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Saturday, 7 December 2024

For Those Who Are 'Certain'

I mean for those people who, living in the usual world, and thinking the things they are told to think, and 'believing'  those things they are told are true and real, are sure of themselves...

Once upon a time, there was this rock that fell from the skies to the Earth. And people built a square structure around it, and worshiped around it, calling the place, the 'House of God' - al Baetyl.

And they, being followers of the 'one true and only god' - whose 'House' was higher than the natural peaks of the highest mountains, called him 'Al Lah al Jabal.'

And they did that, at least earlier than the second century AD.

You like this, Bill?
You want this?

Are they Muslims?

Since Muhammad arrived 6th century AD, possibly they are not although it does seem very strange that they had the same names and words and terms and even concepts, that modern-day Muslims all have - all 2 billion of them.

And for sure, you cannot convince any of them that they have a manufactured religion based on something that came before, nowhere near to where they say 'Muhammad' founded it.

So, the followers of Al Lah al Jabal were in Syria, in Homs - and they worshiped something called by the Romans 'Elagabalus.' And they had a rock, which fell from the sky et cetera.

Ammon Hillman wants to tell you about the problem with Christianity and the 'young boy who was caught naked by the Roman soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane at 4 am.'

None of these people, not a single one of them, is able to produce anything right here and now today - in the sense of an actual 'god' or anything like that.

It's all, always about stuff from the past.

Hillman says 'neaniskas' means very young boy. 

What he is trying to say is that there is a 'secret Gospel of Mark' - not necessarily a forgery like the so-called 'Gospel of Barnabas' is an abject and obvious forgery - but a work that purports to say that these early Christians were in a sex cult inclusive of all kinds of weird and wonderful styles of (sexual) behaviors.

This is a coin depicting
the Baetyl - or 'Bayt-ul-Allah'
as the modern Arabs want to say.
It's not in Mecca, that's for sure.


There is such a text.. Certainly there is.

It's not actually 'disavowed'  as existing even by the canonical Gospel and Epistle writers - they categorically say that there are those who 'who have gone wandering after the lusts of the flesh in diverse ways... ...on account of the power and liberty that they were first shown.'

What Ammon doesn't tell you, is that the sense of the same word flexion that is also used in the specific passage - neotes - means a new thing, a new version...

I will leave nothing on the table, soon enough.

You may be wondering, well just what is there supposed for us (me/you) to do about having some faculty of the mind opened up for me, and we seeing all kinds of things, some extra special, some pretty mundane too.

I want to get on a craft, and whiz around with these cool if weird strangers, and see the Galaxies, and, and, and -.

There were two people in the Garden at Gethsemane...

This is Star Wars going on here folks. It is not 'religion.'

But it is not something you want to be taking to all of the human race all at the same time.

There were two people in the Garden at Gethsemane - one slipped out of the Roman soldiers' grasp, and one got killed and died and was buried.

Nobody that you know anywhere on this planet, ever, at any time, has ever explained that passage in the Gospel of Mark, where there was this 'almost naked young boy' at 4 am.

And when the tomb was opened up, or found open at any rate, there was that same young man. 'Who are you looking for?" He asks the women.

How about this one?
You want this one,
or the other one?

How many of these young people are there? Actually?

How many of you are there?

I mean there's you; we know that.

And now some of you are 'going places' at night, at 4 am, as it were.


Have you seen yourselves yet?

Wait a minute. Let me see. Do we have some heavy-duty laser canons working on this little white machine...

Give me something now, right?

Thursday, 5 December 2024

My Only (Slight) Concern

So right now we have ever more serious political problems in France. That was always on the cards as far as I was concerned, but whether it will all just blow over is another matter.

It will not simply 'blow over.' This is a huge disaster in the emergent phases.

There is a long road ahead to overcome the difficulties that are about to consume much of Europe.
Le French Cognac, oui?
Je me fait le Franglaise bien sur,
n es-ce pas?

But this is all 'on the surface' stuff. This is what consumes the minds of the television watchers.

Underneath all of that is what engages the attention of those 'at the top.' Those would be people like Stefan Quandt, Ondine Rothschild, the Glucks, the Klattens, Guelphs, the von Hannovers and so on.

People you rarely hear about on the standard news media.

