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Friday 1 March 2019

Must Assign A 'Code Word' To This Article

This is back to another one of these 'the world is not what it seems, is it, Gunny' (Levon Helm to Mark Wahlberg, in the movie 'The Shooter') articles.

So here's some nice pics of some fellas all dressed up. One of them doesn't look like this pic here anymore - he is still vaguely recognizable, and I'm not referring to bomb damage and bruises, I'm talking about the fact that these days he sports a shaven head and tats and gold rings and stuff.
Head of 'the Comancheros Gang' worldwide

Now, the actual point I'll try to be driving towards is to do with some of the nightlife and entertainment facilities and even major studio films and records that are funded, owned, and made by these people.

One of our associate contributors to this Weblog (OldMoneySF), was talking about a famous US music producer known as DJ Khaled, and how he spends so much money buying mansions in the Hollywood Hills area, and Bugattis and Rolls Royces and other 'high end' goods. But at the same time, you wouldn't think he was that famous on account of his body of musical work which is not so vast nor does it consist of well-known big hits. He is definitely 'known' to an extent...

DJ Khaled is situated in Florida but has personal residences also in Dubai in the Middle East.

Now here's a wondrous thing if you think about it - governments continually use this word 'organized crime' and they spend absolutely atrocious amounts of money 'fighting organized crime' and they have data and information and files and oh god, everything you could imagine.

Now the pics I showed you are of close personal friends of mine who I don't associate with but who would absolutely count me - if asked properly - as a 'close personal friend' of theirs as well.
Hasan Topal - Head of the Comancheros Bikie Gang in
the whole Southern Hemisphere

No one from any government agency anywhere in the world - and bearing in mind I worked for some of these over many years, has ever asked me anything about these people or any other related matter. My main (now, of course ex-) boss in my government life - whose father happened to have served as the head of the chief Intelligence agency or in fact 'Service' of that country for many years, mentioned the names of the main individual in connection with our work and I said 'yeah I know him really well and he knows me well enough;' and my comments were completely disregarded as though they had never been spoken and I never pushed the subject because it didn't have anything to do with the projects we were working on.

If go look through the internet, you will see that these individuals are connected to so-called 'Russians' (could mean anything but does mean hoods, crime-bosses, gangsters, that kind of thing). And once again, no one at any time ever from any government agency - even those who I was engaging with on somewhat related matters, ever wanted to pursue any lines of information to do with this particular line. 

Now, the single biggest 'news story' that will not turn up in the 'news' in the US right now, is the Magnitsky Act promoter, Bill Browder, and his connection to Soros, and Genie Energy and Michael Cohen, and political figures and people in the FBI - a whole array of people, who basically want to further the narrative that Trump was 'colluding with Russia.'
There's young Hasan, again - it's all very exciting, isn't it

Funny too, because IF any of these people get 'hit' by a contract team, it will likely be from something put together, organised, arranged, provided, by those people in the pics above. And I don't believe I'm going to be 'deleting' or 'taking down' this post either. 

Stuff it, frankly. 

See the real problem is this - when the 'Russia narrative' media pushers say 'social network promoting of fake news' (in this context, they mean to say that fake news about Hillary Clinton was leaked via Wikileaks and 'the Russians' to vast social networks run by 'the Russians' and that interfered with the election that way...) they mean the same 'network' via which DJ Khaled sells used cars said to be 'new' he acquires from the Middle East, as well as records and films, and any other thing. 
And there's Jay's Mercedes, blown to bits a day ago, from which he
escaped, largely without severe injury...

So when you see a shooting from a rooftop in Las Vegas, or a shooting in a nightclub in Florida, or anywhere, what you need to think about, is the possibility that these have happened inside that network - there is a chain of such places all owned and run essentially by the same 'people' which is a much higher level group than the front end figures whose pics we are seeing here...
And here's the Spearmint Rhino Nightclub...
'Spearmint Rhino' is a global nightclub chain

Somebody gave the nightclub the liquor and public venue licence and that would be the government. Somebody gave the licence to import 'new' cars and that would be the government. Somebody gave the licence to sell tobacco and that would be the government.

