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Monday 20 November 2023

Rich Pursuits

One of the pursuits rich people get involved in is Formula 1 motor racing.

The first modern era Formula 1 race in Las Vegas was run this year, 2023.

There had been a couple of earlier GPs held in Las Vegas, but those were a long time ago, with an actual Formula 1 race back in 1982 and then there was a Champ Cars GP race in 2007.

Sebastian Vettel won this year's Las Vegas F1 Grand Prix.

Vettel, for Red Bull Racing, wins
the 2023 Formula 1 Grand Prix.

You have to read hard between the lines here; I hope you all realize that.

...Anyway now, speaking of King Salman of Saudia Arabia - he has been spending a lot of energy recently attracting young Western academics to Riyadh for all kinds of academic-y things. Fully sponsored research places, conventions, publishing contracts, teaching contracts.

So I guess that means those Western academics who have gone there believe there will be at least a reasonably stable environment there with lots of Crown support for a few years to come.

Unlike the outlook for public music concerts and 'festivals.' 

Meanwhile, Erdogan of Neo-Ottoman Turkey has been haranguing everyone who will listen about whether it is time that Israel stated officially whether it had or did not have nuclear weapons.

Iran, by the same token, is known to have them.

Saudi does not have them as such, although they host large Western military contingents regularly.

The bubbles go where they will too, although
mostly just upwards.
If you drink 'bubbles' through a straw, the aerated
alcoholic spirit will make you drunker, quicker,
by entering your bloodstream through your stomach 
without going through your liver first.

And the UK does have nuclear weapons and of course the US has plenty of them!

All a bit obscure for you?


Because then you will never guess what this next bit is all about then, will you.

'The Field comes and goes where it will, and thou hearest the Voice thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.'

The Field... That would be the way David R. Hawkins talks about it.

And David was on the Manhattan Project.

And all those who had anything serious to do with things in that arena after the Manhattan Project have a clearance way way higher than anyone else. Period.

I think we should be safe. 

Things can get out of hand real fast of course with these idiot humans, but hey, what's new there?!

There's this fairy tale floating around at the moment, spawned by some official Russian government sources too, by the way - that the United States has a secret facility down in Antarctica, from where they can activate 'directed energy' weapons that create storms and earthquakes and floods.


Yeah yeah.

But I do not think so.

As you know.

I'm sure they have tried.

I'm even sure they know it can be done. 

Except they cannot do it.

Anyone who can make a tremor go through a nuclear reactor facility for instance, would have to have super top clearance. 

Of the same kind as I was talking about post-Manhattan Project.

So that's not 'the government' as such. Not anyone at the Pentagon or in the Washington mainstream administration. Sort of might have been, kinda government a long time ago.

See what happens with that kind of 'clearance' is that no one else gets to see what you are doing, or what you have done, or who you did it with. And that's because there is no judicial oversight - if you go by the random theories out there about this super top secret clearance thing supposedly emerging from some kind of secret conference committee with Eisenhower.

And that condition was because there was always another animal in the forest, and that other animal called the shots.

Could this really be true?

Dunno. Supposed to be able to mess around with DNA though...

Sunday 19 November 2023

Sign Of The Kings

Soon, it will be the Feast of the Dedication.

'...And He went up to the Temple at the Feast of its Dedication; and it was Winter.'

Although much more ominously:

'...Immediately after the days of the Tribulation.' Immediately.

Immediately after.

At that time, everyone will see the Sign in the Skies.

But you -, you can see it now.

'I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.'

It is still yet well before dawn.

You wish to see things as they really are. You wish to see and touch the manifest physical reality.

And nothing is shown you...

But press forward just a little bit more, and push your way.

And you shall see the Sign of the Kings in the sky. No one else will see it but you will see it.

And then of course there's a worse 'problem' because then -, th-e-e-e-n, 'the dead shall rise.'

Well right now Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is basically naming T. Eugene Cesar as the real shooter who killed his father. Cesar died in 2019. Well, in fact on 9/11 2019 lol

Just sayin'.

I personally don't mind the dead rising, just so long as it is any of the dead that I could really care about.

But what is actually this 'Sign in the Sky' or, in the Skies?

Maybe Steven M. Greer knows.

What will be much more impressive and meaningful for you though, is if you see it all by yourself with no one else coaching you as to what it is, or may be, or what it should be.

What is absolutely physically manifest right now is death and killing, real slaughter and malice and ragingly angry people and in fact, it is no longer about the threat of escalation to some utter doom scenario, in which nuclear weapons are used and then certainly, 'the sky shall be darkened;' it is about the fact that humans have shown no ability to find solutions, and there are no leaders with the straight-out ability to delineate why humans all the way down to this supposedly 'modern' time are in the business of deciding that killing others is the way to serve a theological concept at the heart of the issue.

