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Thursday 2 July 2015

Follow The Money

Okay this is another one of these posts that has to be rather obtuse.

What I simply want to do is point out one of the handful of billionaires in the world today, who are part of a pretty select group of people. These are the minds who were able to make, quite literally, hundred of billions, and over all, trillions, of dollars from around 1997/8 through till about 2008, when Lehman Bros., collapsed.
Kind of like a real life Gordon Gekko,
this is the billionaire Noam Gottesman

Bearing in mind that even from as early as just after the '89 Stock Market Crash (which was a real one), many markets had closed and never re-opened. Many types of financial market closed. People now tend to forget also, the so-called, at the time, 'Big Bang' in Europe, during which national Exchanges gave up their sovereign rights of management and issuance of capital through equities listings, to a Brussels and Frankfurt central committee. You would have been hard pressed to find an authorized market 'hedge' against an as-yet non-existent capital market and currency. In other words, Soros held what, exactly, versus the GBP? Not gold certainly. There has never been a published report anywhere suggesting which investors he bet against, which funds lost to him, and in which brokerages any trades were done. Surely such a brokerage would have reaped some fees. He wasn't a floor member of the LSE. How did it all happen? Presuming it happened at all.
But one of the striking things about the people who made billions around this time, is that they are all generally referred to in the media as 'hedge fund' managers or proprietors. The plain fact is, when you look at any of the data and available information about what positions they ever held, or what investing strategies they had, none of them hedged anything. The actual real hedges for their locations did not even exist in the first place at that time. I know. There were silent capital controls all across the world, even in the United States via massive and complex documentary requirements, that prevented any kind of rapid transmission either of investment position or cash and liquidities. 

What was really being talked about, when it comes to the 'successful' funds, was that on the surface, all of them were able to have massive leverage from some source no one ever talks about. And by that I mean that no actual leverage was ever reflected in audited statements - what happened was financial paper, usually contractual, was held over some 'asset' and this contract became the financialized item, and the mechanism through which a value was assigned to something on a balance sheet, most of which balance sheets were actually completed and signed off well after proforma accounts were reported and which were permitted to serve as the accounts for a very long time until some future event turned the 'asset' into a realized financial position.

In the case of Lehman Bros., or for instance, the insurance contract on the World Trade Center, only after a formal bankruptcy of Lehman's, did someone walk away with a set of clients who originated from Lehman - and then absorb at no cost, that client list into their 'fund' - and after the insurance court case many years later, did a multi-billion dollar financial asset turn up on the books of someone with no other asset or means and reason of business.

So it is not correct to call any of these groups and people hedge funds or hedge fund managers. They did not hedge any base capital against some adverse movements of a market or market condition, and in most cases they never had any capital at all of their own to hedge in the first place nor any client' capital either.

No, they merely walked away with the furniture after the bomb hit.

Well, no. Actually, they started walking away well before the bomb hit. 

Now I'm going to enter upon very problematic territory here, because what I am about to say, were it generally to be seen by the ordinary media and the large spectrum of public commentators - and that includes anyone too now who can post onto a YouTube response section - would be seized upon with a force.

For reasons that are unknown to me at this present moment, this body of genius hedge fund manager has been directly financially involved in sponsoring the recent 'gay equality' rights process which unfolded in the United States, though not all of the people are themselves gay, but I would say, easily ninety per cent of them are by self-claim.

I cannot ever divorce (lol) the motivation of money with these people, from anything they do as a group, and not only that, it is usually massive amounts of money that will end up being talked about.
Some great aesthetics here, but I know
some gay males who disagree;
except not Bruce Jenner

I do not know Jan Wenn the owner of Rolling Stone Magazine personally but I have a lot of time for his integrity when it comes to his public politics - I'm not so moved by some of the magazine's aesthetics from time to time, but then, that's not the point. For I do, on the other hand have a lot of time for the aesthetic capability of Roubi L'Roubi the owner of London's Huntsman of Savile Row, whose current marriage to Pierre Lagrange places him firmly within the circle I have been referring to in the paragraphs above.

