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Saturday, 6 April 2024

Hard To Talk About, But... (Amended)

Look we just have to face facts around here that the internet is a highly highly censored place and that it has become impossible to explicitly say certain things, and these are always political matters and not anything along the lines of the esoteric or even religious or ideological or anything like that.

With that in mind we shall nonetheless proceed, albeit quite carefully.

Within 24 hours of a report emerging via privileged, let's just say 'journalistic' (ahem, investigative journalism!!) channels, all references to the actual specific item itself have disappeared without a trace completely from the whole internet - at least from the public version of the internet.

That's a million dollars worth
of gold that was being 
smuggled from Dubai to East

Apart from sophisticated single-purpose drugs like Captagon also found, the sheer amount found of this other 'thing' is staggering even to me. 

These channels are actually Persian language - Farsi - channels and therefore not immediately generally available to the English-speaking Western world in the first place.

The US intel community has an excellent 24/7 monitoring of all Farsi communications via any electronic source and so let's just leave it at that.

I will try to put a few things 'on the table' here although not clearly together and the wise among you will know how to arrange them.

Firstly it can be no secret that there are dozens of apps that use mobile iPhones and Androids and so on, through which you can see someone specific that you denote, as they move anywhere on the globe in real time. They are GPS tracked live in real time.

These apps you can own and some of you do own them.

You'll know where your wife is and also how far away and where and at what speeds your kids are traveling to meet you at your office.

...This is so they will not be in any danger from which they can get no help quickly. Right?

Right? Got that...?

So, dear Ms Penny Wong, please do not tell me fairy tales about the Australian 'food aid' worker who got killed in one of the three cars moving along a road at high speed, each of which was targeted and blown to bits by three separate missiles.

That having been said I want you reading here to sit straight up and take note of what I will say next here: what I said was not meant to imply something negative about a particular group or responsible party or persons...

This is the main Hamas
communications servers
underneath the UNRWA
building in Gaza.

Did you get that fully? It was not meant to, and it did not imply that you should view any one particular 'side' or group as errant.

In fact - rather the opposite.

The Australian involved, was 'mistaken' just like all other Australians joining in these affairs because no one in the upper echelons of the Australian government nor any of its agencies understands that this is a sovereign and independent country and we do not comply with orders given by some foreign power.

She might have had good intentions and she was certainly on that road as it turned into a dead end for her.

Alas, this is not something the AFP or the whole entire top end of the Aus. Military gets these days and it would have several Labor men of old turning in their graves were they to know what is going on right now.

The so-called 'Five Eyes' group is in my view and in the view of most Constitutional lawyers, grossly improperly organised and it is 'probably' illegal for an Australian national (citizen) to join up to them and do what they have been doing - which is, and this is also public knowledge: for example, wire-tapping the privileged conversations of heads-of-state among many other grossly illegal activities.

It's illegal. It's plainly illegal under Australian Law and it is most certainly illegal under International Law and the Treaties (of legal obligation) we sign as nation-states regarding official national communications and embassies. 

This is not a million dollars, and 
it is just a shawl.
But I know of several
like it that are a million dollars
and that is how you
bring liquidity in and out
of places that you don't
want government authorities
to find out about
how you are doing it.
I mean there's a few
'nuances' entailed
but I could explain them.


Moving on to a seemingly very different item although related by geopolitical location, you will recall that when the US invaded Iraq on the strength of a deliberate lie (WMD's) - they subsequently 'discovered' the Iraqi gold reserves and what became of those no one really knows.


And so I tell you that to suggest that photographs of 'something' have been removed from the internet and in so rapid of a fashion that even I must compliment those youngsters at that massive facility in - well, one of them is in Tennessee, Oak Ridge and another linked one in Utah.

And their masters who give orders to Bill G., and Mark Z., and so on and so forth, not there's that many of those guys.

And finally, and just to state another public fact for your knowledge and benefit rather than give my own personal commentary and thereby skew things -, three of the 'food aid workers' were UK nationals and they were all 'ex-' or 'former' UK military personnel.


In addition, they were formally - formally - not actually 'food aid' people as such but security for the food aid activities, employed by a company called 'Solace Global.'

But my summation of this is that Gaza is not the place that you might think that it is, the people there are certainly not what you think that they are, and well, in fact virtually nothing that you see and hear in the corporate media about the situation is anywhere even close to what's going on there.

Believe me, it isn't!

As far as Australians are concerned, Australians are stupid, to put things bluntly.

They will go get involved where they have not the foggiest clue as to what is really going on there.