There is no point now even if sovereign state interests taking sides, work out any kind of short-term settlement like, for instance, the 'return of hostages.'

Because the fact already is that humans have been killing other humans since day one and they have not stopped doing it.

And they will do it again tomorrow.

The reason I say that you and you only will be able to see something, is that you cannot any longer count yourself in with the huge majority - you cannot be someone possessing the same kinds of mindsets that the traditional kinds of human beings all have. ...And so they will not see anything.

They do not want to see anything.

They do not want and therefore they will not 'importune.'

If you give human beings some special spot, some 'temple mount' or some sacred place, each and every one of the competing 'beliefs' will fight to claim it, to conquer others, and to be king of the mountain.

Humans are a defunct, a dying species. And that is a fact.

A Wise King.

Their science is rubbish, their ideas are complete nonsense, and their capacity to control their animal emotions is non-existent.

If you saw a huge space craft in the sky overhead, you would marvel. You would wonder and then you would devise opinions and ideologies as well.

And each and every one of the religions would claim that they and they alone were entitled to converse with whatever was inside there, presumably some important, some advanced intelligent other species...

Another 'temple' another 'mountain;' this time a flying one.

So they can't see it.

But you can see it.

If - you decide that you want to give up what you previously thought was 'real' and what was 'true' and whichever 'God' that you thought really existed and that you had to serve.

A God of death and killing, and envy and overlord-ship...

Or some other way.

What 'other way' though?

Remember that 'the dead shall rise.'

What implication does that have...

Well, what implications does it have? Because there would be many that I can think of.


Friday 17 November 2023

What You Achieved

So, 'behind the scenes' we have this Autism Youth Employment thing going on.


That is intended to be a very long-term, enduring program that will enable some kids who are going through high school, albeit these are supported classes but where we are down here at least, the classes are integrated with normal school classes believe it or not - to progress all the way to tertiary education; again these have sensory needs provisions (again, believe it or not, we are talking University-level, in this one specific case, it is the Edith Cowan University Joondalup Campus) - and to along the way secure employment in technology areas and strange other things like bush-fire safety (using drones) and environment warden roles.

We didn't buy one of these for
the Autistic kids.
Just yet...

The research basis for the systems used to bring these kids along comes from a lot of work done at the Chapel Hill Autism Center, University of North Carolina.

There are complex issues around what terminologies are used in North America regarding what are the best and also the scientifically authoritative ways to deal with Autism-focused education, and to cut a long story short, wherever you might see 'ABA' in literature in North America not all of it is that, however it must be called that, because of the medical insurance lobbies and special interest groups who have forced it to be that way.

'ABA' is a virtually all-but discredited methodology now. In my personal view...

And standard traditional ABA is not what the research from North Carolina University is about. But again, I am just personally saying these things in order to cut off criticisms one way or the other which are not 'nuanced,' as they say.

Governments and traditional funding arrangements do little or nothing of real benefit in terms of actual immediate need and nor are they capable of adjusting quickly to changing information and newest scientific knowledge.

So despite that there are many billions of dollars spent each year here on Autism disability services and programs, I have not seen any of it for teenage people with Autism, or their families and carers and I have been on a local Primary School Board now for more than eight years!

I have not seen, nor have I personally heard directly from any agency supplying this kind of funding.

Where is it going?

We prolly could afford one of those
This is Apple and Calvados sorbet.
Just thought you'd want to know
what it is.
It isn't plain vanilla, that's for sure.

I don't know.

I have seen countless articles in prominent national newspapers talking about the funding...

Actually, what just recently happened was that you guys here, alongside the longer-term project that is in play, provided some highly portable, performance sports-rated, wireless voice amplifier equipment to a talented (race) horse track-work rider and handler who not only is on the Autism Spectrum, but returned from America with a serious bout of Lyme Disease which means that his voice is now not really working at all for all practical purposes and his sound levels are going so far down that without this equipment it would have been deemed unsafe for him to ride track-work with other horses around his mount. 

...Right now, as of currently this moment, the main horse he has been working with just won or 'hit the boards' in five city races on end here in Western Australia. That horse is called 'Ginger Baker.' So -, fact. You can check it.

At the end of the day, we will be able to feature the longer-term work involving the kids doing the drone flying and that related work -, and in the midst of the broader world of today's news media and all of the death and destruction going on, you are in another bracket doing different things compared to what is loudly proclaimed to be 'important' about the human race.

Is there such a thing as a 'parallel human world?'

Shield woman, maybe not
exactly a shield maiden, as such.
This is also very much a 'direct from the 
source' thing though.
It is not any kind of 'oral tradition.'
Runes are written down things.

Well yes there is.

