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Sunday 15 November 2020

The Harlem Street Fair

There was a thing that took place September 5th, 1969, called 'the Harlem Street Fair.'

None other than the inimitable Jimi Hendrix played there. Afterwards, he was interviewed by the press, although ostensibly, they were interviewing him about Woodstock, which had taken place a month before.

In part of what he said, came the rather casual prognostication, that one day, 'by that time' (those were his exact words, delivered sarcastically thus: 'by that time...!') there would be round buildings in the streets of Harlem, rather than the staid and cramped angular, rectangle and square styled ones that were there at the time of the interview.

Harlem NYC's 'Smile Building.' Right there.
Actually does exist...

Architecture is an important, a significant, marker of the prevailing mindset of human beings in any given society at any given time. The great designer, architect and polymath/poly-histor Paul Ritter spent a lot of his years introducing 'round' styles, and 'soft' texture ideas to architecture around the world where he tried to have some influence, and in some cases, did have influence. Paul was an Australia designer, and of course, one of the greatest 'curve' style architectural works of all time does exist in Australia, being namely, the Sydney Opera House on the East Coast of Australia. That was completed in 1973, having been commenced as a commission in 1957. And the architect there was Jorn Utzon, obviously, not Ritter certainly. Although both men were proponents of a similar ethos about architecture. Paul Ritter was responsible for major and serious long-term design developments across the other side of Australia, on the West Coast.

Now I have foreshadowed that there are plans for various 'people' to gather or at least briefly 'meet' at various live music and performance locations this up-coming Christmas phase. I attended one such venue and time earlier this week although no pics were taken. However things did go as planned.

All things being equal, there may be some pics in a few weeks...

His Majesty's Theatre. Were there 'special people'
there this week? Dunno. Cannot say.

Culture and entertainment is often, though not exclusively, held in examples of great architectural structures. As however, in the instance of Hendrix's street festival appearance, sometimes these things are just, well, 'out in the streets;' in the open.

'Structures' - that is, physical objects that are designed, put together - are shapes and forms of composite shapes. Because they are made from some substance, they also have materiality, and are not just empty dimensions. The human being itself is a structure, with materiality and energy. Static architecture is in fact, not so 'static' as you might think though, since to have a building stand up and stay up, you need to take into consideration the effects of mass times motion - and these are vectors because of gravity for one thing.

The human being, actually moves dynamically, all the time in obvious visible changing ways, whereas a 'static' building only moves incredibly slowly, over a lengthy duration of time, and with general wear, and earth tremors and perhaps the microscopic effects of wind and sun and rain. Thus the human being requires a different kind and flow of energy than a building requires.

Dow Corning made this - a translucent frosted
glass mobius strip.

Were you to construct a building in the 'shape' of a mobius strip, you could traverse the 'inside' and the 'outside' of it without ever actually 'going' inside or outside over a threshold.

Energy in the human is like an AC form, although it is a pulse, not actual AC, and not actual DC as such in any steady state - it pushes things around, and they then are governed so that in most cases they don't then retreat back to their original state: that is, they grow, by accretion of ingested substance. Your mind, on the other hand, has no need of having to gain physical material substance, although it does also grow, but only in data and data structuralization (if you can call it that). So it does use energy, but not energy necessarily the way all other processes of the human being utilize energy: its energy could be, in the form of something that just goes round and round without ever traversing, or having the need to traverse any threshold.

This shape is called the Lissajous Curve,
or also, the Bowditch Curve.

Now as you know, something which can move at the speed of light is very fast, and something that can go faster than the speed of light, supposedly, does not exist. 

But if it did exist, it would very likely have a definite property of the mobius strip about it.

And in that case, and because it was 'made of no substance,' you could 'see' right through it, and from where you were standing (hypothetically) you could see at the same time, the 'other side' of the plane that you were 'located upon,' whilst also being able to actually travel there to that other location but merely going forward along the surface of the mobius strip.

Interestingly, the cathode ray oscillating tube/scope can show you a wave form both on its linear path, and on its rotating apex across time (through that axis), and an oscillating wave - like a figure-of-eight on its side, is usually thought of as depicting an alternating flow... ...but if you think carefully about it, it could also be depicting a mobius strip form of 'flow.'

Now I know those of you who practice this 'Vishuddhi Yoga' stuff, certainly are able to visualize a simple figure-of-eight in your meditations. The question is, can you do that very fast so that it is as fast as the speed of light(!), or, can you even do it like a translucent mobius strip form rather than a simple figure-of-eight and would this mean you could um, well, you know... Whatever that the yogis claim to be able to do.

I only mention any of this because a few of you have been engaging in some private discussions about this kind of thing - and I'm pretty sure not too many others who are reading this particular article will have much idea what this is all about here today!

Now, when you listen - if, you listen to the video clip below, make sure you are wearing some really decent headphones, okay? If you don't do that, you really won't get the full impact.