Hey but go get emotional to your heart's content about what you see and hear in the news. And I don't mean re the woman who tragically got killed - I mean about how the propaganda is spinning 'good' and 'evil' to you.

Get all riled up about 'justice' and people's rights and so on. Get riled up about religion and ethnic groups and all of this stuff.

Why don't we just
have a cup of tea and

And then when they thrust a rifle in your hand, okay no problem go step into a car with some 'ex-' UK military operators.

And yeah, for sure 'go to war.' Not go render aid and food... Go to war.

Because war there will be. Not 'soon;' now.

The Hamas advanced communications servers were literally in a tunnel directly under the UNRWA building in Gaza.


I'm sure all of you know which side you are on, right?

You know who are the good guys and you also know why they are (the good guys).


You all also know what this is all about too, right.

What I am saying is just take a step back, especially when people try to draw you into committing your heart and mind for a cause, or for a 'religion' or a perspective or a side right now.

There is no side. There are only human beings. 

You know, religious preachers and 'experts' all think they know what this famous/infamous 'mark' is that people will have on them at the End of Days for the human race down here.

Well listen silly, there is only one mark - and there are those right now who indeed wish you to kill your brother man.

There is only one mark since the beginning of this saga - since the very 'Garden of Eden.'

It is the mark of Cain, who murdered his brother Abel.

Everyone who wants you to kill, no matter for what cause or reason, is Satanic.



Have you got that into your thick skull yet? He is the enemy of Man and he is a lot smarter than men are generally speaking. He is twisted and extremely slick and clever and is able to draw whole generations in, in order to destroy Mankind.

There is another way to resolve these matters. A far better way.

But then that does steer into the completely esoteric and the Earth-worldly unknown.

Men don't know that way. The Devil knows (about it) and he's afraid of it; of you, actually. Specifically. 

Friday, 5 April 2024

Urdhva -The Upper Worlds

Many classical Sanskrit texts speak about the 'Urdhva places' - the Upper Worlds.

Unfortunately, some of the related terms and terminologies have been appropriated by commercial people promoting styles of what they call 'yoga.'

The word just means to tie oneself to a higher concept and/or being. It doesn't really mean carrying out poses in public halls hired to run modern 'yoga' classes.

But to cut a long story short, it is enough to say that those people who live in the 'higher' places that are restricted to a particular kind of character only - are known as the unsurpassable beings. And there is a range of such beings but it is still only a limited range really; some say as many as (only) fourteen different groups in total, with five among what are said to be independent groups who live entirely in 'flying cities' that travel across the Universe wherever they want to go. Only five.

Gel wax candle...

Most of the 'unsurpassable people' live on planets in planetary systems elsewhere than the Solar System here, but that small amount (of five out of the thirteen overall) previously mentioned actually resides in their own 'flying cities' and are completely independent not having any planet at all that they 'belong' to.


...Meanwhile, back down here, it seems the silver elves have been doing their tasks very adequately.

It is enough for us to see that things are on the rise, and that they will continue to move along the pathways that are largely being determined by the unconditional value of precious metals, and the obvious beginnings of World War III.

And what does that mean?

It means you have not missed any boats.

You can still save up and buy - there is plenty of time. Just don't worry that you will be buying at next week's prices or the week after that and so on.

You don't need to worry.

These kinds of wars go on and on and on.

And the price rises will go on and on and on and every week governments and politicians everywhere will tell you: 'Don't worry, we have everything under control...'

In the great Sanskrit classics, it is related that those beings of the Upper Worlds have immense longevity, immense power and happiness, capacity of the senses and range of clairvoyance - but there is a symmetrically equivalent decrease in motion (the number of things they do or have to do and how slow they take to do them), attachment, and pride.

They can be rather slow by your terms to respond to your requests and calls out to them.

You know there are a lot of people in the professional investing game, who will complain now that 'who knew?' and that the perpetual gold bugs always talked gold and silver and nothing moved for years. 


I never said for you to buy gold and/or silver.

I said to ask the silver elves to give you some.

Or at least, that you should lend them some so that they could give you back more.

Prolly if you actually organically physically saw one or two of them by the light of a moon some clear night, you would believe. And then you would put out some silver for them.

The Upper World people are not the elves and fairies. They employ the elves and fairies.

They do little or nothing, themselves. And that is why it is really hard to get in contact with them - in the sense of understanding for certain that you have gotten in contact with them, because they will mostly not appear to answer you back (in time, or in the amount of time that you want, and that you require to understand by continuous reiterating that you have been answered!).

There is nothing that they cannot do.

Did you see what happened there? They do not need to become more like you - you need to become more like them. They vibrate at the same frequency or higher, than elves but they physically move around less.