The Judaic religion and political system is not the same thing as the Israel Temple Ritual system. One is based on what Abraham and Jacob and David implemented from direct instructions from a figure they were sure was literally 'God,' and the other is a tradition of elders and rabbis based on oral traditions and teachings that have no basis in written texts anywhere until around 6/700 Common Era (AD - lol).

Moses never gave 'oral instructions' on his own to rabbis and elders: he wrote down the direct Commandments of God.

So it is not true either that what the Judaic System has is 'from Moses,'

Along one line we have a world in the depths of conflict and war.

Along the other we have the 'God Temple' system... ...Which is - where is that, exactly?

Do you know?


Wednesday 15 November 2023

Creative Not Pragmatic

Over the last few days I have been mulling over using the word 'pragmatic' here - as in 'behind the front that this place shows, is a pragmatic...'

Except it is not pragmatic. 'Pragmatic' means matter of fact and practical, which yes, this whole place is that behind the scenes - but the word also contains the implication of lacking the intellectual or to the exclusion of the artistic, the idealistic, or the creative -, and it is anything but that.

This, I guess is a little bit

So yes we are doing things at the end of the day for an Autism Youth Employment project - which is a pragmatic goal. But even in that there is no intention to be dull and boring and lacking the intellectual dimension or 'not creative.' Gee, far from it!

The front end (this place here where you are reading) is designed to be at least somewhat interesting as much as we are able to make things.

But if you have that intellectual sense about you, you will at a certain point not just be able to 'read between the lines' but suddenly get a surge of energy, a sense that there is a lot going on, and some of it will be very interesting to you personally.

Take this, for example - here is the promised V. 1:0 of the White Paper on Wines (still needs to be close-copy edited; probably has some typos in it):

Authentic Aged Wines in a Global War Economy Era

This document does not deal with the marketing of or the eventual selling of or even any of the storage requirements for keeping collector wines.

Nevertheless you will find it pretty interesting and it should lead your mind towards wanting to get a grasp of the practical (pragmatic - lol) aspects.

You trust me when I tell you this. In a world where there are all sorts of problems out there - and each and every day you have challenges in your life. 

This is less pragmatic...

...There are characters at your work who harbor no good will towards you (or likely as not, to anyone), there are costs of living pressures that eat away at plans you want to make and follow through on. There are economic conditions breaking apart social bonds, and there are people in ivory towers who have subverted the democratic ideal and act with powerful financial and monetary tools to advantage special interests at the broad public's cost.

People die because of Recessions and Depressions. The Fed has been accused by politicians in the past of being nothing but cold-blooded murderers in behalf of elite interests disconnected from ordinary people.

Farmers and saw-millers and cattlemen lost their livelihoods many times in the past, before the Twenties and then again in the Great Depression and afterwards too, and sometimes those industries or the privately-owned segments of those industries never 'came back.'

We are at the same spot again now.

But you are not at that spot. You are, yes, in the same times as others, and you are in among them, and are surrounded by them, but you are not accurately-speaking, exactly one of them.

Right now maybe you still don't see how this can be so...

Yet read the short text the link takes you to, and roll it all over in your mind what you read in there. Perhaps some thoughts and ideas will arise by themselves from out of your own thinking. Perhaps not yet.

Hindsight is of course, an exact science. But for those who have literally been to the future and are able to as it were, 'look back upon us now,' from that vantage point - it is an art what they do with what they have seen.

This is not pragmatic at all!

Remember this: property and estate are generic things now, and they are commodities - they are all packaged up into 'mortgage-backed securities' and sold as commodities for real.

Now commodities go down, because of volume and efficiencies of scale; they don't go up.

The story that there is a shortage of supply of real estate and a larger demand for it is a fairy tale told by the marketeers and banks.

And by politicians and by central bankers operating on the money supply.

Just keep all that in mind when you think you know what is going to happen next.

...There are always some, a tiny few, exceptions here and there.

But what are the metrics behind any idea that some real estate can or will appreciate ten or twenty-fold from here, in a few short years from now?

The expansion of the money supply required by such a scenario, would send the currency down the drain so fast your head would spin watching it all gurgle away.

And then the inflationary effects would be staggering.

So consequently those things will not be allowed to happen by a combination of government administrative actions and central banking money supply interventions.

But here is the thing - no one, not anyone in either government or the Fed (or any other central bank in the world) can 'control' inflation and nor can they control the monetary velocity circulation once it takes off, not by quick effects of policies alone.


You can't 'control' money. You might think you can, and you can certainly convince the dumb voting public that you can and have the power - or the powers - to do it, but you will always end up making excuses for why you didn't.

'Money' is what the users of it all say that it is.

At one point it was gold and also silver - according to an arcane or magical ratio of 1:13.5

At another point it was what Lincoln said it was because he had just won a Civil War.