This piece features in the up-coming new, latest, 'out there' fairy tale that will sooner or later go up onto the Inkitt free read site, y'all...


Friday 13 November 2020

The Money Spectrum

Young people coming onto the money making scene, do not have as much access to the old hands, that most of us, or maybe, some of us, had when we first entered the gunfight.

For me, it probably began all the way back when I was a juvenile, in the Penang Bazaars. I don't even know what it was, but I was a natural. I had grown up with the locals, totally spoke their languages, fully understood the idiomatic expressions, and was already full to the brim with the 'stories' that in theory I suppose, one acquired around campfires and heard from adults...

I'm not really sure I did get them from listening to adults around any campfires, however -, perhaps a few, and perhaps a few other 'lessons' and stories from listening from behind the sofa in the big lounge where they all took to the Johnnie Walker till late into the evenings.

But I think I had something in me from god-knows-where-or-when.

So anyway, let's forget all that and just go straight to today's lesson - a reading from the Gospel about Money, according to me...

Money forms a spectrum across the society. There are aspects of a continuum about it and we'll see that in a moment.

At one side, at the extreme, money is biggest by quanta and the least mobile - this is the end where property is the main kind of 'business' going on. You can place engaging in wars somewhere near there because there are aspects of the ownership of land and property to all wars.

On the other end of the spectrum is food - this is where the fastest velocity of money transactions, per unit human transactor of exchange, occurs.But this is also where the unit quanta is quite small. One bowl of noodles, 2 bucks times many many bowls (of noodles); whereas for 'super-tall buildings' - a billion squillion dollars per skyscraper, never ever sold to anyone in one chunk, in fact. A decent tall building, just 'falls down of its own accord' and you get to claim a lot of insurance money then.

Shanghai - Oriental Pearl Tower

This is the human race. This is what it does, and how it 'thinks,' or claims that it is thinking, at least. One could argue, that not a lot has changed since Pharaoh (Or Enoch or ET Aliens, whichever you like) constructed the pyramids. An advancing species? Progress? Hmn... Don't think so.

Scratching down one more level deep, one might propose that 'technology' is also a 'money thing,' but here, we run into a difficulty about value and value exchange and actual transactions: because we all suppose that 'knowledge' is freely to be had. Sure Pythagoras was supposed to have these private students to whom he imparted the secrets of his mathematics and geometry, but that is another 'story' lost in the mists of time.

Big tall buildings provide a long slow 'gratification' over a very long time-span. Food, provides a very quick sense gratification, over a quick time-span. So does alcohol. It makes you feel good, in a few seconds - alcohol does. 

What does Xi Jinping feel, when he stands upright, and get driven past rows and rows and long streets of soldiers and deadly weapons arrayed for his inspection?

I don't know. I'm not Xi.

From what we can learn from his speeches, his mind has deluded him into actually believing it is his destiny, to rule the world, and to be the Ruler Under All Heaven.

He feels he is important because he can damage a lot of things and people must respect him.

As far as 'money' is concerned he has an unlimited supply because there is no test of currency value right now, and he can print as much as he wants and he can direct it wherever he will.

South Indian Fish Curry

One 'issue' with the human race is, it has no clearly-agreed and widely-admitted and obvious means to perceive the existential nature of any thing it cannot 'see' with its own material senses. And this means, such things do not exist - to the materially observing scientist.

So today, if I take this one example, and show you what the Wikipedia says very confidently about it (IE it is the matter of the 'squaring of the circle' problem in mathematics), here is what it says in there, and you can easily look it up yourself:

"Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are both equal to PI. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge."

I mean, hey, they are really certain about it, eh? Look at the confidence, the strength of the assertion in the tone of language used.

So, five minutes after someone demonstrates that it can be, however (not that I'm saying it is possible), what does that mean, the thing never existed beforehand; IE, it was existentially non-existent? Or was it just that the human mind never saw it, but it was existent?

I am not personally aware of what the point would be, to be able to construct some 'squaring of the circle' in this simple way. Perhaps if it could be used to make a tall building disappear, or some food appear, then maybe some really clever human would start to display the reality of 'squaring of the circle...'

And by the way, even the statement of the problem itself by Wikipedia is false. The problem is not so much that of 'can you construct from a square a circle with same area,' but that of can you double the surface area of any given circle using a compass and straightedge. 

Who cares, though. Right?

The human race... Something sloppy in their brains.

So economic value in the monetary sense, goes from gross (property) to small (food) and from then, it may even extend further, like to small grains of sand until whatever the material physical thing was at that ultimate phase changed state altogether...

And then, because your senses were not able to 'see' and to register in your material physical brain, what that changed state matter was, it would not exist, right?

You see, this is an epitaph.

For sure, one day Xi will be dead. And then what? At maximum, if you just go by actuarial science, he has at most thirty odd years left.

