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Monday 18 November 2019

Digital Dirhams And Arabic Trading

So this very close associate, family member (what of it still exists! LOL) says to me the day before yesterday: 'Calvin, at our age, we have just one run at it left."


I said - Whaaaaaaat?!

So I quickly resorted to some old cricketing parlance - 'Nah, we are the nightwatchmen here. We are batting till morning and after as well. We're winning this game, dude!'

One of the greatest 'thought experiments' ever made was by a gentleman of the 10th Century, Abu Ali Sina, widely regarded as one of the most significant physicians, philosophers, astronomers, and writers of all time. He devised the 'floating man' thought experiment through which he deduced the nature of the human soul - and I must add, the actual texts that he wrote about this are all largely obscured from examination these days and all we are left with is a summary and a distillation of what he wrote. 

Most Muslims - even the most highly trained modern Islamic literature and religious belief scholars are ignorant of the real understanding behind what is presently repeated as 'Qul huwallahu ahad' which is supposedly directly from the Quran. Well look, nobody knows exactly WHAT the rendering of the symbols in there really ought to be in the modern world because there are no grammar points available in the original source texts from the ancient world - which were made from a sound, IE aural/oral recitation from someone's memory only. ...Other than the explanations from great scholars like Abu Ali Sina.

Abu Ali Sina, however, explains it thus... 'mahiyya, wujud, WAHID AHAD.' No essence other than its own existence, and unique. UNIQUE - 'wahid' + 'ahad;' it is 'One of' 'One.' The present-day rendering of the Quran that most people say, makes it appear that 'God' is 'one of...' But nothing else. One of what then, exactly? They don't understand that the verse really says and intends to convey uniqueness - exactly as Abu Ali Sina outlines.
Abu Ali Sina

Abu Ali Sina was moreover, not exactly a Muslim in the present-day sense of the word, and the Emir at the time where he lived tried variously to dispose of him, although he had to keep relenting when he himself - the Emir - fell ill and required the services of this great doctor. At the same time it is clear from historical accounts, that Abu Ali Sina practiced Islamic religious rituals and praying and he was an expert in Islamic textual recitation and jurisprudence. 

Abu Ali Sina is an occult figure, by which I mean to tell you that there is considerable mystery in open records about him and his life - he was trained by some 'roaming healer' whose name is never given, and apparently, his mind was next opened to the mysteries of metaphysics from reading a book by al-Farabi that he purchased for the tiny sum at the time (for these sorts of books) of three dirhams.

Abu Ali Sina was regarded by Bacon and Newton and the Earl of Oxford as having scientifically demonstrated both the existence of God, and of the human soul...

These 'proofs' exist today but are never talked about at Universities. Abu Ali Sina's works on this matter are written as mathematical 'proofs' and not simply 'arguments' but they are referred to in common sources - by those who have never actually read them - as 'arguments.' And this is a quite deliberate and malicious deceit. Even during the lifetime of Abu Ali Sina, major library sources for his studies were burned by those who opposed his ideas - because a wider exposure of them would have undermined their political standing and power.

And so, we have an example of the narrow gate.

What did Abu Ali Sina know, that most of the rest of the whole world did not...
As we all get older, we assume that we have a lesser chance to 'make it' materially speaking. Whereas in fact - and since no one really knows that we are the Abu Ali Sina's of our day - we have the knowledge, the power, the capacities and real status of esteemed physicians (by any who really wish to be cured), the mathematics, the dynamic mind, to procure material wealth; but we also can make the necessary transition from the banal and simplistic, to the sophisticated and 'un-Earthly' at which point we also have to place a 'cover' or cloak across our activities and knowledge, for fear of being presumed witches and sorcerers!

Abu ibn Kenobi

Sunday 17 November 2019

"...And Fools Will Not Stray Onto It."

This is part of a verse in Isaiah, Old Testament. Fools... will not stray... onto it.

Why will fools not stray onto it? Because fools are the ones least interested in whatever this 'way' amounts to. Fools already know everything. And they are absolutely certain of the things they know.

'But what if...?' Is just not a question fools entertain; at all.

You go to the New Testament and you see the same thing: 'enter by the narrow gate.' In fact the word used for 'gate' here actually means the main gate, the main entrance, maybe even the only entrance! And the opposite 'entrance-way' is spacious and everyone actually wants to go through there - and it leads to 'destruction.'

'Enter' - the word 'enter' is in the present tense.

And if someone 'strays' onto something or can stray onto it, it automatically implies it is there in the first place to stray onto!

