As you all know, one of the whinges Congress just had about Google - which they voiced to Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Google LLC - was that Google was a politically-biased organisation that spun searches in an anti-Right Wing manner: by example, if you 'Googled' 'idiot' it gives you pages of pics of Donald Trump.
I love Google, I use Google a lot. But it is rubbish. That is, it should be so much more but it isn't.
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The androgynous look, was around back in the day of Leon Bakst and Diaghilev - absolutely nothing about it is new at all... |
You see, for me, this thing about political spin is nasty enough but that is just froth and bubble compared to the hard inner kernel of sheer illiteracy and ignorance that has been allowed to masquerade for too long as 'orthodoxy' and even 'academic knowledge.'
It is a waste of time pointing out the many glaring mathematics and science errors and shocking falsehoods all over Google searches and of course, certainly in Wikipedia in particular (as one of the first line/first page results almost always) - even today's mainstream academia will in fact not accept that they are wildly wrong on a bunch of things... They want the position, and they will cling onto it and they will tell lies. Period. ...Waste of time contending there.
But the most problematic failure of Google is that they are run by illiterate and ignorant people of absolutely zero discernible culture whatsoever.
If you 'Googled' 'idiot' what you ought to get somewhere - at least somewhere close to the top - is Dostoevsky's book 'The Idiot;' a book in which you will find the sentence 'beauty will save the world.'
These people who are running a lot of matters at the moment, pushing themselves to the head of the social pack, seemingly dominating capital and finance, are not mere idiots - they are liars, thieves, ignorant people, illiterate, boring, and they are venomous in what they have done to the minds of young people, and what they are still doing to them. They are causing a road-block to the upward progress of Mankind.
You can 'go around' this road-block, and you need to. They will lead you and themselves into a calamity and they're heading there very fast. Faster than people suppose.
PS (But you watch, now that I've mentioned this, you will see Dostoevsky creep up the results list a little...)