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Sunday, 1 November 2020

Turning Corners In The Maze

Seriously, I have been trying, for days, to shift the 'vibe' here away from any of these current 'hot-button' matters that seem to be consuming everyone.

Well, it's hard though, right?

...There are so many important things going on 'behind the scenes' all over the place. I suppose, when I say 'important,' I mean that when something 'explodes,' gets completely out of hand and violence ensues, well, it'll hit the front pages.

None of it is going to make you rich though, and it is unlikely to make your lives any better.

Imran Khan is 'offended,'  Erdogan wants to do some 'war stuff' because it's all France's fault some time in the past... yeah, Recep, just go and smash the Armenians, and be rude to the French people today, since they have street mosques in Paris; that makes sense. Xi wants to have a war with Taiwan and see if he can, what - have another one with America?

All this is swirling around our heads!

Who's this guy? Anyone know him?
Anyone? Anyone?

When you consider the maze that is ancient history, you can, for example, look at the two versions of the Sennacherib story: one, in which a single angel of the Hebrew God, slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, and in the other independent version, when well, in fact, suddenly, although his soldiers had completely surrounded the walls of Jerusalem ready to lay siege and then destroy the tiny place like that army had done to other large kingdoms - suddenly they withdrew and went away.

Don't know what happened. Can't really tell from the two versions this far down the track from the actual events.

However, we know that very soon afterwards, the Assyrian kingdom self-destructed from within when the people at the top assassinated each other, including, Sennacherib being murdered himself. Dead. Gone. History. The whole lot of them.

On the surface, what you see, what you viscerally appreciate, is the noise, the physicality of the 'heavy machinery.'

A Rockwell B1 is a loud, noisy -, a visceral experience.

One single angel is generally speaking, not something anyone sees. Certainly none of the independent historians ever do. Otherwise we would all 'believe' in such ludicrous phenomena.

A little shake here, a few buildings there, a few tens of lives. What does it matter?

It's when the top dogs all bite each other afterwards, though. A little shake here, a little shake there. A little tsunami, a little rush of wind. 

Nobody gets it yet.

You know, when the people in the 'Tower of Babel' incident were afflicted with confusion, it was, so the story goes, because 'they hadn't benefited previously when they were just killed.'

Not by fire, not by flood. What's in store this time? Oh you will be so surprised. No brains, see. Human race; not that well-equipped 'upstairs.'

Fifty years from now (ha! As much as fifty?!), if the population of the planet were cut in half, do you think you could still manage? I think so. I, me, you, most of us, well we won't be here of course. Who cares? Not me. This is how it will happen. People will kill each other. At the top levels.

Yep. It's this guy, Yeslam: Osama Bin Laden's brother.
Sells watches and stuff from Switzerland. What do you think? Do you
really think he's an Arab?
...Told you about TAG a while back, how Mansour Ojjeh sold
out of his city block in Paris.

You give me your money now, right, if you don't think so. And then come back inside of one month, and then tell me again then. See I know something's coming down the pipeline that not even the 'Jesus Is Returning' people all have any clue about.

I mean, guys, what even is an angel that you don't see? We already have such manifest technology! Do need no weird winged folk from Above and Beyond.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Who Pays Joe Biden, Really

Sadly, it's the idiot geriatric Jacob Rothschild. By the way, he's not physically well and will probably not be 'ruling from the living' for much longer.

Meanwhile, we have the US media scratching a little and finding some 'China connections' to do with money and Joe and Hunter.

They haven't got to Henry Kissinger and Ye Xiaoming yet. Rudy, at least, has pointed out a 'thin connection' to the darker side of the FBI, by saying that he thinks Whitey Bulger's network has something to do with Hunter Biden and certainly, to John Kerry as well.


The biggest intel archives in the world are either in the new CIA storage facilities somewhere near the middle of the United States there somewhere, or also paralleled in Tel Aviv.

But somehow, little Calvin over here, is going to point your noses at the UK's 'Asia Institute.'

