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Thursday 21 April 2016

Apres La Guerre

Here's the picture:

The Brussels Bombing was a horrible hoax - horrible in that it was pretty badly done. Sandy Hook? Doesn't look good either. 9/11...? 

There are millions of people, most of them Muslims, invading Europe with the Europeans paying significant sums of money to a criminal dictator in Turkey to, um, do something, not really sure what - but it has something to do with the refugee horse after said horse's stable door is bolted. 

And thus, with the insouciant schizophrenia of a, a, a, well a good Muslim, for one thing, let's take a look at the wondrous sights and things that are European.
Indigo 'festive tea' at the Aldwych 5-star London Hotel -
The Axis

Here is a 'festive afternoon tea' at the Indigo Restaurant at the One Aldwych Hotel in London. This affair was such a hit over Christmas that they kept the style for the rest of the year.

On this lay-out, you can see Persian pashmak fairy floss sticks - another typical Orientalist exercise of the foggy isles. 

And in this stunning modern automotive, the colour of the interior leather, is Xanadu Tangerine, a special version of the 'standard' Mandarin colour scheme which goes with the deep naval blue exterior paintwork and its red pin-striping.
The new Rolls Dawn - an Illuminati 'must have'

You see when you have a lot of money - a real lot of money - and I would like to say, like I do; but of course cannot, materialism is such a yawn. You go out to eat, or you stay in, you get ready to go out, or you dress to go down to table, you buy everything until there is no more to buy. And eventually you are forced to arrive at ideology.

Islam is one of the most materialistic ideologies around; I'll not say religions, it isn't one. Mohammad certainly will not be driving around in a Rolls Royce in Jannah (heaven) - there's too much pig-skin in it, in spite of the Swedish calf leather of the seats. And it is an idolatrous thing - the idol on the hood, the fact that it has no compare and nothing exceeds it anywhere in the Universe... Allah would be forced to take on a partner if he ever wanted to claim the Rolls Royce as 'his creation' or just partly his creation.

Yes, old 'holy prophet' does not get one of these. 

And nor does he get the Persian fairly floss either - it is, after all, a product of the fairies. Oh but wait, not unless he decides to invoke his principal of abrogation... Wha-! LOL. Yup, whatever he says goes. Allah doesn't mind. It's just got to go when Muhammad says, that's all.

In the midst of modern insanity I walk. Here I am, observing the walls come tumbling down.

When you cannot put your god on display, but you can stick a gun or a sword at the head or neck of another person, you can get to name an ideology after your own insane whims.

I could, in theory, put my god on display... People wouldn't believe it though. Wham! Incoming... right about... now.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Max Schreck

One of the most fascinating movies that you can watch -  watch again, I suppose - after many years, is Batman Returns. You know, the one that Tim Burton produced (or I think co-produced) starring the vastly underrated Michael Keaton, and the amazing Michelle Pfeiffer, and of course De Vito and Christopher Walken.
'Max Schreck' in Batman Returns, with
his Illuminati 'Eye' hat!

Walken plays 'Max Schreck' the (evil) power behind the Mayor of Gotham.

The name 'Max Schreck' as you know was the name of the actor who played the famous original 'Nosferatu' (blood-sucking vampire) role of the black & white movie days.

It's instructive to watch the masked ball scene video clip from the movie and listen to what Walken's character says, and then note just how similar the scene is to Kubick's EWS.

Batman Returns is quite an old movie now and you have to wonder what all this 'Illuminati' stuff is really all about when you can trace its precision and intentional use way back as far as at least Batman Returns. Expert conspiracy theorists I'm sure will be able to tell us to goes back in movies even further.

I dunno. What's this stuff really all about? I think it's more than just a 'trope' - more to it than meets the eye, so to speak! LOL. ...Have a look at this, it's only 3.54 mins. long:

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Mossack Fonseca

What do I know about them? Absolutely nothing.
This is Wymara Resort Hotel in Turks and Caicos -
a much better place to look into...

