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Wednesday 9 February 2022

Simon The Magus Falls

So -, there are various accounts of this Samaritan guy, who practiced sorcery, according to all the accounts, and who even sought to impress the Emperor Nero with his magic - according to some accounts.

Several of the accounts are really tracts seeking to explain the source of his power, and pretty much everyone agreed that he had numerous followers - but this does not mean he had any actual powers; millions of people adhere to the lies and propaganda of modern politicians. Having numerous followers is not a sign of anything particularly 'wondrous.'

Apocryphal stories have him levitating for Nero, but then while that is happening, Peter (the Christian leader) making him fall, causing him to break his legs and from which injuries he eventually succumbed (IE - died).

You wouldn't think this bit is really true, since none of the Apostles or any of that lot ever did any violence and they never killed anyone according to anyone's account - not even the Romans or the Jews (not forgetting though, that most of them were Jews too! lol. You know, different faction of the Jews then...).

The mainstream view about Simon (whose real recorded name apparently was Atomus) was that his problem was that he was driven both by greed for money and power, but also because of some 'bitterness' (he was not a 'nice guy;' most say he was malevolent and malicious) about something we do not know about what thing.

...Now I tell you all of this to tell you about this:

The Emperor Nero was declared 'a public menace' by his own Roman Senate, following which declaration he committed suicide. So you can see that temporal power does not exactly sit only with whoever a particular tyrant is at any given time - there are always others around the place who can do things too, and which things end up having very significant effects.

Those who do 'after the fact' analysis of politics and public events, often ascribe things like 'he was exposed as a traitor' (and which point can indeed also be true too) as the core reasons why someone falls from power, after having levitated themselves to positions of high office seemingly by magical means.

The dark and the light are the same...
To those with inner vision.

We all have seen those interviews of Klaus Schwab in which he openly says that he has inserted various graduates from his 'Young Economic Leaders' conferences (goodness he even claimed Putin at one point!) into the cabinets and high offices of government all around the whole world.

So then we at least can see the 'anti-gravitational forces' that have been used to propel otherwise useless losers upwards.

If you were Obi-Wan Kenobi you'd surely want to go after Klaus Schwab.

Theoretically, he seems to be the Emperor Palpatine of the whole affair. It isn't the case but superficially at least he must be pretty close to the top you would suppose.

Now after the fact, when someone falls to Earth, it's easy for people to all claim they had a hand in it.

And they always do that. Even now, there is simply no currency at all to the absolute fact which I talked about here a long time ago, that Covid was 'released against the plan, and too early by parties unknown' following which the Borg elite brought forward a plan that had been afoot for a long time and was designed to be slipped in to the public completely unawares.

That 'quiet slipping in' never happened.

Not very complicated at all.

What happened was the people running the thing were all exposed because of the haste.

Yet even the 'after the fact' analysts mostly fail to realize it. 

Originally, you never knew that Klaus Schwab was specifically behind the removal of the legal obligation of licensed doctors to all swear to the modified modern Hippocratic Oath. The WMA Declaration of Geneva was implemented in 2006 in place of the Hippocratic Oath.

It was done quietly at the time and without giving the general public any need to be unnerved about it - and there was never any planning about going to mandated mass vaccines so quickly and full-on lock-down controls of citizens so quickly and in such a rushed way as has had to happen in order for them to control the narrative and the overall whole power structure!

So just accept it from me, that Covid was a mistake - something that happened not in the time-line that had been planned at all.

In the same way, what I am about to say you should just sit on and don't do anything about but just observe as events unfold.

It is still illegal for witches to cast hexes (at least publicly, anyway) and it is illegal to make threats or to cause panic or to unnerve someone by making such 'magical' threats.

It is not text-book religious in any way, that people who are Christians harm people - that is, cause actual real harm to anyone, even to very wicked rulers.

So there is absolutely no agency available at all, for humans.

However, in the Bible, this class of being known as 'Watchers' - are deadly dangerous and both harm people as well as kill them and not only that, they do so by their own decree.

Not many peeple noh dat.

Monday 7 February 2022

But Why Not Star Wars?

So, today I was handed a long (fairly long, anyway) file about (some) Project Gateway participants' visions of the near future. Literally this was from people connected to the official projects and they were alleging to me at least (and it is reflected in the file), that quiet collation of data about what independent random students and other people in an academic setting had 'reported' after being 'inducted' into the tools and systems - had been being put together formally since 1969, by the person leading this particular compartment.

