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Sunday, 6 September 2020

Revealing Sahar, Arabic MAGIC!

Now I'm ready to reveal some things that have never ever been revealed publicly anywhere before.

Certain 'Masters of Illumination' (Shaykh al 'Ishraq) have known these things in the past, but they never expose them except but to their most trusted inner circle students.

Some of this is going to be very disturbing to traditional religious people... Especially to Sunni Muslims, in which tradition these things are not just mildly haram, but very HARAM!

It's possible that people with little knowledge of the real affair, assume it's about casting harmful spells against people. The same way that in the West, there is an assumption that Witchcraft is also about this kind of malevolent 'cursing,' I suppose.

There are few people in the West today, who have the faintest clue about actual traditional European, especially British Isles' 'Wicce.' On the best of authority - Patricia Crowther - the word itself was always 'Wicce,' and not 'Wicca' as they all use today.

...You know I probably ought to say, at this point, that the famous/infamous Gerald Gardner himself, was at one time, a teacher under the prior Director of Teacher Training, just prior to my own father's appointment to that position - and Gardner lived a few houses away, and was in the same institution at which my dad taught. He knew Gardner. Gerald Gardner had nothing but the most respected reputation throughout South East Asia as an historian and sociologist - as well as a mainstream education system teacher in his day.

The funny thing is, when it comes to modern day Sunni Islam, very few adherents are aware of the number of times ancient Babylonian magical incantations occur within the text of the Quran itself: 'by the hill at,' 'by the tree of,' 'by the mountain of...' These are the standard Chaldean/Babylonian incantation formats for magical enchantments. There is a reason for this manner of wording, but I will not go into that here and now.
'Kismet' - means 'destiny' in Arabic...
It's also the yacht owned by billionaire owner of
the Jacksonville Jaguars - Shahid Khan.

Because we all live both in a world of science today, as well as a world of socially-pressured 'standard mainstream/orthodoxies' of religious belief or culture, at least, it is widely supposed that there is no such thing as a genie appearing for real before your eyes, or any way that 'fairy' beings or other supernatural figures can actually be seen - because of course, you would then be able to photograph them on your iPhone.

But this goes to my point that there are few and rare genuine authentic practitioners of any of this kind of thing - it's all Hollywood or pop/pulp fiction that most people are aware of. And it is very misleading and virtually completely incorrect.

Certainly, we have modern instances of terrible and tragic things having occurred, where claims had been made by various parties of some demonic or evil spirits and forces that were released, as it were. One can but think of the Charles Manson situation as at minimum something to consider with a degree of caution that it was not of the kind of thing that involved 'black' practices. And drugs too, but that's not inconsistent with the matter itself.

If I talk in detail about genuine magic - of the kind that gives rise to the kinds of powers ascribed in folklore to figures such as King Solomon, for instance - it will render to you, occult (hidden) processes that are able to give you material wealth, gain for you material things, certainly these powers can create difficulties for others; but such capability doesn't relieve anyone of moral responsibility.
Mysterious caravan...

Despite the fact that so much material does exist in various literary sources today, in various libraries and so on, if you imagine that you have heard everything - you will soon discover otherwise!

But I shall not go into any of this unless people say they would like to see it/read it.

Because once you have learned of it, at the same time you will have learned it. And so it's not reasonable to presume people all have the will to keep such things pristine unused as it were - that is, to never employ the knowledge at all. That would be a kind of a 'Tao philosophy' idealistic thing - to 'have the weapon but never to use it.'

I don't expect that. 

So you have to say whether you want to hear this. Or not.

This is a long music video clip - all of ten minutes! 

Friday, 4 September 2020

And, Back To The 'Fiction'

Shifting my own gears back down from mixing with a few government bureaucrat types this week...


Anyway that all went very well. 

A friend was asking about something to do with this thing that goes on in South Africa, as it does in a lot of modern places that nonetheless have a strong Islamic, particularly Sunni Muslim representation among the communities - various 'magical' practices, sometimes involving ta'wiz, which is the writing of magical charms and placing them into amulets, as well as a very ancient Babylonian-rooted system of incantation designed to create various effects in the psychology of other people. Or 'sihir,' which is much worse.

Dubai boardwalk mosque, right?
Can't be a restaurant, surely...