Now who is this 'government' who runs the Comancheros Bikie Gang or the Hell's Angels or and I don't want to add things you wouldn't believe even now.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Enemies of You and Me

Yes I understand there are people with very strong views on some of the 'news items' hitting the headlines these days.

But I'm assuming there are at least a few people who read here who realize that there is way too much contradictory logic associated with many of these items for them to ever be true even in the slightest or be accurate reflections of real and actual events as they really and actually ever occurred! 

I'll mention one blinder that has been repeated very liberally across numerous media platforms and branded outlets, and it is this one: 'cases are continued in courts when the main witnesses are long dead, just look at murders; murderers are still prosecuted long after their victims are dead...'
A 'Yellow Jacket?' LOL

Sort of true enough, murderers ARE still prosecuted and the hearings continued long after their victims are dead, but that is because the crime IS the death; namely - a murder. What if the 'murdered victim' were still alive? They have to be dead, that is the whole point of that crime! D'you see what I mean?

But this stuff simply doesn't matter in today's media - they will say anything and they are forcing people into beliefs and assumptions which simply are not available from any of the facts present. Things we have inherited as advanced civilized societies from institutions of law like the code of evidences of Justinian, and the maxims of Cicero have been cast aside by the part-time stringer from the Sydney Morning Herald whose name not even you can remember off the top of your head and whose name doesn't even always appear in the newspaper column byline.

So if you want to abandon thousands of years of juridical procedures this easily because you have been inflamed, for example, by the obvious abhorrence of the nature of certain accusations made by absolutely nameless and faceless forces acting in concert - go for it. Hot political causes are hot because they are bullshit designed to have you worked up so that you will go the way they want to lead you...

And they are specifically designed to attract special interest groups who are vulnerable to being 'un-enfranchised' let's say. 

You can imagine of course the other recent 'hot news story' about Trump's lawyer Cohen, whose evidence exclusively consists of his relating third party hearsay... Now what if he died? There would not be the opportunity for him to recant under cross-examination, and admit that he was lying all along. And yet one could imagine his death almost being evidence to today's media that his stories could not now be disavowed by him and therefore we must assume they cannot be proven fully untrue either... No worries there. You know what they will 'run' with.

You know, here's the other thing about this specific case - Michael Cohen says he does not have direct evidence that Donald Trump ever colluded with 'the Russians.' Oh, does he not? Well I'll tell you right now he's utterly lying about that - there absolutely is direct evidence and he must know it, because he was right slap bang in the middle of those New York social circles which included Trump and half a dozen Russian government operatives. So why is he saying he doesn't have evidence? What, was he so oblivious of those around him? What is he, a fucking moron??!

These things - what makes it as the leading news items - are all planned and 'placed.'

See, what the media does is quite sinister, and it's not actually 'word salad' although it often does sound like it. They successfully impute guilt via utter gibberish. Which is still a very clever thing if you think human beings are intelligent.

When underhanded people are successful at inventing 'truth' and making reality out of fiction and then forcing people into actions based on this kind of mischief, then society has become terminally damaged, out of control, unable to be repaired.

And it's very much more sophisticated than you know... Some of the supposed 'perpetrators' are in on the secrets, and you and I are not. Or at least not meant to be.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Bill's Crown Lagers

So a friend brings over this crate of beer, see. Well, he's actually family because of the same Scots Clan/Tribal thing-y.

Absolutely nothing is going on in the world anywhere.

Serhiy Leschenko, a Democrat Party operative and Soros-funded Ukrainian, was found guilty in December by no less than the Ukrainian Courts(!) would you believe, for violating US Law and interfering with the US Election by faking information about Paul Manafort and the so-called 'Russia Collusion' business and conspiring with biased officials in the US Government to promote such allegations and investigations. Media: crickets. The appeals time has lapsed and so the guilty verdict will stand. 

Luxury Magazines for wealthy people: crickets.

Warren Buffett: crickets. Oh, to qualify this he actually said there were no deals left in the business world - ergo, crickets. 

Chirp chirp. Brrt Brrt.

Silence in the woods.

This is going on over here:

Carlton United Breweries all-Australian malt Crown Lager. The premium beer no one loves. Much...

