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Thursday, 12 October 2017


The word 'authenticity' means of undisputed origin, not a copy.

But almost everything you see around you today, is a copy, and often a very poor copy.

There is very little that is in fact truly authentic nowadays. 

When you have achieved that semi-divine status (well in fact, among living human beings in what they consider a practical lifestyle, it is a divine status) of material human wealth, then you can purchase all kinds of expensive things to suit your whims or your desires - and these will for the most part, and regardless of who you are and where you came from in the modern world, be inauthentic things and give you completely inauthentic experiences. So much then, for material wealth, if that is all it is.  Not that we don't like wealth - we just don't want to be a victim of success, which is a thing that can happen.
This is Sergio Ermotti - he's the Sean Hannity of
the banking world

And perhaps you have come across some fellow here and there too, usually in the media spotlight, pontificating about the 'wealthy elite...' They don't know what they are talking about.

There is no - 'the wealthy elite.' There are people who get to spend a lot of money sometimes - and if that is what is meant, then certainly there are a number of these types around.

A truly elite individual, is someone whose functionality when they determine a certain path, is always guaranteed - and that type of person comes from a different place to what the pop version of the 'wealthy elite' considers must be the case.


Now here is a secret to the whole Egyptian pyramid thing, and something that will be a touch at variance to what you see and hear from all the book-writers and academics and 'experts' and even different to what the contemporary 'Illuminati' mythology says:

The first psychologists of the human being as a structural 'thing,' that were on the Earth ever, were the ancient Egyptians and by 'ancient Egyptians' I mean not really 'Egyptians' at all, of course.

These people left a huge monument to the psychology of the human being. Every one of those megalithic statues and monuments, equates to a driving emotional or psychological factor that exists inside the human.
And this is a whole-cut shoe - which means it
comes from only one piece of leather; only the great
master-craftspeople can make this shoe

The sphinx is of course a dog, or a lion (and it is meant to be both dog and lion, or, better put - dog OR lion), and it represents appetites or the innate sense of justice and morality, and an innate sense of good and evil. 

And the obelisk is the thing that represents or depicts the highest flying part of the mind, which can take a point of vantage so high up that it is able to see in all directions, as it were, including past or behind the walls to sight and vision, that are there at the level of our normal physical sight.

There is another 'figure' which has never been discovered, or perhaps, it is there but not been understood for what it is - and which represents or depicts how the creative, inventive, and in the reverse, the fearful aspect of the living dynamic mind, works.

The modern 'Illuminati' are not the people who know anything about all this - they know there is some significance but they don't actually know what it is although they claim that knowledge.

Once again, we have another example of the inauthentic.

You will observe, that all the symbolic figures have two aspects - a positive one, and a negative one. And taken altogether, the whole thing presents a complex equation with multiple variables.


...Now if you have a lot of money and you want to buy your wife some French perfume - then you can indeed spend a lot of money if you want to; there are a lot of producers around with expensive and well-packaged products.

But if you want an authentic product, then buy something from the young man 'Sultan Pasha.' He doesn't have any formal qualifications as far as I know. And he's not recognized by the big perfume houses.

Sultan Pasha is a young man from London and he makes the best and the most authentic perfumes in the world today. 

How does he know what he knows, and how does he do what he does?

It's a mystery, you see... That's the correct answer. It's a mystery. And it's meant to be a mystery. It's designed to be a mystery.

Me - I'm not a believer in 'Intelligent Design;' I am a believer in Intelligent Mystery.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Just Calm Down

Why calm down?

Because everything's fine to the extent that it is a lot better now than when there were no mobile phones with video cameras in them!

People will work it all out sooner now, than later.

I fancy there is a line in Noel Coward's Mad Dogs and Englishman about where Mandalay is, and what it's connection is to the Islamic Rohingya - but then I'm probably wrong and it is only a near miss.

Or perhaps I'm mistaking his gibberish lines in it with some foreign words about Abu Sayyaf and the heat they've been taking with Duterte's crack-down.

One of the things casinos are notorious for, though, and about which there has never really been much conjecture - is cash money laundering.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Can You Buy Gold With Bitcoin?

Yes, sure you can. 

