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Tuesday 5 September 2017

No 'Rational Investor' In Existence

There is this idea in economics, about markets moving along various force lines - the equilibrium of Supply and Demand, and the so-called 'rational behavior' or rational choice scenario. The idea for 'rational economic agent' comes from William Stanley Jevons around 1859.

Rational behavior in a wide human social sense, rational choosing, large groups of rational people. These things simply do not exist in reality.

Which of course does not restrain economists from modelling using these concepts.

Moreover, these fundamental ideas have all been subjected to a lot of alteration over time as new factors came to be considered: 'Demand' once simply meant people's propensity to need something, or want something, and this later on became strictly dependent on how much money they had at their disposal; 'Demand' thence, came to be just the level of money available, whether debt or pure free cash.

We all know the insidious characteristic of this new version of a definition of economic Demand - namely, that it has become normal for governments to function as the enablers of debt, debt now having become officially equated with Demand because it implies 'money' in this new definition.

Human economic systems and their understanding may not be divorced from the psychology of human behavior.

And we need to be particular that we are speaking of obtaining human behavior and not of human behavior as it ideally might be.

Yes humans might be rational, but they are not. We can see people attempting to explain that nevertheless the causes and reasons why someone does a thing is rooted in their own perception about that thing - yet I disagree. Recently, there have been news stories about some celebrities who spent atrociously large sums of money on cocaine - in one case 30 million dollars over just six months. And so we are told this is because of addiction. And so addiction becomes the reason, and thus, 'a' rational cause. 

But when we listen to what the person involved actually says, we find another thing: we see them say they no longer knew why they were doing what they were doing because cocaine posed no chemical attraction to them as it had earlier on. And I accept this. It is possible, in fact it is usual, for people to have no connection whatsoever in their minds between what they might find themselves doing, and any specific logical or rational reasons for doing it - these are automatic behaviors that they engage in.

"Life's Rich Tapestry"

One has to be very careful, as a thinking person, about words that become commonplace - and not assume we always know exactly their meaning as intended by those using them on us.

We are vended beliefs about words. And then all too readily adopt those vended meanings and base the actions of our lives upon such false meanings - with predictable results.

'Money' is conditional to how it is gained. 'Wealth' is conditional upon who else says it has been attained. 'Luxury' is marketed luxury. And marketing is successful or not, depending upon which celebrity with how large of a bank account, is addicted today, to whatever was being marketed a moment before... And then all the rest of the public follows along behind these examples of leadership and wealth truth.

You can't expect to 'see' ahead which companies' stocks will rise in the market, based on concepts about rational behavior that simply do not reflect what people do and especially, how they think, or that they think at all.

We are not all the same, who occupy this Earth, and who appear as intelligent living beings here.

And soon, we shall moving away in these posts and articles, from what will be considered standard discussion, to what I regard as having supreme importance and significance - and we shall see how this differs from what you are generally told about such things...

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Synth and Digital Drums Et Cetera?

Yep, MTV had a bunch of too-loud, boring drumbeats, people feigning some kind of irony over the Presidential election, not very good dancing, and banal songs and music.

There's repetitive and then there's repetition in line with a certain feeling and mood...

I'm pretty much the very last person who would just blanket criticize electronic music and heavy percussion and repetition, though: when it's done correctly it's 'raindrops on the rooftops of poets...'

Very repetitive. 

It's like a pattern.

It's like a pattern which establishes the mindset behind the first impression. 

Monday 28 August 2017

'O' Series Beta - Something For The Future

So we're just going to post a link here to an Altcoin issue.

And this link is just to trial and test the on-line infrastructure. 

It's not for you to make a million dollars on in half an hour just by drinking coffee! However it is a PDF (small 7-page file) which you can download and see how the Altcoin here works:

So the basic system is that anyone can buy Gold or Silver and have it and store it themselves, and then they will earn amounts of crypto currency to donate to their favorite media provider or YouTube content makers or providers.

Or, they can just donate via the Altcoin to the media content provider they want to support (Alex Jones, Lee Stranahan, Watson, Lisa Haven...)

They can buy the PM's through us, or they can buy scrap or bullion bars or coins or properly gold-marked, silver-marked gold and silver independently themselves, photograph it digitally, forward two pics and specifications to us, and then sign up to an Agreement to do that old Douglas Casey 'rotational trading thing' and immediately start to accrue our digital currency and then withdraw it upon forwarding the profits from any rotational trading they do. 

The Tide That Lifts All Boats

There was this guy called Edward Bernays once, you know. The US Government hired him to manufacture consent and to manipulate the collective mind of the public. And he was very good at it.

Not that his task was all that difficult. The public has an existing predisposition to hearing lies, gravitating towards lies, accepting lies, and being party to the tacit social and political support of a lying society.

And that's not us here - it's not you.

My task - if I had one - would be much more difficult. In fact it would be impossible. 
Russian-designed buildings, in a Russian city

And I am not some prophetic sci-fi writer like Philip K. Dick who can or who has had some 'vision' about the future that would excite your interest, show a dramatic and awesome pictorial of the world that advancing technology and the power and science of Man will build.

No, I'm the guy who knows where the money was hid.

And in the words of one Michael Caine: 'not many peeple noh dat.'

Not many people care to know because in the first place they don't believe it. I can only explain what I know, without an expectation of being believed or even understood. And that's because I am systematically trying to prevent the wrong people from getting to the money. The kind of money I want to discuss is not of interest to most people...