And I am going to tell you this too: not everyone whose name contains a 'le' or 'la' in it, are actually using their birth names, which can tend to be markedly less exotic. 

Her husband Jay-Z is a good friend of
Noam Gottesman
So I cannot say I am speaking against gays, as such, I am indeed not. But I am suspicious we are actually talking about gays in the first place here... Regardless of what they self-state.

And I know few will agree with me on this.

Nope. Indeed few will agree with me, I'm sure. However I would suggest that you keep your eyes opened and your wits about you over the next twelve months or so. Especially if you turn up at the wrought iron gates of a massive house in up-State New York or Hampshire, England, and you have brought along with you, for some absurd or unexplainable reason, a rented tux and cape and a domino mask or a Venetian one. 

Saturday 27 June 2015

How Do 'They' Know And The NSA Doesn't

While there were a round of co-ordinated attacks by ISIS in several different countries, at the same time a group of ISIS operators in the Chechnya Republic were intercepted and killed as they were attempting to launch deadly attacks in Grozny.

Now how is it possible that Ramzan Kadyrov - Depardieu's best mate - can know about these things and the NSA and MI5 and Europol not know about similar attacks, especially since Europol is part of the 'eyes' system under the organisation and management of the NSA?

Of course, once again, it was just another coincidence that I happened to post a few things here a few days ago... Remember?

Elizabeth Hurley in Grozny
The French, who got a touch miffed by the Wikileaks release about the NSA bugging their most senior government officials, were really roughed about with the decapitation of a factory manager in Lyon by some ISIS swine who also torched the place.

Jesus the gall of the NSA. Ex-boss General Alexander has been hanging out at some French Chateaux - but god I'm not supposed to know that! 

I can't help but get the feeling now that ISIS... well, that it IS the NSA themselves. Pretty much. With the help of some Saudi money and input. Which makes for some strange bedfellows you would have to think.

You have to ask questions when the President of the United States is sitting there twiddling his thumbs and making out like he's MLK, and ISIS is charging around the place apparently completely unimpeded. 
Kadyrov - his horse ran third in a Melbourne Cup
A damned fine performance for an old horse
Pic is courtesy of ITAR TASS NEWS AGENCY
from their report of 27 June 2015

Except for as soon as they try something inside any Russian territory or allied State.

Just plain weird, given the amount of money and technology in the hands of the US Intelligence establishments.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Just Sayin'

Huff Po told us on 24 June that the 30th June is World Asteroid Day - a day designed for people and leaders of governments to think about 'Near Earth Objects' and to get organised to fund technology that can divert in-coming asteroids (from the huge cloud of them between Mars and Jupiter) some of which can turn towards the Earth and collide at great speed and with considerable mass.

NASA thinks nuking them might do the trick.

This is the Huffington Post pic of the 24th of this month

If Wikileaks ever spread around what exists about what is really being said inside of leading Intelligence Organisations around the world about this, Wikileaks would lose all credibility overnight.

Sometimes you have to lie to the public - to lie by omission - just so you can keep credible.

I have no such problem.
CGI from a music video by:
'London Elektricity.'

There IS a possibility of such an object coming in. Would it constitute a public nuisance if I started suggesting places not to go to in case of er, incoming objects?

I'll have to look into that and check. 

"Yes, accidents do happen. Planes hitting the twin towers was no accident but meteorites hitting the MI5 buildings in London would be."

That was from my blog of 16 June.

Just sayin'. You know.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Illuminations From The NSA

Accidents of course, do happen throughout history. The original insignia of the United Kingdom's MI5 contains a lot of similarities within its imagery to the whole modern Illuminati folkloric symbology.
The present logo is different

Everybody knows that the Illuminati was originally a Bavarian secret society. It doesn't help though that that original MI5 insignia is also similar to an insignia of a Nazi death squad within the Wehrmacht. Or that modern theorists link Heinz Kissinger with the beginnings of this theoretical and modern 'Illuminati' that runs everything by sinister means.

Even Fox's 'History Channel' insists on re-visiting the occult dimension of Nazism, and the influence on Nazism of mythologists and writers like Karl Wiligut and Edward Bulwer-Lytton - and thus there are still persisting hints today about modern 'Illuminism' and its transmission from the Nazi era via Kissinger.

