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Wednesday 8 September 2021

The Danger Of CE5

Does the government know something that it needs to keep from the population?

Well... ...not really, because, as Barack Obama said (and he did say it, despite the on-line sites claiming to have 'fact-checked' it) - ordinary people are too stupid, aw sorry, he didn't say that; he said: 'ordinary people are too small-minded to be able to govern themselves.'

So basically, he doesn't care if or whether you 'ordinary people' (and that includes, gasp, even me!) get to 'know' anything anyway - because you're all too small-minded and dumb and powerless to be able to do anything about it.

What are the elements, the composition, 
of the 'design?'
I'm sure if you have six or seven post-graduate 
degrees, especially in 'science' and, oh
'medicine,' you'll easily be able
to create this kind of thing.

The on-line 'fact-checkers' only, and literally, it is the only phrasing they are all using - well, their only criticism is that the short video clip is 'taken out of context and is misleading.'


By which they mean that highly and grotesquely offensive part of the speech, is part of a much longer, long-winded load of nonsense that you need to plow through otherwise the small segment alone, would have been 'taken out of context.'

However to help you, the context is this: Barack Obama thinks you're a bunch of f*ing idiots and losers and he needs to 'govern' you, because after all, you humans require to be 'governed.' He is special, though; he is different.

Otherwise, what might easily happen, is that someone like Lt.General Michael Flynn would eradicate the whole 'Taliban' in Afghanistan, leaving that country and its women too, to govern themselves using 'democracy.' Yuck.

Lucky we got rid of him.

Also, to merely take the part where he appeared to say 'you are a bunch of small-minded troglodytes' is misleading because what he really meant to say was much much worse than that.

Versailles 'hall of mirrors.'
What kinds of people really deserve
to play around in there?

Back to 'the problem with Dr Steven Greer's CE5 protocols of communication with ET Aliens.'

 'The danger' specifically, is very similar to the edge that I am myself running on right here, circling around and around a certain matter in particular, which, if it were stated out in the open, would have this site shut down overnight.

But let's characterize it like so:

you manage to make contact with these super advanced, very superior technological civilization of meta-humanoid-y things, and they think you are are cool. And then...



Then. They ask you - 'what would you like?'

Now, I know that Greer has this 'protocol' app and all of that, which in its most basic form costs hardly ten bucks and goes in your smart phone - but at the 'high end' there is a separate version which is part of the physical, in situ meet-ups with 'glowing orbs.'

On the surface of things, the additional costs to do with that actual physical expedition (rather than the app), seem to be strictly related to real cost factors - the sophisticated instruments and the other 'normal' expedition equipment and so on.

HUD, rear-vision, noise-cancelling audio,
other 'stuff' that I cannot mention here...
So, for those paying close attention:
1. the white room, 2.the Aliens' gifts of salt,
3. the helmet with Rhinochill, and 'saturated oxygen.'  

In fact however, Greer is well-aware of what is fundamentally the same thing I have been 'schooling around' here for yon many moons already - which is that there are risks and dangers, and the whole thing does not suit certain types of people at all.

It's much easier, under all of the circumstances, to let the trolls and/or the multiplicity of idiot 'skeptics' have their minimal say and then just pass over them, or right through them

...There are some here, however, who have been party to the 'lead up' phase of what is going on, and we will certainly expose to them the key aspects and this will leave those individuals as to no doubt at all over what is really going on.

Nevertheless, this is the moment for extreme caution and a sense of responsibility to those you care about...

And... ...I'd have my 'prayer book' handy. Whichever one of those you think will work.


Anyone reading here, who imagines, in their wildest wet-dreams of 'skepticism' that you are not right in the middle of 'Ground Zero' - where the information is actually being handed across, ought to keep it up. Keep up your stupidity.

Because after all - how could something so immense and with such material consequences, turn up in such a modest internet location as this one, right?

No one notices anything. There are no patterns.

That's our story and we're sticking to it - all the way until the last one of you is carried out.

I mean what can you really do about it anyway, at this stage?

Katy Perry Fan Fiction on Wattpad: 1 million reads...

Sunday 5 September 2021

Nouveau End Of The World

So here is how I would cast a new '007' movie.

The really new scenes are still embargo'd for the immediate moment because they're in front of some major people right now.

This is 'Bond.' Shaun Evans.
The other guy, the one 'they' want, the
one that recently played my relative 
'Stephen' the osteopath
in the Profumo thing, is not 'bad enough,'
not dark enough. Evans is dark enough.

But the basic intro scenes are here for your pleasure and entertainment...

Now, though, before you rush headlong into any of this, let me point a silly little trinket of 'info' out that no one really, has considered over the past few years of all this 'excitement' with Miramax and Harvey Weinstein...