At the same time of course, a number of times I have mentioned here that whenever I do an article on money laundering and tax dodging the numbers of 'views' skyrockets. What I generally say in these articles is that this line of business is strictly for experts, and that those experts are individuals and very few and far between. I mention that you cannot, simply CANNOT under any circumstances, rely on banks and chartered accountants (top tier accountants) to give you advice or services related to these things even when they claim to be able to do so.
Some sort of cornered rat story he tells,

HSBC - the bank principally whose clients appear to have been caught up in the Mossfon smear campaign - literally had their own staff appear as guests on Bloomberg to give expert commentary on what has happened! And as though butter wouldn't melt, of course - they did. This is the kind of absurdity of it all. 'Chinese walls' and so on... We're not to blame. We check extensively. Blah blah blah.

Who cares?

No one has ever contacted me personally as the result of any article I ever posted underscoring the problems with people like HSBC and Mossfon and every single top tier accountancy firm in the world. And that's because of course, I have no profile as they do... You can trust them, uhuh.

You cannot trust someone with no profile in tax dodging and money laundering. LOL.

Who cares.

They are all caring now they have been caught red-handed. Those that have been.

But this is all a nuclear option preemptive first strike by Gary Kasparov advising the CIA and NSA and so on. They worry that Moscow is/was about to release a few ugly truths about Cameron and Obama's handlers and Clinton et al. Especially Erdogan's relationship with the White House bankers Goldman Sachs.

Who knows? I don't. And I don't really care. How many times have you seen me already say this over the last oh, um, at least a year now.
He's not a chess player

I'll say this though - Putin is not a chess player. He can play, he knows how to play, but he just doesn't really do that. He doesn't like the game. Kasparov likes the game. Mossack Fonseca like the game, the White House loves the game, the CIA say they like the game. MI6 likes the game. 

And very unfortunately, Al Baghdadi likes the game although technically, I'm not certain if Salafiyyah are meant to like it or play it, but he's playing it and the geniuses in the CIA have missed all the moves and are already 'in check.' Whether they like it or not.

The Terrorist Arabic mentality loves chess because it involves hizbiyyah - plotting and deceit. Saying one thing openly, and meaning another thing secretively.
Blackbeard - understood the principle of tax dodging,
and money laundering

All modern muslims are hizbis. 

There are plenty of Middle East tax-dodgers who have financial structures run from the Caribbean or the West Indies. Some places are more ethical than others - and by a long way too. If you want to do this kind of thing, at least go to one of the resort hotels in say, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and spend some time talking to a few locals. Who knows, you could stumble across Blackbeard. Or his treasure.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Why Horses?

This horse I've been telling you about for years - Chautauqua - just won Sydney's TJ Smith Stakes ($2.5 million) on Saturday for the second year running. But how it won is more impressive than that it won.
Chautauqua - Best Australasian sprinter for many years.
And you read it here first...

It paid odds of almost four-to-one and you could have easily gotten that 4:1 'on-course' too. Which is another lesson to learn - good horses win good races at good prices, and they do it often.

Chautauqua was last on the turn on a rain-soaked heavy track in a field of the best-performed sprinters in Australasia going around at the moment. And it won going away by one-and-a-half-lengths. And that was the fastest sectional I have ever seen any horse carry out since the great Raffindale.

Horse racing is not about gambling... It's a sort of a 'streaming narrative' of life and especially about the lives of people with money.

For example, intelligent owners who give their horse clever names are possibly an indication that they are clever enough to pick out the genuine potential from the young untried horses in the sales yard.

...And there are a lot of other 'indicators' that obtain in the world of horse racing. 

Horse racing is about categorical winning or losing. It's not conjectural. 

Mind you, the owners could have a dozen heart-attacks while the horse is making the last hundred meters!
John and Theo Poulakis - owners of Harrold's
Menswear; best tailoring outlet in Australasia.
Parker's of Perth are a related company and as good.

The big-money drama being played out twists the key decisively until things are so wound up, the sheer tension is palpable on-course. 

And then 'Bam!' That's the what the actual race-caller blurted out on the day in his calling of the race. ...In literally the last fifty metres (2/3 seconds of the race): 'Chautauqua - Bam!'

Thursday 31 March 2016

Make Sure You 'Drift' Slightly To The Side...

You know, sometimes in life, there are guys like me turn up - for reasons you will only ever 'get' a lot later on.

So right now you will see me drifting, drifting, drifting, ever so slowly... ...away, from 'the action.'