But you see, there are some of us, who 'don't know or cannot say' just where they got the Penang Bazaar acumen from... If you see what I mean. And I can still kill you today, same as I can do thirty years from today. But you don't believe that because it ain't recorded in Wikipedia, which fell down in the last shower of rain and was not there when whoever built the pyramids built them. ; )

So okay then you geniuses - which movie:


Friday 6 November 2020

American Democracy As It Really Is

We're talking about real Democracy here, not some namby-pamby fake-assed chicken-livered version of it!

This is 'the voter:'

And, he's on drugs, illegal drugs - but eventually he gets his way, and drugs become legal. By then though, he'll kinda be dead for real, or just brain-dead, but in either case, his right to cast a vote will prevail!

Here's his real life brother, Brian Doyle-Murray:

He works a proper job every day to pay his mortgage or 'make rent.'

He is honest and is not on drugs - it really would not suit his temperament.

This is 'Lacey.' She is legally blind without her contact lenses, and that might be one of the underlying reasons American society has problems in the very first place.

This, is 'Justice:'

Justice, in America, is not just blind, but
aspires to be not too 'thinky...' - which is a term
Millennials use.

...And this is the 'establishment Elite:'

And... is what happens in the end:

Monday 2 November 2020

Pay The Twilight

Twilight Payment won this year's Melbourne Cup - the race that stops the nation that was already stopped... LOL

Twenty-five to One, the odds!


Twilight Language, is the way people talk when they are trying to say something to some people, who know beforehand what is intended or who have the Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key distribution codes in application at the specific time.

Who knows, maybe yes, maybe no, but maybe yes we shall be handing out a few of those, quite soon.

What about now? Yes well, it will pay to know that a 'Saint Gabriel' is a medallion, and that 'ha tzi'rah' is the wasp, or the hornet, or something like that.

But you should already know bits and pieces of that, from the article here three articles previously already - that article titled... ...'Twilight.'

Sunday 1 November 2020

Turning Corners In The Maze

Seriously, I have been trying, for days, to shift the 'vibe' here away from any of these current 'hot-button' matters that seem to be consuming everyone.

Well, it's hard though, right?

...There are so many important things going on 'behind the scenes' all over the place. I suppose, when I say 'important,' I mean that when something 'explodes,' gets completely out of hand and violence ensues, well, it'll hit the front pages.

None of it is going to make you rich though, and it is unlikely to make your lives any better.

Imran Khan is 'offended,'  Erdogan wants to do some 'war stuff' because it's all France's fault some time in the past... yeah, Recep, just go and smash the Armenians, and be rude to the French people today, since they have street mosques in Paris; that makes sense. Xi wants to have a war with Taiwan and see if he can, what - have another one with America?

All this is swirling around our heads!

Who's this guy? Anyone know him?
Anyone? Anyone?

When you consider the maze that is ancient history, you can, for example, look at the two versions of the Sennacherib story: one, in which a single angel of the Hebrew God, slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, and in the other independent version, when well, in fact, suddenly, although his soldiers had completely surrounded the walls of Jerusalem ready to lay siege and then destroy the tiny place like that army had done to other large kingdoms - suddenly they withdrew and went away.

Don't know what happened. Can't really tell from the two versions this far down the track from the actual events.

However, we know that very soon afterwards, the Assyrian kingdom self-destructed from within when the people at the top assassinated each other, including, Sennacherib being murdered himself. Dead. Gone. History. The whole lot of them.

On the surface, what you see, what you viscerally appreciate, is the noise, the physicality of the 'heavy machinery.'

A Rockwell B1 is a loud, noisy -, a visceral experience.

One single angel is generally speaking, not something anyone sees. Certainly none of the independent historians ever do. Otherwise we would all 'believe' in such ludicrous phenomena.

A little shake here, a few buildings there, a few tens of lives. What does it matter?

It's when the top dogs all bite each other afterwards, though. A little shake here, a little shake there. A little tsunami, a little rush of wind. 

Nobody gets it yet.

You know, when the people in the 'Tower of Babel' incident were afflicted with confusion, it was, so the story goes, because 'they hadn't benefited previously when they were just killed.'

Not by fire, not by flood. What's in store this time? Oh you will be so surprised. No brains, see. Human race; not that well-equipped 'upstairs.'

Fifty years from now (ha! As much as fifty?!), if the population of the planet were cut in half, do you think you could still manage? I think so. I, me, you, most of us, well we won't be here of course. Who cares? Not me. This is how it will happen. People will kill each other. At the top levels.

Yep. It's this guy, Yeslam: Osama Bin Laden's brother.
Sells watches and stuff from Switzerland. What do you think? Do you
really think he's an Arab?
...Told you about TAG a while back, how Mansour Ojjeh sold
out of his city block in Paris.

You give me your money now, right, if you don't think so. And then come back inside of one month, and then tell me again then. See I know something's coming down the pipeline that not even the 'Jesus Is Returning' people all have any clue about.

I mean, guys, what even is an angel that you don't see? We already have such manifest technology! Do need no weird winged folk from Above and Beyond.