Certainly you are personally entitled to think whatever you like, and come to your own conclusions no matter how wildly implausible they really are (although I know at least one of you out there will always default to that one, because it is the 'MSM-proffered typical BS position on everything that reeks of the underhanded...').

But, in the cause of 'high fiction' we might do worse than go back to the 1974 masterpiece, written, produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola 'The Conversation,' which was about, as you will recall, a surveillance expert (played by Gene Hackman) who comes across some rather dark audio tapes, and these combined with his own personal demons, leads us through an interesting couple of hours.

Someone who has spent a lot of time listening into the private affairs of New York hoods, though, knows what happens when someone becomes a 'made man.'

And you're entitled to believe that ye olde Harvey Weinstein gets to rub shoulders with, nay, actually be agent for, OJ Simpson and Frank Sinatra up in NYC way back when Harvey was not long out of short pants - because it's all just an accident, right?

It's what you don't know, that will kill ya.

But I will tell this for no money: you start 'pricking your thumb to let the blood flow, and then drop it onto pictures of saints and stuff, and burn those with fire and so on -,' and next thing you know, we're talking full-on spirit possession, voodoo, zombification (LOL - was the kind of phrasing the media used to joke about during the Granada War; which the US actually won, you will also recall).

Yeah, Harvey got to where he got to (at the high end of his life) through smarts and hard work and some luck and fortunate accidents, right...

...Lucky I got a better gun than most.

Lucky you just can be on the side-lines and throw jaffas.

By the way, it's time I said this, I got a lot better gun.

I just don't show it at all. It's never going to appear here on these pages.

What'll appear is the digest version of everything. Like this:

'The New End Of The World'

So that is a couple of tear sheets featuring who I would cast.

I have to put all this up here right now because there's a couple of, um, Arab sheikhs with cash looking for a movie to make, schooling around like sharks.

Read this, watch the video clips that will come here regularly now - do not waste your money going to Bond 25. 

Unless you feel like being sick.

You don't need to be doing that!

People want something nice, and cute, and charming, and little bit, well, swish swish.

This video clip below is a track rejected by the producers @Bond24.

Her husband wants the Bond role.
I don't know Orlando. Maybe.

Now seeing that Kevin MClory - who invented the whole damn 'Spectre' thing - was a relative of mine (or at least, my dad's because they're all that era that has long gone now), I think I can do what the bloody hell I want with some of the basic ideas, if not the actual nomenclatura now, since the main Studio people did a settlement deal with McClory; and then he died!

It's what happens around Bond though; people die. LOL Bond never dies - even though the studio is really trying their best to mortally knife him right now.

Someone should tap them on the shoulder: 'it doesn't work like that guys - Bond was not ever actually alive or real to begin with.'

Bond is, to paraphrase Joe Biden about these kinds of things, just an idea.

Friday 3 September 2021

The Screen For Your Personal Doubts

This is, of course, from one of the great quotes of the late 'Kaiser' - Karl Lagerfeld.

He said: 'Don't use luxury as a screen for your personal doubts.'

And if you think he was just all about people who live in this vain and decadent 'upper echelon,' well, another quote from him is this one: 'Be proud of yourself but not because you wear expensive designer clothes. Expensive clothes are great, but lots of people are happy without them.'


Rubinacci linen suit.
The iron railing... We are fixed to planet Earth.

It's really also, the over-confidence of those who occupy positions of power as 'social leaders.' And in context of the kinds of things we write about here, I particularly mean those big studios and media institutions that produce Hollywood movies, and who try and drive the glamour fashion trends.

The Bond franchise is dying now, and will be delivered the death blow this coming summer movie 'premiere season.' 

I mean when you realize that there are University degrees, based on studies of popular culture and entertainment, and 'drama' too - and that so many 'successful' students nowadays end up in powerful jobs in large commercial studios, making moves and certainly too, making commercial advertisements for branded products...'s a wonder they really have so little clue.

Actually, I must point out here though, that it is not so easy as critics (even like myself) would have you think, to come up with new and innovative ideas for 'the next Bond flick,' for example.

Bond, the movie story, is not just about 'James Bond;' in fact the villains are the story. James Bond is the glossy wrapping.

...Where is this taking us?

There is something intensely important about the really great story producers of the past, that is, to put it more accurately, any producer of a truly successful entertainment - but we only have our own past experiences to go on. So we must take from the examples of Schwarzenegger (he made 'Predator,' produced and wrote it from various vague story ideas), or Hitchcock, or Vadim, or Kubrick.

What do they know that others do not know?

I think it isn't quite right to include Schwarzenegger among those who really know, but he does have some clue, having been intrinsically part of the original 'Conan the Barbarian' obviously. And this too though, is not to say that even Oliver Stone or John Milius really knew...

