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Friday, 24 May 2019

You See, The Problem With MI6, Is This

Now you will see in the media - as a direct result of the upcoming declassified transcript documents relating to Alexander Downer's taping of George Papadopoulos - that the UK government will claim that it only knew of some of the matters regarding Russian interference in US elections, and compromising material uncovered by Christopher Steele (this latter of which is entirely false material, as we now know) around 2016 just AFTER the election of Donald Trump. And the UK government has itself just begun the 'backgrounder narrative' of its 'story' (fairy tale) by releasing to its own home media, that memos were received by heads of its Intelligence Services, and the relevant ministers including the Prime Minister, at that time (IE, 2016).

The problem with these lies, is that they are pathetic attempts at covering up a depth of lying that raises a lot of serious questions:

Sir Alex Allan, was the UK High Commissioner in Western Australia even before 1999. He was previously, a personal private secretary to UK Prime Minister John Major. Major owns several businesses in Western Australia, establishments I have personally been to to meet with UK spies. And, there are several of our friends who read here and sometimes contribute articles, who were themselves also there or who directly know about those instances and circumstances. And that would have been before 2010.

Allan was the Chairman of the UK JIO, which gathered and analysed information from MI5, MI6 and material from GCHQ - he was/is himself a computer communications expert in his own right. I have met him a few times. I found him, frankly, a very nice man on the surface.
Foreground, extreme left - Joseph Mifsud.
Interesting robes...

The trouble with the current 'official' story is that it is my personal knowledge, and it is also reflected in mainstream media reports at close to the times in question, albeit somewhat buried now - that Sir Alex was a personal friend and colleague of Alexander Downer, this latter individual as you all now know having been the AUSTRALIAN High Commissioner in London and evidently the person who taped George Papadopoulos, or at least one of the key people who did.

...And you all who have been here from the start KNOW FOR SURE that I am telling the truth 'cuz I posted it in here back near enough to the times in question!

So who am I then, eh? Anyone, anyone? ; ))

Who are we, Bill? Ssshhh. Don't answer that. Not fully, anyway. Not yet. Coz the show ain't over yet. LOL

Fun times in Carson City. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

This Title Is Cryptic

One of the well-known jokes about all the James Bond books, is that if Bond were a real human being, and he really did consume as much alcohol as indicated in those stories... ...he would have to be a Freeman of London City.

One of the 'freedoms' of these folk, is that whilst within the perimeter of the City of London, they shall be 'bundled off into a taxi and conveyed home' if a policeman finds one of them drunk and incapable of driving or perhaps actually even walking responsibly anywhere.

There are a lot of aspects to 'the City of London' that are not spoken about virtually anywhere. No one - absolutely no one at all - is permitted into the City to bear arms against a Freeman, or prosecute them in any way, or do any kind of personal aggression against such an individual; and no one ever has. That is, not even UK soldiers, brigades, armies or any powerful group, ever have nor under present circumstances will they ever enter there to touch a single hair of any of the 'Freemen.'

And the only real way for that to be able to be continuously effected, is that there are mirror organisations - all of them highly secret - outside of the City who procure this situation, and ensure that it remains the way that it is.

The City of London runs things in the United Kingdom. 

Theresa May is a 'Freeman of the City of London.'

Christopher Steele worked inside of offices funded by Freeman of the City of London run through various charities.

The City of London is extremely powerful. But, alas, it is largely composed of drunkards and knaves now, who aspire to the heights of the old French Court of the Louis' and to European actual 'royalty' per se - and so they mimic a lot of the fashion statements of the (past) day that were aspects of that old world. At the same time, by force of practical experienced reality, and their money, they try to use and exploit modern technology to do whatever they want to do. When you see various 'names' of organizations that crop up in the newspapers these days concerning various scandals and the messy exploding of the underhanded things that were being undertaken... 'Freeman of the City.'

ADDENDUM These characters love to be seen as just some quaint old jocular folkloric sort of merely local cultural phenomenon, mostly game fellows who are agreeable with doing silly dress-ups for the sake of American and Japanese and recently rich Chinese tourists. Don't fall for it. They are deeply sinister and wholly evil.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Why The Media Is Dead

Yes, it is actually quite dead. And it ain't coming back to life.

For years and years they wanted an easy path to significance and courted the press secretaries of politicians and ended up being absorbed into the clique.

By having 'exclusives' with important people (government ministers and the like) meant the media company owners could sack street level reporters. Just taking in hook, line and sinker the press releases, the hand-outs, the sponsored content meant you could next sack all the journalists as well. This happened over decades rather than any short amount of time.