They are directing capital formations and flows of money the sizes of which Elon only dreams about.


You think Forbes has some handle on it all?


But again, they are all human beings with stock-standard materialistic mindsets and a human materialistic understanding of the world.

...I know another type of person, though. One who knows when to tread on the wine grapes, whether the proximity of the planet Mercury with the new Moon will affect the fermentation of the grape.

That kind of person spends a lot of time inside a castle or a chateau or a barn. And no one disturbs them.
Y'all forget...
This was the Alien in Cocoon.
Was Raquel's daughter.
Has a pizza chain now.
She's part Bolivian.
That's in South America. 

They are like medieval alchemists.

My concern when I talk to you about getting up into dark grey spun metallic vehicles lacking identification in the night, is that you have to go to some form of work in the morning.

I worry because I know that this kind of thing really does take time.

The benefit is that you will never lack for anything again so long as you live here, and 'other things' will also unfold for you.

Dr Ammon Hillman - and he is not the only one but he is the current noteworthy one - is typical of what goes on down here in this planet: everything and yet at the same time, absolutely nothing.

You can get a certain amount of the 'everything' from him, but there the story ends quite abruptly. He does not know the rest of it.

And since I am about to reveal enough to you that will get you into a lot of trouble - if, that is, anyone else knew what you were doing and how you were doing it - I do worry that you worry about not having enough time.

Well don't worry. Things have a way of working out.
This is the world's
current living best 
Is Nicolas Audebert.
He was partly
trained in S. America.
As it happens.

The point for today is, presently I will show or link to, something that gives clear details about this all-fired 'Burning Purple' stuff, including why exactly it works. Hillman has this nasty habit of switching from being a very faithfully honest translator, to one that deliberately assigns meanings that are not there in the specific text source at hand; albeit he is so clever, that that meaning is there somewhere else, in a different subject text.

For instance - because this will come up - kollourion, does not mean what he says it means in the texts that he wishes to point to. 

It means ointment. As distinct from say, an oil.

Keep this in mind for later. Because it will become important later. Or quite soon, really.

It's all very well for speculative public commentators to keep it up about Aliens abducting people, human subjects, as it were - but why not, if they were truly advanced and sophisticated, would they not 'abduct' a few thousand liters of the best French cognac, say...

As well as the wine-maker/s responsible.

'When will this all happen, Grandpa?'

'Soon, m'lad, soon.' Wilford Brimley, in Ron Howard's Cocoon. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Going On A Short Flight In A Minute

Oh yes.

It's me up there.

Just kidding...

Listen. The whole entire point of these pages is to make sure that at least a few smart people do not get sucked into what is about to happen around the world.

No government black programs have vehicles that go into volcanoes and come out again 'alive!' Okay?

They are going to try and 'snow' you.
And it will be pretty convincing.

It's not the test of how to realize the things been shown are fake - well, because in the first place some of them are not exactly fake as such; they are real craft. Except not any kinds of super-special 'elsewhere'-made technology. 

...But it is one test.

Why are things so obscure and secretive anyway?

Here, let me describe it this way to you: say for example - just take it as read, suspend the skepticism for the sake of the point here - take it as read that there are some people walking around with decent-sized chunks of tissue and bone having been extracted from them, and they are going to be daisy-chained into other living bodies which are essentially 'themselves' because they have been cloned somewhere.

Some people not, but still re-inserted into different bodies - and so they have no such marks on them right now.

But now you go walk outside, and look at all the people, and just think about it - they ain't going anywhere other than to have their entire memories completely wiped and then returned back here. That's what happens. That's the standard process.

They don't remember anything and thank god they don't.

If somebody in the darkest reaches of the deepest of the Deep-State Satanic Borg kind of thing, does actually send something flying around like Clif High says might happen next day or two, it is fake. And by now you should well know it. 

Just for you, Bill Smith.

And that does not mean it won't look very convincing.

But I have no knowledge that anything will definitely happen. But it might because it has been a plan for a good long while now.

Why are they doing this stuff?

It should seem like it is the sheerest insanity.

Listen - Jesus was crucified.

Right? He might have been some way-advanced, super who-knows, even actual God but the way the mechanics of this world and its politics and power-elites all work, is that they are the gods - and you are not and neither is any actual Divine Being allowed into their camp. It is their camp.

