I have known a few politicians over the
years. The last ones that I considered were not delusional were in
office back in the 1980's.
That's a while ago now.
If you spend your life trying to
deceive others, and at some point you forget which bits were lies and
which bits not, you could easily end up on the verge of a serious
kind of madness.
All of you will know and realise –
those of you who bother to follow this blog – that at least for a
year now I have been steering away from offering a view on things
like Benghazi, or the Boston bombing attack, or Syria, or Bahrain, or
And that is because I have known, among
other equally vexed matters, all about the present events in The
Ukraine and their likelihood of happening; I considered it a very sad
situation and not worth my bothering to scream blue bloody murder,
well, certainly not from a pathetic little blog-site. Over the last
year I have considered it virtually inevitable, and fully-intended by
the Western politicians who have the reins of power in our world
I am very sure that a while back I made
mention of ex-London Met policemen John Yates and his ideas about
'kettling' of protest crowds and the ideology of using force
appropriate to the violence of the protesters.
And I am sure I have spent a lot of
posts carrying on about various things Russian.
![]() |
Alena Gorchakova Russian Jewellery |
You could say it's just a co-incidence.
A 'Delusionocracy' is a term I just now
made up, but I intend it to mean a system in which people actually
trade in foolish and obvious
frauds but have grown into the habit of accepting them as a sort of
meaningful fiction that satisfies them on some schizophrenic
emotional level and even grants them a living just like say a pulp
fiction writer might eke out.
I say
'eke out' because I have had major doubts for a good long while that
all of these people have the purchasing power that the nominal sums
of dollars they claim to possess should grant
By my sources there
are only about five thousand real disposable wealth rich people in
the world... And that is far far short of the figure even for the
vaunted 'new' class of China market millionaires alone. But I prefer
to rely on my own sources – they have proven many times to be more
reliable than other data providers.
One of
the conclusions of this perspective is that you can make
money from the Delusionocracy, although it is problematic. Yet at the
same time, the pathway to enabling such profits is clear enough:
indulge them in the deceits and delusionary beliefs and ideas that
they are addicted to.
Give them more of
what, evidently, they want.
![]() |
Sheepskin = badguy, no wait, gun = badguy |
course it's difficult for me to do this kind of thing; I can't help
but focus on intelligent strategic assessments that have the ring of
truth and reality to them. It would be very hard for me to think that
Putin is a different kind of person than the one I know. But I
suppose the thrill of acting and even dressing, like an olden days
sheepskin and ushanka sporting Russian spy,
would be a bit of fun. Afterall, I clearly recall sticking something
up here about what to eat like Russian spies do, where to hang out,
like Russian spies do, and how to quote Dostoevski: 'the ability to
add two and two and make it add up to five has its attractions.'
Wait a
minute, I never quoted that before. But I will be using it a lot in
the near future. It seems to fit into the spirit of the times.
Zeitgeist – a German
word, of course.
strategic analysis would say that the Russians and the Germans are
allies though, right now. You mightn't want to believe that. But only
if you were deluded into the idea that the Germans love the USA. Or
that the Germans forget who the Black Hand, is.
Don't ever think
for one minute that Syria and The Ukraine are not linked. And I
believe I've covered that before too, in the piece about Mansour
Ojeh, the then publicly-known owner of Maclaren Racing (not that he's
got anything to do with it, but he is symbolic of the money involved
and the circles trailed). I wonder what's going to happen with the
Russian Formula One race? Ah well, certainly a place I can wear that
old sheepskin anyway. My that will be fun. Wonder if Vanity Fair will
take pics. I think I'll get an agent though, before I have to be like
Snowden and live all alone and off donations. Lol. 'Look look he's a
spy, he looks like one!'
tell you what delusions are – thinking that the Russians have no
idea what is going down here and are being reactive. Or, what is NOT
going down, in fact, much to the
chagrin of someone, somewhere.
It's so fucking
ridiculous. Watching the news.
newsman with half a brain has a brace of tickets to the Russian Grand
Prix come October 12 of this year. I think someone's gonna get
knocked off. Someone in a 'hospitality tent' with the big league of
super wealthy super powerful people. An appropriate and commensurate
use of force, do you not think. I don't have inside knowledge. It
just seems so irresistable,
given that there was prudent restraint before the
bs in Kiev. I'm not sure what moral value would pull Putin back now.
I am telling you all, the FSB knows all about who, why, where and
when, and did so well before the matter got right out of hand. And
common sense tells you that I am right too. So, do you not think
Putin has been incredibly, extraordinarily patient
and restrained? I mean he knew, same as the NSA knows. Maybe not by
the same means seeing as his people go around in sheepskins and
ushankas still, apparently. I don't think there's anything that is
going to hold him back now and I think there are a few people living
in a state of serious delusion if they think the CIA or the NSA or
anyone is going to be able to 'protect' them from here on in. For one
thing, they are not innocent. Did Berezovsky die? He did. Must have
been an accident. I notice John Yates wasn't on hand to give him
mouth to mouth. Perhaps his consultancy fee doesn't cover that level
of service.
Fucking dickheads.
The lot of them. People like Yates, with his bigheaded wilfully
aggressive attitude dressed up as 'professional' anything, exacerbate
and enflame lunatics who have inordinate power in undemocratic places
and actually promote violence by using it and subscribing to it.
Fucking moronic dickheads. That is the language that these people
deserve. They are the people, that are sending your kids to war and
to die. Or worse. And they are bugging your house. And they want
respect too.
You can make big
money in a Delusionocracy. Whether you ever get to spend any of it is
another thing.
(I think I'll be
taking this down after a short while. But don't forget what I've
Calvin J. BEAR (get it?)
My post of 19 August 2012 - 'Eating In Russian Kitchens' is probably one of the most detailed about what was happening. I've known since around then this Ukraine thing was on the cards - AND MORE. But it's 'all gone Pete Tong,' as the kids say.