You need to do less. Engage more of the power things, and be more efficient.

...Less of the human things, the demanding insane and many and pointless meaningless things of this world. This does not mean do no work and eat air and sunlight.

It means stop over-driving your Earth mind like the human race always does to get itself absolutely nowhere. 

But I want to see one, I want to see one, one time, just one.

Oh, but you will.

They come down here.

Be like them and you will easily see them because you will be harmonically in tune, attuned, to them.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

It Would Be Remiss...

How is it that all of these 'psychics' and 'channeling' experts all over the internet do not seem to know where the last set of the hostages in Gaza are?

If, as some say, the Pentagon still indulges in Monroe 'targeted remote viewing' surely they have at least this line of inquiry to look at... For what it might be worth.

There are a few of you who have been strong supporters of our Autism program, and there can be no doubt but that you have a great feeling for others and certainly for those with little natural means to defend themselves from the world at large. And this is not to say that any of us is so well off that we are not at risk and vulnerable ourselves - except usually, from more complicated forces of negativity.

And so, if there is an inclination here to hint at having access to some of the more 'not-completely-natural' aspects of the Universe, even you might say the hidden Universe - it would be most remiss not to say a few words about current world events...

How can we enjoy the material things of 
life, anymore?

Bearing in mind though, that there are massive constraints on what is able to be said - if we intend to remain here or anywhere on a public platform (not that this is a very large public platform!) - still, we must try and acknowledge the worries that ordinary people must have for the lives and the well-being of anyone at all who is in Gaza or in that whole over all region for that matter.

What I can say to you is this much: do not for one moment imagine that what you are being told virtually everywhere is even anywhere close to what is transpiring in reality and in actuality.

For example, who procured the war in Yugoslavia?

Was it 'the Jews?' Or the 'Zionistas?'

Was it the Albanian Islamic Front?

Was it the Russians standing behind the Serbs (that is what Washington would have you believe)?

According to the US General Accounting Office, $21.2 billion was spent by the US taxpayer for that war.

Where did the money actually go? To whom did it go? 

We can pick the typical names out of the global conspiracy theory hat who were active and in the spotlight at the time... 

But reverting to our present situation right now, if you really had a genuine ability to carry out 'targeted remote viewing' you would know precisely where the remaining hostages are (or were... in some cases).

A butterfly flips its tiny wings...
Change one thing, change
You have heard this many times.

And if there really are ET Aliens flying around in little white Tic Tacs, they indeed would absolutely know where those people are and what is going on with them. If they wanted to interest themselves in fundamental dis-empowered human individuals' misery - and geopolitics.

What I can say to you without likely raising too many eyebrows, is that you should take note of anything in the news - that is proposed or undertaken by large countries - that seems a little odd to you in the present context, or a strange composition of priorities given the very serious immediacy of the life-threatening condition/s to ordinary people and to individuals.

I mean you wouldn't suddenly propose to build a casino on the coast there would you, as some way of resolving the situation?

I mean if I knew a highwayman, and that he was in charge of a highway, or building it, it would not take a great leap of imagination to think about what he was intending to take along the highway under the cover of his own darkness, as it were.

By all accounts it is some organisation known as 'Hamas' (which by the way means violence, in Hebrew; whereas it is an acronym for 'Islamic Resistance Movement' in Arabic although the sound of the acronym also means 'zealots' in Arabic) that took the hostages but by most media accounts they have since been handed around to a variety of other groups.

This is a story of 'the dog that never barked.'

If you understand what I am saying.

Apparently, the world's most powerful intelligence service - and by that I mean the US government one - does not know where the hostages are. And therefore cannot release them by military means, and cannot do so by 'negotiations' either, to date.

These things are all bad for you.
But I post the pics 'cuz the pics are
really cool!

And that's really the bitch of it, isn't it.

For all the money in the world, you cannot find in a tiny strip of land, where some hostages are. Hostages taken and secreted away by people who have no money, no revenue from or in Gaza, no food, are apparently literally starving, and could not possibly have ever had the money and the industry and technical support and technology to make those tunnels that we see everywhere under the civilian population and the alleged 'cities' - or towns at least, let's call them.

For me personally it's not so much that I only worry about monitors blocking this place of ours here, but that in any case most of you would not even come close to quickly accepting who is behind all of this, if I said it - or why they are doing it; because they certainly are 'doing it.'

Let me tell you this though - if you are foolish enough to get walked blindly, or blind-folded, into a hot 'kinetic' conflict, that makes people you don't know money, by having your emotions roiled, and your brain surgically removed from your head, you have certainly placed your trust in the wrong people and in the wrong thing.