Meanwhile, the world went to hell.

And this has had an enormous psychological impact on people, especially the so-called elites - for they, have seen themselves as different from, different to, and above, everyone else. But they failed to gouge out their own eyes and so they are completely surrounded by the murder and mayhem they themselves helped establish as a fixture of modern life.

Psychopathic or not, they have become depressed as a result and live within a cult of death in order to try and adapt somehow to the reality around them, that they possess no means to escape.

All 'mainstream' news media these days consists of the following few elements: something desperate, maudlin, unsolvable, and then next of course death, the superficial pronouncement of someone else's extraordinary wealth (always not real), dystopian images, and falsified definitions.

And there is virtually nothing that reflects what is really there, out there, on the actual streets, in the homes, or countrysides or establishments either of race or culture - because there is literally no one out there with a camera. Yes RT is out there but they don't represent the mainstream media at all.

The city of Paris is gone. It is no more. It will never come back now. 

In this month of Ramadan, we can consider the moon... We can realize that the main reason the new Bond will fail, just like politicians are wreaking havoc worldwide, destroying the great cities of the world, and all else like grasshoppers and locusts in a plague - is that the people involved are illiterate. And it just plain does not matter how many University degrees they have.

If you asked anyone on this new Bond 25 set and crew and production team and its directors (whichever of the proposed ones survive till the end...) - off the top of their head: what was the great classic opera music that really was featured in the soundtrack credited to Marvin Hamlisch, due to John Barry being unable to work in the UK for tax reasons... (Direct quote from the Wikipedia entry) UNABLE TO WORK IN THE UK FOR TAX REASONS. Can you believe it. I mean it's certainly true.

The point I'm making for my friend Ian Dickerson, is that 'tax reasons' contribute a lot to the lies told by Hollywood.

Wikipedia says that Chopin, Bach and Saint-Saens are reportedly heard in the movie. I mean sure they are there, but what was 'Hamlisch's' composed score based on? 

Antonin Dvorak's 'Song To The Moon' from 'Rusalka' the fairy-tale about the Little Mermaid. 

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Don't Be Under Any Illusions...

You know, ever since the word had seeped out that the Mueller Report was being brought to the Congress and the whole sorry thing to a close, I have been doing my best to walk away from the whole nasty business. It's horrible, the whole of it. I don't want to talk about it - it's messier than the general public knows or probably can ever know under all of the circumstances.

Part of the background of why this web blog-spot exists at all is that there is work going on all the time creating 'dendrite-like' networks - and part of that is just the constant creation of, a kind of intelligent form of 'white noise.' This provides a canvas onto which tiny little brush-strokes are made occasionally for those with the requisite 'art appreciation education...' be able to perceive. LOL ...If you know what I'm saying. Which you do because you're not silly.
Andrey Cheglakov - at a French music charity evening.
A good man. Supporter of the Arts.

So on the whole we want to do nice, happy, satisfying stuff - like you know, what the effects of a decent French onion soup are.

At the same time it is not the right thing to do to let innocent people walk around without warning of impending disasters, be they so small that they are not going to wipe out whole countries as such, but material enough to hurt actual people, innocent by-standers who happen through no fault of their own, to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And so with that in mind let me put it out there, that, if say, the worst of the conspiracies are even close to the truth - say, regarding Five Eyes and people like Jonathan Winer and James Comey and that coterie of people, then it is unreasonable to think that at some point, someone isn't going to shoot their way out of, into, or around just to make enough noise to scare the jungle monkeys out of the trees in which they are hiding.
Lt General Flynn. Good man. Supporter of America.
And the others are not.

And with that thought in mind, I cannot recommend going to any private clubs, be they ambassadorial, or academic, or global commercial - in Londonistan or Washington and by Washington I also mean Boston. ...Nor any 'cigar lounges' or wine bars in London.

The reason you see today's story in the BBC about the minister seeking 'general amnesty' for officials (he says 'military personnel') having killed civilians in enterprises against terrorists in foreign lands... because these idiots all took Ian Fleming just a touch too much at his express word when they swallowed all of that 'lament over the End of Empire' that Fleming over-indulged himself and subsequently all of us in, far too many years ago now, to still be exerting influence over mindsets now.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

The 'Directions' On The Path

We've been down this path before, haven't we, boys and girls.

A long long time ago now, we have talked about Mancur Ojjeh and his business and sporting partnership with one of the greatest analysts and strategic and tactical minds of our time - Ron Dennis. 
Ron Dennis with Mancur Ojjeh - Mclaren Racing

Formula 1 has nothing very much to do with anything in particular when it comes to the matters in the press at the moment to do with spying, but of course it does provide a convenient, controlled venue for international 'meet-ups' under the guise of some benign activity. That's fairly obvious and it doesn't take someone 'on the inside' to realize so.