Sometime next month, little Cal is going to say a few things you are not going to see any references to those things anywhere in the media - and you might not believe what is being said.

Now see, the thing is, if there is a connection between Jacob Rothschild and Joe Biden, and a connection between Xi Jinping and HSBC, especially HSBC New York and London (see, HSBC INDIA, is a totally different firm, not connected in any way other than the shared use of a commercial brand name...), then there is a connection between the FBI and Xi.

Frankly, luckily I am not the totalitarian dictator of the United States, because I would just round up a whole bunch of people and shoot them at dawn: that is, I would stick them onto to a plane headed towards the East where the Dawn rises from, and tell them all 'don't come back.'

In Russia, Vladimir Putin banned the Rothschild banking group or any company connected to them, from entering at all.

It isn't actually Jacob Rothschild who pulls all the reins - you cannot see the faces of those who pull the reins. Apparently, there is some myth or legend, about some 'weird apparition' that Napoleon communed with and who advised him. It was known as 'the Tuileries Ghost.'

Jacob Rothschild literally is a gibbering old fool. But he signs checks still. 

And then when he goes, someone else will sign the Devil's checks.

This Blog sometimes needs to 'give space' so that other people have at least some feeling their ideas count too - which they do. Because in the ultimate analysis - and I'm saying this with complete openness and complete direct clear meaning - it's people's feelings that count.

Human emotions and feelings - these are complicated matters; they can be trusted so long as your brain is given sufficient information. The more experienced you are in life, and the wider and more broadly exposed you have been, I think, that it will be equivalently true that your perceptions will tend towards the accurate; your gut feel about someone or something, will be inclined to be true enough. But if you have been surrounded by too much pre-conditioning built on clever deceptions, then your feelings will be wildly overactive for one thing - a multiplication effect of a real inner disquiet combined with the 'allowed release' of the propaganda letting you scapegoat someone or something.

Expensive Sherry...
Trust me, the pen can hurt.

Why is that so? Because you want to survive, and you will tend to do whatever will help you to eat. And then the mind adapts and accepts lies that much more easily - if it helps your body survive.

Trust me, if I stick a device, a special kind of thing that radiates coherent atomic spin electromagnetic fields around your head - you will think totally different thoughts to the ones you are having right now... will 'believe' quite different things to what you are completely sure of in your head just right now.

Yep. Even me, just as good practice, I would like to make space for the views and perspectives of other people. Okay, fair enough I've already heard Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and I'm not listening to them anymore. So, yeah - I'm looking for much more interesting people than that.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020



'Jibreel,' is the patron of a US military

This is language that is used to convey messages to some people, and not to others who hear the same words. 'Twilight language' specifically means that the same word, or words that appear very similar, have two or more different meanings, and some of those meanings are only known to a select few in the audience hearing what is said.

But then there is also the fact that there are some vast bodies of knowledge and information, that simply could not be known by some - and when such matters are discussed, those who had a complete lack of exposure to the subject at all, would really have no means to comprehend anything that was being said. So you can just imagine, here is this really very advanced civilization - for example - and they were attempting to explain something to you that you had no way of fully grasping, or at least, not quickly...

'Snap pizzicato' or battuto,
is the circular symbol above the note.

They could even plug a 'data feed' directly into your brain and what would it achieve? Maybe just a lot of scrambled ideas, at best. You'd have to be 'trained,' brought along, as it were, slowly... ...have the complex ideas and relationships introduced to you, maybe, bit by bit.

Bela Bartok, or Bartok Bela, actually, in his native Hungarian - we've mentioned his name recently - sure, he was a classical music composer. But in Swiss German, his name sounds like a violin technique he used in some of his compositions - the 'snap pizzicato,' or 'battuto;' barto'k in the Swiss dialect.

'Bela,' too, of course, was the human girl who became a vampire in the very successful television series 'Twilight.'

Not that there's any connection in that lot of double-speak there anywhere - because there isn't. Other than they are examples of multiple meanings for stuff.


