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Thursday 29 August 2013

Distracting People's Attention

Huff-Po continues to show us the latest scandalous event, and this week it's apparently about some lewd-ish thing that a heavily-marketed performer did on stage.

Huff-Po will absolutely also cover the UN's verification that chemicals were used by Assad against ordinary civilians.

However, I will suggest that you also try – as I spoke of back in I think June of this year – to stick six million Scovile units of cobra chilli pepper mist into your own eyes and see whether or not you might not prefer an actual nerve gas instead.

Personally I'm not sure what the tactical purpose of a chemical agent like Sarin is, when cobra chilli spray will do an even better job of suppressing opposition without the UN whining about what you did. I can clearly recall ex-London Met second top cop JohnYates whinging and whining in the Levinson Inquiry about his imminent 'political' sacking because of the offsetting 'real' value of his brilliant work on the terrorists all over London who would doubtless see his sacking as a green light for them to go hog wild. Well, okay muslims are not going to go hog wild, but some kind of wild anyway.

Burlesque Dancer Ginger Valentine
Here's the main problem, as I see it. Ginger Valentine should have been in Huff-Po, and wasn't. She's from Texas and she's the real deal. Bandar only knows what Huff-Po also knows – which is not too much of anything all that real. And there is in any case, a lot of in-fighting between all the Saudi Princes. They are not unified, and they are not organised; they are manipulative, and they are also manipulated. But they go by the pop version of events.

The real thing is the real thing. Everything is very misty though, in the Great Game. The real things hide in the mist. You only get to see them when it's already too late. Nobody sees much of anything at the moment. Just the rising mist. Something is creeping about in there, though. A snake, maybe. A monster maybe. The 'Game' is not 'Great' for nothing. It would be a fool who thinks he knows the outcome already, and an even bigger fool who goes about with any sense of arrogance. When you are arrogant, as Vince Lombardi once opined, you are brittle against a real opponent.

Having this sort of idea is just common sense too and doesn't come from any special inside knowledge. It surprises me though at the moment that the pop media hasn't floated the idea by now of a specialist 'hit team' with a catchy code name like in the old days of the first really major oil price crisis. Something like the old Team 'Jackal.' But I guess that's the difference between the current Disney kids and the old school. Not that I know anything by the way, in case the NSA gives a damn about what I write here! Which I doubt very considerably that they would. Afterall, how could anyone challenge the conclusions of the combined CIA/NSA budget of over 25 billion US Dollars annually. They, certainly, for that kind of money, must know it all. Put it this way, the temptation must be very great in there to carry on as if they did.
Where does all that money go, though? Anyone know?

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