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Monday 31 August 2020

Fact From Fiction

Don't forget to have a read of the 'Rave Festival Cookies' free read (immediate previous article here), and spread the Gospel of the Cookies. At the end of the rainbow, sometime over the coming twelve months, we are running actual drone flying events down here to benefit younger teenage kids with Autism but also others with disabilities - whose parents and carers will have to think ahead about what potential futures are available in which these young people can be gainfully employed in the world of 'new technology.'

If this venture succeeds, it will be a template that you could take up and apply anywhere else around the world - right now we are moving through some actions to attain local corporate support.

Meanwhile, here's something that will give you a powerful guideline assisting you in separating fact from fiction:

Saturday 29 August 2020

Take Your Camera

Y'all most prolly think I'm kidding but I'm not kidding.

Slowly but surely, and even as the rest of the world goes up in flames, 'odd things' will happen here and there and some will see it and others not.
Was on 'live' again, last weekend, in Croatia -
PVD, Daniella (Nora En Pure)
were there.

Now... now, see - either, the US itself has these 'craft' which they launch from beneath the ocean, and they get up into the air, still at a highly visible altitude from any ground-based observer's point of view, hovering while water droplets are air-buffed off the surface of the craft, prior to the thing taking to really extreme speeds at which speed and altitudes above the Earth any moisture in the form of large surface water droplets would boil and even explode as hot gases are rapidly formed. Or, there are craft like this from 'other places.'

Either way, there are regular appearances of these things all over the place now. Well, actually, not all over the place - the Russians have them far enough up the North East Coast that no one much sees what's going on there, the US have a few things happening likewise, in the far North Atlantic mostly, and, and, er, near China but they move in and out of there too quickly to be interdicted. Except they are being photographed.
Nora En Pure

Next time there is an 'Ultra Music' Festival anywhere near where you live, go to it, stay off any alcohol or anything else for that matter, and take your best high focus camera with enough battery power. 

Because, no one is going to believe you if you just say you 'saw' something, because they will all say well you were on drugs!

Take some cookies with you...

And here, all you girls who can cook - hand over some recipes. You know, that you think the ET's might like. Don't believe me, do you? Any of you? ...You'll find out though.

Meanwhile, in other news last week, Daisy Periasteron (oh, sorry 'Dove;' Daisy Dove) was born to Mr and Mrs Legolas the other Star Elves. That is, other to Grimes, the Star Elf of poor Elon. LOL 

Recipes for Rave/Trance Festival Cookies @ here: Rave Festival Cookies

Friday 28 August 2020

Never Jam Today...

So what's really been going on? Is it all just a bunch of power-hungry lunatics down through the centuries, making up stuff and vending to the uninformed...?

Has it all been just that?


It has not. 

But even so, there are problems; problems with the human mind-set.

If you take a step back from any ideology that you know of, there is this continuing affair about what the fuss is all about: 'jam yesterday' (Moses saw God... ...a good long whole ago when there were no cameras), 'and jam tomorrow' (72 virgins for all the believers; later), 'but never jam today.' Moses not here, God not here, and virgins definitely not here, but neither any sexperts either! LOL

Everyone of them, simply every one, will preach at you stuff that involves driving some element of fear and proffering some expectation of the future. And they'll say anything, accuse anyone, incorrectly attribute all kinds of things, and generally speaking, take you all over the place, round and round 'the proverbial garden path,' so to speak. And you'll get nowhere. 

But If I take you down to 'Somerton Mansion' this weekend, and you get to hang out with some really cool people, you know, what do you expect that you are going to do about it Monday morning? And yes, I know there are lots of poor, disadvantaged, unfortunate people who need help. ...And that would be 'the whole human race on the planet Earth right now!'

Anyway CNN won't believe you. Unless you pulled out some kind of laser pistol on them and shot them in the ass. And then what anyway? Do you want to have to proliferate this nonsense of constantly having to shove things down people's throats just to get their minds into some kind of gear? (IE shove it down their throats or shot them in the ass; or both...)
'Appams,' correct, Bill?

Last weekend there were half a dozen EDM/Trance Musicians play a live show in Croatia under some fairly strict conditions. 

...So if you ever went to one of these, and you saw something go on down there that would be er, 'difficult to explain' well, no one would believe you anyway because they would automatically assume there were substances involved! LOL

Cool cover, right.

...Right now, I happen to know there is a rising number of women who read these pages here, and all I have to say to you is this: the right hand side of your ear is where information goes out, and the left hand side region is where it is received. Sometimes there is 'cross-flow' and everything gets a bit filled with 'RF interference.' Don't worry about it. When the Goddess calls, you just do as you are told. End of story. Of that story anyway.

As I said before, y'all not gonna like it...

And that's because, as it says in the Book of Karenthians, chapter 23 'inside you is something that just lusts for envy.' Well, okay, it's not the 'Book of Karen-thians' (that's a joke), but there definitely is a sentence exactly as I repeated it here. What does it even mean? Very weird.

That's for you women to work out. Maybe start here - listen, it is what it is, and this is it, in part:

If you want to see how the producers explain this, just go to the main YouTube site for it (the link is in the video clip here). But in short -, dancer goes to ParaShakti Temple, meets the Goddess and the Goddess kills her... ...ego.

Monday 24 August 2020

If It Works, Is It True?

And in the reverse - if it doesn't work, then is it false and not true...


