then there were the low-level techies.

God could they throw the whole thing upside down.

They won't because they're not like that. Not yet anyway. They're just kids, all the good ones.

But if they did you wouldn't even know until far too late.

The elites wouldn't know, wouldn't even know how to know. Except that right now they are very sure they would know and that they do know.

Wouldn't even know. If it were happening.

I'm past it, Danny. It's up to you now. Be the ball, Danny. See... ...the ball. Danny.

I'm old school, Danny. I'm too 'old school.'

Chuckle in my hand. You better do something or else it will all blow away in the breeze. 9/11 is as nothing. 9/11 will be as nothing by comparison. But not to worry, please do go on and tell me how good y'all are 'up there.' And by 'up there' I mean with your egos banging against the vermiculite ceilings. ...And that was not addressed to us reading here. Not any friendly people, anyway.




Friday, 6 August 2021

Generous Philanthropy Among Celebrities

A couple of days ago I was talking to a gentleman who had retired from the oil & gas industry, and he was showing me his net profit from his last year's tax return. It was just over $700,000 (USD) out of a handful of managed funds.

His last actual employment contract had been with the Reliance Group's India gas projects - in other words, he was working for Ambani, the world's I think maybe tenth or so richest person.

I was eating this 'beef and ale pie with peas and potato' thing and he stretched over and asked me about it. And then he said that it was unusual to see someone using a fountain pen these days. And yes, I had been jotting down a short note on deckle-edge'd paper (or is it deckled edge? Dunno) to someone a few minutes earlier.

And then after a while he proceeded to show me on his iPhone all the money in his funds. And so on - wife, daughter, all of that.

Anyway, let's put up the link to a short one-pager about the Autism project.

The Autism Drone Flying Project

(I never talked to him about that - the Autism project - or about anything else much, for that matter. ...I talked to him about how I thought the place was the best restaurant around here, and I talked to him about how fortunate he was that his daughter was attending one of the local primary schools).

And it was a really cheap pen I had been using too...

This is a cheap Chinese brand pen - even cheaper
than the Prera I was using. Same style though.

If I really wanted to hit someone hard over the head with words on paper, I would have been sitting there penning this kind of thing:

'Dear William, last night we set camp beside the explorer Giles and his camels...'

And you know, I have done that kind of thing. Well in fact, both of them - I have camped beside, if not 'the Explorer Giles and/or even his camels too,' then certainly similar oddities, and absolutely I have been quite the knave and deliberately penned such words, and with a flourish of the hand, under the noses of those I was seeking to play around with, you know, naively fishing to see if there were a few brain cells in the vicinity.

We are now approaching the latter part of the year - the time during which there will, or at least there should be, the 24 hours of Le Mans, and then, the Cox Plate horse race, forget the Melbourne Cup (that will be a joke again), and we are entering Ballet Season!

Ah, the ballet.

Really, we should give a thought to Alexandre Dumas, for he, afterall, was the person who introduced 'the Sugar Plum Fairy' to the Nutcracker libretto. It, well, she, was not in the E.T. A. Hoffman original story.

Art nouveau or art deco, I can't
tell - but, 'girl with lights...' anyway.
As you know, those who have been reading
the last Inkitt free book.

And the choreographer - the main one, because there were two who collaborated - Marius Petipa, took the adaptation of the Hoffman original tale, made by Dumas.

Hoffman was a German writer of strange, fantasy, and Gothic horror! He was also a jurist. Most experts consider him to be one of the true originators of science fiction and he is the person who actually wrote 'the Sandman.'

Oh to sit at a coffee house or tavern table and converse with the likes of Dumas and Hoffman.

And especially those two other poor driven fools, Lovecraft and Philip K. Dick!

Personally I'd keep those two well away in some darkened corner and just opine with Dumas -, leaving Hoffman to the serving people until one would have to rescue those.

Now don't think there are no crumbs falling out here.

There are, you just have to be awake enough and sharp enough to spot them or to follow up on what you're reading and seeing.

Goodness me! If we always just clearly detailed every single thing to go grab for the sake of its having some future value - well not only would that destroy the market, it would detract from the fun of it all.

Sometimes the value persists in the minds of women, for instance, and is hardly imagined by the male of the species.

What is this? Aaaeeerrh, I'm sure 
I cannot s-a-a-a-y.

I mean, hey, I guarantee you the rich guy ex-oil and gas industry never bought his young Vietnamese wife a $30,000 Birkin handbag (they are that price as you know). He was not that type of person.

Bit late now though, frankly, to be shoving around a Birkin under anybody's nose to impress anyone.Too old.

Every celeb already has one. You have that kind of money, you have that kind of 'stuff.'

And they all have that kind of stuff.

If you had the power to 'bag a celebrity' though, well that's a different story!

Stick a celebrity in a bag and zip it tight shut.


Not sure if it is any kind of 'philanthropy' pinching celebs off the planet and stealing them away from ol' Ari Emanuel - but there are people that can do it for sure. So can you. Ah, well, I suppose yeah it is philanthropy in its finest definition. In my case it would generally (and more specifically) be philgynthropy.