Milius though, had some clues, fundamentally because he was such a scholar of the great writers - but yet, he too, was no 'adept.'

Vadim was an adept. Kubrick was.

Final Vadim protege.

What did these guys know that you don't know?

I'll tell you how significant it was what they really do know - not even their actors and actresses over many years of working with them, really came away being able to enunciate what it was they were doing.

Vadim, I suppose you could say, was wicked, in a sense, in that he was so far ahead in years and in knowledge, that he was toying with the virginal Brigitte Bardot -, and this is not to deny that Bardot already possessed the underlying, the innate sexuality. Bardot later on in her life, was able to mix it with anyone in that league (of the super-humanly erotic), after having, certainly survived many times, more than one 'Harvey Weinstein.' And I categorically do not place Vadim in the role! 

Vadim was long out of Bardot's life when things got a bit ugly, you could say, with her relationships with other directors - who thought that movies were just some place to exploit women.

Bardot is possibly, the only person still alive who, from this vantage point of a good deal of experience, might be able explain Vadim and what he knew and what he did.

...Understand, I am just picking 'Vadim' as the exemplar here. There are a few others, but not many.

When you watch a Vadim film, or a Kubrick film, it is not crystal clear that there is a villain. One emerges - or 'something' emerges later on, out of the digesting of the story's narrative arc - that passes for the villain, yes. 

And with early Bond, it's the same. You think 'Auric Goldfinger' and everyone says 'the villain;' but is he though, in the flow of things? He's the competitive stylistic identity in every sense!

So why is he even a 'villain?' What really made him 'morally bad?' He is the 'villain,' but there is a good deal of subtlety as to why he is, really...

He's the loser, yes. But is he a villain?

Was also a Vadim creation, to some extent.

The mistake that all recent Bond movies have been making, is identifying 'a villain' far too soon, and then bludgeoning the audience over the head with his 'villain-ness.' And weakening the 'Bond' tower, as it were, so that it simply must fall and so we descend into this typical American 'bathos' mentality of 'drama.'

Things will be dark and 'bad,' and from there they will get ludicrously worse, and magic will pull the chestnuts out of the fire... WWF 'Superstars of Wrestling.'

The whole thing is a systematic fake, designed for children's minds. And it's basically the same 'formula' story made over and over.

Industrial, assembly-line... ...meaningless.

NASA pioneered this technology, which they got off the 'sample' ET Alien spacecraft, down at Groom Lake - which puts your brain into a torpor. It's called a 'rhinochill' unit and there are small portable units carried on most modern ambulances nowadays.

NASA was thinking about maybe, that it was a way of placing space travelers into cryogenic hibernation on long journeys.

It is not used for that, however, in the Alien craft. And NASA knows it now. They worked it out, eventually.


But Roger Vadim... He's taking angry, hot-blooded women, and what, making them hotter? Or cold? Or what, exactly?

I'm not telling you.

Thursday 2 September 2021

More Mundane? Dunno...

 So... I got this sensation today, this feeling, of having to be a bit more responsible on account of some people who, well, nothing 'government' like stuff - private people, let's just say that - who have slightly, vaguely, been talking about some things.

Seeing ahead with 'night-vision' cameras...

Anyway, I happen to really respect these people, but it occurred to me, just looking backwards a bit, that the 'motifs' of female glamour, or even sensuality, must have been very 'forced' although I'm not going to say people were forced to dress a certain way, or were forced to look a certain way and really did not want to. I will try and explain myself.

The one thing that stands out to me about the Harvey Weinstein whole 'affair' - is that 'secret video-taping' of his 'moves' on some young person who was put in that invidious situation. Maybe they were placed there by an array of other people - promoters, agents even, other 'interested people' with expectations of 'success;' whatever that meant, and it probably meant a beneficial financial outcome.

He came across not 'just' (if I may even put it that way, but it's the only way I know how to say it right now) as boorish and insensitive and of course, tragically self-opinionated and criminal-minded... ...but utterly and completely, pathetically ignorant and extremely gauche in the way of talking to anyone in private.

He was a complete 'agricultural clod!'

He was an idiot in every sense.

It didn't even seem like he had an actual,
'proper' couch to go 'casting' on...!

And yet, here he was, some Godzilla producer. As in, he literally was a gigantic identity and a power and a force in the movie industry; not that he had actually 'produced the movie Godzilla!'

Roland Emmerich and TriStar Movies made the Hollywood 1998 blockbuster film of that.

So I think when I look back what I am seeing is someone like Weinstein forcing as if through a sieve, imagery about glamour, iconic semiotics of female 'beauty...'

I don't think he understood either what 'beauty' was/is, nor really did grasp any deeper meaning to the iconic portrayals of 'female beauty' that culture had devised over the years, through the various eras of style and fashion.