...Whether that 'thing' be a god or a man.

And I quote for you Chapter 33, Verse 70 (second line on-wards, so - Verse 72, although there is no such enumeration in most translations) of the Quran.

Well, actually I am not going to quote it for you, just point out where to find the matter. And you can Google Search it if you want.

And you can make what you will of what you read.

The one thing any ideology, religious or political and worst of all both combined, is very good at doing, is surgically removing your brain from your head.

The negotiations will
not be held here. 

Humans get badly hurt and many die in war, yes, this is true.

Now when y'all come back from the dead - where you will be in a war after a while if you're in it long enough - then you can tell me what it's like on the other side and which 'god' is real and which one gave you what 'reward' for being an idiot.

Meanwhile, if you have decided to stop being an idiot, but you cannot suddenly just stop feeling terrible for other people, other human beings hurt and injured and suffering in very dire straits, well that's fine. It's important that you do have care and concern about others.

It's actually the thing that says you're a good person.

You could be a good person but a blind person too, in the metaphorical sense.

The eye of your own mind must be whole, for you to be able to see.

It's darkest before the Dawn, they say.

There will be no Dawn for most on this planet.

And we are all heading into a major, the most major World War since Gurkha flew his swift and powerful Vimana and more or less destroyed Dwaraka with a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe... ...And an incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendour. From the Mahabharata


Monday, 1 April 2024

Waking Up Slowly

What have I been trying to do?

I have been trying to find a way to have each of you gain some direct experience in your lives of something that will give you more complete and reliable satisfaction...

Look, people go to churches at Easter because these are places that supplant direct experience of real Divinity.

Other (Islamic) people go to mosques and there, find people next to them, side by side with them - human people, doing similar kinds of things in ritual ways to them - and this is another way of substituting a real and genuine direct experience of God.

The Venice Orient Express line ends
in Istanbul,
where the station still has
vestiges of Ottoman
architecture and design.

All such human activities are carried out because people deeply desire a direct experience, and not only that, but a solid relationship with something they can count on, is reliable, is sufficient to their needs - and on the one hand you cannot just negate the attempts people are making (even though they are obviously and blatantly false when it comes to actual direct experience of anything you could even vaguely term 'intelligent and alive and numinous), on the other hand your mind should be strong enough to realize that these are all false and because they are false, they are insulting to a real Divinity; if such a thing exists.

Humans are insulting.

Okay. We already well know this. For one thing, they lie to and they cheat each other, they murder and they pillage and take plunder.

Political systems are all run so that some groups attain pinnacles of power and then lord this over the rest of society - which is the bulk of the society.

So I say, yes I get it; I cannot just reject what people do - it is after all so darn difficult to 'prove' to the committees in Congress that ET Aliens exist (lol), and that is even after their own Navy films them materially in real time. I understand the psychology behind what people do.

But the real reason 'people' do not do the right things and they are never willing to accept others' testimony about a complex and rare matter, is that humans are isolated consciousnesses...

They are solitary in terms of their sensed experiential realities.

It's pretty dark but the Ottomans somehow
failed to capture Venice and rob
the places there
of their gold. The ceiling looks golden,
because it
is gold.
They tried though, many times.

You cannot jump into my head and by doing so feel what I have felt and sensed and know as my personal experiential reality. And I cannot leap into your head either.

Well, okay some systems of this so-called targeted remote viewing thing say it is possible but I am talking in the normal run of things.

So we all broadly speaking, individually accept or reject based on our own exercising of reason and perhaps logic for some people, what other people merely say.

The trick with organised religions is that because they know that people have deep psychological needs, they play on those to provide simulacra of what would give emotional and psychological satisfaction - and because of the vacuum of anything else coming in to assert itself over the false delivery, a huge proportion of human people simply accept the substituted item.

But why, if as I say is so, there is both a tremendously advanced set of societies, civilizations, out there beyond the Earth, as well as a real Divine existential intelligent and beyond mere material existence, 'realm,' if you will - are those things so distant from humans and from their experience?

It took me quite some time over recent days to realize that what I was avoiding saying, was that I cannot in all honesty tell you that all things 'out there' are calm and quiet and 'happy happy joy joy' things.

Although I am personally a proponent and a promoter of calmness and quietness (especially between intelligent people) - that is certainly not my personal experience of anything 'supra-normal.'

On the contrary, I encountered a buzzing, blistering-speed set of conditions, which was effectively some kind of command deck where there were incredibly intelligent beings directing many things and receiving information and data at light speed and maybe higher than.

Opera singing was invented in Venice,
by ordinary humans...
In masks.

