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Monday, 13 July 2020

...Definitely Use Your Brains!

I think I remember saying a short while back in this immediate series of posts and articles that it is not for everyone, and that maybe some people will find certain aspects objectionable.

If you are a kid, or someone less than a whole lot of years of experience on this planet(!), then go to source texts and study them. Maybe there will be source texts mentioned here from time to time but actually go to those and read them yourself; you cannot rely on just reading commentaries. And this does not mean I am deliberately telling lies or making things up about various source materials, but it does mean that you should read the whole things as well yourself.
'Listen kid, you can't come in here...'

Why am I saying this (again)?

Because in case someone has 'expectations' and those expectations fail to be 'delivered' in reality to them actually, then in the first place the whole point of what I have been saying and why, was lost, misunderstood.

This message is the delivery.

Things are going to happen, in your life, on the world stage, throughout wider society and my aim is to prepare you for them.

We live in an extraordinarily sinister place, an extremely sinister world - of other people, their behavior and intentions, of rulers, or ideas and ideologies.

To underestimate any of this is a 'fatal mistake,' potentially fatal. And it will destroy your mind and your personal self in many ways, if you misjudge certain things as a mature adult.

'Moral imperative' - moral ethos and thus 'idea dominion' - is the contested space; not the actual material world itself.

As we come up upon realized 'AI' into our lives, we are being confronted, if however subtly, with moral relativism versus absolute moral prescription as defined by some, usually religious set of ideas.
'...Unless you go to Morty Sills, the tailor.'

You may not realize this yet, may not have genuinely even perceived it, but everything in human life has two different representations existing alongside each other...

And you can even use a word, employ its generic meaning - and end up with widely differing results or consequences nevertheless.

Okay let's say, for example and for argument's sake, that you are a fundamentalist Christian or an Evangelical Christian or a 'Pentecostal' Christian or a 'any other style' of Christian - and you are suddenly told next week by NASA and the US government, 'oh well, yes it's true we have been contacted by ET aliens...'

Some of the interior of the Hagia Sophia.
Half the world of Christians will say these are 'fallen angels' the other half will automatically say 'demons masquerading as little green-skinned beings,' David Icke will say 'see, I told ya: Reptilians!!' ...And half the Muslims in the world will say 'the Jinn' and the other half 'Shaytan!'

Michio Kaku will say 'no problem, just a statistical certainty come to visit us at last.' Dawkins will say 'ordinary evolution max'd out across the ambit of Cosmic Time and Space.' deGrasse Tyson will just laugh because he is plain nuts anyway.

...And you might go 'oh, I'd better hedge my bets and go - Jesus, if you are out there, I believe, okay?'

And then that will save you, right?

Here is a picture of something. And it is not 'the Blue Mosque.'
This square bit is the Blue Mosque.

The Blue Mosque is a building Sultan Mehmet Ali built alongside the Hagia Sophia to rival the temple, and to exceed it, to demonstrate the supremacy of Islam - which it doesn't and by some distance too.

But that has not prevented you having been misled by the media and by everyone else as to what 'the Blue Mosque' actually is.

Soon, we simply must step away from all of this silly nonsense talk and go back to things like - the lunch scene from the original 'Wall Street' for which we are indebted to Tao-of-Jonz for reminding us about:

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Ya Think?

Friends in low places. We all have those, right?

Well you should. 

Yesterday at my local shopping center people were a bit amazed when this old African woman, who usually asks for coins, came up to me, had a few words and then 'high five'd' me.
Great great actress - actually pretending not
to know how to wink and still winking anyway.

...I had noticed earlier that she had this brand new coat on.

So what do you think? Can you guess?

Anyway, years and years ago - many years ago - when there was still a real commodities futures market, this trader for National Australia Bank, who traded for Will Buttrose (Ita Buttrose's brother) by name of 'Wayne G.,' well, we had this competition between us over who would develop this program first that would be able to 'make a million bucks in thirty minutes.'

Prominent Australian, Ita Buttrose - occupies all of the media's attention and you can't get her off the Google Images pages - is currently head of the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

In those days it was basically all about the technology, the screens, the live-feeds - and even the Telex private direct lines. Computer processing speed was a thing.