In fact the discussion started from there, but ended up in this aspect of praying in a mosque or temple, and how to find a specific mosque or temple that was truly an 'holy place,' as such... Therefore, where your prayers would indeed be answered. We were looking at a short video clip, in which a South African who said he was 'a Hanuman devotee' ('Hanuman' is a Hindu god) yet nonetheless went to this Mazar (mausoleum) and 'prayed with devotion,' to Allah, and his prayers were answered...

Traditionally, for example, the Hagia Sofia was seen as such a place by a range of religious peoples.

Well this type of thing is strictly forbidden in traditional Islam - it is a form of kufr (disbelief, and shirk - associating of partners with Allah, or the powers of Allah). Muslims nevertheless do it all the time! There is this widespread tradition of going to the site of the entombment of some saintly figure, and there, apparently, as they seem to think, prayers are specifically answered.

...So from here on in, I want to take you down a path to a different time and place, and you can treat it as a metaphor, and not expressly believe that it is materially true, necessarily.

Anyway, let's look at things from a modern, at least passingly (pseudo-)scientific perspective, sufficient enough to factor into the way we consider matters, much that is well-known to any common school-child.

Harut and Marut come down to Babylon...

In most ancient times, life was theoretically simpler. When the Islamic tradition angels Harut and Marut descended to Babylon, to impart magic and cosmetics to women, and sorcery to men, and chemicals and poisons to both, there would have been not too much going on inside the heads of the local citizens there beforehand. If, unseen, the angels were there listening and watching first, then it would have been far easier for them to apprehend what was going on inside the heads of the people.

Compared with what you might have to deal with today, if you stepped into any main street of some large city. 'Pick up the dry-cleaning, buy the milk, don't forget the doctor's appointment, turn your mobile off when you get into the car, where did you park the car this time, where is the parking ticket, what about that hot woman in the office, not enough cleared funds to pay the rent/mortgage/kid's school-fees...' And on and on.

Let's say I have some technology that allows me to literally hear a digitized voice reading of what the neural nets in your brain are doing moment to moment. Let's say, you are one of three hundred people in a room or a hall.

Cacophony; it's just cacophony.

Make your own stained glass with Sharpie marker pens

I mean we can go into why any mysteriously powerful 'being' is going to attend to you specifically anyway - in another post - but if you are in a large crowd, and the enhanced arousal systems are all being employed, theoretically, at some stage there is this effect called 'quorum seeking' that becomes engaged in the group mind, and then, everyone kind of thinks the exact same thoughts and feels the same emotions all at the same time.

If you are by yourself or in a much smaller group, there is a necessity to focus the thoughts into clear ones.

And in either of these situations, it is easier to 'read' what the human beings are regarding as important, at that specific time.

The 'masters of Illumination' - shaikh-i-ishraq - (ancient philosophers, magicians, sorcerers, even Hebrew prophets, hierophants, et cetera), all believed that Frankincense smoke, procured clarity of mind.

Actually, a modern perfumier, Roja Dove, has made a product he named after the Russian impresario Diaghilev, which uses Frankincense but somehow manages to incite a highly erotic spectrum of emotional responses from his olfactory pyramid in this instance. And so we have to imagine very broad-minded angelic beings listening in on the modern-day evocations by adepts trained by any such idiots like me...

Ah well, we are in the day and age of Cardi B though, right?

Here is an example of 'quorum seeking' techniques used in mass audiences, by means of standard 'enhanced arousal.' Yeah I could have posted the 'all-stops-out' Bach cathedral organ thing, but I didn't! ...This is 'sahar,' or 'sihir;' sorcery. We do this type of thing.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Fact From Fiction

Don't forget to have a read of the 'Rave Festival Cookies' free read (immediate previous article here), and spread the Gospel of the Cookies. At the end of the rainbow, sometime over the coming twelve months, we are running actual drone flying events down here to benefit younger teenage kids with Autism but also others with disabilities - whose parents and carers will have to think ahead about what potential futures are available in which these young people can be gainfully employed in the world of 'new technology.'

If this venture succeeds, it will be a template that you could take up and apply anywhere else around the world - right now we are moving through some actions to attain local corporate support.

Meanwhile, here's something that will give you a powerful guideline assisting you in separating fact from fiction:

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Take Your Camera

Y'all most prolly think I'm kidding but I'm not kidding.

Slowly but surely, and even as the rest of the world goes up in flames, 'odd things' will happen here and there and some will see it and others not.
Was on 'live' again, last weekend, in Croatia -
PVD, Daniella (Nora En Pure)
were there.