I can't really say who the people are that were the leading figures managing things in the file, except that two of them are publicly-known in psychology and one also in the world of radio and television, and who has taken over the role of Charlie Rose - and that should give you enough clues and also suggest who stands behind him at least to some extent.

Is the future Dystopian?

And I was asked what did I make of the over all conclusions about the near future!

This is all happening very informally, right. In a coffee place... lol

Not a burger place because then you would know where, and if I said where else, you would then know where things have shifted to now.

Anyway anyway, back to the matter.

Well it was pretty obvious to me though - never mind that 'some people' had been doing this since long before 1969 that I knew about personally(!) - that the 'visions' in this file you could easily say were ex post facto. In the sense that well yes, global blood-related African virus that jumped from monkeys to humans, fall of the Soviet Union, credit cards not cash, restricted air-flights and petrol cars due to exhaust gases, digital printers, terrorism and global pandemics... But like, so what?

None of that is anything like what I have been looking at via totally different files, and there is simply nothing at all in there (in the one I was looking at today) that I would regard as mind-bogglingly 'prophetic' nor really anything at all that pitches ahead from right where we already are.

Meaning, in other words, I think it's fraudulent. But it was tendered to me in all seriousness. I promise you.

Don't ask me what they're doing with
that steak! I have no idea. Looks good

When you look at Emperor Palpatine (you could think of Klaus Schwab, or George Soros...), and you look at their minions Trudeau and Biden and Harris and the European Commissioners, yes they have Federation storm-troopers, but the whole thing comes apart if Edward Dowd is correct and the Dow collapses soon.

Now given that theoretically, these guys with this file should have had at least some entries about economic collapses of truly major kinds - but they didn't. At least I couldn't see it reflected in anything in there.

There is an idea widely-held these days, that the Fed simply enables a process of 'printing' endless supplies of money, and that nothing can prevent them from doing that and making it work as a miracle much better than Jesus' one with the silver coin and the fish.

Going by the seemingly unstoppable Fed printing machine, and the willingness of armed thugs to beat up on citizens at the direction of tyrants - then you would easily think that the future looks kind of grey and Dystopian; Trudeau just gets fatter and fatter like Jabba the Hutt until he explodes, Biden gets sillier and angrier, and Harris talks more repetitive gibberish and George and Bill and Klaus are all just laughing away and counting their money. And it all just keeps going happily along like that, judges throwing citizens into the slammer and citizens dying from drugs, both legal and illegal, or simply being bled to death by the Borg.

Well that's not the vision of the future I have been told about from the inner circle of the compartment that I know about.

George Lucas has this idea in Star Wars, that Palpatine basically decided to kill all of the Jedi and take over the Galaxy all for himself.

Well that was true.

That happened.

London No 1 is
actually, literally blue in color.
Some flower or other...

Except no one ever even knew there were any 'Jedi.' And they don't believe there are any now.

So how and where and when did Palpatine ever destroy the Jedi? He never did.

Listen to me very carefully. 

When the targets fall - I am claiming them.

No 'if;' when.

'When' is a thing we have to be more circumspect about, because 'when' in context of this Blog, is when we deliver an amazing stunning profit to those who have been financially involved. 

And I will tell you something about predicting the timing of the future, when it partly has to do with your (IE my) own actions - don't make time claims because people like me are not as fast as true geniuses, okay?

It spells instant DOOM whenever you say 'Oh my horse has this race won,' and the horse isn't over the line yet. I had a horse once, that was leading by three lengths, literally passing the slowing-down whole field around the bend, and then it broke its leg.

The horse that actually won the race went on to win huge races in the Eastern States and no one ever remembered the horse whose leg broke...

This is the last horse I ever bet for real
money. It was so much better
than the other runners, that they were still
running hard, and he was slowing down.
I could actually tell when the horse
decided it was never going to try again.
It was obvious. Brilliant thoroughbred.
One of the best I've ever seen.

Thing is, a certain progeny of this horse, the one whose leg broke (this is all a while ago now), the one that no one remembered, was sent out 300 and even 500 to 1 - and I backed it and it easily won in race record time. And no one asked me why I had backed it given it was such an outsider - and by this time, even the on-course bookmakers were all dummies so none of them asked me either. In the old old days I would have been grilled for weeks.

Be right, sit tight. That's correct. Except you have to be right in the first place.

When you look at Justin Trudeau or any of these in-the-pocket politicians and 'world leaders' - they're just wastes of space. None of them have the foggiest clue what's coming down the track.