It's all different now and at any rate, even back then, I would prefer to do things the really old fashioned way, by doing direct trades with Mocatta and Degussa and Norilsk and only then, list stuff afterwards on CBOT or COMEX. And I had a Platts membership account. Well most of these things don't even exist anymore (except for the Russians, of course, who have been buying gold bullion like there is no tomorrow for paper junk). Just as a side note, in those days, we thought Bernie Madoff was this private bit-player who maybe had some inherited real estate in slum areas of Chicago - he had a really small, miserably-lit old, old, office in the main city block under some overhead rail tracks...
Argh! We don't remember this! But,
he was dressed by Alan Flusser.

If you had good hand-eye co-ordination and you could think rapidly, you stood a chance of becoming quite proficient taking some scalps in the screen action.

There was one guy, literally a burn-out from Air-Traffic Controlling, who turned his hand to this stuff and within one year ended up owning a large local real estate company, which is still around and still 'big.' But he was also pretty OCD, I thought. 

'A million bucks in thirty minutes' is about the structure, the template, not even the algorithms - and in the end it's also a little bit about 'your belief' because if you believe the Fed will indeed underwrite junk corporate bonds well anyone can still 'make a million' at least on paper and realizable 'on delivery/maturity' whichever comes first. I mean it's just a given that a large amount of deep discounts will be met at 100 cents on the dollar...

'Belief' is eventually linked to 'opportunity cost' choices.

Would you buy Boeing, Ford, Caterpillar, v. pure gold bullion? One will make you a million, and the other will definitely not but it will rise and it will be safe every step along the way.

Who knows? Who knows what choice sits well with any particular individual? If it's only about choice.

But we want BOTH; we want all outcome opportunities fully delivered. That's what we really want. With equivalent risk which is preferably running at 'no risk at all' or near enough to.

So was Roger Stone taking any kind of risk?
'Go to work, Bud.'

He didn't do anything wrong - unless you think him running his mouth is particularly wrong...

I mean Robert Mueller claims that he (Stone) lied to him. 

And this is on the amazing 'proof' that one 'log-in' by Guccifer 2.0 was from the GRU in Moscow, or some IP address said to be used by them. And that was because, 'probably' the GRU officer 'forgot' to use his VoIP security scrambler.

Which then somehow means that Stone necessarily knew that Guccifer was a Russian agent and who had hacked Hillary Clinton's emails.

Yet Roger Stone says he knew/knows who 'Guccifer' is and has offered to say who it is, and that he was not the person from whom Stone had gotten his actual information.

Theoretically, 'Guccifer' is a hacker, called 'Marcel Lehel,' currently in a US prison.

And, I happen to know that this is only very partly correct. But so what? No one cares.

I even asked Lionel Nation to comment on Stone's tailor, the esteemed Alan Flusser, and he literally said to me: 'Who?'
$1,500 a pair. What?!! Yep, and not even by Alan Flusser, either.

But no worries, right; the general media knows more than what we all talk about freely here.

Yeah, so... ...Alan Flusser. Dressed Gordon Gekko.


Okay so listen to me very carefully - the US Military is not able to deny, that they had a small, highly secretive program, many decades ago, that was intended to monitor, what people like Wernher von Braun had claimed, were, as in literally were, either 'merely' the Lebensborn, albeit a very very clandestine segment of those, or actual human-alien hybrid children 'made' in that project of the Germans during the War.

John Ratcliffe would not be able to deny it, if he were asked about it. Because there are files about it.

Except that no one, so far as I know, at any high level, really treated any of it too seriously after about the Seventies. All the same, you should know, that CIA continued the monitoring, as a soft exercise for their people who were close to retirement from active field operations, and who had previously been well, the very active people... in, you know, blew up bridges in Yugoslavia under cover of being priests and nuns by day; those kind of people.

CIA, nothing if not diligent over time.

And then. And then. Something happened in Florida, see.

More on that when we are allowed to say.


It is what it is. 

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Ancient Rhum... The Devastation Begins

Sometime ago, a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away...