I had to 'beg off' being there too long at all!

It was not a question of 'quietness' but curt speech, bordering on the rude and disdainful although I would not call it arrogant.

Even so, there was an overwhelming acceptance of certain kinds of human ways, certain types of human personalities, and a real and forceful energy constantly being deployed to provide safety to those people - but I could say, only to those people.   

The one thing that is clear and certain for all humans - they, we, know what we sense personally.

It all starts in your own consciousness - as far as any satisfying experience of something not limited to the flawed lives of modern human society is concerned.

It is very clear what 'God' is: all of matter complies with enduring (we have no clue what the terminal point of any of it is, in fact; it might be 'forever') laws of physics and therefore these laws are the things that ought to adorn our churches and our temples because they literally and logically are an intrinsic part of 'God.' We can pin (some of) them down.

So you must within your own personal consciousness begin to have a relationship with these laws, and observing that it is not by any means clear that there is an intelligence within those impersonal and objective mechanistic though eternal and all-powerful laws, by reasoning we can presume that other people who also share that relationship with all logic and truth and physics rules are definite candidates for the reflection of intelligence which resonates and is harmonic to actual 'Eternity' and 'Divinity.'

This is not going to be easy to accomplish though. You will find the world is virtually totally filled with broken and flawed minds and desperately limited personalities driven by greed and animal-istic mindless graspings ending in their own deaths by and by.

Kristen doing Tawhid...
: ))

Oh. It is as hard to find another human being with a steady mind in tune with the laws of the actual material and logical Universe and harmonized to Truth - as it is to find 1. God, or 2. advanced ET Aliens.


To gather in the Name of Benevolence and Truth is almost impossible in this world.

Things started and staged one way cannot be symmetrically ended in different ways.

And yes, 'they' do have 'transporter beam' technology.

Tomorrow, you will not change your ways.

Even if I show you something right here and right now:

Saturday, 30 March 2024

Losing The Arguments

So here we are once more.

It is very late.

It has to be late - the girls take ages to get ready.

Us guys are always ready.

None of us drinks (alcohol).
At least not anywhere near the amounts
that most usual kinds of 'party-goers' and 
'normal' people do. We like to, but we
just don't do a lot of it.

...I don't know who this 'Fred Again' is. He's in my city tonight and I can see down below me, there are literally tens of thousands of people, fairly young though there's also some families, all heading towards Langley Park, where he will be DJ'ing.

I have literally not ever heard of Fred Again - who is a DJ -, apparently London-based.

I know Tony-Ville ('Darude' from Sandstorm fame) and a few others we talk about here now and then. 

The people I know are more or less in the 'artistic' bracket rather than just 'artists/artistes.' And that means they do artsy things across their whole entire lives.

'Artsy' - what is that?

Well it is like what we are doing right now, tonight. It's actually a bit past just 'late' now and things have progressed and proceeded as they say.

A few hours ago there was dinner with friends. At least three people I know have just had their birthdays and in each case I was not where any one of them was because I have had my hands full trying to overcome the supply difficulties with hormone medicines here due to the effective closure of the Red Sea and the Suez.

...Which means sourcing permissible imports from new and different places or attaining some locally-produced small supplies - which is actually very difficult though not impossible.

Everyone here eats pretty normally.
When they are touring a lot of them
go pescetarian.
I don't have to! 

My friends are constantly living lives under a lot greater pressure than me because they perform at live concerts and music venues - two of them just did the 'Ultra' Miami Festival in the rainstorm except they were scheduled indoors anyway so things were okay for them.

Going to dinner, even if it is a private dinner setting with only a handful of people there is still potentially a demanding thing (for them) because believe it or not, virtually all of these kinds of public performers are very introverted - until the lights come on and they have a mic in their hands and they are on stage as such.

Okay so demanding, too much personal pressure. Se we turn that down - even completely 'off.'


Well no one is allowed to talk during the dinner. At all.

I mean they're all still body-talking that's for sure.

But no one is vocally and verbally communicating.

And no one argues about anything.

The thing I remember most about this evening was the 'zesty lemon and dill sauerkraut.'

It was really amazing. The flavor was intense and complex.

And because no one was talking you could concentrate on sensing things and not just thinking them in the front of your head all the time because of words being thrown around or having to be thrown back around.

And then everyone just goes home - not.

The whole idea is to take the pressure off. Being quiet for a while takes pressure off; being quiet all the time sticks too much pressure back on!

It's the exercise that counts.

Sooner or later people start laughing at themselves.

Then the whole thing breaks down anyway.

You have to be a bit serious when it starts, because that way you can communicate more...