At the moment the US media is softly running stories about a circle of UK spies resigning from a Cambridge seminar group due to the 'dangerous involvement' of Russian Intelligence people with the funding of that group. 

Now to cut a long story short, this is just a 'cover' to pretend that these UK spies ever held any real interest for the Kremlin. I mean, yes they held and still hold 'an' interest - but only in the way of that no one from the Kremlin ever wanted to or wants to get even within a hundred miles of these people; the Kremlin already has a low opinion of them and very little respect for them and would have zero plans or interest to 'get close to them.' If anything, the Kremlin would keep tabs on them to run very fast away from them.

Now you should be under no illusion at all that these people are dangerous. 
Andrey Cheglakov - Marussia Racing Team.
Supposedly a Kremlin agent who could have 'influenced' some Cambridge
academic group. Maybe...
And maybe he could have. So what? Why draw attention to it?
...If it's really true as stated. It isn't.  

What is clear in the hub-bub of recent disclosed matters, is that a large-scale, convoluted, tricky, and probably rather sinister deep network run by the Cambridge academia crew whose 'business' is spying - has been blown apart disastrously by the Trump Presidency.

What these spooks achieved was a massive great big FUBAR.

They're very brilliant people, you know - several of them have a range of higher degrees as long as your right arm. 

Now I tell you all of this to alert you to the mischief that is perpetrated by propaganda experts in the media, who use terms and phrases in very deliberate ways in order to mislead.

The phrase you will hear over and over about Stefan Halper and Christopher Steele is that they had sources in the Russian Intelligence world. Now a 'source' is someone or somewhere that gives you good information intentionally when you ask them something, or they volunteer it because they want to assist you. A 'target' is someone from whom you attain information (which might be good, or it might not in varying degree) with out without their knowledge or agreement. 
The woman on the right is the person implicated by MI6 as being
the Russian agent who led/trapped Mike Flynn into
some secret 'collusion' with the Russians. She is Svetlana Lokhova;
Sort of like 'Lois Lane,' really: Lana Lokhova. A bit like,
also - 'Lana Loco.' All I can say is, the Brits are so screwed here it hurts when
I laugh.
Stefan Halper, by the way, was arrested for cocaine possession but the case was
'sealed' - and dropped, because he is a government spy. UK government.
Svetlana was known as 'Crazy Miss Cokehead' when she worked as a London City banker.

For the FBI to say such a thing as 'Steele was a reliable source' disguises firstly that he was only a conduit and NOT in fact THE ACTUAL source at all of the secret/s, but worse still - when the FBI says 'reliable source' they mean different to any independent authentic and genuine SOURCE; in that, he was also in fact an OFFICIALLY-CREDITED person (and 'source' for the purposes of their phraseology). Officially-credited means the UK government openly said to the US government that he worked for them ('at some point...').

So what we have, let's propose, is that the FBI likes to rely on reliable sources (IE they are snobs and only 'credit' sources who exist at the same stratospheric 'level' with themselves), and in this case too, that they want it to seem that Steele generated a 'credible' report from his 'sources' that might have had enough basis to establish a further 'look see' officially now by the FBI.

See - I am not a 'reliable source.' But I am an authentic and genuine one.

The problem is that when the FBI relied - relies - on some other foreign government-credited source, they must, MUST know that government is completely up-front with them. How do they know that? There is simply no such basis on which to really guarantee it. You can have 'reliable sources' and you can have authentic sources, and genuine sources with or without authentication - but you cannot trust any single one always above any other one; the ones that are good for you function appropriately for you and benefit you.

The UK has never not even one single time since the infamous 'September Dossier' benefited the USA with any of these 'secret advice/information' documents.

And now I'm suggesting to you that you also, cannot take it for granted that the words 'reliable source' are going to be of benefit to your appreciation, understanding, and eventually, use of the 'knowledge' currently being dispensed by your local friendly media.

Christopher Steele simply never had a 'source' at all. He 'could' have had a 'target,' he might have had some 'intelligence resource' to exploit but not 'a' source.

For Christopher Steele to have been being given credible beneficial information intentionally from a Russian Intelligence source, they would have had to have forgiven him and his handler Pablo Miller and MI6 - for turning Sergei Skripal into a traitor all those years before.

How does that even make sense?

It doesn't. It's a lie. All of it. All of what you are hearing in the media is a huge deception.