It isn't 'action' that you are looking at; it is danger.

Extreme danger.
Half Moon Street - movie scene from

I would say, excessively extreme danger.

We're not talking about Trump here! We are talking about you making your way out of trouble - especially, financial trouble.

Sometimes you have to know to walk away from the crowd. Or the crowds.

You have to know that their thinking is along the wrong lines. And that it is a waste of your own time wondering or worrying about the things that occupy their minds.

You see people hold onto things, and sometimes those things are the bad things - things that are bad for them. But they hold onto them; cling onto them. It's all they have. Without those - even bad - things, they are lost.

What is the public holding onto today? It's holding onto war and conflict and obeying authorities, and misery - it's a kind of Jewish thing. According to the Gmara (oral Talmud), Jews will not have total joy, until the Messiah is here. Logically, the Messiah is definitely not here for Jews because you almost never see any of them in total joy. Sure you can see frenzy and excitement - but that is not joy. Even when they are being funny, there is an undercurrent of sardonic humour, or sarcastic humour, and not joyful, totally joyful humour. Which is not to say they are unintelligent and can't see the idea - more that um, maybe they are clinging onto something ingrained within their culture and social personality.

And so I must more clearly define something I said in the last missive: 'even idiot Muslims must know that the stuff they believe is crazy that is from 'god' (meaning - what they say is from 'god' is just crazy stuff.) But actually I did mean to put it the way that I had... 

You see I'm going to tell you something important. There is 'God.' There are 'gods.' You can't generally see them or become aware of them because 'we' humans all live within a fairly restricted, constrained kind of reality in which we are perfectly convinced that we can know, scientifically know, truth and reality and ALL of the facts and details. But that is plainly ridiculous when you consider the proposition for a short while: humans do not possess the biological instrumentation in any overt sense, or in any sense really, that is in keeping with the range of forces that exist in the Universe, quantum forces being the present era obvious ones. And nor do we possess visceral comprehension of the time scales involved in the material Universe. We see bits of things; we can't comprehend the whole thing in its actual real context.

I pointed to the appearance of this problem-resolving demi-god female 'Superhero' in Batman v. Superman - Wonderwoman - as Hollywood channelling something. According to the ancient Sanksrit Vedas, passionate, sexual, motivation, is the most powerful of animated Cosmic forces - and therefore what I am saying is that here is where, perhaps the only 'where' that you will ever encounter a 'god' in a human context for real. It's the only human framework on which 'god' will allow itself to become dense enough to be perceivable. Perceivable. Which is not the same as being perceived, you appreciate.

And that's what's going to happen in the World. If you go by what I say Hollywood is channelling.

So you see this is far far away from the consuming focuses of the modern news-aware mind. And yet, it's not so far way either if you consider that a Playboy-style centrefold is potentially about to become The First Lady.

Have you seen the new 2016 1/77 Trans Am?
It's not this one, but it looks fun all the same.

I'm a funny guy ain't I? I'll take you for a long walk around just to get back to a simple point.

Do you like nostalgia? I like nostalgia. I'm very nostalgic. I remember watching all those Burt Reynolds movies way back - the Smokey The Bandit ones. I used to nip out of the Exchange and go see whatever one was on - never remember to this day too much about any of them: Trans Am car, girl/girls, car chases. No idea about anything else really. Can't recall. But I do recall they gave me a good feeling. And they still give me a good feeling just trying to recall them.

Now how the hell does this equate with the US at permanent war in the ME, or ISIL cutting people's throats, or the insane dogma of antiquated fake religions, or the lying twisted media?

It's a long throw to connect the different poles.

And so I'm not interested in the news. I'm not really interested in NATO. I'm certainly not interested in terrorists although it is a personal concern that I can't go see the Pyramids this week, or that I'd be drinking a lot of Vodka at the International Airports watching to see if anyone with a stupid beard keeps orienting themselves to Mecca.

Will America be great again? It may be fun again.

It can be. This is where the Messiah comes in. And it all begins with an attitude of mind and starts inside of you. Ain't no Messiah without your own sense of possibility and hope and leaving off of the permanent skepticism and default weirdo whining and negativity and misery about everything.

This is the best of all possible worlds.

Just drift away from what most people are doing and thinking, and you will see.