It is their camp because this is the holistic material field - there's no negative side to any advanced ET Species civilization; so those places are not 'holistic.'

And in this camp they want to rule everything. 

If they know for sure there are advanced species beings coming here and literally taking people one-on-one, well they are going to have a parallel situation that diverts everyone from doing what is necessary to step up to the real thing.

And the system is geared so that either 'they' want you for some specific reason, or, you are able to meet their terms. 

If they outright want you specifically because you are somehow uniquely-conformed, let's call it, then they will just take you and there is no 'stepping up' or anything. They can twist your brain and your mind elsewhere for however long it takes once you're already there.

Are those 'scoop marks'
or is that just
more cosmetic 
surgery, Cheryl?
You wouldn't even know,
would you. LOL

On the other hand, if you have decided you can meet the requisite standards, then it's easier to accommodate that down here and the rest of it is instantaneous - no mind twisting needed.

You think that's perfectly silly? Oh think again, many people have fixated ideas, and they are so fixated you just cannot imagine, and for every other thing that might be a positive with them, that fixated mindset area is completely destructive, both individually psychologically, as well as in any group or 'social' setting or scenario.

It takes a lot of messing around to delete all of that subtle undercurrent which is really, ingrained EMF potentials coming from literal subatomic forces 'stuck' like hard gravity in someone's make-up - you can say metaphysical or existential make-up but it is hard-wired into them as they really are inside (inside their heads).

A one-sided 'appearance' to all and sundry is nonsense. It's never going to happen with any kinds of advanced humanoid but not Earthly, visiting vanguard. 

And that is another key indicator of a faked 'visit.'

You will get a personal private invitation or it just ain't really happening.

Enoch had to take a bath and get some new clothes given to him before he went anywhere up there.

There are no funny-looking smooth-skinned bugs or lizards with big eyes - and that's another thing that will indicate something is not right. People who are literally from somewhere else wear full body-suites with soft tissue area (EG the eyes) protectors, and that makes it look like the so-called 'classical ET' thing. But it is not what they are actually like.

And there are bio-mechanical 'robots,' you can call them.

This is all because there are germs and bacteria and toxins down here!

There is this internet fan rumor that Rihanna likes a fragrance from Kilian called 'Don't Be Shy' and that it 'smells like heaven.'

No way.

People down here mostly don't even breathe correctly enough to smell anything properly, and no one in the ordinary community of humans can consciously adjust their skin temperature at will.

So. If you think there is nothing really to learn, from down here - think again.

The problem with Ammon Hillman and those few well-informed others like him (not many I realize), is that he is leading people down the path of drugs and drug-induced experiences as the substitute for religious philosophy or even any kind of philosophical actual search for Truth.

And no doubt there is indeed plenty of previously 'unsung' drug terminologies and references in the Gospels and Revelation and so on.

Chemistry is just a province of the ordinary human person; it's not that people do not naturally use various things in the normal run of daily life.

The cloning by DNA process mechanics is not something that falls within the 'normal ordinary run of things.' ...But it is a thing that is happening to hundreds of people on the planet and it has been happening for awhile. It was never previously widely communicated, and there's obvious enough reasons for that.

Drugs that are for
En-Byb-El ing. Byblos.
Etymology is Ancient
Phoenician, and it means
going in the Gate of the Els.
You need some strong drink.

Today, the ordinary educated person is probably at the baseline minimum at least, for playing with 'other' species, much more advanced.

A substance might enhance your experience of being around someone, but there is no substitute for actually being around them.

A substance and a process may prepare your physiology and your neural-networks and their typical flight-or-fright responses to be mediated or moderated by them - but that is all they are there to do.

You will get a personal invitation, but you need to desire an invitation. And then after that you need to work on it; what it implies.

People stand in doubt because they cannot believe the reality of the (potential) gain.

Thomas Doubted. 

He did not see a clone. But then later others did see a clone. Well 'we' can only unpick that timeline/sequence of events by our present knowledge standards of science today; which rather begs the question of how come the Gospel writers were placing things in that correct sequence. If, for argument's sake, this is all a matter of cloning. 

It is a matter of cloning because as we have said innumerable times here before, the existential Universe contains ALL THINGS AND ALL STEPS OF THINGS AND EVERY DEVELOPMENTAL (I did not say 'evolutionary') STAGE OF EVERY COMPLEX THING. Life itself especially conscious sentient life being one of those 'things.'

The Universe contains all things, including people who come here from frikkin' very far away!

Bring Bliss:

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Actual Realism

I've said this before here: there's a great old saying in professional racehorse gambling - 'there are the real odds, and the actual odds; and the two things are different.'

'Real odds' are the true chances every horse has to win their race. 'Actual odds' are the prices bookmakers actually put up for you to bet against.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is the typical 'science realism' individual - his position is the same as all of them. What he does and what they all do, is give you this big litany of all the bad things that happen, that are there around the place, and then charge: 'Either God is not All-Powerful, or He is not All-Good.' (Or of course, He is not there at all; they must say).

'Don't you want to go -.
to where the Rainbows begin?'
My riff on that EWS scene.

That is on account that there are so many bad things that necessarily this means God is not there, or not All-Good, and/or not All-Powerful.

For a supposed scientist and a realist, he's an absolute idiot.

The material world, the Cosmos/the Universe if you will, as we see it and know it, contains one plain feature - it contains everything.

Things go up from the infinitesimally small, through to the extremely large - or in fact absolutely vast.

The dynamic interplay of living beings and things too, in the exact same way, go from the simplistic, through the mediocre, to the insanely exquisitely wonderful.

'God' is the thing that lies on the extreme upper end.

It is a necessary reality. It is a scientific and a logical absolute necessity and a reality. And no amount of fools such as deGrasse Tyson will ever alter that fact.

'All-Powerful?' Who cares.

The late, allegedly, Kaiser Karl.
Ah well, that is the body, captured
in a pic, of the mind of the man.

If the sentience considering the question does not have the relevant mindset, on what basis would you say the 'All-Powerful' - and 'All-Powerful' should necessarily exercise its agency over the sufferings of a mediocre transient if somewhat intelligent species?

What should possess your mind and your 'caring' should be that you can influence some All-Powerful, also Intelligent and Good, Being to do what it is that you want.

'Influence' is just another way of saying being friendly to or towards.

Usually your friends do for you what you want, if it is in their capacities at any given time.

Shortly I am going to post up something else to read somewhere, that will flesh out the material value, not so much the value exchange, but the actual receipt of value that you can attain via a pretty straightforward path.

In other words, what I am saying is that on the one hand it would be great if that blue light (that Karin Austin mentioned) came down into your room, and then you were stuck in a paralysis(!), and yet still totally with full consciousness saw, the insectoid (it's just a constructed biological automaton), and then you could ask it stuff and get 'downloads' and send 'uploads.' And all of this good stuff.

And on the other hand, if you suddenly, and I mean quite suddenly, had a lot of liquidity...

And if you were smart about it, you could acknowledge, despite that your mind's feeling about things had changed, that the hierarchy of complexity indeed exists - and that there are other people around you. 

This man is Pedro Arrupe.
He is a Buddhist monk, who came 
down from the hills near Hiroshima,
and physically lifted survivors out from beneath
 the rubble after the Bomb, manhandled them
back up to his hill, where he cared for them.
There is a big photograph of him
up on a wall at Sedona, where the
ET Alien 'remote viewers,'
meditaters, and Contactees
that I think Laurance Rockefeller,
in part funded, hang out today.  

And that you do not want to truncate either their, or even your own, pathway to the high end of Cosmic complexity. Sure you might want to 'test your coins' as the Germans say - meaning that encountering wildly amazing intelligent beings and species from somewhere else every now and then, is great but so too are there quite a few dumb humans back here that are also pretty great. Why would you want to leave them out of the whole picture?

Problem of course is that there is a threshold to 'dumbness;' many human beings are never going to get above the standard of thinking - and of actually being - of the Neil deGrasse Tyson's of the world.

Logically he cannot answer the challenge to what he said, that I made here. But he doesn't want to though, either.

The world, this world, has a rising and a descending, hierarchy of intelligent beings.

And that shouldn't be changed because it is an accurate reflection of actual reality!

Real reality might not necessarily include for you though, what happens to all other people.

The more that you go into this, properly, with the proper back-grounding and best most-accurate knowledge, the more you will stop worrying about where the miracles end.