And then later it was what Marriner Eccles (Chair, 1948) said it was because the US had 'won' World War II. At the start of WWII US national debt was around 8 billion - at the end of the War it was at around 280 billion. Debt on its own does not cripple a currency.

Right now you think you know what money is because you have (maybe) been paying 'it' (or something, some 'token') to your mortgage.

And then when enough players in the generic commodity world of 'mortgages' find they cannot pay it, why then the 'money' they are/were being asked to hand over will have less moral cause to them although it might yet still have essential monetary meaning.

Except not that either.

It will have restricted monetary meaning.

It will not have actual broad monetary meaning. 

Sunday 12 November 2023

What You Need To Know About, Right Now

The most highly-classified research and development programs a group of Western nations had been engaged in funding, and what you have not been told about, have to do with what are known as Tokamaks and Stellarators.

These are usually quite large pieces of equipment whose purpose is to generate and then confine or contain, magneto-hydrodynamic plasma - or MHD plasma fields in short.

Because a plasma is a continuum just like water is a continuum, once it interacts with any other magnetic field of a specific frequency, for instance a harmonic, something that is not necessarily even anywhere near to its own actual frequency level but could be much much much higher, the energy is transferred directly into the circulating plasma torus (in the example of a Tokamak containment).

Interior of a Tokamak device.
This is a real thing.

The putative 'conspiracy theory' satellite video of the disappearance of MH370, which shows three small white orbs shooting in and forming up around the center of mass of the plane, and then rotating around it and next lining up in a vertical arrangement before the whole group including the plane all completely evaporate from view - is arguably what a magneto-hydrodynamic plasma toroid could do to enable some displacement effect that we do not know about in ordinary scientific circles but that we can speculate about.

Tokamaks and Stellarators are real things and the science behind them is perfectly legit and completely real.

Probably one of the worst, most obscene misuses of science fiction or futuristic science theory at least, was the so-called 'Heaven's Gate' suicide cult - which was not originally actually called that by its founders and members. They referred to themselves as 'Overcomers Anonymous' believe it or not.

But these people were just a small group of private individuals.

MHD research and development is funded by large governments and huge - and in the case of their activity here - secretive corporations.

Human neurons and neural connections
generate their own light.

The individuals committed suicide but it is unlikely that governments will commit suicide.

Much more likely that they will yes, 'suicide' themselves after a fashion (as the structure of government that they had been, in other words), only to turn up again in a different format and then having much greater power over you.

Whether all of this or even any of it, will simply remain in the realm of conspiracy theory, or whether it will suddenly emerge as an overt matter in the public's mind and in the lives of everyone, is irrelevant.

But if, if, anything along these lines begins to emerge very publicly, backed by 'official' recognition and sources and promises about the efficient availability of energy and a whole lot of other amazing benefits and technology things - it is a very sinister matter indeed, since a lot of the lead-up science and technology was hidden from you for a very long time.

How can people make public policy 'after the fact' so to speak, of some earth-shattering new development in science - when they knew all about it all along but without divulging it to you - but then hand you the 'solutions' to so many global problems without giving you the chance to assess the meanings of those 'solutions?'

Why is the juxtaposition of the old and the
run-down, with the new always

Man is not God, just remember that.

And, to quote from Acts 10:34 'He is no respecter of persons...'

What does that mean?

It means that when you do good things and give what you are able, to people less well-off than you might relatively speaking be, then your actions are 'had in remembrance in the sight of God.'

He is no respecter of people no matter what their human position and status, otherwise!


'But in every nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him.'

In every nation, not some nations.

The thing is only some people do good and are good.

It will never be that some man-devised system be it of government or a system of morality or anything else, will supplant a 'God-level' way of doing things.

ET Aliens (of the kind that might be speculatively linked to weird things like the MHD plasma field 'disappearing' of the plane full of humans) of a truly advanced nature cannot come to Earth governments, somehow selectively but without actual moral reasoning that is sound, and prefer those ahead of you as an individual who does good and is just and is good.

And certainly it is not tenable either that governments have acted secretly with certain corporations to further some really advanced technology, and then spring it on you along with a plan for domination and control in exchange for the presumed benefits to you of that technology.

But why then is 'God' better than human people? Why cannot humans devise perfect systems and ways to live, leaving out any necessity for there even to have to be such a thing as 'God' at all?

This is something to address to the Roman soldier Cornelius, who prayed for four days and then was visited by a man in bright clothes...

What makes it that you cannot be the Roman soldier Cornelius?

Why do you need a government to give you 'technology?'

Is four days too long for you?

The 'make a fortune in wines' White Paper is ready, btw. 

Governments and the criminal elites make barriers and hoops for you to climb over and crawl through.

You need do no such thing/s! ...To get where you want to go, to have what you want to have.