It's more than a little amazing that someone like Pierre-Simon Laplace ever even existed at all, much less that he lived in the mid-18th to the early 19th Century, well before all of our modern instrumentation that allows us so much greater insight into physics.
In fact, without Laplace, doubtless we should not at all have physics knowledge, particularly quantum physics, as far advanced as it now is on the planet.
When considering what is going on with this 'Disclosure Project' of NASA's, but hmn, no, let's say, more, what's going on with the ET Aliens themselves... ...we are required to look at certain material facts about dynamical systems, such as our own sentience as human beings, is (one of those).
Laplace is responsible for the idea that the material Universe is 'deterministic' by the regular (rules/physics laws-based) nature of matter and energy. There have been augmentations to this original 'Laplace model' of things - firstly that there is also the presence either of an underlying 'chaos' or that chaos is at least present as one 'principle' that contends with all other principles; and secondly, that we now have a proposition that 'measurement updates' alter both the forward as well the backward-looking conclusions (the CERN basis of research). So, let's just say here, that I am not a theoretical physicist and I have the most meager perception of all of this - but, we know things are 'complex,' they are not straightforward in the sense that there are only a small number of things going on in terms of matter and energy, once those relationships are looked at in the entire dynamic Universe as we can see it.
Bringing this back down to a practical example - if you bought a brand new Ferrari SF90 Stradale tomorrow, mostly likely the dealership would not let you drive the thing out of the show-rooms until you had completed a few laps on a track being trained exactly how to handle the machine!
Even were you to purchase the very latest Corvette, which is only available as a fool-proof automatic transmission vehicle, the same thing applies - the power, the instrumentation, all the technical systems, regardless that the cockpit has the most ergonomic design of anything around right now, demands a high degree of skill and training to be able to fully and safely manage the power involved.
If you happen to be an F-35 pilot, then you will know that your helmet alone, costs around $500,000 and integrates the most data-rich technology hardware and software resources within the fitment itself, and is fed by an array of external active electronics that is simply mind-boggling - the funny little 'horns' on both sides of the helmet around where your temples are, are 'sensor fusion' features.
Any civilian air-traffic controller knows that around a major hub the radar will give you a massive number of signals of things flying around the boxes, in and out, round and round, at varying altitudes - an untrained person will see only a swarm of points; virtual chaos.
...One of the readings taken continuously of F-35 pilots, is the current G-Forces experienced, and the physiological responses and reactions to those.
Advanced, truly advanced sentient beings from elsewhere, were they to enter our planet, or even station themselves off somewhere in the Lagrange points away from satellite traffic, are still going to be very mindful of what is going on down here, and they will have machines constantly monitoring an amazing amount of data, and these streams not only being channeled through 'data fusion' systems all the time, will also be subjected time-to-time to decisions about why various algorithms are being selected to manage the data fusion involved.Some of the categories of data
involved with the F-35 helmet 'sensor fusion'
and data fusion capabilities.
And if and/or when, actual piloted craft enter our atmosphere, they will have beings inside them that are able to withstand simply enormous G-Forces, and read the data fusion streams intelligibly at all force and EMF conditions, and transmit sensor fusion information back to some centralized control.
Your body, as it is right now, may not necessarily be capable of sitting in one of these things and going anywhere too very fast!
Your body and your mind together is 'a Ferrari' that is unimaginably advanced, my friend.