There is no book 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead.'
It's real title is 'The Book of Emerging Forth in the Light.' And some say it is also called 'the Book of Spells.'
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Salt caves of Soddom! |
Too much to go into here, though suffice to lay out just a few strange 'coincidences.' There are whole entire passages, and in exact order, which also occur in the Bible.
The Egyptian book literally contains in it, additionally the statements about 'they whose lives traverse across millions of years.' Now the Egyptians knew how to count, boys and girls, and the translation is correct.
"The Beginning and the End." "The Living One who died." "Who is, who always was, who is to come, the Almighty one." "The one who holds seven stars in his right hand." "The one who walks among the seven gold lamp stands." "Son of God." It goes on and on; there's more than thirty-five such titles.
Book of Revelation, right?
Yeah, but before that - 'The Egyptian Book of Going Forth in the Day,' also known as 'The Spells of Going Forth in the Day,' and, its actual precise text: 'The Book of Emerging Forth in the Light.'
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'As above, so below,' yes - but certainly not all the time! Southern Aurora and bio-luminescence. |
In the Egyptian narrative, a group of serpentine, crocodile-like beings, took over control of the planet, having come here from another place far far away, and deceived the simple beings who lived here, with a cloning technology that selected out those the invaders considered 'great specimens.' Great for what exactly we do not know.
There was in those days, a 'shaft technology' which was a reward to those whose original abode was here, but it was taken over by the blood-consuming saurians (reptilians - don't you love that? I know I do. Oh yes! LOL) The word is 'shaft' not 'tree.' Moreover, the 'Garden of Eden' was a compound in or near where Babylon is now, in which the humans were corralled, and hybridized in some cases, and in others, cloned from in order to make slaves for the saurians.
(Oh gewd I love this stuff - now; I used to think it was particularly stupid, senseless...)
The shaft technology made peoples' appearance look beautiful, and it was used for pleasing the eye for satisfaction, and it gave those who were around such a modified person, pleasant feelings...
...From which things those who were modified by the 'shaft technology' rose to acclaimed status, and to power over others and to great wealth.
Saurians had, as you will recall in the narrative, introduced themselves into the race of humans through hybridization, with a view to eventually, breeding out humans altogether.
However, a different group, created from a single cell - the word literally is cell, in the original texts (all of them; not 'rib' - 'rib' is a later translation) - a class of people who were fully 'free' and not constrained by whatever interference had been imposed on their earlier groups of human beings. These 'free/liberated' ones, were classed under the general descriptive term: 'Havah.'
The name does not mean 'life' it means free life, or liberated breath. And this is related in one of the attached 'books' to the main Egyptian text, called 'The Book of Breathing.'
In fact though, that is what the word means anyway, in Hebrew.
Now. Let us turn to chapter... ...nah, joking. LOL Let us turn to the matter of suffering and pain that you might be experiencing here and now.
And the remedies provided by 'consorting with the angelic classes' (the Djinn! There you go, 'Fitnah Number 1' - Nickname).
Well, it wouldn't be the Djinn necessarily though.
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Architect John Graham-designed Seattle 'Space Needle.' |
Let us turn to one of the great 'Theophanies' in text form - namely, the Om Tryambikam of the Vedic learning: in here, we find that line of the prayer, which seeks for the liberation from the pain and suffering of the world - 'bandhanan.'
And, in the Greek equivalent, it is in the line about 'panerai,' or sometimes, people say 'poneros.' This is the 'harassing toils, the harassment, the annoyances, perils,' and so on.
Now. Now though, we also have a huge problem though, if we go much further into this here, and exactly specify how to get the Jinniya (we only want the lady Jinn, right... Right?? There's no women reading this Blog and you guys - means 'you women' - only want the 'never-ending packets of Tim Tams' anyway). I've seen that ad. I know all about you! Uh-huh.
Because, even though the shaft technology is wearing out, or has already worn out, or is not working for the reptilians no moh - they can still identify you if they work out that you are working against them, and they can be very aggressive. Especially if they work out that YOU have access to the shaft technology and will gain all the benefits naturally entailed...
For one thing, they will want to grab it back off you.
Unless someone turns up with a fleet of spaceships and laser cannon and stuff, these reptilians are still very much alive and in control of a lot of things.
Reptilians have no space ships. Any more. Sure they spun a fairy tale back in 1947 (same year as the commencement of the new State of Israel), and they built the 'Space Needle' in Seattle designed by John Graham, supposedly, from what the ET UFO that 'crashed' at Roswell looked like.
But they have nothing. They can go like, five minutes nearly into 'space.'
You, all you have to do is 'find the way.' It's a secret. A great big huge secret. But you can find it.
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'Knock, Knock' - Tempranillo, I think. |
And then, oh you will see with your own living eyes all right!
...bandhanan, mrtyormuksiya, ma'mrtat.
Ah, damn. Forgot about the 'mantra of the wine...' The 'Spell of the Wine.'
That is: vardhanam urvarukam-iva...
And for Muslims - 'amr' = Ambrosia; is 'Amrita' Sanskrit. But careful, it will burn and kill mortal humans, and you must have a different type of fluid flowing through you in order to be able to 'eat' or 'drink' this 'amrita.'
So this girl walks up to the front door of this mansion in Lake Tahoe, see. And she is holding her Louboutins in one hand, because it is hard for her to walk anywhere too far in them, and a bottle of 'Knock Knock' in her other hand. And she taps on the door with her heels.
And this rich old dude comes to the door and says gruffly, 'Yes! Wadda you want?'
And she says 'I have to find my granma's house before nightfall, and it is already getting near sunset now. I'm lost. Can you help me?'
And she goes: 'Oh well we'll soon fix that! I have some real good lawyers and after Muta you can try and 'at talaq' me three times, but then, that would be a Theophany and you will begin to see the light soon enough thereafter...'
And the guy goes, it's all right, I'm only after an Epiphany, and you'll do. Step right this way.'
What was that? You wanted angels and wine?
Some of you guys still don't quite get it yet, the whole picture, but you will - you cannot put old wine into new skins. Isn't that what they say?
Get rid of your old ideas and your old brain structures and thinking patterns.
It's all there, for you. Say the mantra, understand the words, think the ideas - and feel the power.