Halloween is coming up. Evil, wicked, demonic, anti-religious (not sure how though because it is an actual 'special day' or something in most Christian religions and all Witch-y ones), evening. I'm sure - surely - there must be some strict proper religious people who read here too. They can yell at me now! Hit me, guys. All of you proper religious people out there. Tell me what you know.

Meanwhile, my friend JES here, wants to sing you a song about her life as a werewolf. 'Vilkas.' Means 'wolf,' I think in Estonian. I think. Guelph, also, I believe, royal family across Europe and elsewhere; also means 'wolf.'

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Entering The Maze

You can learn a lot of things from listening to people who are learned in their own ancient cultures and traditions - and it's very easy to suppose such people to be really vital and awesome.

However what they are doing is repeating only what someone else wrote down a long time ago. So what they are speaking about today, 'teaching,' telling you, is really only the vestiges of something that 'may' have happened a long time ago and when it did, if it did, it was in another form entirely, either more complete and by now lost to time, or in fact less than what time and accretion of myth layered on subsequent to what really took place.

Some elf or other, and 'Seven.'

Even so though, we should give some weight to cultural narratives, and you can see that these still have powerful meaning deep inside people's psyches - Leonard Nimoy says he saw the Shekhinah 'descending' and from which ritual he acquired the famous 'Vulcan hand salutation.'

Looking at the Borg's 'regeneration alcoves' one can once again see a mirroring of Judaic mythology - or let's say even formal religious narratives - about the regeneration of physical material 'life' coming from some literal 'light source' somewhere only accessible through formal and rather secretive ritual. In the mystical versions of Judaism, this 'vital light' is called 'Ohr Haganuz' and part of the narrative gets mixed into the religious festival of lights which is celebrated around the end of the (our standard civil, not the religious) calendar year: 'Hanukkah.' 

Now look - if it really were the case that you should be able to literally 'see,' experience, some form of 'Divine Light' that no one else sees or that is not around at any other time of year, and which cures all of your diseases, worries, concerns, and maybe even your money troubles - then we should all rush to become 'Jews' right away.

Nobody can keep a secret anymore these days - and you will indeed find quite a number of Rabbis, even pretty orthodox ones, with YT channels, explaining all about this 'hidden, secret light.'

This is an actual RL thing that people wear
at Rave Festivals - if the face
beneath all of it was
that of 'Narissa' the Romulan
off Star Trek, you would never know; and,
neither would you 'freak out.'

Well yeah though, it's a secret, and it is hidden, because they don't know what it is or where it is.

...They know about the narrative concerning it.

Tamils have their 'Festival of Lights.' Buddhists do too. Everybody does to some extent: Satanists burn black candles, witches and Chinese people burn red ones... Everybody does something of the kind.

Well, candles look nice, for one thing. Sometimes they sputter away charmingly in the otherwise silent darkness.

Star Trek 'story arcs' all are replete with fighting and aggression of one kind or another; it's all a never-ending 'chase-y/fight/run/hide/blow something up' thing.

You are only supposed to set fire to solitary little candles, alone in the dark, or to Steak Diane or Bananas Foster.

Everywhere there is someone telling you 'you must do it this way' or 'you must do this otherwise' or 'you must do it our way and no other way.'

...I do not even wish to say here 'written between the lines are.' Or 'hidden between the lines,' are/is, something; whatever.

There is nothing particularly hidden here is there? Seriously, friends, no super advanced intelligent species is going to come to our midnight secret supper on the off chance we are going to lash out and 'do violence and aggression' and prove how tough we all are.

Even one very well-informed modern-day but still virtually mystic-style Jewish Rabbi was telling his audience recently about his 'trip to heaven' and he told everyone he was not able to describe what he experienced there. One time he said what he saw was like 'the inside of a particular cathedral in Spain,' and on another occasion he said he couldn't describe 'it' because he wasn't 'seeing' with eyes like we have here.

Nice and quiet...

