How is it that all of these 'psychics' and 'channeling' experts all over the internet do not seem to know where the last set of the hostages in Gaza are?
If, as some say, the Pentagon still indulges in Monroe 'targeted remote viewing' surely they have at least this line of inquiry to look at... For what it might be worth.
There are a few of you who have been strong supporters of our Autism program, and there can be no doubt but that you have a great feeling for others and certainly for those with little natural means to defend themselves from the world at large. And this is not to say that any of us is so well off that we are not at risk and vulnerable ourselves - except usually, from more complicated forces of negativity.
And so, if there is an inclination here to hint at having access to some of the more 'not-completely-natural' aspects of the Universe, even you might say the hidden Universe - it would be most remiss not to say a few words about current world events...How can we enjoy the material things of
life, anymore?
Bearing in mind though, that there are massive constraints on what is able to be said - if we intend to remain here or anywhere on a public platform (not that this is a very large public platform!) - still, we must try and acknowledge the worries that ordinary people must have for the lives and the well-being of anyone at all who is in Gaza or in that whole over all region for that matter.
What I can say to you is this much: do not for one moment imagine that what you are being told virtually everywhere is even anywhere close to what is transpiring in reality and in actuality.
For example, who procured the war in Yugoslavia?
Was it 'the Jews?' Or the 'Zionistas?'
Was it the Albanian Islamic Front?
Was it the Russians standing behind the Serbs (that is what Washington would have you believe)?
According to the US General Accounting Office, $21.2 billion was spent by the US taxpayer for that war.
Where did the money actually go? To whom did it go?
We can pick the typical names out of the global conspiracy theory hat who were active and in the spotlight at the time...
But reverting to our present situation right now, if you really had a genuine ability to carry out 'targeted remote viewing' you would know precisely where the remaining hostages are (or were... in some cases).A butterfly flips its tiny wings...
Change one thing, change
You have heard this many times.
And if there really are ET Aliens flying around in little white Tic Tacs, they indeed would absolutely know where those people are and what is going on with them. If they wanted to interest themselves in fundamental dis-empowered human individuals' misery - and geopolitics.
What I can say to you without likely raising too many eyebrows, is that you should take note of anything in the news - that is proposed or undertaken by large countries - that seems a little odd to you in the present context, or a strange composition of priorities given the very serious immediacy of the life-threatening condition/s to ordinary people and to individuals.
I mean you wouldn't suddenly propose to build a casino on the coast there would you, as some way of resolving the situation?
I mean if I knew a highwayman, and that he was in charge of a highway, or building it, it would not take a great leap of imagination to think about what he was intending to take along the highway under the cover of his own darkness, as it were.
By all accounts it is some organisation known as 'Hamas' (which by the way means violence, in Hebrew; whereas it is an acronym for 'Islamic Resistance Movement' in Arabic although the sound of the acronym also means 'zealots' in Arabic) that took the hostages but by most media accounts they have since been handed around to a variety of other groups.
This is a story of 'the dog that never barked.'
If you understand what I am saying.
Apparently, the world's most powerful intelligence service - and by that I mean the US government one - does not know where the hostages are. And therefore cannot release them by military means, and cannot do so by 'negotiations' either, to date.These things are all bad for you.
But I post the pics 'cuz the pics are
really cool!
And that's really the bitch of it, isn't it.
For all the money in the world, you cannot find in a tiny strip of land, where some hostages are. Hostages taken and secreted away by people who have no money, no revenue from or in Gaza, no food, are apparently literally starving, and could not possibly have ever had the money and the industry and technical support and technology to make those tunnels that we see everywhere under the civilian population and the alleged 'cities' - or towns at least, let's call them.
For me personally it's not so much that I only worry about monitors blocking this place of ours here, but that in any case most of you would not even come close to quickly accepting who is behind all of this, if I said it - or why they are doing it; because they certainly are 'doing it.'
Let me tell you this though - if you are foolish enough to get walked blindly, or blind-folded, into a hot 'kinetic' conflict, that makes people you don't know money, by having your emotions roiled, and your brain surgically removed from your head, you have certainly placed your trust in the wrong people and in the wrong thing.
...Whether that 'thing' be a god or a man.
And I quote for you Chapter 33, Verse 70 (second line on-wards, so - Verse 72, although there is no such enumeration in most translations) of the Quran.
Well, actually I am not going to quote it for you, just point out where to find the matter. And you can Google Search it if you want.
And you can make what you will of what you read.
The one thing any ideology, religious or political and worst of all both combined, is very good at doing, is surgically removing your brain from your head.The negotiations will
not be held here.
Humans get badly hurt and many die in war, yes, this is true.
Now when y'all come back from the dead - where you will be in a war after a while if you're in it long enough - then you can tell me what it's like on the other side and which 'god' is real and which one gave you what 'reward' for being an idiot.
Meanwhile, if you have decided to stop being an idiot, but you cannot suddenly just stop feeling terrible for other people, other human beings hurt and injured and suffering in very dire straits, well that's fine. It's important that you do have care and concern about others.
It's actually the thing that says you're a good person.
You could be a good person but a blind person too, in the metaphorical sense.
The eye of your own mind must be whole, for you to be able to see.
It's darkest before the Dawn, they say.
There will be no Dawn for most on this planet.
And we are all heading into a major, the most major World War since Gurkha flew his swift and powerful Vimana and more or less destroyed Dwaraka with a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe... ...And an incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendour. From the Mahabharata