The sun is going down, fellas. The light is fading, or, that is, there is a certain golden glow to it, with shiny streaks bursting through between banks of cloud, and the vision of most brown and black-colored horses becomes a little iffy in those conditions...

You don't need a fast horse, you don't need even need a proven horse.

You need a grey horse, one that can see in the dark, and discern other grey shapes from the shadows. You need a willing horse, one that knows where the winning post is.

Yep, the future might be 'grey' and it might be 'Dystopian.' But not for you. At least not unless you insist on backing the wrong horse. Because people do that too.


Saturday 5 February 2022

The Hidden Dogmas

So, Dr Justin Sledge posted his video about the 'hidden teachings of Plato.'

It's good stuff because it opens up a whole field of investigation for stoopid li'l kids, who think they are going to be the Bruce Lee of philosophy one day.

In fact Dr Justin (I call him 'Dr Justin,' never Dr Sledge...), even opened up the can of worms about 'causation at a distance!' ...And he implicated the Arabic writer Al-Kindi into the affray, suggesting he was making translations of some ancient dangerous and occult Pythagorean texts about 'mystical Cosmic rays.' LOL

Chicken soup, herbs of Provence,
and truffles. Simple.

This 'Al-Kindi' by the way, is not the same 'Al-Kindi' the poet who was literally a prince of the Kind tribe: Imru al-Qais; we shall talk about him in a moment here...

Anyway, Dr Justin waded into some very dangerous territory and went so far as to suggest that young students, new to this whole business, should read the Timaeus first.

And so I quickly commented: 'Well, if you want the Reptilians to come and take you away and lock you up forever, well then you are certainly going the right way about it.'

In traditional academic circles, the controversy about whether or not there is a 'Platonic occult teaching' is called the 'Agrapha Dogmata.' And all the existing literature about the subject is just another echo-chamber of stupid nonsense - as so much of academia consistently is.

After all, they even stole the very word 'academia' in order to insinuate themselves into, this very 'occult' Platonic school (which does not exist). Why they would want to do that, since it never existed in the first place and had no point and no meaning in history, I have no idea.

The challenge within the modern 'Quran' is that no one could compose such verses, and therefore the book had to be written by God: 'For who could compose even just one verse like it?'

The Ten Commandments of Moses, are nakedly stolen from the Laws of Hammurabi,

At the bottom of this post, is a YT video of one of the poems of the other Al-Kindi, the poet 'Al-Kindi' - Imru Al-Qais - whose verses are widely thieved from and inserted into the Holy Quran.

Moses lied, Jehovah lied (claimed to have made up these laws and clearly plagiarized them), and both Muhammad and Allah also lied.

Actual herbs of Provence.

And 'academia' misrepresents that they are or ever were Plato's Academy.

In the authentic original records themselves, it says that Muhammad instructed all his followers to use the Quran version transmitted from ibn Mas'ud.

Instead, Muslims all follow the Quran versions from Hafs or Warsh - which are completely opposite in many verses, to what is in the ibn Mas'ud version.

So, everyone lies. Where do we go?

...And then we get a bunch of idiots, who say that there is no god. Well how would they know? Going by the moronic books and ideas taught and pushed by criminals everywhere. Or are they the very people, insistent on hiding truth and facts from innocent minds - a mindset, a type of individual, that has been with us for a very long time?

Plato never hid truth from inquiring minds. He made sure they were responsible individuals first, before he imparted it.

And they managed to keep the secrets down through the ages.

Here is a line whose sentiments though not the actual words - because the poet managed to never repeat himself in his verses - are repeated several times throughout his work:

"I stand before the ruins of..."


It's nice, but it doesn't exist.

Have I not said that here, many many times?

When the targets all fall, I am claiming them.

None of you had even heard of Covid when I posted here and elsewhere 'I see a vision of myself, running across a square, in front of libraries and museums, with books under my cloak, as fires burns in large metal drums, and the people are wandering around in a daze, and walls are fallen down, like some old ruined place.'

Somebody's voice is laughing in the shadows, but it is not Satan's.

Anyway the show ain't even properly begun yet. I have to stick something in the tin drums and really burn them.

(The English transcript of the poem is posted underneath the actual YouTube channel's video version of this below, if you wish to see that).

Thursday 3 February 2022

Battle Of Monte Cassino

Between January and May of 1944, the Allies fought the German Nazi Army in what is now known as the Battle of Monte Cassino.

It took four attempts to break the stronghold of Monte Cassino itself, and a quarter of a million total Allied troops, as against one hundred and forty thousand German troops.