What he was doing was 'taking,' seeking to have, to possess, what was held to be 'nice' or better yet - desirable.

And so what you're really getting is a caricature of feminine beauty. The 'connect the dots' depiction of it.

I am musing on whether we might start to see women advance their actual own ideas, and I don't think anyone needs to be 'fearful' that these are not going to outright appeal to men.

Actually, it will be the reverse, because what men will recognize right away, is the authenticity.

I have a good feeling about this. And I have a really good feeling about the future of entertainment and even I would call it a kind of 'adult education, adult cultural/social education' trip that we are going to be taken on shortly.

Yes it's 'red,' but that just implies 'sex' -
it isn't necessarily dystopia.

I believe this.

Yes it will require money, and yes we are right back to that uneasy 'casting couch' pressure but that has to give away somewhere. We need to find the big money backers, so that the authentic cultural expressions can get to the front. Again. I think Howard Hughes was part of the 'getting things to the front.' Absolutely so too was Charlie Chaplin. The man was a genius still not fully appreciated for what he was in so many fields, not just comedy.

Yep. The best is yet to come.

It's a fight, but it's a winnable fight.

The big 'luxury manufacturers,' the big brands, haven't really picked up on this yet. They haven't noticed the motifs of 'now' beauty, 'now' women. And those that do, are going to make a lot of money. But they haven't quite got there yet. They will though. Some will lead.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Tuxedo Park Loomis Labs

Tuxedo Park is a village in Orange County, New York.

One of our posted 'narrative texts' sets a few scenes in a mansion, well, in fact several of them, in Orange County. (That's the 'Disclosure' text, though, right? Not the one referred to below).

Through the eyes of those wearing tuxedos

Alfred Loomis, the Depression-Era attorney, investment banker and 'amateur' scientist, lived in a mansion in Tuxedo Park, which came to be known as 'the palace of science.' And that was essentially because, during the War (WWII), it became the secret meeting place of Einstein, Fermi, Heisenberg, Bohr, Franck. All of them, all the big ones.

Loomis himself basically pioneered the biological instrumentation that has been used by the highest possible levels of the intel people - and that has ended up in the hands of Monroe (Institute) and Steven Greer and Targ and all of them.

Loomis is the 'missing link' that connects David R. Hawkins and the present-day 'Gateway Project' people.

...So at this point, those of you who have been reading here for some time, are going to realize that, yeah, well, the 'missing piece' of any putative jigsaw in this situation, is well - it's us!

I mean, see, Loomis discovered the sleep 'K-Complex' brainwave and pioneered techniques for electroencephalography.

'Tuxedo' though - the actual word, the name, and its implied modern meaning - is more important even than any of that, above.

I'm not going to say any more about that part of things here just now.

Yoga instructor, Oriella Amiera

But even if you are an idiot, who thinks there are no ET Aliens, and there is no God, and everything is just exactly how Sam Harris says (well, it couldn't be though, just exactly, because he never says anything fixed and firm and 'just exactly' on account in any case, he doesn't know anything real, or 'just exactly') - then even you will at least realize that the machines being used to hit people like those two on the team of Kamala Harris down there in  Singapore... ...came, or come, from Tuxedo Park Loomis Lab people.

And which they do too, of course.

But that is not the American government.

But neither is it anyone the American government can 'reach' regardless of the fact that they do have quite a long reach.

Yet even so, you know, boys and girls, to dine with the Devil, one needs a very long-handled spoon.

Very, long.

Do you have such a spoon?

You think you can 'mix it' with us?

Good luck, right?

New previously embargo'd Chapters

...When you read the whole of 'The Witches Of Demeter' (fully and properly edited and beautifully formatted I must say, on Kindle eReaders/Amazon; still free on Inkitt), and your comprehension of the flow of things, what is 'going on' in the narrative, bleeds into the now added 'chapters 19 & 20' (the last one about the hit on the Harris team in Singapore - all of a sudden it will dawn on you that no one could have set out in that direction at the time that chapter one was let fly, unless they knew what chapter 'the end' was already going to be.


So, yeah.

Any day, anywhere, any time.

The new, high-powered format link: The Witches (Is 'Demeter' the code-name of someone?)

The free-to-read text version

You got the balls?

Try it out. Try your luck out.

Chance your arm. What could possibly go wrong?

There are no ET Aliens. And they are not already here in your face. Isn't that so.

Could we take you up there?

Oh yes. Oh jes, we berry berry sneakily could.

'The Shaft of Light that makes someone beautiful...' In Genesis translations, they say 'tree;' but it is not 'tree.' LOL It is... ...shaft of light that makes someone beautiful. Check any Concordance you can name.