You don't need to 'adjure' or warn someone about something that doesn't actually exist. 

For the seekers of true knowledge, the 'warning' is that it is 'complicated,' unloved, perhaps unexpected, not treated seriously, dismissed. For the 'unwise,' the warning is that their arrogance leads to destruction.

Now we don't intend to 'stray' onto it - if we were 'straying' and the thing or the place was therefore unsuited to us, to our outlook, to our internal guidance mechanisms, we would feel uncomfortable and desire to leave; but then of course it might trap us in its complications if we were 'straying' there.

So the idea is, it seems to me, that one requires to have the tools, the 'footwear,' the eyesight, the vision, the brainpower - to accommodate whatever demands this 'narrow gate' is imposing..

So do you have enough tools yet? Are you ready? Are you going to be comfortable with what you will confront, what you will see?

Saturday 16 November 2019

Before The Firestorm

A good wrap of the Federal Reserve's Chairman Jerome Powell's testimony to Congress last week is available here:

Appreciation goes out to one of our friends here - TaoOfJonze - who reminded me just the other day, of that scene in that milestone movie Apocalypse Now, in which Martin Sheen's character, Captain Willard, is in a trench with some other soldiers, and he asks them all 'who is in command here?'

One guy goes: 'Ain't you?'

And then of course you get the dramatic depiction of another soldier, roused from sleep while the fighting is actually going on, who lets off a High Explosive M79 grenade launcher round, killing the enemy out in the darkness -, who is then directly asked by Captain Willard: 'Hey soldier, do you know who's in command here?' To which that soldier sardonically responds 'Yeah!'
This is from the Burning Man festival - pure Satanic

And to a very large extent that is really the modern world context put into a nutshell right there.

Apocalypse Now is a very great movie in so many ways but it has no capacity whatsoever to provide answers. In the end, Coppola gives us the standard 'there is sufficient nobility within man' (in this case within the character of Captain Willard, who does not stay on to take over from Kurtz after he assassinates him per the command of his generals).

So the reality is we're left with having to acknowledge that Mankind can get itself into a complete mess in which there is no clear-cut understanding of who, or even what is the governing principal which is in command - but also having to live on, hopeful that some inner light will struggle to cast a small light out at some point.

'Apocalypse' means to unveil, and to reveal.

The movie revealed a darkness inside the heart of some men...
Changing the energy - going into the deep freeze...

...Unable to be resolved apart from terminal violence, in other words, murder and an abjectness of suffering which is complete madness.

I have been somewhat struggling right here on these pages to explain to all readers, that there are some amazing positive things going on behind the scenes - to do with the Middle East Silver Fund that we have started. And these advances will financially benefit everyone here, necessarily it may be in modest ways first as we start and expand the scope of the digital token step by laborious step.  

And what I mean by 'struggling to explain' is not about the money side, the capital side, the performance side - that is just numbers over time. It is about what it even means to attain a wealth benefit today.

Apocalypse Now gives you the sound and true knowledge that inside the heart of man is where the battle is also fought.

You can make any amount of money you care to name, but without the inner game, where do you get your fulfillment from, your sense of achievement, attainment?

What is the goal that any of us is seeking to attain?

For those of us who have had big money in the past, the last thing the answer can be, is the same mansion, or car that everyone else who is 'wealthy' has.

And there's your problem if you are someone who is into these 'motivation'/'law of attraction' ideas... Well, at least I'm saying it is a problem. Because everyone else's mansion is what got us into this mess in the first place. If you 'envision' what is driving everyone else's idea of wealth, you will eventually attain to their lifestyles, to their function in the world. In other words, you will have become Kurtz (Marlon Brando's character).

And so, this is my absolute outright explanation of what you will likely see and read over coming articles here: I am going to swing it away from what is your typical 'vision' of material wealth (and I will mainly stick to the material side of things; I don't think that's a conflicted position - the material is a reflection of the conceptual), and introduce counterpoint arguments, as it were, to what is commonly regarded as a lifestyle of material wealth.

And I will guarantee you this - you follow what I'm saying and you will attain real material wealth. But it will be on the new horizon, not on the horizon that is already starting to drift into the past, into history.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Asteroids And Guide Star Lasers

Kim P., - you will appreciate this personally, but others here will as well, I feel certain.

...But anyway this is really important.