A friend of my grandfather's, one time, made a gold bullet in the back of my grandfather's hotel in the city here, and the two of them went out to Kalgoorlie and someone shot the bullet into a rock. 

Anyway, the same guy, owned this building here for years and years and years until he passed away, and the building itself was made from red-colored brick that had been made in an open furnace in Kalgoorlie and carted all the way back to the city.

And he was a very rich man the whole of his life.

It happened to be that the mine actually did have gold in it all along, but the stock market never cared until they 'discovered' the gold seam that ran through this rock, see.

Same way, today, basically no ones cares that there is money here or there - someone literally has to tell them so. Someone they and they alone approve of as having any authority in the matter. Which is often a very sickly laughable thing.

There are those too, who, believing that a very large number of people are credulous along certain observable lines or tendencies, try to play upon those tendencies in order to exploit people and gain money by that means. And this is of course, a criminal mentality. It isn't because people are ignorant you need to prey upon them. (And I am not referring to anyone who reads here - that is most unlikely indeed). Certainly one doesn't need to prey upon them at all! 
Another great design from Lamborghini

If someone succeeds in gaining some appearance of affluence because of such criminal kinds of 'mindset,' it has no longevity. It's almost like such people are planting the seeds of their own destruction with every photograph of themselves, looking out at the IPO world (EG, and LOL), from their fake 'business desks,' with their best downward pointing goatees... And their apparent self-confident smirks. This is all an expression of involvement with SELF. It's not any kind of attempt at communicating who the person is or what they really are doing. 

Longevity only comes from comprehending what reality itself is actually 'speaking' as it were, at any given moment of the long saga of human history.

Reality has a separate and a conscious intelligent existence that few ever are allowed to come in contact with. Philip K. Dick did. Maybe Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Certainly HP Lovecraft.

Now there's not too many people alive in the whole world who would have the faintest clue about what I just said. 

But the tide that lifts all boats is not going to lift mine and maybe not yours, either.

My boat don't lift unless I release the compressed gas valve. Doesn't matter what the pressure goes to on the outside, I have more gas under compression than would seem feasible. 

As for others, you bend their air-pipe and they choke. In other words, people can assume they have access to information because they surreptitiously 'watch' you, me, and other clever people. But the reason such are clever is because they are good at misleading the BAD.

I am not an affluent person. The money of the world does not flow to me like some flood waters bringing in other people's goods.

I will never be an affluent person. And I certainly did not win any lottery this week. 'Affluence' is one of the worst, most low class words to apply to anyone. People who come here to read with a view to benefit honestly, are looking for a different quality of money.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

The Fatal Flaw Of Modern Real Estate and Mining

Stranahan has now exposed Franklin Foers of The Atlantic as a liar and a front for the Soros Organisation. Ah well, YouTube is not going to re-instate him any time soon, then. But he's all over the place elsewhere so it doesn't really matter. Lee Stranahan is probably the USA's best active investigative journalist apart from Sy Hersh right now.

It isn't really that the world has gone mad, it's that the internet has exposed the real criminal fraudsters in ways that government and police have never previously been able to do - and that's possibly because, when you look at things objectively, it's difficult to come to any conclusion other than that there has been criminal corruption and bribery take place even in those apparently austere, honest, upright places, where everyone there was above suspicion... LOL

So now if you take the same yardstick and examine investment companies and projects and 'opportunities,' you'd have to think that it's possible that criminal fraud is actually just a systematic mainstay of normal government and business, and has been for a large number of years! And yep, you'd be right.

Unfortunately, the way propaganda operates on the simple minds of the ordinary public means that people love property and real estate, and they think mining is this huge great industry where vast sums of money are ladled out for big industrial plant and equipment, and exploration, and technology and container ships, and labor and everything. And so if someone shows you some pretty pictures of ships, mining equipment, and lots of land and themselves at an office desk and sticks a 'Doctor' in front of their name, this means that there's a lot of money involved and everything is kosher and everything will be all right... 

It's probably a scam. No, wait. It is certainly a scam.

You see the difference between that rubbish and the real thing is Rex Tillerson is an Eagle Scout. A whole bunch of families and kids who go away on weekends together know him - like, they actually literally do know him more or less on a personal basis.

He doesn't have to say 'Doctor' Rex Tillerson to gain respect.

You want to be very careful right now of all the kinds of 'olden days' investment plans and schemes and especially, 'hard bricks and mortar' or 'rock solid investments' or even 'real estate.' 

We are living in a world of Doomsday Preppers, and self-reliant outdoors-men and women, WiFi communications, digital transactions, data streaming, Netflix - all of that kind of thing. 

Today's real estate has no basis of reality in the levels economic flows of money inside the domestic economy, and they are being held up in capital prices by a completely fraudulent banking system with no underlying hard money reserves and insufficient retail trade in cities and towns to justify the kinds of valuations that are being asserted and promoted. And mining is dominated by a small handful of global corporations holding way too much debt in a climate that has deflationary tendencies across the board.

Thousands of people are getting caught everyday in real estate scams and frauds and all these olden days 'IPO' style fund raising documents or websites. It's all rubbish and a total fraudulent carry on designed to thieve money from the naiive. But people do cling onto silly ideas - and that goes for the victims as well as for the crooks. They both are locked into ways of thinking that disallow them from seeing the bleeding obvious, or admitting they are tactically and strategically wrong.