You're all 'scientists' and rational, hard thinkers around here, right? Well then - tell me. Answer straight up. Why not? What do you have to lose?
Rolls Royce 'Spirit of Ecstasy' model -
'Periasteron?' Yes, it is. This is it.
Doves too, but mainly - this.

Tell me, Bill - is this correct, as far as you know:

For literally thousands of years, there have been these 'brahmin caste' people in South India - well 'Brahmin' just means 'priestly caste' - who use these small cake things in their religious ceremonies. The cakes are called 'Apppam.' Look it up on the Wiki - 'Pesaha Appam.'

Small, round things, generally quite sweet.

How long have the particular priest-caste people been there doing this whatever that they do? Well, probably five thousand years at least.


Yep. They have been in South India since around 3000 BC.

Traders, in silk, spices, oils, gold.

Remember what I have been telling you - there are regularly two entirely different, but parallel, things that go on but under the same name or label.

You do know, don't you, that there are secret passages not contained in the Biblical 'New Testament' texts... These are called the 'Cenacle addresses.'
Not saying anything...

So what's this all about? What's been going on for thousands of years that we are not generally told about? Ha! David Icke doesn't know!

I mean, I'm happy to tell you but you are not going to like it...

You... are not... going... to like... it.

It's going to f* your mind.

Even so, show me one single system, belief, ideology, religion, edict, scientific mechanism, 'teaching,' investment analysis (lol), that will get you anything that you want, NOW!

Is there anything, any one thing? Or do they all just say something, claim something, and deliver nothing? After you've handed your hard-earned across...
Moravian Christian church 'love feast...' Whatever that is.

...And then, the persisting question of the 'theodicy question:' why, if there is a Divinity, and it is GOOD, does it permit suffering and evil to happen?

A merchant, found a treasure of great price, and it was in a field he did not own, so he sold all that he had and purchased the field and was well pleased.

You want to be an atheist, do you? And you want to get to the stars? Develop a 'solar system internet...' (This is the latest thing with NASA - they have a small set of problems, partly to do with the fact that communication in space is via RF and RF is subject to fading and disruption from solar radiation, and the digital packet switching of the internet structure often means entire messages never go anywhere...)

Step across. To the Dark Side.
You thing I'm making stuff up? I'm not making anything up.
This is the Pesaha Appam -correct, Bill?
Jewish thing in India since 3000 BC.

Freemasonry has had, since the time of Cagliostro at least, the objective of having the consciousness survive the body and death, and exist outside of those things. Nobody, so far as I know today, experiences any of these things in any modern era lodges, although the ideas are in the higher degree teachings in there. In fact, I believe that is the actual point of Freemasonry. That's its very reason for existing at all - it as a philosophical system, sought to find a way to side-step the political power issues of tyrants using brute force to get their way, even over the lives of the presumed 'master artisans' and 'builders.'

But there is no way there...

Like I said, though - you're not not going to like this...

This is  the Cenacle ceremony.

Wh-a-a-a??!!!! Yep. This is the actual Christian Cenacle ceremony...

Oh yes. Sorry. But it just plain is. The end.

And there is no YouTube video clip of this yet - probably there will be in time - so you have to just watch it on the FaceBook page that I have linked here - the Shiva Stotram, Nora En Pure/Morttagua:

And, what you are about to see, is only just the beginning...

Sunday 23 August 2020

Beneath The Surface

I'm not sure of the correct phrase to use here. I'm not really certain 'beneath the surface' is what I'm trying to say...

You see, right now, I'd HAVE to presume that there MUST be at least some of you out there who read here, who are recoiling at where some of the discussion has been heading...

And one of the main reasons is going to be that you are inwardly denying the possibility that I could be 'right' broadly speaking, about what I am saying.
1953 Bentley Roadster - pic courtesy of our contributor 'Bill

Okay but look at this example from pop culture of the last fifty years or so. Something that you would be pretty familiar with, I'm sure.

Casino Royale... 1953. The character 'Vesper Lynd.'

Polish. A double agent - working for the UK Secret Intelligence Service, and, so the narrative goes, for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. 

In the novel her name is from the Latin for 'Evening.'

...And in the novel, Bond (Fleming, really) creates a cocktail named after her: the Vesper Martini. He knows she's a double agent, so he mixes Vodka with Gin, something previously virtually unheard of, really.

In the Dukes Hotel version, Alessandro Palazzi, exchanges the 'twist of lemon peel' for a twist of orange peel, because he says that outwardly the orange perfume will give the sense of the 'sweetness' of orange, but inwardly, the drink itself has quite a sting.
The 'Evening Star' is there somewhere!

So what I'm going to ask you to consider, is that there are many many instances in life, where yes, things are quite different, almost the polar opposite, beneath their surfaces... ...but I'd ask you to add to that, what I believe is also a fact, namely that there are regularly two parallel lines moving together at the same time, and they both have the same name, but they are quite different things when one is actually compared to the other.

Now. Do you think it is a co-incidence, that 'Vespa' is the Latin nomenclature used in science to say 'wasp?' Oh yes sure, the word 'Vesper' does indeed mean 'evening' in Latin.

Fleming writes the character as a double agent, and very sweet on the outside. So, did he deliberately intend, to have a name that, at least phonetically, had two entirely different meanings?

I mean, you did know, right, that 'Vespa' means wasp... And you always thought of that in context of this Fleming James Bond novel character... Right?

It isn't always easy jamming two things together and having them make sense - here's an audio example, however; it's two different songs: