No matter what bad things happen to you in your life as it moves ahead, if you manage to keep your course and direction relatively steady - by knowing how to read the 'Pole Star' - you will find the way to where you really want to be.
Life - the human living of it - is about traveling somewhere. It's about actually getting somewhere.
I try to keep things as brief as I can in here so that you don't have to wade through ads...
Let me tell you something which is really important: that even Ammon Hillman does not know.
He knows a real lot, but he does not know.Silk markets of Jaipur...
Lamps, carpets - you know,
that kind of thing.
He does not know or get the point -, I guess you could call it the 'ultimate secret.'
LOL That one. Yes that one behind attempts since forever to write books with titles like 'The Secret Teachings of Mushroom Jesus.' (There is no such book, btw, in case you head off to search for one called that. If you can keep a straight face, perhaps you can write it yourself).
Look, let's accept for one moment that the basic Jewish story has some kind of truth in it somewhere - still, a question that could be posed is, how come this 'Jehovah' stopped 'accepting the sacrifice in the Tent of Offering' during the reign of the catamite boy-king Josiah?
Josiah is the one, if you remember, who by most religious scholarship and standard academically-acknowledged accounts, buried the 'Ark of the Covenant ' somewhere although why he did that, no one seems to know that is regarded as having the 'correct' official answer.
What does it even mean 'accept the sacrifices...'
Apparently Jehovah sent down a fire that consumed these material offerings.
And yeah, inside the Ark, there was this glow. Well so okay, some mushrooms glow in the dark and Josiah placed the 'manna' from the desert or 'from Heaven' in there along with the other things (whatever they were).
Mushroom Jesus, see?Good photo though.
None of this is true, that is to say, this slant is not what was going on, although for sure it was during the reign of Josiah that these things suddenly 'disappeared.' And he caused them to disappear by his edicts. ...Would have been on the orders and instructions, initially, of the powers behind his throne. By the end of his life, he was 'one of them' completely though.
'One of them.'
People who do not have the mystical access to power, but who want it, and take it by force of arms.
Over the next few articles here, I will be detailing what that power is, how you access it, and I will not be discussing these thing anywhere else.
In other words, you will get in here, direct knowledge quite freely albeit some of you contribute financially and the rest by staying around and participating as well - of the actual meaning behind the whole entire Bible.
What I mean by that is 'Moses parted the Red Sea,' and 'Jesus walked on water' and so on - miracles, weird, scientifically-impossible things.
Why not?
What makes you not entitled to get such knowledge? Or such power.
Traditionally, it was single women not romantically or by mercantile gain, involved with anyone else, who were the Sibyls. This was so that people would have confidence in the objectivity of what they were pronouncing....Because of the Great Comet
of 1811.
Another way to achieve the same ends though, is that you have the power yourself. It doesn't matter that you are intending to advantage yourself - that is in any case the entire point of being given knowledge of future events; it is so that you make good decisions for yourself (and for others).
In the ancient past, people accessed particular oracles (The Hebrew Ark of the Covenant and Tent of Meeting are oracles) at certain particular places, and this was via some designated and specific individual with lots of deep training.
Modern readers tend to either not even know, or not realize, that these oracles actually also determined the course of certain events by their own powers.
I think people generally believe 'oracles' told the future. No - they determined, the future.
And I will show you how that is the case from the ancient sources, and also, what the method was and still is.
If you imagine there is some Divine decree prohibiting your material well-being and even extreme wealth, forget it! There isn't. Yes there are issues of being responsible and so on, but these are just normal things we still have to deal with in ordinary life matters.We're going up to the high
place, to see God.
We are. Oh yes we are.
It's not really an issue that too many people will be able to see all of this - not that many people come here to this place and read.
Okay I might outline beforehand where we are entering the 'hot territory' and then maybe you can say whether you want to keep these areas a bit private all the same. But for now, we press forward!
Prepare to have your mind blown.