Mmn, well that's what the local MSM has said about it - that it is a premium beer but that no one likes it or talks a lot about it. Idiots. That's probably because they're too busy drinking it and they don't want to drive the price up by loudly proclaiming to the rest of the world what this thing is all about.

And here is what I made to eat to go with it - the world famous Cajun Butter Steak Bites...

Yeah. Not much going on in the world. LOL

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Pure Luxury Music

So I was telling you about the Sydney Symphony's exposition of the complete Beethoven's 9th, if you recall.

But music is a lot of things; it's drama and dramatic portrayal, expression of various things - emotions, the 'spirit of machines,' in the case of the later Nineteenth century English industrial-age composers, the 'feel' of dark cities and factories, and the working-class perspective... And over the seas in New Orleans there was some kind of post-French Bohemian color and glitter mixed in with the Mississippi mud...
She's married to the guy whose musical performance
we are about to hear/watch. She comes from near where I live and
we've seen her once or twice at photo shoots at the beach here for
Scoop Magazine, a local top quality mag part-owned by a young Ukrainian
who is currently being held without charge pending likely extradition to NYC to
face some kind of internet manipulation charges...

Recently, I encountered a couple of examples of modern musical art, both of which were re-workings of very old themes and styles - but both possessed just the right amount of their own individuality and innovation to mark them out. I will post a specific reference to just one of them at the moment, but this stands as one of those rare cases, where the performing musician manages to deliver the meaning within the character of the song, of the music, itself - and then the whole thing becomes quite a visceral work of art.

To explain further, the only, and I do mean only time I have ever heard someone play Paganini's most famous '4th violin concerto' with the adagio ending by Albinoni where it actually made any kind of musical sense - and Malmsteen enables it to make perfect sense - was in an early heavily-amp'd rock version on his (Yngvie Malmsteen's) electric guitar. Virtually all other players - either who try it on violin, or on guitar - turn the thing into note salad leaving the decisive 4th downbeat whole entire point of the thing somewhere 'on the table' so to speak, when the cards have all been played and the lights go out.

So now today we go to this guy - a relatively new name on the global music scene - Gary Clark Jr - and his performance of what is effectively a modification of a Blues' standard about trains and train lines: this is the age of steam, of rail, of iron and steel, and not so much of the 'angels (or 'engines') of gold' that Howling Wolf sang about at the Royal Albert Hall in the UK.

The real music starts about 1:10 in

Monday 18 February 2019

Tommy Robinson Ice-Picks The BBC

The independent journalist Tommy Robinson and well-known anti-UK Jihadi activist (many run-ins with Andy Chaudary! LOL) just published a video of himself confronting the BBC producer John Sweeney about a covert filming of Sweeney being extremely obnoxious and arrogant about the British working class, and getting violently drunk at the British taxpayer's expense. And after a few days of going completely paralyzed like a deer caught in the headlights, the BBC has 'launched an investigation into Sweeney's behavior.'

Now, this whole thing might not be able to be kept forever off the mainstream media, but even so, there are some things you should know about John Sweeney that they NEVER will tell you. Sweeney was a close friend and colleague of Jamal Khashoggi... That will likely NEVER be related in the mainstream public media sphere.

But what most certainly will in due course, be revealed, is that Sweeney is in fact, the main person responsible for the heavy promotion of the Steele 'dodgy dossier' into all of this false nonsense about Donald Trump being some kind of Russian puppet.

And now you can see why the government of the United Kingdom, including some judges and magistrates and police there, all conspired so vigorously to try and suppress Mr Tommy Robinson - they all claimed it was because of his 'hate speech' against Muslims and migrants.

In fact Robinson, whilst indeed being a vociferous critic of many Muslims, has as many personal friends who are Muslim!! And this is not to say he is not anti-Islam, because I think he is.

No. Tommy Robinson's big 'crime' was that he was the investigative reporter who exposed the underage sex ring that involved various members of Parliament over many decades and many senior police as well. And his second big crime is that he is without doubt an agent of those who are setting about to take apart the media networks who are, or at least were, in place to promote via the mainstream media, the 'Deep State' and globalist agenda that we have all become quite familiar with in recent years.

You can see that the 'big fight' is now on for young and old, as they say!