Yes, accidents do happen. Planes hitting the twin towers was no accident but meteorites hitting the MI5 buildings in London would be.

Depardieu in Moscow is an accident and a co-incidence, and the direct targeting by the NSA of communications by French officials is co-incidence; the NSA bugs everyone - including all the Asians in this picture:

Everyone from the most junior clerk up in the Intelligence business knows that any information line goes both ways, upwards and downwards.

My own view is that certainly the Western Intelligence establishments have lost all control of the Snowden affair and they have gone well beyond running the risk of giving themselves away in very poor strategic ways.

The fact is, for sophisticate computer systems people, it is easy to know and to 'see' when a foreign government agency is 'watching' your electronic communications. And it is basic logic to realize that when they do it over something that is sensitive to them, then it is an admission of guilt, really.
Hurley in Grozny,
with Dip-a-de-do

I mean I've already said here that there was outside interference in the death of the Total Oil chief in Moscow. I don't know who would be sensitive over that except someone who hand their hand in it.

I've just chucked in the pic of Hurley because there's a Brit army name if there ever was one. Just co-incidence though. 

Monday 22 June 2015

Satanic Way To Billions

For me, one of the abiding beauties of the internet, is the demonstrating of precisely how ignorant, pretty much anyone claiming to be some kind of authority on many subjects - the arcane ones in particular - really are. 

Take the on-going internet frisson about the Luciferian symbology all around us, nowadays given urban myth nomenclature covered by the term 'Illuminati.'

As you must know, this is linked to symbols that include pyramids and seeing-eyes.
Tony Colman, the music producer, gives an interview
to a Latvian interviewer, about music being
maths. I do not have an English translation.

The meaning of the words 'Annuit Coeptis' is claimed to be from the Latin epic the Aeneid and has something to do with God giving consent in a nod, and this 'gesture' is hinted at in Kubrick's movie 'Eyes Wide Shut.' Everything on the dollar bill has two meanings though, and most of them are straight-out puns. Even commonly, people presume the words do mean 'Providence nods its assent' to your venture. These words however, have to do with how they are actually sounded out, by cognoscenti. I am not going to say explicitly here, what they mean.

Traditionally, people of external authority say that the pyramid and the see-eye is to do with the 'chief cornerstone,' which is a biblical reference, and is supposed to be accepted as having to do with Jesus (the chief cornerstone).

That is not the case, though, in reality. The actual and real biblical reference, is to do with an item that is 'rejected by the builders,' and is NOT the chief cornerstone at all, but - in Greek - something at an extreme distance which has a specific geometrical significance to Greek philosophers and mathematicians. The word is 'akrogoniayos,' and the entire sentence or phrase that is used says: a small piece, rejected by the builders, has become the thing upon which everything turns, and is at an extreme distance from the mentality and conceptions of Mankind. 

No Masons will ever comprehend what this means. Not Freemasons, not High Masons, not stonemasons. There is no point people pretending to some special arcane knowledge they really do not possess - whether they are in secret societies or not. Whether these societies are large and materially successful or not. People do it though, wherever they can get away with it. In humanity, material success almost seldom equates to what the higher intellect can attain to. And so it is not any contradiction that materially successful people are regularly unsound on many other fronts.

Again many people, down through the years, have taken the sound 'ayos' (in 'akrogoniayos') to imply that it is an eye that is being spoken about.

There is an eye in the highest ranks of Freemasonry; it is an eye associated with an Underworldly being, which, when it gives assent to someone's venture, that venture is sure to succeed and to make vast amounts of money. No one in the highest ranks of Masonry are unbelievers in something, because they are shown experiences that are not on the material plane of things.

But here is something no Mason knows about when it comes to the word 'akrogoniayos:' This is a very ancient word and it means - 'extreme point, turning and opening out.' In modern English we can say, the Apex, as in the very Apex, but much more accurately, the correct concept is 'axis point.'

Such a thing, is at an extreme distance to whatever the endeavours of mortal material Man can ambit. According to the New Testament of the Bible.