A group of people stole a book of war, a book on warfare. And it was stolen from a temple of books, a place no man can go.

And in that book it says that for a time, the Primordial Titan of War, Apollyon, that is, Mars, or Ares, if you will, shall hold the world of human people in his thrall, slaughtering millions and causing DESOLATION. But then, after a long time, his reign will come to an end, and he shall be halted at 'the Gates of Ancient Rhum.'
This is a symbol of hatred, rage and war...

He is appalling, and all of his acts and all the results of what he does are appalling. He is the cause of all Desolation, and his Sacrifice is the sacrifice of arms, the sacrifice of War. He is very sinister and 'double-tongued.' And he manages to convince billions on the Earth that he is in fact himself 'God.' And they begin to love war. And they make war. 

At some point he is refused further entry into Olympus.

He has lost his mind and cannot see his own end, and persists in all of his ways until at last, he moves against 'Ancient Rhum' where is he utterly destroyed, creeping back, mortally wounded, in the black of night into a hole in the dusty desert ground from where he first came.

Modern Islamic scholars have opined that 'Ancient Rhum' means Syria, or Rome, or even Russia.

It is, in Turkey. And it is, very specifically, the Temenos ('place belonging to') the Goddess of Wisdom - 'Sophia' or 'Saga' or any number of other names.
Hubert de Givenchy - related to whom I
cannot say... Okay, I can: JFK

There, at the Temenos, a final fatal action is taken by the Demon, and by which action he seals his own doom. A rock, hits him in the middle of his head, and he dies, albeit slowly.

The word, 'Rhum' means 'Rhomaioi;' the Greeks -, although it specifically means 'Classical people who establish and maintain the civilization of Rome.'

When the Sacrifice of Desolation is set up in the Sacred Place, then you will know, that the End has come.

Run, then into the hills, and hide yourselves, for never before since the Dawn of Mankind, has Mankind ever faced a more terrible time.

Ivan the Terrible. Just means 'awesome.' And between the two, it is the Goddess of War who is the more awesome. 

...Look I mean we can replay this over and over if you like. At least in the modern world we have digital files of stories and of movies and books and histories and actual records of real events.

Pretty soon once your mind no longer sees only in 2-D, you will begin to get a grasp of things as they really are.
'They look and look with their eyes,
but they do not see...'

A lot of people, a lot of identities all the time, harbor this secret inner ambition to rule over everyone they encounter. It is a spiritual forceful 'idea' they have within. 

In the same way, a lot of people make huge - vast - sums of money, and they increase in wealth massively. This is an unseen force, a sweeping tide of fortune that takes them, almost regardless of their skills and talents, up to the highest Earthly places. If you immerse yourself in these forces, get swept along by the power of their tides... will drown.

But if you construct a vessel, that can ensure you are able to withstand the immense power of such sweeping currents and the environment that you cannot breathe in yourself with your human mortal lungs, you will survive, and be taken at last to the top of the very mountain peaks themselves. Where you will look down upon all there is here, and you will see also, what is yet overhead.

If you don't employ drugs, and you don't lose your mind in a trance, even though you can feel the power, you will have your eyes open, and you will see all that you need to see... 

And when you see, with all the available instruments that you have - your mind, your memory, your determination - you will discover what you had never even believed before.

But if you cling on, to what you are insisting is true and real... You will perish.

That surely has to be the Floridian, Emma Kapotes, in there below, dancing and prancing around and trying, to give a hand signal... At about 1:08. The rest are all damn 'out of it!'

Friday, 10 July 2020

David Was A Moabite

So, the Moabites were these ancient people, right, as you know, who were 'the enemies of God.' The legend is that they were the descendants of Lot and his oldest daughter. Lot got away from the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, but it seemed like he was going to be the last of the line of people from those places that had been totally wiped out - until his daughters got him drunk and 'had their way' with him.