Fifty five thousand Allied soldiers were marked as dead or wounded, and some twenty thousand dead or wounded listed on the Nazi side.

Life after the Keiser.
What did Karl see in his visions
of the future of Chanel...
Like Gianni before him, he is now getting
the opportunity to work
on the clothing of the
of UFOs
(hacked from an
interview with Jeremy Clarkson).

It was however, only two German officers who were entirely responsible for having saved the treasures - mostly books and scrolls and manuscripts - of the Abbey's library, only a few months prior to the first bombing assaults by the Allies on the Abbey of Monte Cassino.

The great masterpiece of science fiction - A Canticle for Leibowitz - was written by a member of the original bomber crew that destroyed the ancient Monte Cassino monastery, American author Walter M. Miller Jr.

He based his post-Apocalyptic social science fiction novel on his experiences during the War and on what happened at Monte Cassino. The story depicts a future order of monks dedicated to the mission of preserving the surviving remnants of man's scientific knowledge, in the aftermath of devastating nuclear war, until the day the outside world is again ready for it.

I lifted that last sentence word-for-word from the Wikipedia entry.

The world of human beings is not now, nor will it ever be 'ready' for the true power of real and authentic science knowledge.

The mission to preserve certain kinds of knowledge is not ever for the purpose of handing it over, or back, to men.

The purpose of preserving certain kinds of knowledge - is to have it in the first place.

And be able to make use of it absent of the twisted mentality of having agency with no earned right to it, to the power to destroy other people.

This is the reason no advanced Extraterrestrial Alien species is ever going to contact human people as a group, broadly-speaking, on the planet Earth.

French Vanilla cremes.

The human species is a flawed species, with no prospects for self-resolving those issues which bind it to a dead-end channel of forward movement.

Women are not better than men in this regard; it's only the character of the clever lies, which is different.

Fundamentally, women tend to see themselves as always competing to possess something, on account of which you will typically see the negative propaganda coming from that quarter, if it is a matter of losing out on control over that particular 'Monte Cassino.'

The winners of the Battle of Monte Cassino, were Captain Maximilian Becker and Lieutenant Colonel Julius Schlegel.

You may own something when you can afford to pay in the currency of exchange for that good. And that is just a manner of speaking (about those things), anyway.

But this is not to say the human being does not have consciousness and intelligence. It certainly does have those things.

But on the whole most examples of the human species lack too many of the other necessary components to be very close to being molded into something workable any time soon.

As for the real treasures here, well, Monte Cassino.

Monte Cassino Abbey. Now owned by
Steve Bannon, more or less.

And every now and then, on a clear moonlit night, one might be able to catch a glimpse of something flitting around the skies there, and dropping a few readers off.

Ah but you don't believe that do you.

Only - only, mind you - two dozen of the lowly lowly Embassy staff, may have been affected by Darth Vader's amazing distance choke hold. According to the joint US intel community report issued last Wednesday.

Time for Darth to make a step up, then, I guess, in his targets...

A little glimpse by the young Canadian producer Jav3x:

Wednesday 2 February 2022

The GRAND Art of War

'Fight, father. Have you forgotten whose grandson you are?'

...Thus spake the grey-eyed Parthenos Promachos to her father.

And remembering his grandfather Uranus, Ruler of the Universe, the great king of gods and men, slew the last remaining of the primitive Titans.

But the 'earth-born' of those who from the dripping blood of Uranus still remained -, those who were fathered of mortals; some held wounded in their tombs beneath volcanoes, some lingering on high mountains, hidden from the view of most men. And whilst ever their foot would step onto the soil of their homeland, they could not be killed. 

Moreover there was a certain pharmakon, from a plant, which would protect them from death...

And an ancient prophecy held that the gods alone could not destroy them, save with the help of mortals.

The plant, whose name may not be uttered, was taken up - all of them and nothing left behind - and kept in the secret compound protected on all sides by the flaming swords of the many-eyed ones who never sleep.

Betcha cannot guess where?

Thus, he whose very name means to give life to all always, took the very lives of the rebellious Titans, and lay in wait with divine patience for those earthly offspring of the ancient Giants - until they at last showed themselves out of pride and confidence that there was none to prevent them from ruling over men, and believing that the gods themselves were dead or had abandoned their playthings forever upon the earth.

Force is mass times momentum.

...Over time.

The 'clever people' cannot see what is going on right now.

And we're not giving any clues away here either!

(Thanks, Bill Smith, for the following lead):