Seriously, here we go. It's already started. There is going to be a whole lot of utter rubbish spouted by those on the take from a criminal dictator - I mean, my god, 'we' in the West spend all of the day carrying on about the independent judiciary, the separation of powers, free and fair democratic elections - somehow Lee is spared all of this and he is the only guy allowed to get away with it... what gives?
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Singapore around Keppel Harbour area in the Sixties |
Why not throw him in the same box as say - Putin?!
A nation built from a swamp...
Yeah all right. Never mind that the Chinese had been using Singapore as a trading port and base for maybe more than a thousand years. Never mind that the world's richest man - J. Paul Getty III constructed the world's largest oil refinery at the time at Pulau Bukom. Never mind that one of the world's largest emporiums and department stores - with refrigerated air-conditioning since prior to WWII - was in the heart of Singapore. Never mind a lot of bloody things. If the BBC says it was a swamp then hell, it must have been. Makes you wonder why the Allies spent so much money and lives trying to save the place from invasion by the Japanese as well as by the German submarine fleets and pocket battleships.
Here is a picture of Kim Philby circa the 1960's in Reuters luncheon room in Singapore.
Oh yes yes. It was a swamp all right. Not.
And wait a minute - I think we may yet be able to consult Somerset Maugham or Winston Churchill about what Raffles Place was like.
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This is pretty much how I remember the Churchill Suite at the Raffles as it was around the 1960's. Don't about the 'swamp thing...' |
But if you look at the pics on the BBC page you're going to get a totally different impression of what Singapore 'was like.' And they're basically straight out lying.
The fact is the BBC is among a whole host of consters trying to make out Lee Kuan Yew created some kind of economic and social miracle by throwing out democracy and the rule of law and making up his own rules and law-by-himself-alone.
Why are they doing this?
Lee Kuan Yew, far from creating anything, destroyed the marine lighter business, which was largely run by a different ethnic Chinese than he was, and ports managed by ethnic Indians and Parsees and Sikhs, and completely destroyed the fishing and straits to Arabian Gulf sailing business that was largely the province of the ethnic Malays since the time of Sinbad.
Lee Kuan Yew did not own or run the Shell Oil Corporation! Nor P&O or MAERSK or COSCO or Greenshields Shipping or Fraser and Neeves or Coco Cola or Plumrose or Palmolive or Unilever or the half a dozen other international corporations that had been shipping out of Singapore as the main through port for decades and certainly long before Lee - without any of the which there would be no 'Singapore economic anything!'
This bullshit that is being spouted by the modern pop media is something like a kind of payola racket. And that's all it is. The fact that they are able to seemingly get away with such bald and shameless balony about facts pertaining to a fairly recent past, is amazing to me.