There are a number of 'trading' (on-line, computer screen type thingies) around the place. They all talk about 'warehousing,' and 'vaults' and audited accounts and all of this good stuff.

However I'll sell you the real physical thing (for delivery, and arrange delivery through courier) right through here:

And if you find you are unable to get into that site (for whatever reason), just message me here and we'll take it from there.

I only deal in Perth Mint Gold as a general rule (bullion bars, maybe some coins upon inquiry) which means we are talking about the best ranked Mint bullion in the world.

Everything's negotiable because that's what my mentors always taught me so if you have specific requests you have to say so.

I have a source of cash-flow that supports the acquisition of a level of supplies of precious metals, namely, that I promote the sponsoring of various popular news channels on YT and other content providers via a crypto-currency - which means I basically can readily supply (taking your crypto-currencies in exchange) only what this source has already funded. Otherwise there might be delays to purchasing and delivery, but then I wouldn't expect you to pay beforehand either in that case, if you ordered. 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Christmas Elves and The Blue Shift

So this person I know who dabbles in physics posed this question: 'how long would it take you, if you were travelling at the speed of light, to go 10,000 light years?'

Gee I don't know!

Anyway, he says it would take you no time at all but that everything would go flat for you (go into two dimensions) and that you would go through the blue shift where everything would look blue to you.

Well now I am just plain not absorbed by any of this anymore, where I once was during my teen years - now I'd be inclined to ask damn-fool questions like, 'would you even have eyes at that stage?'
Red and gold shift? - lol

...So back to our metaphor about elves, and maybe this parable concerning them at Christmas time.

Elves, as every schoolboy should know, travel very fast as a general rule - they need to slow themselves down to even by seen by humans in the human realm. Christmas elves appear dressed in red. The red shift in theoretical physical is the opposite of the blue shift.

Now here's the problem, as I see it, with the standard proposition that is all over the place these days about 'the law of attraction:' firstly, the thing is made to appear to operate without any dynamic intelligence that governs what people 'get' via this 'law of attraction.' And sure it's good that each individual gets the power of agency and uses their own sense of responsibility to 'attract' whatever they are seeking - but you cannot tell me that most people are possessed of even basic common sense when it comes to what they desire...

Property investors become absorbed by the dream and the fantasy that this market is, leveraged stock gamblers become entranced by the appearance of having the power of more money than they really do have, and alcoholics and drug addicts are focused on their bio-chemical need. None of these people can 'write letters to the Santa Claus of the Universe of the Law of Attraction' and be considered by such a thing without reference to their unbalanced emotional and psychological condition.

This is not an object - this is a dream come true
Stephane Jimenez bespoke shoe


Thursday, 21 September 2017

I Could Not Have Been More Explicit

I suppose the worst part of the modern culture mythology of 'the Illuminati' is - they are not it...

...Now I want to take you to a place where 'it' really is.

The ancient Greek writer Plato said 'there, it is the case that the people are holy, and their temples are based on real things, and in them the gods really are, and walk among the people actually.'

We could resort to the Vedanta and extract the same ideas from there - but that body of work is very large and very complicated to unravel into the English language. At heart though, remains the proposition that sound is the pathway through which or from which, material action that is directed by human thought, is initiated. This idea is also to be found in Shamanic cultures - the Australian Aboriginal, the Mongolian Shamans, the Saami People of the Arctic Circle, well, really, all of them.  
The super wealthy elites in Germany love -
Max Raabe and his nostalgic 20's style orchestra

Part of the problem that people have believing either in Eastern mysticism or Western occultism or even religious philosophy as scientific fact, is that there is usually a gap of time between when a thought is constructed as some kind of intended basis of a material thing in reality, and anything that 'might' happen as the result, actually does happen.

Secondarily, material reality is HUGELY more complicated, more complex, than people consciously credit when they play around with these kinds of 'magical thinking' propositions.

Taking a troop of men to war using marching bands and drumming is a fairly narrowly-defined kind of thing - it is not complicated. Well, certainly not in the context of all other things it is not complicated anyway.

It is common knowledge among occultists or those who have made study of it, that things like say 'elves' for instance, are for the most part in a 'realm' where they move at much much greater speeds than we do in the human world. You can't see them.