We all know that things have probably gone a bit 'touchy' right now with the removal of Le Mesurier off the Syria map... ...So soon after Al Baghdadi got actually 'taken out.' We've talked about Le Mesurier and the 'White Helmets' here before, and expressly in connection with Jimmy Khashoggi. Decks are being shuffled, cards are being re-ordered - there are bound to be urgent re-assessments of alignments.

But let's say you - I mean you, the person reading here who is not working for any particular side and is just interested in sound accurate insider knowledge and maybe making a few bucks on the way through - you don't want to be dragged deeply into anything er, 'difficult.'

It isn't that I am ever going to conceal the downsides at all - I will certainly still point those risks out if I see them, if I know of them. On that aspect then, right now, the risks are that many Western governments and economies have blindly stepped into a trap the Chinese communists have been carefully laying for quite some time. 

Now. Now, though... Listen. Even though I don't believe any Western government can solve any of these specific 'risks' - we're not going to get into all that much trouble in the end. And that is because:

...Right. So. A 'guide star laser' is this technology they have on sophisticated big modern telescopes. And what these things do is fire some lasers up at the higher atmosphere, where they bounce off particles which glow and then produce artificial fixed 'stars' which are used by the telescope's computers to refer to, to track moving objects outside of the Earth's atmosphere.

And since two days ago, there have been these quite large asteroids (called 'NEO's') moving in fast and getting pretty close to the planet. There are a lot of these objects coming right now and when they pass either into our atmosphere or very close by or, if unfortunately they hit the planet - well at least NASA claims to know exactly where they are going to hit and destroy places. 

Now I do think there is about to be more and more press about all of this. And there already has been a noticeable but distant beat of drums, let's say.

If such an object really enters the atmosphere you will get this huge curtain of electrical storms and lightning. And then a catastrophic impact that could set off underlying tectonic fault issues.

But now here's the thing I want everyone to listen closely to and take 'on-board' as best they can: 'some things are beams to guide you home and not flashing swords to destroy you.'

Let's say nothing at all happens.... Incorrect! It has already started happening, it is happening. The idea, which is expressed in image form as this huge lightning strike across the sky from horizon to horizon is A BEAM TO GUIDE YOU HOME. It's the idea that counts, my friends.

Now if I tell you exactly why there has been all of this background murmuring over oh, ten/fifteen years, about some possible coming asteroid impact - and you all do already know that EVERYTHING in the media, in the press, is there because it is placed there and allowed there - it would only make things worse and really increase your levels of doubt (AND fear AND anxiety!)... But yes, there are people in the military and in government right now who think it is possible, nay, likely.

What YOU need to know and understand inside your gut, is that A MASSIVE POWERFUL STRONG LIGHT is sometimes just a beam to guide you home.

Could an asteroid impact kill off millions though? Yes it sure could too.

Believe me though, if I were able to be explicit and direct to you - which I would be if I were standing in front of you rather than posting on a very small but nonetheless still public board and blog - I would still say to you that it is by far the 'idea' and the 'guide beam' in this that is vastly more significant than all of the 'death and destruction' stuff that people over-indulge in too often. I mean let's face it, there has been death and destruction on this Earth since forever. Babylon, the 'tower of Babel' (wherever that even was), Cyrus the Great, the Romans, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot... 

Bad physical material things are distracting. Great teachings give you power. Focus. Concentrate, on the things you want that will give you the power that you can use wisely.

Saturday 9 November 2019

For We Who Are Rooted In This Earth

The human being is physically rooted to the Earth - we are reliant on nitrogen-fed plant and animal sources for food; otherwise, we die. 

And so while we are existing as human beings, and not as some self-conscious entity embodying a positive ion-flow electronic network structure inside a solid state android 'being' - then we are stuck here! Rooted in this Earth!

We cannot really 'fly' anywhere; at least not too far away anywhere.

Sure we fly - then we land.

So what's the problem though? If you Google-search 'Utopia' what you will get are endless pages of images and discussion... ...on Dystopia.

Hollywood movies, that are presented as futurist visions of the future - all end up turning on the Dystopian hinge. 
This is a real place - this is in Estonia; not fully completed yet.

Mega corporations = bad, evil supreme leaders are twisted females and bad, or venal males and equally bad, and robots and AI are uncontrollable, treacherous and bad; in short, everything... ...bad. 

And we pay our expensive ticket prices (these days they are very expensive) and leave the cinema happy. Right?

Because everything was bad, and this confirms our suspicions... ...about everything. There is no hope. There's just good-looking starlets taunting us and amazing technology we will never really have ourselves personally because it will be controlled by the overlords and be too expensive for us lowly lowly little human beings to have under our own individual personal control.

