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Showing posts with label Justice Kavanaugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice Kavanaugh. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 October 2018

October Is Applejack

Applejack is this pretty decent fruit wine/cider thing they make in America. It's not too dissimilar to a range of other fruit-based liqueurs or even fruit brandies that typically come from Europe, such as sparkling perry (a pear-based sparkling 'wine') or cherry cordial (alcoholic) and particularly calvados, which is specifically an apple-flavored wine. Applejack does not generally have any tiny bubbles in it like most other ciders tend to and thus comes across more like a fairly benign fruit brandy or liqueur. Most modern era 'Applejack' products are in fact fermented apple juice spiked with actual apple brandy. As everyone already knows, traditional Applejack was made by concentrating the alcohol through leaving casks of slightly fermented apple-juice in the frozen ground in winter thus extracting the water as the ice that formed within the casks.

Freeze distilling substantially increases the alcoholic percentage of the subsequent liquid...

Judge Brett 'Applejack' Kavanaugh would approve, I feel sure.

Anyway the chance that Kavanaugh will not be confirmed is nil because it is October, the Halloween month, and it is the month for American alcohol and Applejack and drinkin' and messin' around and if'n he dohn git confirmed all the demons of Hell will be released onto them-a varmints in-a Washin'n and there's-a gunna be electric lightnin' coming down the'yr eyes and fahyr'n on the mountains run boyz rern, devil's in the House of the Risin' Sern. Yer. Y'all.


as well...


Ah's gunner leev thet ep ter yor imaginashun, son.