Again, to me it's a waste of time worrying about what all this has to do with 'sinning and morality' because the key aspects go once again, missing, when people get onto this 'sin/sinning' bandwagon like they always do. Apparently, in their minds, God is incapable of intervening against ordinary human women and in this case, Lot's daughters - He seems to know many things, but all of a sudden, every now and then, He just goes to sleep or something and some 'bad' or untoward, undesired thing 'happens' under His sleeping nose. And then, instead of wiping out the Moabites - since apparently they were 'bad/evil/against God' - like He did to the S & G's, no, He can't do this again and He has to use 'the Nation of Israel' to go wipe them out... ...eventually. And for some reason He can destroy whole cities but He cannot procure some female for Lot to continue his line with.
The Moabite Stone - aka 'Meshe Stele'
of King Meshe of Moab, around 1000BC.

It's just all a lot of mixed up notions that people have about things that were said to have happened in the ancient past.

Actually, this story is another one of these 'post-Atlantis' narratives. There is one in Greek culture, wherein, the survivors were lucky to live at all, and were pretty traumatized and by the second generation after the catastrophe, all they retained from their original culture, were their names - which the Greeks later said were not 'Greek' in origin and attested to the 'fact' that these people were indeed survivors from the Great Flood of Atlantis. These stories are basically everywhere - American Indian, Sub-Continent Indian, Nordic, they are everywhere.

The Moabites were the survivors from the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah.

So then we're really looking at something that completely pre-dates 'Israel.' 'Lot' means 'veiled.'

So what's veiled within the human race, or the over all genetic pool, so to speak?

'Israel' ends up entirely killing off the 'Moabites.'

Except not, right? Because David was a Moabite.

Now, if you want to 'get' what is there in this short video clip, it's required to take on board that this music is made by Irish fairies... This is straight-out Celtic or Gaelic folk music.

Wikipedia does not deliver the common tale about 'Oh Danny Boy' and how it was composed but it does mention that one of the Irish bards went to Eglinton Castle, in Scotland, and that there are poems there about the 'guid wee green folk' who hide in the bluebells and the foxgloves in Eglinton Woods.
Like an 'elf,' right?

But what I want you to do, is think about the Star Wars 'Death Star,' rather than some run-down moss-covered wooden shack hidden in the glens, with just a thin line of smoke from a small peat fire in the hearth, to show evidence of habitation. Because the music is just too clever by half.

...With us, we all stand around and wait, to see if someone has heard us, when we are deep in the woods, whistling to the fairy folk, asking for a piece of the action from whoever has the pot of gold, or from the silver dancers by the moonlight. It's damp and the light is failing from the end of the day. And there's no one there.
The bluebells of Eglinton Woods...

No one, right.    

At 1:30 in - the fairy stray. ...And watch your step. Because they know exactly, what they are doing.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

What They Don't Know, Won't...

...Hurt them.

Look, if you get extremely emotionally distressed after reading the next few articles and posts, don't be, or at least, don't worry. It's just how these things are. No one's 'going away' anywhere!

Stuff is hidden in plain sight all the time. Don't ask me why; I don't know why.

But what I do think, is that we - as in 'we humans' - are part of a very very long term thing.
Gaelic/Celtic/Irish 'cross triquetra' - or
trefoil cross.

There's absolutely zero, NO such thing as 'evolution' as such; not at all. There is 'development' and you can call it 'evolution' if you like, if you wish, but at some stage when you re-examine our history on this planet, through a lens in which you have more and better information, you're going to start to see 'the touch of a hand,' and it won't be that you only think you might be seeing it. Oh, you'll see it all right.

So what's going on? I don't know.

I could guess but I don't know.

Look at a symbol - take the Irish or the Celtic/Gaelic 'triquetra;' the three interlaced arcs symbol. Sometimes it is also called a trefoil knot. Now people, Wiccans, others, anyone talking about folklore, just say anything they please, anything that seems like it could be what the thing 'means,' and this they do from the perspective of our cultural progress at that time. But it is not an 'our' symbol. It's not our symbol, not from our symbology.

Take even the US military and 'Homey Airport' and everyone anyway thinks they know why the place is even called 'Homey Airport.'

But it's actually not for me to say. There are officials who can say things and they won't because 'things are not over,' yet.   

What is for sure and certain is we are all human beings, living human lives and we will all die a natural death sooner or later.
Same thing, really.