So - no Utopia; only Dystopia.

And behind it all, the vague notion of an ultimate Evil, perhaps even an actual supreme individual intelligent being that is far superior to us in power and knowledge and access to the underlying structure of the material Universe. Satan. 
Syd Mead is the only actual 'Utopian futurist' visionary
that I'm aware of.

God is weak, and Satan is powerful. What even is a proper, a complete and intellectually-satisfying definition either for God or the Devil we don't know - but the take-away is that God = ineffectual/Satan = powerful especially over we lowly lowly humans.

All right, you've never heard this before: Satan cannot reach 'heaven,' Satan will never 'see' God, has never seen God. Satan is consigned to eternal damnation, even utter extermination... Although, this is NOT what the ancient texts actually say. They say there is, was, thus likely may always be, a form of salvation for the Devil. He was to bow down and worship Man.

...A dangerous and difficult proposition. 

There's responsibility involved, as well as the unlikeliness of forgiveness coming from Mankind. For one thing, I have never seen an arrogant, evil tyrant seek forgiveness from those they oppressed - have you?

See one problem with Freemasonry is its claim that certain of its writings and ideas and beliefs are 'esoteric.' 'Esoteric' actually means something quite a bit different to the Wiki definitions... It means 'from what can save,' not 'from further within;' that would be Eis- eterios. The word is 'e-soter-ic.'

And there is only one savior for Christians and that is Christ.
Same actual architect as the Estonian train station, however
only her firm 'lives on' because she passed away 2015.

The Quran, which has a lot of poorly-comprehended occult knowledge in it, has references to someone 'Uzair' that the Hebrews apparently held to be 'the son of God' and whom they actually worshiped. I mean basically most of the people writing commentaries and even the traditional scholars have no clue about what this refers to. The commentaries are all wrong. 'Uzair' is the name written on the Saqqara stone chests and means 'Osiris.' 'Sarapeum' does not mean 'sarcophagi of the Apis bulls,' but it is a composition of 'Osiris' and 'Poseidon.' The inscriptions were made long after the cabinets were built and written in a more common 'modern' language, drawing from the culture and names and words of the contemporary age (of the inscriptions).

An 'Uzaira' is like a labyrinth-garden in which there is a 'portal' somewhere that leads to some unearthly realm, and at that ancient time, it was mostly used to teleport (well, that's the texts' concept) beings to and from wherever Poseidon was. Hence: 'Atlantis was built by the Sons of Poseidon.' (Plato).

Bulls - Apis bulls, or Spanish fighting bulls, or any bulls - are more physically powerful than we lowly humans, and they can leap bloody high; higher than you might think given their weight. They're damn dangerous and they can 'rage' violently and murderously.

We are just lowly lowly humans.

Nobody created 'Satan.' God did not 'create' Satan as a being. And Satan never was an 'angel.' Satan is a changing chimera of a primordial and super-powerful 'Titanic' order of 'thing' which is 'monumentalized' somewhere near the Great Pyramid, though as yet undiscovered in the modern era. It is a mirage entity that shifts from the 'many-headed snakes' of a Medusa-like figure, to the raging bull figure that personifies drives inside people to give reign to mindless intense anger and violence. 'Satan' is - as described by the Quran - a kind of a heat-mirage; or as the Christian Koine Greek-original texts say, 'metaschematizo.'

It is a disguise ON TOP of, OVER, something else much less 'big' in substance. But it is nonetheless powerful because it is a primal psychological potential. It gives a form to a thing that is inconsistent with the inner reality of what that thing is supposed to be. It is inevitably transient. All primal psychological force potentials are supposed to be subservient to the overall mind of man: place the lion appetite in charge and you are harmed through addiction, place the snake-headed fears in charge and you will go insane, place the bull in charge and you will become irrational and permanently angry - like Hitler.

'Satan' is the 'smokeless fire' which shifts like a mirage across all of the primordial psychological force drivers.

Humans 'create' or at least develop 'Satan' as a being because some of them embody shifting mirages across their psychological force drivers into themselves as the dominant personality characteristic.

Satan and demons are subservient to Man... Or they should be.

And this is certainly not something 'they will tell you' (LOL) in The Secret or The Law of Attraction.

I mean did Solomon consort with demons...? Or did he bind them and compel them. Yet of course they are not easily bound or compelled, that's certain enough. Because these are Tiitanic forces.