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Sunday 5 August 2018

THE Secret Of The CIA

If you think governments protect 'secrets' of state you're crazy. They protect commercial secrets that give a monetary and economic advantage to the biggest private players inside the state and who, ultimately control much of what goes on inside the state.

The CIA was started by representatives, fundamentally, of Eastman-Kodak, Brewster Industries (Howard Hughes), Bell and Howell, Kellogg-Brown and Root, and the Seven Sisters and their offspring. Nothing to do whatsoever with whether there were major 'secrets' inside the bureaucracy of the United States, or whether anyone in the US academic world had worked out the real mathematics of nuclear explosions, or how to build tall buildings, or the design art of highways and transport within cities and expanding urban communities, or cures for diseases... None of those things have any money in them; that is, they have some money associated with them, possibly, but only over considerable time and with the heavy use of propaganda and forced-march marketing. 
Some 'nuther bloody silly 'trade show' in the Middle East

Fools believe that banks are powerful and that property and real estate is what drives the money market. There is no cash-flow in fractional reserve banking and there is no annual profit in real estate that is not amortized over long 'terms of capital asset accounting.'

The world over the last hundred years or more is principally driven economically, and hence politically as well, by long chain molecule cracking technology and all of its linked products and linked activities - photographic film (comes from petrochemical by-products), movies (film stock come from petrochemical by-products), latex and plastics, gasoline, the automotive industry, paper and laminated products (3M, Scotch-tape, formica laminate), ink, colorants and perfumes, solvents, cosmetics, and fertilizer -, and oil and/or coal-fired electric power is closely linked to these main economic high-velocity monetary flow channels. These things have a daily, in some case, second-by-second profitable cash-flow associated with them.

Now, the means and technical know-how to really do this thing known as 'carbon molecule cracking' is not as simple as Google-Search will give you to understand: in fact, all the leading-edge commercial enterprises and industries that sell the biggest daily amounts of gas at the petrol pump, or the biggest dollar and volumes of cosmetics, papers, plastics, and all of this - all use the absolute leading-edge in technical knowledge of the efficient and most useful, often elaborate and multi-product output process, to do with 'cracking' chemistry and engineering.

Saudi Arabia would have zero - absolutely zero state export revenue - without the direct and contracted (and 'other') co-operation of commercial enterprises owned by Americans.

And Iran (which has the best resources of premium grade raw crude), would face a similar position without the direct partnering of one of the two world-leading sources of cracking science and technology, namely, Russia.

Carter Page worked (works...) for the independent, but sometimes linked to the old Armand Hammer network, part of cracking technology which is not owned by the Koch Brothers...

; )

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