Right? So, 'escape plans' are not on the table - as far as I know. What is on the table, are plans. Other plans. 

I don't see it as any kind of 'escape plan' me or you heading off on an Elon Musk flight to Mars. God! No! Not even with Amber Heard on board. LOL

So I don't really care that there are plans to build things that can make this journey, 'old school' style. Months and months, brushed air, meal ration packs and all this. Tubes of protein. No, not me; I don't think so!

Today, this very afternoon just gone, I was having a full-on, best in town, Chateaubriand, at the Belgian beer place I go to, and I was smiling ear-to-ear, and the blondie girl was telling me they had no 'Leffe Blonde' left (which was good because I much prefer the Brun...)

Anyway, so there are some snippets of olden days movies showing up on the wall-screen - there was Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn in Charade, and it was funny. And I'm laughing, but not just because the flick was humorous, but because I had something in my pocket that maybe ten or twenty people in the whole world have, have experienced, and I had never yet experienced it.

I could have had a brand new Rolls Royce out front, and the blondie girl would easily have walked out with me to look at that... That was the kind of vibe that was going on and it had nothing to do with me hitting on her - and I wasn't doing that, and I didn't do it.
Smell that leather, man!

There was an underlying vibe, that in Ireland, they call 'fairy stray.' A 'fairy stray' is when you're out in the woods, or the deep forest, and then suddenly you're lost even though you should know that particular spot very well. And it's because the 'fairies' are leading you 'astray.' 

When I say 'I could have had' you know I mean 'I might have/should have' (but don't have the cash to right now LOL). Maybe tomorrow though...

So here you are, reading away here, not sure what to expect. 

What I'm going to do, is post right now, General Martin Dempsey singing at his retirement ceremony. And then, after that, I am going to describe to you, what the unicorn is like, the mythical 'Nombre Noir' which I do have on me right now, and have never yet experienced - and I'm going to describe it to you, as it actually happens, to me...
Aw, it was much better than this shrimpy li'l thing.

And, when you listen to General Dempsey, think, think about what you are listening to and why he is even singing it. I'm sure he knows something about why. But see, this is human beings, see. Absolutely totally totally led blind, 'astray' though not malevolently, but certainly differently, to a different place to where they all think they are going.

This series is in three - and I should be able to post them rapidly one after the other and they are all connected. So you have to take them together.

And it will be 'a start.'

Okay, so 'Nombre Noir.' This is the thing, IBM AI 'consciousness' researcher Luca Turin said was - or is - the best perfume ever made. Ever. The story of it has a lot of tragedy involved, because the original bottles leaked and the parent company Shiseido re-called everything that hadn't been sold and destroyed all of them including what was in them and the person chiefly responsible for having composed the fragrance 'may have killed himself' shortly thereafter.

Ah. Okay. I have just sprayed it on me, about three minutes ago now.

Well there is no way 'note break-down' of the composition is going to deliver any idea of what this is. 

It is like, a big classic French perfume - the original Chanel, and maybe, it is a touch more subtle, and softer in impression though not in power, it is very much like a current-era Sisley 'Eau du Soir.' Yes, definitely. But, yeah, there is something. Something, ethereal - and maybe it is only noticeable to so-called 'noses' or those with a lot of experience with these products. It's soft, but like the pillows and bed in the top suites at the George Cinq Hotel in Paris. It's utterly refined and sophisticated and yes, there is an impression somehow, of stained glass light falling inside onto the dark wooden and plum velvet cushioned benches of a small church in the Loire Valley and yet outside, there is the thunder of the Le Mans racing cars at full bore.

...And the big ferris wheel all lit up at midnight there (which is there, in the Le Mans parc area).

It's midnight. The feeling is that this is midnight. And it is black. Glossy black as the stillest night.

There is palladium Orris for sure. They say Osmanthus. Too.

Osmanthus is also sometimes known as 'Devilwood.' Huh. LOL

It does not overpower the presence of the body, and it will be a female wearing it, it is not a male fragrance; it partners that individual, walking hand-in-hand with them, wherever they're going.

How are we going? What did you think about the General?