They don't ever end.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Why The Power? Because...

Those of you who may have been reading the recent things here cautiously, should have been taking down notes.

There have been extremely precise instructions given out, about what exactly to do.

If you want things to happen, or something to happen, then you have to follow the instructions.

Yes it would be a lot lot better if we were all in a lecture theater somewhere, and I can draw pictures on the board and spell out and underscore what must be done. And then we can all do it together, and see what the results are.

This one needs a calm space
and strong drink!

But I have always said, that I don't personally want simply anybody and everybody to follow anything closely here! That they can do, is a different matter. Because yes they can. Of course most people you know won't. That's a given.

The CIA believes it can take out anyone and that it has snipers that can hit a target from miles away. And in that mindset, there is no room to imagine that there are way better snipers out there than any they have natural access to! This is what gives rise to arrogance. And our world is nothing if not entirely full of arrogant people.

So, my point is that if you are not getting anywhere, maybe you should go back, read closely, and take down some critical notes.

It's really all very simple.

Here, look - the word 'myth' does not mean 'fairytale' or 'made-up story.' Well, it does tend to mean that in the minds of illiterate people today, but the Ancient Greek word meant 'a plot that is spelled out in words.' Either from someone's mouth, or written down, but it is the orchestration of elements inclusive of their dynamic interplay, the frictional costs, so to speak, the pullulation, the crisis, the decline (maybe), and the outcome. 

'Logos' means the critical elements all gathered.

So - 'In the Beginning was the Word (aka 'Logos;' that is the actual word in the text) -,' and that was how God made things happen.

Everybody is supposed to believe that: Jews, Christians, Muslims. All. Quran 9:31 makes it very clear that 'the People of the Book' should worship Allah and the Messiah; and in other places it makes it brutally clear that if a Muslim is as to any doubt he should 'consult the People of the Book.' It's only modern idiots who have screwed this all up and added this idea that someone 'corrupted' the original texts. No they didn't. 

We're doing 'purple'
for now, obviously.

Nobody that you know follows anything like what is actually written down anywhere!

You are supposed to believe that God Created by using His Word - aka His 'Logos.'

How come you will get the power to 'make' or to have happen' whatever it is that you want?

Because here, let me show you. And let me make it perfectly clear.

You do not say 'In the Name of God...'

Don't say that. You don't have the right to say that - nobody gave you authority to speak in the actual NAME of God!

Say this: 'In Honor of the God...' ...I will use the same process.

And that is when the angeloi take notice of what you are doing.

You have to plot, in keeping with the fundamental interplay of physics, albeit you are telling the story as it were.

You gather the elements - and arrange them in logical sequence (this is the 'Logos').

And then you 'myth' them. 

Some people think the Gospels are myth.

Can ET Aliens use such
sophisticated controls...


Some people think the Quran is utter fabrication and myth built up around earlier stories, not even ones from the same culture.

Have you not noticed that five billion people today, follow these 'myths?' And that countless numbers of humans all have before, and will still do in the future?

Take a really nice sheet of paper.

And begin.

The 'mystic' side of it you already know because it has been spelled out here previously.

What are you waiting for?

Oh you want some 'starter ideas?' You're kidding, right.

See how much easier it is to just show up at some mosque or church and 'pray' and say a whole bunch of nonsense, never giving a single thought that anything you want will really actually happen that way???

Takes the pressure off, doesn't it.

I didn't say do that though. I said, make things happen. You can do it.

Why the power? Because they respect you, when you show some respect for them.

I am out of line not linking to the Karin Austin bits and pieces with Alan Steinfield. I don't recommend all of his stuff because he is usually all over the place. But Karin A., is pretty spot on with most things, not everything. She was one of the 200 Contactees Professor John Mack used for his OG report.

Steinfield's audio is also almost always terrible. But, anyway, here:

Alan Steinfield talking to Hopkins and Karin Austin

All of these people in the public arena are really only (somewhat in some cases) artificially shoved into something that has been going on since forever and that has an aspect of meaningful interaction that is openly available to smart intelligent people.

Some of the people that you will see from time to time in the public space are far from 'artificially' involved. They are here on purpose with very critical roles.

And they know exactly who they are and what they are doing, need I say, here.