Oh? Blind then, eh. Of course, what he wanted to say was how he 'experienced' was 'more than vision.' And so why didn't he just say that? Why deprecate human eyesight? It isn't necessary to do that. You see (pun, I guess), but these are all still just 'mystical' visions, they are not presented as anyone actually physically going anywhere for real in a material sense.

All the same, this Rabbi fellow relates that there is a 'drawing of some kind of regenerative power' or 'light' that of course he professes to be able, I suppose, to teach to his students, or maybe even, that he says is part of the standard 'thing' about following the Torah.

I don't know how true any of that is - although, you would think, all of these narratives do have a basis in ancient history somewhere, to do with something of the kind they are all speaking about. I mean - where is the 'Ark of the Covenant' with its 'powerful Glory' ('light' again)? What happened to it? Where did it go?

Sure I know 'the Nazis' found it in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark...' LOL

But for you and me, let's just indulge in a little 'synaesthesia' - which is technically 'the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body, by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.' Sometimes neurologists say this is because of finding ways to 'cross wires' in your sensory system, or sometimes, it is the product of actual 'synergy' effects that are potentially available but not normally developed in humans because there is no reason to have them, to use them.

Any systems analyst will tell you, that synergy is the optimum organised use of otherwise free-running available energy...

Not telling you anything you don't already know. What color is this ambient music, though? Any ideas? I have no fixed position regarding it. 


Saturday, 24 October 2020

The Beautiful Stuff

One of the 'beauties,' I suppose, of the modern internet world, is that so many people who used to keep secrets of some kind - the Hasidim Jews, the Freemasons, Witches(!), ex-KGB officers, all kinds of everyone - they love the sound of their own voices, apparently, and they all get on the internet and just, well, spill the beans, so to speak.

And then the rest of us ordinary people go, 'oh, well, how about that - it's a bit interesting, sure, but hey it's not so Earth-shattering after all, really.'

She thinks we're nuts - we humans
are a bit crazy.
And I'm not talking about you, Brad; I'm talking about all of these 'brand name' scientists and/or religions and so on. I'm not talking about someone with an actual innovation to expose.

...If you go around really wishing and hoping and waiting with expectation to 'see' something, but you are chasing rainbows, then you are just going to wear yourself out and get tired.

Every single 'ideological/religious' system in the world nowadays - by our time - has some kind of rigid dogmatic set of labels and prejudices; it has fixed, fixated ideas and concepts. Most of the standard Western faiths, talk about 'impurity.' The Jews do it, the Muslims do it, many Christians also do it.

I am not going to offer some kind of 'deep secret' here or anywhere. Other people can do that.

But categorically that is because it is dangerous, to mess around with some higher level concepts that the street-level human intellect is just not used to dealing with.

Better, far better, is it for a person to just calm down, relax, stop urgently hunting around for something not very evidently there. You cannot go asking people with no money if they will lend you or invest in you, say for a million dollars.

Piaget watch - lady's watch, glows in
the dark. Nice. In bed.

Then the other thing that is abroad everywhere today is this kind of thing: 'soon, soon, something is going to happen, coming, just around the corner...'

Going... happen.

Those of you who know about how these UFO's 'fly' around, are well aware that they seem to 'jerk' from point to point to point - you can't notice it from a distance; from a distance it just looks like these things are moving smoothly, continuously but in fact, they are almost, 'leaping' across time/space. And they exhibit varying colors. They always have light or lights around them and inside them and they are connected to light frequency, somehow.

Same as you -, you must think about, consider, focus on, specific color and powerful light.

This is how you can modify your own emotional state.

You can acquire an expensive watch, and this thing can throw a light in the deepest darkness. And when you can throw a light, without resorting to a flashlight, or an expensive watch, or some material technology, then you have entered a state in which you 'may' be able to interact with the guys (and girls) who move around inside 'shells' and that have a lot of lights with them.

Piaget - from their 'Lights of Samarkand' collection.
Very beautiful.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with owning a beautiful piece of art, and wearing it on your wrist! ...But that is a mere trifling thing.