Now... now, see - either, the US itself has these 'craft' which they launch from beneath the ocean, and they get up into the air, still at a highly visible altitude from any ground-based observer's point of view, hovering while water droplets are air-buffed off the surface of the craft, prior to the thing taking to really extreme speeds at which speed and altitudes above the Earth any moisture in the form of large surface water droplets would boil and even explode as hot gases are rapidly formed. Or, there are craft like this from 'other places.'

Either way, there are regular appearances of these things all over the place now. Well, actually, not all over the place - the Russians have them far enough up the North East Coast that no one much sees what's going on there, the US have a few things happening likewise, in the far North Atlantic mostly, and, and, er, near China but they move in and out of there too quickly to be interdicted. Except they are being photographed.
Nora En Pure

Next time there is an 'Ultra Music' Festival anywhere near where you live, go to it, stay off any alcohol or anything else for that matter, and take your best high focus camera with enough battery power. 

Because, no one is going to believe you if you just say you 'saw' something, because they will all say well you were on drugs!

Take some cookies with you...

And here, all you girls who can cook - hand over some recipes. You know, that you think the ET's might like. Don't believe me, do you? Any of you? ...You'll find out though.

Meanwhile, in other news last week, Daisy Periasteron (oh, sorry 'Dove;' Daisy Dove) was born to Mr and Mrs Legolas the other Star Elves. That is, other to Grimes, the Star Elf of poor Elon. LOL 

Recipes for Rave/Trance Festival Cookies @ here: Rave Festival Cookies

Friday, 28 August 2020

Never Jam Today...

So what's really been going on? Is it all just a bunch of power-hungry lunatics down through the centuries, making up stuff and vending to the uninformed...?

Has it all been just that?


It has not. 

But even so, there are problems; problems with the human mind-set.

If you take a step back from any ideology that you know of, there is this continuing affair about what the fuss is all about: 'jam yesterday' (Moses saw God... ...a good long whole ago when there were no cameras), 'and jam tomorrow' (72 virgins for all the believers; later), 'but never jam today.' Moses not here, God not here, and virgins definitely not here, but neither any sexperts either! LOL

Everyone of them, simply every one, will preach at you stuff that involves driving some element of fear and proffering some expectation of the future. And they'll say anything, accuse anyone, incorrectly attribute all kinds of things, and generally speaking, take you all over the place, round and round 'the proverbial garden path,' so to speak. And you'll get nowhere. 

But If I take you down to 'Somerton Mansion' this weekend, and you get to hang out with some really cool people, you know, what do you expect that you are going to do about it Monday morning? And yes, I know there are lots of poor, disadvantaged, unfortunate people who need help. ...And that would be 'the whole human race on the planet Earth right now!'

Anyway CNN won't believe you. Unless you pulled out some kind of laser pistol on them and shot them in the ass. And then what anyway? Do you want to have to proliferate this nonsense of constantly having to shove things down people's throats just to get their minds into some kind of gear? (IE shove it down their throats or shot them in the ass; or both...)
'Appams,' correct, Bill?

Last weekend there were half a dozen EDM/Trance Musicians play a live show in Croatia under some fairly strict conditions. 

...So if you ever went to one of these, and you saw something go on down there that would be er, 'difficult to explain' well, no one would believe you anyway because they would automatically assume there were substances involved! LOL

Cool cover, right.

...Right now, I happen to know there is a rising number of women who read these pages here, and all I have to say to you is this: the right hand side of your ear is where information goes out, and the left hand side region is where it is received. Sometimes there is 'cross-flow' and everything gets a bit filled with 'RF interference.' Don't worry about it. When the Goddess calls, you just do as you are told. End of story. Of that story anyway.

As I said before, y'all not gonna like it...

And that's because, as it says in the Book of Karenthians, chapter 23 'inside you is something that just lusts for envy.' Well, okay, it's not the 'Book of Karen-thians' (that's a joke), but there definitely is a sentence exactly as I repeated it here. What does it even mean? Very weird.

That's for you women to work out. Maybe start here - listen, it is what it is, and this is it, in part:

If you want to see how the producers explain this, just go to the main YouTube site for it (the link is in the video clip here). But in short -, dancer goes to ParaShakti Temple, meets the Goddess and the Goddess kills her... ...ego.